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06-12-2012, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by Drfat400ex
Lol I'm beggining to think this chick is a whore from what she's been saying to me today... Maybe I wont stop talking to her just yet haha
Good boy

06-12-2012, 06:53 PM
I keep bending axles every race :(

06-13-2012, 07:12 AM
I'm bothered that just because my hybrid isn't a Walsh, Leager, or Lobo, or any other aftermarket frame, I get shizz for comments on my build thread...

06-13-2012, 08:00 AM
Originally posted by crlt250r
I'm bothered that just because my hybrid isn't a Walsh, Leager, or Lobo, or any other aftermarket frame, I get shizz for comments on my build thread...
From the pictures I've seen it looks like you know what you're doing on the welding side atleast! Not like its some 12yr old's back woods job haha.

06-13-2012, 08:35 AM
Originally posted by finsteratv
From the pictures I've seen it looks like you know what you're doing on the welding side atleast! Not like its some 12yr old's back woods job haha.

It's the best I can get out of the harbour freight buzz box LOL

06-13-2012, 06:35 PM
it just hit the fan in the house... hopefully they finally got some of these issues worked out between them.


06-13-2012, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by crlt250r
It's the best I can get out of the harbour freight buzz box LOL

I give you a hell of alot of credit for building what ya want. It sure isnt easy and takes alot of hard work!

b0rn c0nfused
06-13-2012, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by crlt250r
It's the best I can get out of the harbour freight buzz box LOL

Gotta love the HQ tools from harbour freight!

06-13-2012, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by crlt250r
It's the best I can get out of the harbour freight buzz box LOL How many amp is yours? I have a HF one too :D and the rolling cart for em haha..Didnt have room for my grandpa's full miller set up in our garage.

06-13-2012, 10:06 PM
120 amp dual. 220 volt. Haven't gotten the gas hooked up to it yet, but it does the job alright. Thing that sucks is I can't put a full 10 pound roll on it like my old Lincoln. Oh well, got a stack of 2 pounders LOL

06-13-2012, 10:13 PM
Mines only the little 110 I think..But for making flag mounts for my buddies and my own dirtbikes..It does great!

06-15-2012, 01:33 PM
I bought a new silencer for my 250 and it said 4-10 buisness days for shipping. Today is the mark of 10 buisness days and I never got any type of shipping confirmation from the seller and no reply to my messages. I'm gonna be pissed if I got scammed or he has some bull **** excuse...

06-15-2012, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by finsteratv
I bought a new silencer for my 250 and it said 4-10 buisness days for shipping. Today is the mark of 10 buisness days and I never got any type of shipping confirmation from the seller and no reply to my messages. I'm gonna be pissed if I got scammed or he has some bull **** excuse... As$holes out there, I don't know how they can get away with scams so easy with all the safety s*** we got now.

06-15-2012, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by Drfat400ex
As$holes out there, I don't know how they can get away with scams so easy with all the safety s*** we got now.
I know right?! Hopefully I can get my $$$ back if it really is a scam. umpee77 is his ebay name and he had 100% feedback so I'm hoping its just a little hold up. He's sold other parts and such so idk..Exhausts arent cheap!

06-15-2012, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by finsteratv
I know right?! Hopefully I can get my $$$ back if it really is a scam. umpee77 is his ebay name and he had 100% feedback so I'm hoping its just a little hold up. He's sold other parts and such so idk..Exhausts arent cheap! You'd think if he had 100% feedback you'd be fine, I guess you really never know but it ain't easy to get 100% on there, must be something holding you up, hopefully you get it soon though.

06-15-2012, 03:48 PM
finster some people on ebay dont due shipping confimation's like others id wait a few days and if it dosent come make a complaint

06-15-2012, 04:39 PM
It's coming from NJ so I understand it taking 10 days..But no confirmation or getting back to me is what I usually see as common courtesy. Oh well, I got it for a good price so hopefully I get it.

06-15-2012, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by finsteratv
It's coming from NJ so I understand it taking 10 days..But no confirmation or getting back to me is what I usually see as common courtesy. Oh well, I got it for a good price so hopefully I get it.
yea i know man its dumb. almost every thing on my quad inside and out came from ebay and ive found that alot of the sellers on there just care about getting the money and shiping the product out. very rarley do i get a responce from them if I ask a question or something.

06-15-2012, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by 01boneless
yea i know man its dumb. almost every thing on my quad inside and out came from ebay and ive found that alot of the sellers on there just care about getting the money and shiping the product out. very rarley do i get a responce from them if I ask a question or something.
Oh my jeebus and holy chit...I just noticed somthing..I got it from New Jersey....IT'S A BRO-TO-CROSSER SHIPPING IT TO ME.

06-15-2012, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by finsteratv
Oh my jeebus and holy chit...I just noticed somthing..I got it from New Jersey....IT'S A BRO-TO-CROSSER SHIPPING IT TO ME.

hahah bro to crosser ....priceless

06-15-2012, 07:18 PM
my buddy just bought a 400ex, and its way nicer than mine.. thats whats bothering me. lol

06-15-2012, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by HondaRacing83
my buddy just bought a 400ex, and its way nicer than mine.. thats whats bothering me. lol haha lets see it! Is it the dude you're poker running with?

06-15-2012, 09:38 PM
lol yes thats the guy. ill get pics tomorrow

06-15-2012, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by HondaRacing83
lol yes thats the guy. ill get pics tomorrow hope that deal goes through for you, better tell him that sparks isnt good in the woods ;)

06-16-2012, 06:32 AM
I've got 2 weeks to get the R completed before the camping trip with my Mrs. and kids. I'm about to start tear down from mock up, and finish/clean up the welding. Problem is, I've got a set of Peps coming that came off an 89, which are 2 1/2 inches longer than my 86's are, and they won't be here til Tuesday. Wondering if I should just take care of the painting and reassembly this weekend, then fab the new mounts and touch up the frame later... Or hope to have time after work during the week to do it all in one shot.

Still have a lot to do, and I'm just worried that I'll be spreading myself too thin if I wait til Tuesday when the Peps come in. There's really nothing wrong with the stockers, other than they only have like 5 inches of travel.

06-16-2012, 06:39 AM
the length of this thread... :p

06-18-2012, 05:51 PM
x2! LOL we are def good at feeling sorry for ourselves.


06-18-2012, 06:20 PM
It bothers me that I have to wait til Saturday to really get on this thing....

But damn it looks and idles great!!!!


06-18-2012, 08:42 PM
looks good man!

idk it was a so so day today... didnt get the job i was hoping for so that kind of bummed the day for me.

was busy at work today but the time didnt pass too fast. it made for a long day.

tired out tonight after being up too late last night

at least i got to go for a ride in the h2 tonight that made it a decent end to the day.


06-18-2012, 08:48 PM
old man had a hear attack last week but is home doing good now. just started getting the wheeler put together to where it looks like something and keep running into stupid little issues that end up being a pain. o well call walsh and houser in the am and get the last of the little crap.

06-19-2012, 07:51 PM
My mother-in-law just came over. B/

06-19-2012, 09:32 PM
Ah two exams, some legal problems I gotta deal with, woman problems like normal, bunch of lawnmowers and s*** fillin up my shed that refuse to ever work right, my 300ex just wont sell, need some new tires and carrier bearings for the 400. Life's alright.

06-24-2012, 06:32 AM
Backed my 8.5' wide X 24' longer trailer into a tree due to poor judgment on my part. The only lucky part is it only hit at the bottom so no damage the top of the trailer.

It will take the following to fix:

new door
new floor joist
new plywood
likely a trip to PA to CarMate to have it all fixed. Plan to hire someone to drive it up there from NC and wait while it is repaired. Shouldn't take more than a day.

06-24-2012, 06:33 AM
Backed my 8.5' wide X 24' longer trailer into a tree due to poor judgment on my part. The only lucky part is it only hit at the bottom so no damage to the top of the trailer.

It will take the following to fix:

new door
new floor joist
new plywood
likely a trip to PA to CarMate to have it all fixed. Plan to hire someone to drive it up there from NC and wait while it is repaired. Shouldn't take more than a day.

06-24-2012, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
Backed my 8.5' wide X 24' longer trailer into a tree due to poor judgment on my part. The only lucky part is it only hit at the bottom so no damage the top of the trailer.

It will take the following to fix:

new door
new floor joist
new plywood
likely a trip to PA to CarMate to have it all fixed. Plan to hire someone to drive it up there from NC and wait while it is repaired. Shouldn't take more than a day.

car mates about 20 mins from my house.

06-24-2012, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
Backed my 8.5' wide X 24' longer trailer into a tree due to poor judgment on my part. The only lucky part is it only hit at the bottom so no damage the top of the trailer.

It will take the following to fix:

new door
new floor joist
new plywood
likely a trip to PA to CarMate to have it all fixed. Plan to hire someone to drive it up there from NC and wait while it is repaired. Shouldn't take more than a day.

car mates about 20 mins from my house.

06-30-2012, 04:14 PM
Trying to buy AQ 3500d.1 for $600 shipped. I'm 1-2 hours from the states. The seller said he lived 10 minutes from Canada but couldn't cross. I don't have a passport. Later he tells me he actually can but "everytime I come back I get searched!!!". How the hell is that my problem? Do you want to sell your amp or not?!?!?!

07-01-2012, 05:11 PM
did quite a number on the quad today. anyone got some bars forsale?

07-02-2012, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by HondaRacing83
did quite a number on the quad today. anyone got some bars forsale? hmmmmmmmmm... I have stockers, but chu gotta pay the shippin!

07-02-2012, 08:31 PM
its so hot that it is irritating...

dont want to ride or anything when it is this hot outside.


07-03-2012, 12:36 AM
have to agree with it being too hot, especially sitting above an air cooled engine with a helmet on.

07-03-2012, 01:10 AM
thats what im saying^ my quad was running so hot sunday

07-03-2012, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by HondaRacing83
did quite a number on the quad today. anyone got some bars forsale? I have some spares I could cough up..Black steel im guessing Turners? Worker great on my 450 just werent the bend for me. CR-Hi dirtbike bars with risers here :macho

07-03-2012, 12:34 PM
thanks guys. but i tore it apart and my bars are fine my stem is screwed though. i like my cr high bends with risers to!

