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11-09-2011, 11:32 AM
I can't hear anything :cuss:

11-09-2011, 05:26 PM
I just got kicked out of my storage unit! Only been there a little over a month and had it all set up as a garage. The owner drove by and saw me driving out the swingarm bearings on the hybrid! He then proceeded to cuss me out... FML

11-16-2011, 10:01 PM

was sort of a crap day... got alot done but just couldnt focus. was thinking of a certain someone alot today.

at least the week is almost over and i get all next week off to relax a bit.


11-17-2011, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003

was sort of a crap day... got alot done but just couldnt focus. was thinking of a certain someone alot today.

at least the week is almost over and i get all next week off to relax a bit.

steve Man i feel ya! I had an actual good day with the lady i always have issues with..but theres another girl im going camping with and riding so i think i might try to have a good time and not focus sooo much on the other one :)

11-17-2011, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by finsteratv
Man i feel ya! I had an actual good day with the lady i always have issues with..but theres another girl im going camping with and riding so i think i might try to have a good time and not focus sooo much on the other one :) YOU DOGGG!

11-17-2011, 05:28 PM
LOL go get em! im pretty much done working for the week, might do some ppts later but im on vaca hw wise. :D ill go to class tomorrow and then im done for 9 big ones.

was still a crappy day except that it was snowing :D cant be sad when its snowing outside. that was about the only saving grace for the day.


11-17-2011, 05:35 PM
Tried to fix my air compressor yesterday, damn thing has been rigged by whomever had it before me and the check valve to the 90 degree adapter just kept leaking. I thought it was the homemade adapter so I made a better one but no dice. I soldered the two together in hopes of fixing it, but instead I burnt the plastic and rubber inside the valve. now I need a new one.

Same day I also broke my friends flaring tool and we cant get parts till next week. It woulda been covered had it been snap on but the cheap bastid bought a blue point.

ATV Chic
11-17-2011, 06:29 PM
Broken arm with new hardware. wrecked the quad :(

11-17-2011, 07:16 PM
Its 815 and I'm already out of beer. :mad: :(

11-17-2011, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by ATV Chic
Broken arm with new hardware. wrecked the quad :(

glad to hear you are alright! breaking stuff sucks! Im still recouping from my toe i broke in july. It is almost all good though now. any pics of the carnage on that arm?


11-18-2011, 09:59 AM
Women in General Bother me.. If it wasn't for that Round Hole in their pants they would be useless..

11-18-2011, 12:17 PM
:D true dat!


ATV Chic
11-18-2011, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
glad to hear you are alright! breaking stuff sucks! Im still recouping from my toe i broke in july. It is almost all good though now. any pics of the carnage on that arm?




11-18-2011, 05:25 PM
wow doesnt look like a whole lot of fun.


ATV Chic
11-18-2011, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
wow doesnt look like a whole lot of fun.


Yea not really. Whats even dumber is the way it happened :/ jus lookin forward to workin on my new 03' crf 125 this winter that thing is a blast! Can't wait till spring!

11-18-2011, 08:12 PM
not bothering me too much, but while 98% of the university is home for thanksgiving break, my moron professor decided to schedule the final exam for my class tomorrow at 8 AM.

11-20-2011, 10:39 PM
was an interesting day today... was a bit irritated most of the day and probably a bit more snippy than most days. i just wanted to relax and still didnt really get to. sometimes mom and dad just get to ya. might be a long week being home. haha

was bummed about not getting a chance with the lady. just cant seem to shake her off. she is just too beautiful to forget about. was a tough day of messing around in the snow, cleaning cars with her on my mind. having her on my mind was probably the main reason i was irritated, if it wasnt the main, it was the most influential one.

on the bright side, i have been doing very well with avoiding her in my head and talking about her on here lately resulting in a much better attitude for the most part.

time for bed, gonna be a tough one i think. :( i need to ride tomorrow for sure.


11-20-2011, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
was an interesting day today... was a bit irritated most of the day and probably a bit more snippy than most days. i just wanted to relax and still didnt really get to. sometimes mom and dad just get to ya. might be a long week being home. haha

was bummed about not getting a chance with the lady. just cant seem to shake her off. she is just too beautiful to forget about. was a tough day of messing around in the snow, cleaning cars with her on my mind. having her on my mind was probably the main reason i was irritated, if it wasnt the main, it was the most influential one

on the bright side, i have been doing very well with avoiding her in my head and talking about her on here lately resulting in a much better attitude for the most part.

time for bed, gonna be a tough one i think. :( i need to ride tomorrow for sure.


Don't worry about it man.. i use to get bummed out all the time about girls.. i know i been there and it sucks i use to lose so much sleep over girls its not even funny.. me and my recent GF broke up few weeks ago and i was pretty bummed out the first day but i got over it.. i look at it everything happens for a reason and im sure there is a better girl out there waiting for you.. you just gotta seek her out.. might sound crazy but i know the girl im gonna marry. i might not be with her today but with every day that goes by im get closer and closer and i know for a fact she will be mine! but back to the subject. i wouldn't worry about it man it's not worth losing sleep over a worthless girl they are a dime a dozen..

11-20-2011, 11:08 PM
:D thanks for the words of encouragement. I know she is out there somewhere, just have to find her.


11-21-2011, 07:51 AM
i go to meps tuesday and i'm peeing green from otc diuretics lol. this could get kinda weird.

11-21-2011, 09:20 AM
Green....... Nice, more entertaining than the red pee from Azo!!! LOL

11-21-2011, 09:34 AM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
:D thanks for the words of encouragement. I know she is out there somewhere, just have to find her.


you will brotha keep strong.. lol and always wear a condom.. for them random hook up's.. lol sometimes i don't think but luckly God has blessed me and im clean.. haha i gotta learn to start thinking.. if u catch something girls won't want you.. right now sky's the limit! so Be Safe on that!

11-21-2011, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by buck440
i go to meps tuesday and i'm peeing green from otc diuretics lol. this could get kinda weird.

Ehh... don't worry... nobody is gonna say anything. As long as you can pass the drug test!! and seriously, make sure you can pee, don't go to the bathroom anytime after you get to the MEPS Center.

11-21-2011, 09:44 AM
i guess that is a side affect of diurex lol. i dont do drugs so i'm good. just loosing some water weight.

11-21-2011, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by buck