07-03-2012, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by HondaRacing83
thanks guys. but i tore it apart and my bars are fine my stem is screwed though. i like my cr high bends with risers to!

when i got my fat bars i bought mx bend and while i love he bend and the feel when riding, it doenst matchup with the bend of my brake lever up front so i can get a full pull wiht the lever....so i may be switching bars here in the future

07-03-2012, 02:13 PM
I've gotta get a filling at the dentist in an hour and a half :/

07-03-2012, 02:20 PM
that blows ben!

07-03-2012, 03:37 PM
The old beater is being a piece, as usual. Riding away and all of a sudden fuel it dies and fuel is just pouring out from the carb. Turned the fuel off, then it drove fine back up to the house, didn't leak at all. Took off the bowl, cleaned it and the float was working fine. Go to ride it again and it does the same thing but when you turn the fuel off you can ride for about 5 minutes just like normal until it runs out. Any tips? Something messed up in the petcock I'm thinking, maybe just dumping in too much fuel or something.

07-03-2012, 04:35 PM
What do you have for a gas cap vent

07-03-2012, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by beastlywarrior
What do you have for a gas cap vent
Stock cap, worked since 1977.

07-03-2012, 05:00 PM
Ah those shorty ones always caused my quads to do that

07-03-2012, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by beastlywarrior
Ah those shorty ones always caused my quads to do that If the cap is loose and it's making it do that I'm going to feel like a huge idiot. :p

07-03-2012, 06:37 PM
or check your carb diaphram aka the little seal around it..sometimes they leak and throw the float off therefore causing fuel to piss all over the place.

07-03-2012, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by finsteratv
or check your carb diaphram aka the little seal around it..sometimes they leak and throw the float off therefore causing fuel to piss all over the place. Oh I know exactly where it's comming from, the bowl is flooding and it's comming out the overflow. There's two little tubes in the bottom of the bowl that come up to the top of the bowl and at the bottom look like nipples and its just a pouring out of one of them. I had the sidecover off and was watching it, even when it's not running it will do it. I checked and the cap was on right lol, but the tank and petcock in this thing have been my two biggest problems, since the tank is rusted BAD, I did clean it with a chain, but not good enough, and the petcock kept clogging, I'm thinking gunk built up enough that when I turned the fuel off after riding, the gunk kept something on the inside from moving and it snapped and caused it to flood open. And also now when you turn the fuel to ON it is really stiff, but it's fine in reserve and off. I'll take a look later or tommorow, just sick of it for right now unless I get a stroke of genious and think of something.

07-05-2012, 02:19 PM

07-05-2012, 02:35 PM
pulled my stem out last night. whatta pita! i cant believe my 7/8 protapers are fine, it rolled twice and bent the stem. PROTAPER FOR LIFE

07-05-2012, 07:16 PM
Weird noise coming from the rear of my quad almost sounded like the brakes were worn and I was riding them down hill. Upon further investigation my bearing housing is cracked and the axle has to be replaced as well.

07-05-2012, 07:33 PM
Aw that sucks Tom. Id buy a billet carrier off ebay and try and find a stock axle here or ebay.

07-05-2012, 08:31 PM
have so much to do and so little time...

i want to get it all done but dont want to spend the coin to do it right now. haha

ill get the stuff that doesnt cost anything done now at least

gonna try to get the little dirtbike running tomorrow night if it cools off a little bit, then i should be done with the summer off road stuff.

the sleds will be next now that i have the few things i needed for the h2 and the tuner is on its way. once that comes i will finish that up and put the done stamp on it.


07-05-2012, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by CJM
Aw that sucks Tom. Id buy a billet carrier off ebay and try and find a stock axle here or ebay.

yea we looked at that and there is a guy with a repo'd 06 in phila for $400 with the front end missing, my brother said he would split it with me convert his '03 so he has reverse but either way it's gonna be $250-$300.

07-06-2012, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by OldGuyonaQuad
yea we looked at that and there is a guy with a repo'd 06 in phila for $400 with the front end missing, my brother said he would split it with me convert his '03 so he has reverse but either way it's gonna be $250-$300.

Id do that deal I was you, worth the money imho.

07-07-2012, 07:46 AM
Trying to get everything in line to get full custody of my sons. My ex wife has gone nearly 2 years without a job, and has been running off of child support, food stamps, cash assistance, and any other welfare program she could scam her way into. In the meantime, she dumps our sons off with her mother at least 2 nights a week so that she can go out and party with her friends, go on cruises, and just recently got conned by some guy she met on the net. Dude took her to NYC, and left her stranded there for two weeks. She also got a DUI last year, and somehow managed to screw her way out of it. I just found out that she is now going back for the third time, to a guy that changes oil for a living, and has 3 kids that he can't afford to pay child support for..

I kill myself on a daily basis with my job, I pay my child support, I give extra money every week for the boys to go to camp during the summer, and pay their fees through the year when soccer and football seasons start.

My fiance and I are in the process of buying a house. We are just waiting on either FHA or USDA to give us the green light and let us know what we are approved for. There is absolutely no way that I can bring them into the house we are in currently because Leah and I are also supporting my lazy a** slob of a mother who refuses to do a d*mm with my house other than sitting in front of Farmville tending her stupid god d**ned crops.. Leah and I spend weekends cleaning and organizing our house, and 3 days later, the house is destroyed again. As if that wasn't enough, she has brought in 5 stinking a** cats, and their litter boxes. When Leah and I come home from work, the cats are laying on the kitchen counters, the house smells like cat s**t and p*ss. And there is trash, mail, and god knows what else just slung all over the place. Beyond those issues, she smokes.. in the house, and even when I have my sons on the weekends, she refuses to take her addiction outside.

I'm at my wits end. I've done and said everything I possibly can to motivate my mom to get off her a**, and do something with the house that I'm providing for her. It's been a year now, and nothing. This deal with the new house is the last thing I need to get lined up, then Leah and I are cutting ties. If you want to be a lazy bum and cyber farm all day, do it outside of my home. We are leaving, and sorry, you are staying. I'm getting custody of my sons, and you just don't add into the equation. There's no way in hell that I can provide a safe, clean environment for my sons in a house that is overrun with stinking a** cats, cigarette smoke, and the d**ned bugs that came from her old house.

Rant over....

07-07-2012, 11:29 PM
Originally posted by crlt250r
Trying to get everything in line to get full custody of my sons. My ex wife has gone nearly 2 years without a job, and has been running off of child support, food stamps, cash assistance, and any other welfare program she could scam her way into. In the meantime, she dumps our sons off with her mother at least 2 nights a week so that she can go out and party with her friends, go on cruises, and just recently got conned by some guy she met on the net. Dude took her to NYC, and left her stranded there for two weeks. She also got a DUI last year, and somehow managed to screw her way out of it. I just found out that she is now going back for the third time, to a guy that changes oil for a living, and has 3 kids that he can't afford to pay child support for..

I kill myself on a daily basis with my job, I pay my child support, I give extra money every week for the boys to go to camp during the summer, and pay their fees through the year when soccer and football seasons start.

My fiance and I are in the process of buying a house. We are just waiting on either FHA or USDA to give us the green light and let us know what we are approved for. There is absolutely no way that I can bring them into the house we are in currently because Leah and I are also supporting my lazy a** slob of a mother who refuses to do a d*mm with my house other than sitting in front of Farmville tending her stupid god d**ned crops.. Leah and I spend weekends cleaning and organizing our house, and 3 days later, the house is destroyed again. As if that wasn't enough, she has brought in 5 stinking a** cats, and their litter boxes. When Leah and I come home from work, the cats are laying on the kitchen counters, the house smells like cat s**t and p*ss. And there is trash, mail, and god knows what else just slung all over the place. Beyond those issues, she smokes.. in the house, and even when I have my sons on the weekends, she refuses to take her addiction outside.

I'm at my wits end. I've done and said everything I possibly can to motivate my mom to get off her a**, and do something with the house that I'm providing for her. It's been a year now, and nothing. This deal with the new house is the last thing I need to get lined up, then Leah and I are cutting ties. If you want to be a lazy bum and cyber farm all day, do it outside of my home. We are leaving, and sorry, you are staying. I'm getting custody of my sons, and you just don't add into the equation. There's no way in hell that I can provide a safe, clean environment for my sons in a house that is overrun with stinking a** cats, cigarette smoke, and the d**ned bugs that came from her old house.

Rant over....

you sir are the deffinition of a man. hope for the best for you and your children. hope all goes in your favor. good lucik and keep your head up.

07-08-2012, 08:52 AM
although I cant really complain after reading the post 2 above me. Im sick and tired of trying to find/ and waiting on parts for my car.

two lessons learned, never build a 3rd gen rx7 from a rolling chassis, parts dont exist. and two, never order from Japan!

07-08-2012, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by CJM
Id do that deal I was you, worth the money imho.

we got it for $300, I will be back on the trails once the mercury dips a bit.

Oh GL to crlt250r my heart goes out to you bro.

07-08-2012, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by 01boneless
havent got to ride in 4 weeks :(

Same and i have no time or anyway to get to where i usually ride

07-08-2012, 11:57 AM
havnt got to ride since sunday because of my steering stem :o my grandpa has it now though fixing it and ill throw it back in tonight and ill be able to ride tomorrow

07-09-2012, 09:00 PM
feeling sick tonight... just a long day again today

should probably slow it down a bit with the parts buying again... bought quite a bit of small stuff again to finish up the summer stuff.

at least they will get done soon enough. im tired of messing with them again.

i want to go up north for a weekend to get away for a while and go to my alone places to relax...

would really like to have a gf to take with me up there to get away and enjoy someones company. thats not really going along as fast as i hoped. ill let her decide when she wants to go out but waiting sucks... i will not push her into going out for dinner and will not let her see that i am worried about it.

i am going to stay confident that if something will come of it, it will take its course.


07-09-2012, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
feeling sick tonight... just a long day again today

should probably slow it down a bit with the parts buying again... bought quite a bit of small stuff again to finish up the summer stuff.

at least they will get done soon enough. im tired of messing with them again.

i want to go up north for a weekend to get away for a while and go to my alone places to relax...

would really like to have a gf to take with me up there to get away and enjoy someones company. thats not really going along as fast as i hoped. ill let her decide when she wants to go out but waiting sucks... i will not push her into going out for dinner and will not let her see that i am worried about it.

i am going to stay confident that if something will come of it, it will take its course.


Women are like one of us going into a parts store with 3k to blow and all the options in the world. We don't have a clue what they want ever lol. Time will tell just don't waste to much time.

On a side note may be getting laid off from work. Not a big deal have enough sitting back to pay the bills for a while not counting unemployment but was just about to drop a good chunk of change on some fab equipment. Oh the uncertainty...

07-09-2012, 10:47 PM
Crlt250r After seeing all you do for your sons along with the situation you're in... Major respect my man, good luck with the custody venture. I hate welfare rats and mooches

07-10-2012, 08:28 AM
As if the situation wasn't screwed up enough... Just got notified Sunday night that the ex is now moving in with the guy, into a craphole 2 bedroom duplex in ghetto a** Englewood. He lost two custody battles with two ex wives, and somehow my ex seems to believe that bringing our sons to move in with him is a good idea. Son of a b*tch, I can't get this ball rolling soon enough.
Leah and I have already started to get our things organised here at my current house, and I have our realtor working to get the needed 5 more points onto my credit score in order to qualify for the 3.5% FHA down.
I hate the idea of having my kids in that situation.. she swears that the guy is really good with them, but unfortunately I have first hand experience with the "stepdaddy syndrome". Yeah, he might be good with the guys now, but that's only to impress the naive piece of a**that he continuously goes back to.
I just don't know what to do, its a major catch 22, and its killing me that I have to wait to get out of this place that we are in right now..

07-10-2012, 11:56 AM
400s startin to smoke..

07-10-2012, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by HondaRacing83
400s startin to smoke.. Save some money and that could be a blessing haha..maybe it simple

07-10-2012, 02:36 PM
it only smokes when its reallyyyy hot. this winter if my cylinders ok im just gonna do a wiseco 11:1 stock bore and a hotcam. if my cylinders scored its getting the 416 treatment lol. me beatinh on it for 2 years and its a 7year old quad stock motor id say thats not to bad lol

07-10-2012, 03:21 PM
My iphones auto correct is a constant source of irritation

07-10-2012, 04:03 PM
X2 on the auto correct

07-13-2012, 04:02 PM
the idiots at work that insist on making sure we know about the problem multiple times, like we are going to get to the problem faster if multiple people say how important it is... they are my source of whats bothering me.

time to leave them at work for the weekend, we got the issue fixed for them...


07-14-2012, 03:59 PM
Me and my dad dont get along whatsoever

07-14-2012, 06:03 PM
finally got screwed for 250 bucks on ebay...

filed a claim after 2 attempts at contact with the guy and have to wait till next weekend to get anything accomplished.

oh well...

07-15-2012, 10:12 PM
Dad and i don't get along
Mom and brother borrow my car and leave it dirty as hell
Family breaking **** on my explorer
Grandpa passed over winter and grandma isn't doing so hot
*****es being biootches

07-16-2012, 05:00 AM
We're going to have to start charging counselling fees soon here at ATVRiders. 100+ pages of "problems" .

07-16-2012, 06:41 AM
Wait what?

07-20-2012, 10:39 PM
kinda dis-appointed in my tuner i just bought for the h2 :( its a great tuner but doesnt do anything that i really want it to do. if i had a sort of stock car it would be great, mines not close to stock though.

it was recommended by someone with the intent of having a tire adjustment size of 55" as stated by my bud with one. he said his was the same model as mine and had tire size adjustment to 55 so i was quite excited about being able to properly adjust everything on the h2.

let down a bit...

07-21-2012, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by Quad18star
We're going to have to start charging counselling fees soon here at ATVRiders. 100+ pages of "problems" . I GET IT NOW. lmao i saw that and im like whatttt im gonna have to start paying to be a member? But you were just kidding around haha

07-21-2012, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
We're going to have to start charging counselling fees soon here at ATVRiders. 100+ pages of "problems" .

LOL just caught that! at least its all on one thread haha


07-21-2012, 10:11 PM
Worked 17 hours, 6 of which by myself cause the new kid didnt show up. RAN AROUND like a madmen all day cause it was busier than ever. 10:55 rolls around im back at my shop and they wanna send me 15 miles away. I get off at 11.

I turn it down, boss calls me and tells me off, I tell him off. I said f u, he said ur fired, I said cant fire me cause I quit.

Good times..lets see where it goes, no one ever is really fired or quits the company I work for-least not me. I always wind up coming back as do others.

07-22-2012, 12:47 PM
Girlfriend broke up with me on wednesday and ive been a wreck since its hard going from wedding talk and forever to nothing the next day and having vacations and a concert that were coming up also never seeing her family again that i was close with. Im finally eating and getting some sleep tried working on the quad today but cant do it yet

07-23-2012, 12:51 PM
A friend of mine commited suicide last night.

07-23-2012, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by HondaRacing83
A friend of mine commited suicide last night.

I hate that man. I've had two in the last 4 years do the same thing and I still think about it almost ever day.

07-23-2012, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by beastlywarrior
Girlfriend broke up with me on wednesday and ive been a wreck since its hard going from wedding talk and forever to nothing the next day and having vacations and a concert that were coming up also never seeing her family again that i was close with. Im finally eating and getting some sleep tried working on the quad today but cant do it yet

i feel ya man. same thing just happend to me. had a ring and everything. went to race some formula cars in nebraska for a week came back and she um well moved on...

07-23-2012, 09:09 PM
Sorry to all you guys, those are all big downers. My lady's goin off to college

07-23-2012, 09:22 PM
^^^ good luck with that man! as long as you both stay in it, it will work out well.

i shoulda asked my new friend out for dinner, really i should have asked her where she would like me to take her instead of giving an option to go or not.

gotta be more confident in myself, i am working on it though.

next time i talk to her, i will be asking for sure


07-23-2012, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
^^^ good luck with that man! as long as you both stay in it, it will work out well.

i shoulda asked my new friend out for dinner, really i should have asked her where she would like me to take her instead of giving an option to go or not.

gotta be more confident in myself, i am working on it though.

next time i talk to her, i will be asking for sure

steve ladies love confidence but not cockiness, use that h2 pimp mobile!

07-24-2012, 06:03 PM
never cocky, just confident. at least getting a bit better with the confidence. the h2 has helped that out, i dont have to worry about getting some with that i dont think. i could pull up and ask if they want to go out and be all set.

wont be rocking the h2 on a first date though i dont think. haha ive been instructed by numerous peeps that it wouldnt be a good idea, im in agreeance also. haha

never know what she might wear, could be a mini skirt or something, then it would be quite awkward for her to climb up 4 feet to get into the h2.


07-24-2012, 08:07 PM
Went out to burn off my old tires a little bit since my new ones came in... Hit a huge rock goin 60 on the way home and bent a rim so bad it looks like one of them vicks cough candys. Guess the new tires will have to wait a few days till I get some new rims haha

07-24-2012, 09:23 PM

07-24-2012, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by HondaRacing83
BEADLOCKS! Naaaah I'm too cheap haha I'm gettin a used set for pretty cheap and I have a tire machine so I don't need em really. But I agree man, they look sick.

07-24-2012, 09:42 PM
itp bajas..? :(

07-24-2012, 11:51 PM
lay off is looking pretty certain at work. had a few small toys i wanted to pick up before fall but i guess they can wait.

07-25-2012, 12:30 AM
do you work at joy?

07-25-2012, 03:52 AM
Originally posted by HondaRacing83
do you work at joy?

yes he does

250x_kyle...****ty times man. hopefully the down swing isnt long and everyone can be back in the shop in short time. the economy and natural gas doenst help businesses like ours

im actually currently at one of our shos in australia for a few weeks (been here two weeks already)....adn demand is goign down over here as well

07-25-2012, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by HondaRacing83
itp bajas..? :( Nope, stockers wooo!

07-25-2012, 08:50 AM
that sucks man. one of my dads buddies is a welder down there and said they were hitting lay offs pretty heavy, odd enough he says hes working 7days a week now? i guess everyone hates him down there hes kind of a douche.
drfat- get omf reinforcement rings welded on! makes em look like bajas. thats what im just gonna do since my xrexs have slime in them

07-25-2012, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by ben300
yes he does

250x_kyle...****ty times man. hopefully the down swing isnt long and everyone can be back in the shop in short time. the economy and natural gas doenst help businesses like ours

im actually currently at one of our shos in australia for a few weeks (been here two weeks already)....adn demand is goign down over here as well

no doubt went from living there to possibly going out the door. The natural resource world is so up and down nobody can really predict it. no big deal paid vacation till further notice wont hurt for a while. just feel a touch bad for the guys that just got on that were struggling to survive before that are going out the door. i for one still live at home and only have a truck payment so it will be easy for me to make due.

07-25-2012, 12:23 PM
you know chris mcbryar?

07-25-2012, 10:36 PM
nope im in the machine shop. theres hundreds of guys there at a time so even if i met him once i wont remember him. i meet new guys every day and ive been there for 6 and a half months

07-25-2012, 10:37 PM
hes a doucher anyways. lol

07-26-2012, 01:24 PM
stupid people like this http://portland.craigslist.org/wsc/mcy/3164748791.html

07-26-2012, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by finsteratv
stupid people like this http://portland.craigslist.org/wsc/mcy/3164748791.html

^ haaaaa hahahahaa lol...what a ****ing tard

07-26-2012, 03:18 PM
hahaha i know im thinking about trolling him up

07-26-2012, 03:20 PM
anyone notice the frames black and ltr frames are blue? its been stripped before lol

07-26-2012, 03:25 PM
texted him..

Me:whats all done to your LTR? It looks pretty stock for a pro race quad.

Him:well i guess its stock then....i dont feel like argueing

Oh darn he ruined my fun :(

07-26-2012, 03:41 PM
he's replied some more with his panties in a wad haha...I asked him what motor work it has and he talked about he didnt know what a pro motor would look like since i said it looked stock. Then i asked if he knew specs on the "race built motor" and he said he didnt know since he didnt build it and went on about why would he need to know or want to look haha..god he keeps saying 5500 would be a good price even if it wasnt built then saying how its built haha..this guys killin me

07-26-2012, 04:02 PM
ask him why a pro would run stock suspension or what the "dirt" tire wheel setup is, because mx pros run 20/18 tires with atleast beadlock rears :D

07-26-2012, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by finsteratv
he's replied some more with his panties in a wad haha...I asked him what motor work it has and he talked about he didnt know what a pro motor would look like since i said it looked stock. Then i asked if he knew specs on the "race built motor" and he said he didnt know since he didnt build it and went on about why would he need to know or want to look haha..god he keeps saying 5500 would be a good price even if it wasnt built then saying how its built haha..this guys killin me

did wienen even run a suzuki in 08? and wasnt he hurt in '10? or '11? i cant remember when it was he broke his back

07-26-2012, 04:50 PM
people are ridiculous haha..Ben i like your quote on skinny jeans by the way.

07-26-2012, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by finsteratv
people are ridiculous haha..Ben i like your quote on skinny jeans by the way.

haha, funny right? got that little gem of the joe rogan podcast. he was talking to UFC/Strike Force heavy weight Josh barnett about the pussification of america lol...one of his many many rants

07-28-2012, 12:25 PM
Im so pissed. i left my fox boots in the barn for the night, and a cat pissed in them. how can i get them clean? atleast my alpinestars are clean

07-28-2012, 12:25 PM
Im so pissed. i left my fox boots in the barn for the night, and a cat pissed in them. how can i get them clean? atleast my alpinestars are clean

07-28-2012, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by HondaRacing83
Im so pissed. i left my fox boots in the barn for the night, and a cat pissed in them. how can i get them clean? atleast my alpinestars are clean

Well first thing you should do is murder that cat lol. As for the boots, I'd just put soap on them and hose the **** out of them lol. Shouldn't hurt them. I've heard of a lot of people taking a shower in boots to break them in so that shouldn't be a big deal.

07-28-2012, 09:09 PM
didnt get anywhere today with my lady friend haha

valiant effort but shes not ready to go out yet i guess...


07-30-2012, 01:00 AM
Looking back through my posts as "SmitTank789" and "billet250ex" im deeply ashamed i had to put people through the hell of reading them posts. i wanted to kill myself reading them and they were from me..

07-30-2012, 01:02 AM
That its 2 am, I have to work tomorrow and I have way too much on my mind...


07-30-2012, 09:17 AM
Ended a 4 year relationship with my GF last night.. not fun..

07-30-2012, 11:31 AM
Its amazing how much one small thing can affect your whole day... didn't sleep good at all and don't really feel like giving a crap today.


Ruby Soho
07-30-2012, 02:54 PM
the fact that i dont want to spend a dime, because im saving to replace my truck. but groceries really are a must have....:scary:

07-30-2012, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by Ruby Soho
the fact that i dont want to spend a dime, because im saving to replace my truck. but groceries really are a must have....:scary:

Go to quick check and steal some crackers for dinner..lol..

I cleaned my garage up, its still a mess imho b/c theres just not enough room for everything. I got quad/car parts everywhere mixed in with junk. Then theres the shelf with old basketballs and baseballs and stuff no one looks at but I cant get rid of.

Cleaned my workshop in my basement up, still a mess as I threw in the towel for today. I have too much stuff in a 12x16 room. I already threw out all the junk too, so wtf Im gonna go IDK.

08-03-2012, 12:46 PM
Hmm..what a messed up week for me. I am no longer engaged as of Monday, I lost my job Thursday. Oh well, I have another job lined up for Monday.

08-03-2012, 02:37 PM
F***ing women. I am no longer engaged. on top of that im deployed so i have no quad to ride to get her stupid face outta my mind.

08-03-2012, 02:57 PM
Women are bat **** crazy. Sorry to both of you guys^

08-03-2012, 08:30 PM
Went to look at a 450r, guy told me it was clean. Drove 2 hours to get there and I swear it was beat on so bad IDK how it ran. Bent wheels/axle, rust everywhere and to top it off the chain was so loose it broke the case guard off and the case was no good. 2700 bucks and I offered 1800 only b/c I figured I could fix it up really nice for a g note. He didnt bite and I doubt anyone will buy it like that.

08-03-2012, 09:32 PM
Life just hasnt felt right lately. Had the same feeling near all school year and I'm not sure what's up, getting it quite a bit lately..it's like there's a piece missing and I seem to always be mad, tired or just feeling really heavy. Not quite sure what the hella going on in my head.

08-03-2012, 09:56 PM
^^seems like normal life to me.

08-03-2012, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by finsteratv
Life just hasnt felt right lately. Had the same feeling near all school year and I'm not sure what's up, getting it quite a bit lately..it's like there's a piece missing and I seem to always be mad, tired or just feeling really heavy. Not quite sure what the hella going on in my head. Ah I'm the same way just try not to let it bug ya, idk why but ever since that got real bad with me I can't sleep at all. I'll go to bed at 11, toss and turn till 4 a lot of nights, and no idea if it's related to it but I feel nasiated a lot too, if I'm at somebody else's house for a meal I eat almost nothing because I feel kinna sick but when I get home I'll clog down like 3 can's of alphagettis because I know if I'm sick it's not a big deal lol. Weird because I never actually do get sick I just feel like it. Some messed up s***. But I guess you just deal with it and if you stay away from them damn woman it sure helps with it... Even though that'll never happen lol

08-04-2012, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by Drfat400ex
Ah I'm the same way just try not to let it bug ya, idk why but ever since that got real bad with me I can't sleep at all. I'll go to bed at 11, toss and turn till 4 a lot of nights, and no idea if it's related to it but I feel nasiated a lot too, if I'm at somebody else's house for a meal I eat almost nothing because I feel kinna sick but when I get home I'll clog down like 3 can's of alphagettis because I know if I'm sick it's not a big deal lol. Weird because I never actually do get sick I just feel like it. Some messed up s***. But I guess you just deal with it and if you stay away from them damn woman it sure helps with it... Even though that'll never happen lol Haha yeah I just kinda relieved myself of all lady stuff last night, just a lot of crap so I cut it out. Main problems have just been family stuff, parents fighting, grandpa passing, grandma in hospital, and other grandma not doing very well. Problems with my dad and constantly working and being busy doesn't help, feels like no place to breathe and that nothing I do my dad appreciates or is proud of. just kinda sucks, only 3 years and I'll be gone haha

08-04-2012, 11:19 AM
Women are for the devil. you young guns will see that when you get older. the crappy part is that you kind of need them. I have an ex fiance as of about a week ago. she wont even talk to me at the moment. I think she was jealous of my STI and my other toys.

08-04-2012, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by ltrfofiddy32
Women are for the devil. you young guns will see that when you get older. the crappy part is that you kind of need them. I have an ex fiance as of about a week ago. she wont even talk to me at the moment. I think she was jealous of my STI and my other toys.

sorry things didn't work out but I must say if you are going to stereo type the entire female gender you might want to read the thread below, guessing you will need it ;)


08-04-2012, 12:21 PM
haha maybe not all women. ive bent over backwords for this girl doing everything i could do to make her happy while ive been on this deployment. everything was going perfect and then we got in a little arguement and now she is being a c u next tuesday. I must just get the crazy ones. on a lighter side of things that 4g ring can be traded towards a new harley:)

@oldguyonaquad i dont get what you meant with the arm pump thread

Ruby Soho
08-04-2012, 02:03 PM
the fact that i cant find any trucks that arent way overpriced, with sellers who wont budge in an economy like this.. makes a ton of sense.

what makes you think im going to spend 8k of my hard earned money on a truck with 300,000+ miles of abuse. no thanks get off your high horse and come back to reality. not that id ever buy something with that kind of miles for any price.

08-04-2012, 08:29 PM
^ them diesels are worth so much its insane.

I gave up and decided Ill just buy a V8. With the money saved buying the truck the gas wont be so bad.

08-05-2012, 03:49 AM
Whats bothering me right now?:

THe fact that you just cant believe ANYTHING anymore.

Call me a conspiracy theorist if you want, but the more i read into this James Holmes Colorado Shooting case, the more it seems like BS to me.

I just find it really funny that the Government is pushing so hard to abolish the Right to bear arms and then out of no where a random shooting occurs.

Anyone notice how, the guy with the orange hair in court looks absolutly nothing like the original "James Holmes" they showed us. And im not just talking about the hair.

ugh, had to rant.

Really confused after reading all of this junk.

Ruby Soho
08-05-2012, 07:29 AM
Originally posted by CJM
^ them diesels are worth so much its insane.

I gave up and decided Ill just buy a V8. With the money saved buying the truck the gas wont be so bad.

my problem is the last truck i had i stole. so i feel i cant buy anything for more than what i paid for that one and get much less lol. late 99 super duty, xlt, 170k on it. 5k cash. i had many many offers for 10k while i had it but i loved it and never sold it. then it was stolen in june so im looking for another diesel. actually just one to beat around on for now while i save up some more money because im going to finance a duramax when i move back to CT.

and im trying to find a deal that i can make some money on. because i will not buy a vehicle without it being an investment.

found the deal though, one of the super's i deal with at work has a 97 powerstroke hes trying to get rid of. he just got married and needs some extra money for a dp on a house so hes asking 1000. i went and checked it out its not bad at all needs a bed and new tires. already have new tires cause i still have the stockers off my old psd. and @ the shop i have more than enough iron laying around to build a sweet flat bed. i will definitely make some dough off this one lol

08-05-2012, 09:06 PM
Sounds like an awesome deal, Id do it I were you too!

08-06-2012, 08:10 AM
Nothing I'm on vacation in northern WI. Next time I will need to bring my 400ex and do some riding.

08-07-2012, 08:05 AM
Originally posted by dxcody
Whats bothering me right now?:

THe fact that you just cant believe ANYTHING anymore.

Call me a conspiracy theorist if you want, but the more i read into this James Holmes Colorado Shooting case, the more it seems like BS to me.

I just find it really funny that the Government is pushing so hard to abolish the Right to bear arms and then out of no where a random shooting occurs.

Anyone notice how, the guy with the orange hair in court looks absolutly nothing like the original "James Holmes" they showed us. And im not just talking about the hair.

ugh, had to rant.

Really confused after reading all of this junk.

You'll learn to take what the media tells you with a grain of salt.

They are run by the government, who only show you what they want to show you.

08-07-2012, 03:26 PM
im honestly jealous of some kids relationships with their fathers

08-07-2012, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by HondaRacing83
im honestly jealous of some kids relationships with their fathers

Well man I know what your saying. I didn't have a good relationship with my old man. And he's dead now and never had the chance to see me get married or have children. But remember this when you have kids always be there for them because you know how it feels.

08-08-2012, 12:19 AM
Whats bothering me right now?

How somebody could hate random people enough to walk into a temple and shoot 6 people.

Im a sikh, my parents are from India, I just don't understand what we (or they) did wrong? Whats so different about us?

How could someone hate our religion/culture/color of our skin enough to think that we needed to die?

08-08-2012, 07:01 AM
Originally posted by sangheraent
Whats bothering me right now?

How somebody could hate random people enough to walk into a temple and shoot 6 people.

Im a sikh, my parents are from India, I just don't understand what we (or they) did wrong? Whats so different about us?

How could someone hate our religion/culture/color of our skin enough to think that we needed to die?

I don't think it's something we could ever understand. I honestly don't think he understands.. he was just a brainwashed frustrated neo-nazi that was mad at the world. He should have just shot himself instead.

08-08-2012, 06:13 PM
that i havent been on this site in so long that i hardly think about even clicking the icon on my browser when i go on the net.

havent made any progress at all with the girl ive been talking to... i have a bad feeling that i have been friend zoned once again.

one last attempt ealier today, ill ask where she wants to go after i told her to find a place for next week. if she doesnt have a place... im throwing in the towel.

im done playing around, either she wants to take a couple of hours out of her life to go out or she doesnt.


08-08-2012, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
that i havent been on this site in so long that i hardly think about even clicking the icon on my browser when i go on the net.

havent made any progress at all with the girl ive been talking to... i have a bad feeling that i have been friend zoned once again.

one last attempt ealier today, ill ask where she wants to go after i told her to find a place for next week. if she doesnt have a place... im throwing in the towel.

im done playing around, either she wants to take a couple of hours out of her life to go out or she doesnt.


dude, ask her when she's available you and you pick a time and place! chicks ****ign hate it when dudes are all wishy washy and ****..makes you look a ***** *** shady ****.....grab your nuts, pick them up, and ask her on a date....set teh tiem adn place, and be a man about it....

i dont mean to be a dick, but JFC!

08-08-2012, 08:14 PM
Actually that is exactly how I did it this time. Picked a date to go and what to do for the evening. I took the assertive approach to it. Unfortunately she said she's busy for every night I suggested. She is busy but those plans aren't set in atone by any means so she could in fact change them if she wanted.

Oh well, she said she would let me know when she has time to go. If I have time or will be up to me.


08-08-2012, 08:24 PM
Sounds like its not even worth it. If she really was interested, you would think she would make the time.

08-08-2012, 08:28 PM
thats the same idea i had marc. if she wanted to go, im sure a concert wouldnt be that important.

i think ive had enough of it and wont be asking her to go out any more. if she wants to go, she will let me know. Ive waited the suggested amount of times she wanted me to, along with asking her a few different times over the past 2 months.

f it,

08-08-2012, 08:59 PM
I agree f it. Move on man.

08-09-2012, 04:32 AM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
Actually that is exactly how I did it this time. Picked a date to go and what to do for the evening. I took the assertive approach to it. Unfortunately she said she's busy for every night I suggested. She is busy but those plans aren't set in atone by any means so she could in fact change them if she wanted.

Oh well, she said she would let me know when she has time to go. If I have time or will be up to me.


she's telling you she doesnt want to hang out without actually telling you she doesnt want to hang out...nifty little thing girls do...

sorry man

08-09-2012, 05:28 AM
Poor girl has a stalker. Straight up, she has zero interest in getting into a relationship with you. Fasten the middle of your skirt together and pretend you're wearing pants and move on. :D

08-13-2012, 09:09 AM
cuncussed from wake boading and my neck and back are all tight too..Im supposed to run 10 miles today wiith the xc team too, feelin it bad.

Ruby Soho
08-13-2012, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
thats the same idea i had marc. if she wanted to go, im sure a concert wouldnt be that important.

i think ive had enough of it and wont be asking her to go out any more. if she wants to go, she will let me know. Ive waited the suggested amount of times she wanted me to, along with asking her a few different times over the past 2 months.

f it,

ask a girl she knows to go out with you, and make sure your girl finds out.

i usually dont like playing the game.. but it works.

Ruby Soho
08-13-2012, 03:28 PM
whats bothering me? well heres the lowdown.

i work @ a family owned and operated company. were structual steel fabricators, erectors and welders. ironworkers. most everything is great, my uncle and grandfather (passed a few years ago..r.i.p buck i miss ya) own it. my old man is now basically 2nd in charge, and my other uncle is just one of the main foreman. my aunt (the owner uncles wife) works in the office as well as one of my cousins and a outside lady for the basic stuff. now we have my cousin (owner, my uncle, his kid) whos 28. hes a shop guy (we have both shop and field..im a field guy but i work in the shop and wrench on trucks as well). and well he thinks he owns the place. he isnt all that great. works very slow, has a BAD attitude. he will be real nice and then if god forbid you borrow his center punch because it happens to be right next to you, he will freak out, throw hammers, cuss you up and down and go cry to mommy in the office for 2 hours. its complete bull****. he does it to everybody, family or not. and he threatens outside guys their job because hes the bosses kid.

i didnt have many problems with him untill recently, i play his card avoid him when hes mad so i dont have to deal with baby bull**** but apparently he doesnt like me working on my truck at the shop after hours. its "his house" and when he wants to detail his f150 and my trucks in the shop its the end of the world. mind you, you can fit probly 4 trucks in the shop.

so now he blocks the shop doors with his truck so i cant get in, and today blew up on me because i apparently ****ed him by being in there this past weekend. so he says hes going to **** me 10 times. i told him you have fun with that bud thats what family is for and walked out. im sick and tired of his baby issues.

this isnt the only incident either.... hes come up screaming in my face that im an ******* because i didnt set the welding machine back to what it was set on before i welded with it on a saturday. and that the crescent wrench for the torch bottles was left on the bench and not back on its hook.. threatening that he will make it so i cant show up to the yard and get my jetski or boat or whatever else i have stored there....ALL there with permission by my uncle, the owner. who explicitly said i can leave my stuff and work on it, come and go as i please.

ive had enough, im leaving in 3 weeks as it is so i just might add some fuel to the fire before i go

08-14-2012, 07:37 PM
i want a kimber 308, a new mathews, and a ktm 450xc. none of which is happening lol

08-14-2012, 08:18 PM
My Mrs is in the hospital with an alarmingly high white blood cell count, and I can't be there....

08-14-2012, 08:25 PM
^ That sucks.

I gotta go to work tomorrow, my job has become horrible b/c of my boss.

08-15-2012, 06:04 AM
Originally posted by HondaRacing83
i want a kimber 308, a new mathews, and a ktm 450xc. none of which is happening lol

i just bought a hoyt carbon matrix rkt.......:devil:

08-15-2012, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by ben300
i just bought a hoyt carbon matrix rkt.......:devil: you lucky *******. have you seen rich coons new shop? i bought my 07 bowtech tribute off him a few months ago. awesome bow, i dont really need a new one haha

08-15-2012, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by HondaRacing83
you lucky *******. have you seen rich coons new shop? i bought my 07 bowtech tribute off him a few months ago. awesome bow, i dont really need a new one haha

lucky? if you say so lol. it did cost me $1200! but i havent bought a new hunting bow in 7 years, so it was time for a new one. I shot a carbon element rkt, a vector 32 rkt, a mathews heli-m, mathews mr6 and mr7....and i just thought the carbon bow was the best of hte bunch. followed by the vector, followed by the hellium and hten the two mathews monsters.

with the element and the matrix being the same price now, and me personally liking longer ATA bows for shooting 3d's, i choose the matrix. should be ordered in some time here soon

and no, ive actually never been to rich's shop. i get my stuff at either gold n grain archery in sharpsivlle, pa, or Bill's field and stream in transfer, pa.

08-15-2012, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by ben300
lucky? if you say so lol. it did cost me $1200! but i havent bought a new hunting bow in 7 years, so it was time for a new one. I shot a carbon element rkt, a vector 32 rkt, a mathews heli-m, mathews mr6 and mr7....and i just thought the carbon bow was the best of hte bunch. followed by the vector, followed by the hellium and hten the two mathews monsters.

with the element and the matrix being the same price now, and me personally liking longer ATA bows for shooting 3d's, i choose the matrix. should be ordered in some time here soon

and no, ive actually never been to rich's shop. i get my stuff at either gold n grain archery in sharpsivlle, pa, or Bill's field and stream in transfer, pa. Thats pretty sweet!! I've never been a fan of hoyts but I did shoot my buddies supertec for as old as it is it shot nice but I love my bowtech and would love a new bowtech insanity or mathews heli-m, they say the tribute was the best biw bowtech ever made, and id believe it its awesome. my dad loves it compared to his mathews. and youvarent missing out on much, rich coon is the biggest ******* ever. but he did cut me a deal on my bow

08-15-2012, 07:46 PM
Fixed the case of my 450r, but when i tapped for the new bolt I shoulda used a slightly smaller drill bit to make the threads deeper. Seems like the bolt will tighten up good but IDK. Worse case I go to 1/4" or 7mm I guess. Got plenty of material to work with, just annoys me.

08-15-2012, 11:10 PM
whats bothering me is i read 60 pages of this thread with nothing better to do. some of the things people said were funny though

Ruby Soho
08-16-2012, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by CJM
Fixed the case of my 450r, but when i tapped for the new bolt I shoulda used a slightly smaller drill bit to make the threads deeper. Seems like the bolt will tighten up good but IDK. Worse case I go to 1/4" or 7mm I guess. Got plenty of material to work with, just annoys me.

at least you have the extra meat. no worse feeling when you **** yourself and there's no more material left!!!

08-16-2012, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by Ruby Soho
at least you have the extra meat. no worse feeling when you **** yourself and there's no more material left!!!

yea I guess so. I went out and bought an assortment of 7mm and 1/4 bolts today. Going to loctite the bolt in for now and see how it goes. Only worry is fitting the 7mm in the bushing for the case saver if it comes down to that.

I think the loctite will hold it well. not like its EVER going to need to come off really. Its like my EX's head, the dowel pin had a bur on it that holds the cam in place. I cleaned the bur off but its a tad loose. Dab of loctite even with all the oil on there and it dont move.

08-17-2012, 10:37 AM
Making 700 bucks today, but I have to hand dig through 40 feet of hard packed gumbo to do it..

08-17-2012, 12:47 PM
Acute Appendicitis, and the boringness that is my life right now laying on the couch and recovering

08-17-2012, 05:28 PM
Stupid gas tank petcock wont come off, the bolts are spinning in the tank..dang it. Got another tank coming soon tho.

08-17-2012, 09:54 PM
Thought the alternator went bad in my Ford, but it tested good on the bench at both Advance and VatoZone. I'm really hoping now that its the battery...

08-18-2012, 09:11 AM
Fell off a gate like a sac of doorknobs last night, popped my knee out of it's damn socket, and messed up my shoulder too.

08-18-2012, 05:56 PM
Changing u joints on my pick up, lets just say it didnt go according to plan and now I only have front (4wd).

Nothing ever goes according to plan...argh. To think, I was gonna go riding tomorrow tooo...

08-18-2012, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by CJM
Changing u joints on my pick up, lets just say it didnt go according to plan and now I only have front (4wd).

Nothing ever goes according to plan...argh. To think, I was gonna go riding tomorrow tooo...

There is nothing more disappointing my friend, then when you have a plan to go riding, and something happens and you cant!

Hell i probably dont remember how to ride. I havent rode since march!

08-18-2012, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by dxcody
There is nothing more disappointing my friend, then when you have a plan to go riding, and something happens and you cant!

Hell i probably dont remember how to ride. I havent rode since march!

That sucks.

I mean I can go, but I gotta drive like 15 miles in front wheel drive..not a good idea really. Im praying my buddy can fix this for me tomorrow.but likely its monday.. Shoulda just had him do it in the first place. I swear everytime I work on my truck it fights me.

Ruby Soho
08-18-2012, 07:11 PM
ha, happens to everyone. ive luckily been doing alot to my new hoopty with no issues yet.

08-18-2012, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by Ruby Soho
ha, happens to everyone. ive luckily been doing alot to my new hoopty with no issues yet.

I just have a stroke of bad luck with this truck. Anything that I work on doesnt go my way about 80% of the time. I thanked god a week ago when I did plugs and wires nothing broke or was hard to get off.

As for my driveshaft and u joints: The end yoke is done. It had a large bur I removed and its not useable the tolerances for the cap are too lose. The shaft itself seems ok after I deburred it. Im paying my buddy to do the job for me as soon as I can.

On the plus side I found a piece of a shaft I need on ebay, but it doesnt say for what it really is for-could be the same..could be different IDK. I score it for $20 I dont care either way. EVEN better is a local junkyard posted my EXACT truck on craigslist, I wonder if they will let me have just the shaft...call'em tommorow.

So it could be worse..

08-18-2012, 11:15 PM
spend my friday nights and weekends at our logging camp working my *** off making 100$ a weekend. But thats doing 8-10 hour days which means about 16 to 20 hours for only 100 spot. I mean its money but it kills my riding and me, practice running all week, work weekends, im gettin burnt out. Most people think working for your dad isnt to bad but my dads an old hard *** logger type and loves to yell,scream and cuss. I love being in the woods with my dad but i hate having so many memories of always being yelled at and him being a dick..I mean i help increase production by a couple loads a weekend and he makes about 2000 a load after expenses yet i dont make that in a summer of work. Plus he sold my 12v Cummins i was supposed to get from my grandpa. Just pisses me off and is hard for me to get through my head at times.

Ruby Soho
08-19-2012, 07:19 AM
wait till you get into the real world and have to work all week and the weekend.

but you will learn when the overtime is there, you'll take it. ESPECIALLY in this economy.

7/12's bring it on.

and the old man situation. just brush it off dude. its work. i work with my pop too, but hes a 30 year ironworker. first thing he told me is if you dont have skin made of leather, get out of this business. so we just separate work from home. when were on the job hes not my dad, hes the foreman. it gets pretty ugly sometimes but no worse than it would be with anyone else. then at 330 we turn it off.. although he does push me harder than the other guys, because im his kid. but thats natural so i dont mind because the knowledge im getting from him is worth alot more than what im getting paid.

08-19-2012, 12:38 PM
Well, my working days started at 8am this morning. cutting, splitting, and stacking wood for my grandparents. they own my *** for the next a few months weekends. $60 a day i aint *****ing. glad it aint my dad, he gives me an earfull if i breathe at the wrong time

08-19-2012, 01:52 PM
Working for family sucks. I and other members of my family refused to do it and its the reason my family no longer owns a bar/liquor store.

On the plus side finster, who else is gonna hire ya? I worked for my old man 2 summers in a row landscaping our house with nothing but a shovel and a wheel barrow moving dirt, rock, mulch and plants for $5/hr. At the time min wage was like $5.15.

08-19-2012, 04:19 PM
I don't mind farming with my family, driving tractor alone what are they gonna do they're not there to *****, the only part I don't like is fixing the equipment, then everything has to be done perfect or you get it. I get 12/hr though, they gotta be pretty good because they couldn't find anyone else to drive stuff for them that's reliable for any less than 30/hr.

Ruby Soho
08-19-2012, 05:18 PM
it is tough though. especially a business. i work at a family owned and operated company. some of us cant put a line between work and personal, some can. doesnt really effect me. is what it is, gotta work, gotta put food on the table.

08-19-2012, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by CJM
Working for family sucks. I and other members of my family refused to do it and its the reason my family no longer owns a bar/liquor store.

On the plus side finster, who else is gonna hire ya? I worked for my old man 2 summers in a row landscaping our house with nothing but a shovel and a wheel barrow moving dirt, rock, mulch and plants for $5/hr. At the time min wage was like $5.15. Actually my neighbor wants to hire me to do construction...Metal fab and welding shop wanted to hire me...and I have family friend connections to a local speed and custom car shop, they think the owner would be very interested in me for just doing some basics but heck I'd love that! I even know how to design thing in CAD if they needed me to. I woulda taken the metal fab one earlier this summer but I'm only 15, get my license in November. Haha not tryin to sound like a smart *** just sayin I've got opportunities but the detail of no license holds me back haha...neighbor said he'd give me 80+ a day for helping him but my dad doesn't want me to because then his #1 worker will be gone. Next year baby next year!

08-19-2012, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by Ruby Soho
it is tough though. especially a business. i work at a family owned and operated company. some of us cant put a line between work and personal, some can. doesnt really effect me. is what it is, gotta work, gotta put food on the table. Is your 97 IDI or turbo? Or was 99 the first year of turbo 7.3's?

08-20-2012, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by finsteratv
Is your 97 IDI or turbo? Or was 99 the first year of turbo 7.3's?

IDI ended in 94.5, 94.5 started powerstrokes. 94.5 was a split time, they had an IDI turbo that was made for literally like 1 year-NEVER EVER EVER buy one b/c parts are impossible.

Also: due to my incompetence or the tool being a pos (not sure which). I now need a new rear driveshaft. I found a used one for 200 bucks at a junkyard in PA. I am NOT a happy camper.

08-20-2012, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by CJM
IDI ended in 94.5, 94.5 started powerstrokes. 94.5 was a split time, they had an IDI turbo that was made for literally like 1 year-NEVER EVER EVER buy one b/c parts are impossible.

Also: due to my incompetence or the tool being a pos (not sure which). I now need a new rear driveshaft. I found a used one for 200 bucks at a junkyard in PA. I am NOT a happy camper. okay because my dad was saying how 99 was the first year for powerstroke turbos and i knew that wasnt true..But thanks haha Goodluck fixing that driveshaft, i hate having to buy parts because others get messed up in situations like that.

08-20-2012, 02:20 PM
Yea obs (old body style) 95-97 PSD, then NBS (new body style) 99-current. In 01 I recall they upgraded the intercooler as well.

Ruby Soho
08-20-2012, 02:55 PM
your mostly right cjm

94.5 first introduce direct injected powerstroke. an IDI isnt a powerstroke.

all the same through 97, except for 97 california models, they had AB injectors, slightly larger than the 95-96. some other small differences as well.

98 was a blank year

early 99 had the AB injectors and the old style turbo, with an intercooler. and the 4r100 trans. which is basically the same as an e4od found in the earlier trucks with some updated parts.

late 99 had turbo changes and larger injectors, AD code, other small changes but primarily the same. late 99, 00, and early 01 are the years to have. forged connecting rods. late 01-03 they changed to PMR's. which are junk. well, they will hold up stock power forever, but if you do anymore than tunes (good tunes too..canned edge programmers, superchips etc will put a new window in your block, and trans..) they are known to blow. though some people have made upwards of 500hp on them.

08-20-2012, 06:37 PM
I knew you would know better than me Joe. Good stuff :)

08-22-2012, 09:14 PM
Never ever text women when you're drunk... really doesn't turn out well at all.

08-22-2012, 11:38 PM
Originally posted by Drfat400ex
Never ever text women when you're drunk... really doesn't turn out well at all. Or it turns out great haha

08-23-2012, 05:58 AM
Originally posted by finsteratv
Or it turns out great haha

^^ This :cool:

08-23-2012, 09:12 AM
Plus you have a half decent excuse if you do say anything...WIN WIN!

08-23-2012, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by finsteratv
Plus you have a half decent excuse if you do say anything...WIN WIN!

trust me...that doesnt always fly

08-23-2012, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by finsteratv
Plus you have a half decent excuse if you do say anything...WIN WIN!

and trust me, a guy with joe rogan yelling HULK LOADS at a ufc as his avatar, has had some experiences with drunk dialing/texting lol:devil:

08-23-2012, 10:35 PM
Getting ankle,knee and hip pains coming back before one of the westcoast's biggest relay, Portland/Hood to coast..I'm running our two farthest most difficult legs and have to kick some arse..lthink ones 7 miles and the other is 8 miles...hittin the ice bath and Advil hard tonight..

08-24-2012, 04:52 AM
Originally posted by finsteratv
Getting ankle,knee and hip pains coming back before one of the westcoast's biggest relay, Portland/Hood to coast..I'm running our two farthest most difficult legs and have to kick some arse..lthink ones 7 miles and the other is 8 miles...hittin the ice bath and Advil hard tonight..

take a couple days off...thats your body telling you that your over training and CNS cant handle the work load your putting it through

08-24-2012, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by ben300
take a couple days off...thats your body telling you that your over training and CNS cant handle the work load your putting it through Yeah thats kinda what im thinking..Daily doubles would explain the overload haha, I've been lifting and running. I just need to make it through this big relay thats happening tonight through tommorow evening (ends at the beach) and then my coaches will let me take it a little easier.

08-26-2012, 07:59 AM
nursing a ****ed up ankle.

08-29-2012, 02:39 PM
Holy child support! That stuff is crazy.

08-30-2012, 07:31 PM
felt lost again the past few days... cant wait to finally get away on vacation for the weekend.

still talkin to my lady friend... gonna ask one more time since she doesnt have so much going on. either hitting the highway in the car with me or shes just hitting the highway.


08-30-2012, 08:32 PM
school started wednesday, it sucks :o

08-30-2012, 10:55 PM
got my walking papers at work im officially laid off

08-31-2012, 09:18 AM
Have 6 hours to Unload and change 3 sets of quad wheels, air filters to clean, dirt bike carb to clean and stuff to load then I have an XC meet and I'm missing the first football game of the year!

08-31-2012, 12:16 PM
Went up north for a week campin and went four wheeling the whole time up on some good crown land trails.. Great trip but sure got expensive, blew a hole in one of my new tires, busted the chain guard on the skidplate clean off right on the welds, THANKS DG!! and then the last day I went to check the oil and there's 1/4 there. It was full before and what do you know it stinks like oil and it seems like it lost a bit of power lately. Hopefully it lasts until winter without getting too bad so I can rebuild it then.

09-01-2012, 10:02 PM
its been a tough 2 days. yesterday a kid i knew blew his brains out. today one of my buddies dads died that raced quads. topped out on a 450 i believe on a dirt road, missed a corner, rolled and passed on impact.. :(

09-03-2012, 06:03 PM
Quad seems to be runnin pretty rich in the lower range all of a sudden, when it idels its really rough and it just barely keeps runnin, sometimes it stauls. Im thinkin its just because its so hot lately, maybe ill pop in the 38 and see what happens.

09-04-2012, 06:36 PM
No idea how, but my 405r tool kit opened up and spilled all its contents away while riding. There goes another 20 bucks.

This time Im putting it in a pvc container or something!

09-04-2012, 07:24 PM
Put new rings on my dirt bike. It started once and made a weird noise. Shut it off, took it part and put back together. Now won't start at all. Oh...and it just happens to be halfway through an auction on ebay.

09-04-2012, 09:03 PM
broke the nok on one of my arrows tonight shooting my new bow... derailed the string a bit and have a big freaking welt on my arm from getting hit with the string :(

will be buying new arrows tomorrow and i have to get my string put back on the bottom cam. :(


09-04-2012, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by CJM
No idea how, but my 405r tool kit opened up and spilled all its contents away while riding. There goes another 20 bucks.

This time Im putting it in a pvc container or something! Same thing happened to me!!! TWICE! I just drilled a 1/4 hole through the lid and the container where theres no track part, popped a bolt through and double nut. Doesnt come off and you can take it off by hand still.

09-04-2012, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by Drfat400ex
Same thing happened to me!!! TWICE! I just drilled a 1/4 hole through the lid and the container where theres no track part, popped a bolt through and double nut. Doesnt come off and you can take it off by hand still.

400s mount different, on the frame. These sit inside the plastics under the seat. Im still amazed I lost every single tool in there through what appears to be a 2x2 hole in the plastic (its designed that way).

I got another kit on the way thanks to ebay so Im just gonna make container outta pvc or something so it cant open up.

09-05-2012, 06:24 AM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
broke the nok on one of my arrows tonight shooting my new bow... derailed the string a bit and have a big freaking welt on my arm from getting hit with the string :(

will be buying new arrows tomorrow and i have to get my string put back on the bottom cam. :(


how the **** did you derail the string?! did you dry fire the bow? are you shooting fingers and torquing it as your draw it back?

i bust nocks all the time...thats why shoot at a three spot target, one arrow individually at each spot...this saves me big time $$$$$$$$...especially with my out door FITA arrows....easton x10's cost $350+ brandnew for a dozen

the ohter thing i hate, is when i shoot outdoors, whether it be 3d, field, or FITA...i use vanes....and when you use like blazers, dura vanes, k vanes....and you shoot tght groups like the picture below, you sometiems swish cheese the vanes and it makes them fly like ****!:mad:

09-05-2012, 06:32 AM
I broke the arrow on release, im not sure if the dltching hit the drop away rest or what happened.

I noticed the string is of the born cam slightly but don't really know how it happened.

I was shooting vapors last night that i have used on my fx for years with no problems. The monster its allot fast than the fx though lol.


09-05-2012, 07:04 AM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
I was shooting vapors last night

therers a big part of your problem right there....vapors are garbage...plain garbage.....i have seen them break out of 65#+ bows before, during flight!!!.....any of htes new little arrow companies, vapor, harvest time, etc, are garbage.....they dont have the tolerance and construction down on the arrows that the bigger companies do...not to mention, they use sub standard carbon weave, IMO...

id say chances are, if your going from an old mathews FX, to a monster...now you didnt say what monster it is, MR7, MR6, Monster XLR8, MR5....but chances are, is that you are WAAAAYYYY under spined....the cams on a monster are extremely aggressive, especially compaired to an old mathews FX

now that i looked up the mathews FX, im definitely gonna say aht you are not shooting the right spined arrrow...i bet your older bow was probalby 50-70# range, adn your new one is defintely 6--70# (just guessing off of my normal observations of mathews and mathews monster owners in general)..so chances are..now i dont know what the spine ratings are for vapors, victory, what ever you call htem.....but you are probalby shooting a 400-500 spined easton equivalent arrow...chances are you need to be shooting a 300-340 spined arrow to be safe

now, i dont know how many pounds your are shooting, or what your draw length is, but from my knowledge, and i know a **** TON about archery, id say you are 28"+ draw length adn are shooting near 70 pounds, adn with that, and if your string derailed, then you have probaly caused other damage to the bow as well......id have a reputable shop tech check not only the strings...but check the cams to see if they are bent, the axels to see if htey are bent, and check the limbs for damage as well...

your lucky you didnt get hurt steve!


09-05-2012, 07:15 AM
if you didnt cause any damage to anythign on the bow, and you simply derailed....then heres what i would do....have the shop tech set the poundage at a reasonable draw wet for you, and make sure your draw lenght is correct.....its tough with mathews bows, because they are draw length specific...next, i would buy a dozen, properly spined arrows....

...just for safety sake...i would recommend easton axis's or beaman bonecollectors (same exact arrow, just different graphics).....there are better arrwos, but these are an excellent arrow, that have been around for several years now, and are a decent price and worth the money.

i hunt with easton FMJ 's (Full metal jackets)...these are an aluminum carbon reverse arrow (alluminum shell on carbon tube)....fantastic arrow, defintely heavey enough to kill all big game...but htey are expensive, $150/dozen...w/out nocks, vanes, inserts, broadheads, etc.

bows now a-days are super effecient, and offetn at times exceed the spine ratings for arrows that you would have traditionally shot 5-10 years ago.....especially the high effeciency, high speed bows like the mathews monsters, the newer PSE bows, botech destroyer/invasion/insanity....

my new hoyt carbon matrix rkt, for example, is set currently at 62.8#'s, at a measily little 27" draw lenght (i know, i have baby arms).....5 years ago, a bow with these specs would shoot, a 400 spined/deflection carbon arrow.....now, weven with 100 or 85 grain points, im underspined....i can tell this because my groups are dead on at 20, 30, and 40...but farther than that, my groups start to move to the right, which signifies a weak spined arrow.....so i had to bump down to 340 FMJ's...

now, my 2011 PSE supra, i ahve that dude set at 55#,and am shooting light speed 500's...but its a target set up...competely different game plan

09-05-2012, 12:16 PM
My 50 cable isn't working..eff

09-05-2012, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by ben300
therers a big part of your problem right there....vapors are garbage...plain garbage.....i have seen them break out of 65#+ bows before, during flight!!!.....any of htes new little arrow companies, vapor, harvest time, etc, are garbage.....they dont have the tolerance and construction down on the arrows that the bigger companies do...not to mention, they use sub standard carbon weave, IMO...

id say chances are, if your going from an old mathews FX, to a monster...now you didnt say what monster it is, MR7, MR6, Monster XLR8, MR5....but chances are, is that you are WAAAAYYYY under spined....the cams on a monster are extremely aggressive, especially compaired to an old mathews FX

now that i looked up the mathews FX, im definitely gonna say aht you are not shooting the right spined arrrow...i bet your older bow was probalby 50-70# range, adn your new one is defintely 6--70# (just guessing off of my normal observations of mathews and mathews monster owners in general)..so chances are..now i dont know what the spine ratings are for vapors, victory, what ever you call htem.....but you are probalby shooting a 400-500 spined easton equivalent arrow...chances are you need to be shooting a 300-340 spined arrow to be safe

now, i dont know how many pounds your are shooting, or what your draw length is, but from my knowledge, and i know a **** TON about archery, id say you are 28"+ draw length adn are shooting near 70 pounds, adn with that, and if your string derailed, then you have probaly caused other damage to the bow as well......id have a reputable shop tech check not only the strings...but check the cams to see if they are bent, the axels to see if htey are bent, and check the limbs for damage as well...

your lucky you didnt get hurt steve!

:eek: i shoot 12 arrows a night and its to the point i can put it anywhere i want at about 35 yards at a 55lb drawback. i shoot eastern stealths out of my 07 bowtech tribute. great bow btw love it. it shoots like 330 i believe. also, rich told me when i split a spline that they will fly weird but if you cut out the little part where its split and itll fly normal again. and they do ive found out. my easterns are cheap like $35 a half dozen lol i like them though they are cheap carbons. never broke unless i hit a rock or i stepped on one and broke it. ive only smacked my arm once and that was when i first started shooting

09-06-2012, 01:33 PM
I bought six maxima arrows last night and got my string replaced.

It shoots great with the new arrows that's for sure!


09-06-2012, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
I bought six maxima arrows last night and got my string replaced.

It shoots great with the new arrows that's for sure!


Good! the maxima's are great arrows and when you buy a used bow, you should, unless they were just replaced, get new strings for the bow.

what monster did you end up getting anyways?

09-06-2012, 07:53 PM
its just a monster, no extra letters or numbers lol

the bow didnt have 150 shots on it, it was my bosses back up bow since he usually shot a drenaline. he only had this one to go out west with it in his truck.

its got a really nice sight on it, same pin to 30 yards, and has pins to 80. they light up also which will be really nice too. has a drop away rest on it too.

ill probably buy some rage 2 blades and start shooting those instead of my muzzy 3 blades i have been shooting for years.

i might even join a league this winter now that i have a bow i am more proud of. i liked the fx but it was just a bow, it didnt really do it for me i guess. haha

either bow or bowling league anyway, i gotta get out of the house more. plus bow seasons opens in a couple of weeks so i will be able to start doing that during the week to get away for a while :D


09-07-2012, 06:21 AM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
its just a monster, no extra letters or numbers lol

the bow didnt have 150 shots on it, it was my bosses back up bow since he usually shot a drenaline. he only had this one to go out west with it in his truck.

its got a really nice sight on it, same pin to 30 yards, and has pins to 80. they light up also which will be really nice too. has a drop away rest on it too.

ill probably buy some rage 2 blades and start shooting those instead of my muzzy 3 blades i have been shooting for years.

i might even join a league this winter now that i have a bow i am more proud of. i liked the fx but it was just a bow, it didnt really do it for me i guess. haha

either bow or bowling league anyway, i gotta get out of the house more. plus bow seasons opens in a couple of weeks so i will be able to start doing that during the week to get away for a while :D


that looks like a 2010 moster 6, meaning 6" brace height...that year htey had a monster 6, monster 7, and the monster xlr8, which was a 5.5 inch brace height bow (blah....waaaaay to short of a brace height for my liking)....anywho thats a pretty good find you got and it should definitely serve its purpose for you

and the sight looks like a G5 i believe....my old man just got one, and it is a really nice sight...he had to send ti back to G5 to get fixed because it had a manufacturing default whre the bottom pin, which was supposed to have on the fy adjustablility, didnt work right. he bought it cause he was gonna use it for elk hunting but couldnt

rage 2 blades are nice...probalby one of hte most accurate flying bheads in terms of hitting where your field points hit....i use 100gr grim reaper razor tips.

09-07-2012, 06:42 AM
Sweet thanks for the info. It does not have any numbers on the limbs.

I'm thinking the rage 2 is going to be what end up with. Glad your dad likes his sight, this one seems nice, it status really bright. Even without the light on, its still really easy to see.

I got this one for elk and stuff if i decide to go west.


09-08-2012, 09:39 AM
Tendonitis in my achilles. Out of running for a little..

09-13-2012, 08:05 PM
Got put into a walking boot for 2 weeks minimum with physical therapy also.

09-13-2012, 08:11 PM
Probably need a new clutch and basket for the R. Not a huge deal but an annoyance.

09-13-2012, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by finsteratv
Got put into a walking boot for 2 weeks minimum with physical therapy also.

trust me on this one..if you have tendinitis in your Achilles tendon, then you want to use this, the strassburg sock...


i have bad plantar fasciitis, and one of the causes of that is tight calves, tight achilles tendon.....i wear this thing when i sleep at night, and i have no problems anymore

09-13-2012, 10:35 PM
My low beam HID bulb on the driver side and the passenger side HID bulb for my fog quit working. And I have to send the bulbs back to get new ones for free. So wtf am I supposed to do while I don't have a left headlight? Get tickets out the ***? Wtf are these people thinking when they think of these "lifetime guranteed" headlights?

09-13-2012, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by ben300
trust me on this one..if you have tendinitis in your Achilles tendon, then you want to use this, the strassburg sock...


i have bad plantar fasciitis, and one of the causes of that is tight calves, tight achilles tendon.....i wear this thing when i sleep at night, and i have no problems anymore Ahh I can kinda see the concept of that from keeping the ankle bent and such. 2 weeks shouldnt be to bad, once had one for 3 months if I remember right...might be something to try in the future, gracias muchacho

09-14-2012, 06:26 AM
Originally posted by finsteratv
Ahh I can kinda see the concept of that from keeping the ankle bent and such. 2 weeks shouldnt be to bad, once had one for 3 months if I remember right...might be something to try in the future, gracias muchacho

im just gonna say that once you have tendinitis, you rarely ever get over it, and in time it'll come back, sometimes worse.

i stand by the strassburg sock more than anything out there in terms of treatment for plantar fascia, achilles, and calf injuries (now if you tore something, this wont help). this sock has saved the career of numerous olympic and champion sprint and distance runners

i went from running 5-6 miles a day, to none, because my plantar fasciitis was so bad. i saw doctors, podiatrists, did therapy, streching, cortisone shots.....none of it truly worked.....went to a running shop with my old man so he could get shoes for a half marathon he was doing, and they recomended this....now im back up to 4-5 miles, in a bout 4 months time.......id be farther along, but i decided to break my femur/fibula/and mcl back in february

take it what its worth from me, im just a really sarcastic a-hole on the internet with an engineering degree, but your doc is gonna have you wear this fag-goty boot thing, and hae you come in for all these appointments and therapy and such...and from the sounds of it...you've had this problem before......id say its worth a try..

if your dream is running for oregon, which would be titties as hell (ephasis on the titties, cause that place is loaded with hot women), you need to take preventitive action in treating sports injuries and not over training, or your running career will be very short

09-14-2012, 06:38 AM
Ive injured my right shoulder for months now and been hoping it went away. It didnt and I been seeing a chiropractor who is a family friend. I dont have insurance so I can only do what he tells me.

Gonna go out and get an exercise band like he told me later today. I cant live with this anymore. Just sitting at a desk it start to bother me!

09-14-2012, 06:43 AM
Originally posted by CJM
Ive injured my right shoulder for months now and been hoping it went away. It didnt and I been seeing a chiropractor who is a family friend. I dont have insurance so I can only do what he tells me.

Gonna go out and get an exercise band like he told me later today. I cant live with this anymore. Just sitting at a desk it start to bother me!

shoulder injuries are terrible because next to the knee, it is the most complex joint interms of muslces, ligaments, and tendons in the body. chances are, if you tore something in your shoulder, unless you get it fixed, you'll sufer from it for life because of the non stop repetitive use you put your shoulder through

09-14-2012, 07:22 AM
Originally posted by ben300
id be farther along, but i decided to break my femur/fibula/and mcl back in february

That made me shivver.. :uhoh:

09-14-2012, 07:56 AM
Originally posted by chronicsmoke
That made me shivver.. :uhoh:

ya....i did that a lot over a three month period....it sucked....

i got really luck though. according to the orthopedic surgeon that i went to see, i was the "luckiest, unlucky person he's ever met"....

the femur adn the mcl werent really that bad. i cracked the head of my femur, about an 1-1.5 fracture near where the mcl is and i tore the mcl about 40% of the way through, so i required no surgery for that...

what i got really lucky about, was that i broke the head of the fibula horizontally, clear through, but it didnt separate or it was as he called it, a non displaced fracture.

if it had become "displaced", the only way they could fix it, is to put a rod in the bone, to hold the pieces together, because your body will not naturally put the two pieces back together because of the natural motion and movement of the joint. also what i got lucky about, is that the fracture was exactly where the LCL roots itself to the bone. if the fracture had become displaced, the lcl would have gotten torn from the bone. the only way they could have fixed that was to reattach it to the bone.........all in all, if the injuries would have ended up that way....it would have been a 12-16 month full recovery time, depending on how i healed and how hard i pushed my therapy

i consider myself super lucky! istead of 16 months adn a couple surgeries. it was roughly 3 month (even though they innitially said 5-6) and i was cleared by the doc. i got cleared on a tuesday, wakedboarded on friday night, and raced a PAXC race on my 400 on sunday (i didnt finish though..had serious mechanical issues with my brakes and my knee hurt)...

09-14-2012, 07:59 AM
Originally posted by chronicsmoke
That made me shivver.. :uhoh:

what'll really make you shiver though, is when i crashed (skiing), i heard my femur brake......sounded like a piece of steel bar stock breaking!:eek2:

09-14-2012, 08:13 AM
Originally posted by ben300
what'll really make you shiver though, is when i crashed (skiing), i heard my femur brake......sounded like a piece of steel bar stock breaking!:eek2:

Ahhhhh :ermm: shiver*

I can't stand other people's injuries.. If it happens to me I know how much it hurts and what it feels like.. when I see somebody elses wounds it gets to me.

*especially watching people get needles.. I can watch my own, but not someone else getting one..

09-14-2012, 08:26 AM
Originally posted by ben300
shoulder injuries are terrible because next to the knee, it is the most complex joint interms of muslces, ligaments, and tendons in the body. chances are, if you tore something in your shoulder, unless you get it fixed, you'll sufer from it for life because of the non stop repetitive use you put your shoulder through

Pretty much. I figure I probably tore something once and its been bad ever since. Not sure exactly what tho, maybe was the quad falling on top of me, maybe was at work hefting something or maybe was the time I fell down a coal hill in PA. Whatever it was it doomed me.

Not much I can really do for it except to try to take it easy on that shoulder. I talked to a Dr about a brace but he explained then Ill become dependant on it. IDK for sure if hes right, but I think Im only gonna wear it during work or intense activity if I get one. Gonna get the exercise band later today and start using it, strengthening it would be best.

It seriously aches right now just sitting at the computer and typing.

09-18-2012, 06:16 AM
I bought a LED flashlight for 10 bucks and it only lasted about 3 weeks.

10-14-2012, 06:12 PM
My usual riding spot has been fine for eons now.

Shoulda stayed away today when I saw the local pigs out and about. They got me with 2 suburbans, an explorer and a damn HMMWV (yes I said humvee it was a real deal military issue one too). There had to be at least 10 cops that hopped outta trucks at me. Hell I wasnt even riding yet-just going to my parking spot!

So yea, now I get a ticket for what basically is bs. While its illegal to basically ride anywhere in NJ, they always left us alone. Now they need money and this is there way to do it. It sure beats writing speeding tickets when the ticket I got is like $300 vs $100.

JOY! :ermm:

10-14-2012, 06:38 PM
Ouch. Sorry to hear bud! *******s.

10-14-2012, 06:43 PM
Sure does suck. there goes rebuilding my 450r topend for awhile.

On the bright side, at least they didnt impound my stuff.

10-14-2012, 06:57 PM
That sucks dude!!!

As always here a Fri king 4 hour project has me 5 in and 3 on a bent bolt that I can't cut out of the chassis. :(

Half way out at least :( :(

Back to work....

10-14-2012, 07:51 PM
That sucks steve.

As for me, oh well pay to play I guess. I also dont care if they see I wrote this (believe me they read pages such as this site to gleam info for where to go).

10-14-2012, 08:48 PM
bummer again dude!

at least i finally got the bolt out :D

now i can keep going forward with the engine removal tomorrow night.


10-16-2012, 08:37 PM
tonsillitis, had to pay the dr $100 cause I dont have insurance too. Least I got my rx for $4 at wallyworld. Hope this goes away my throat has never hurt this bad and my left side of my face/ear/throat is swollen from it too.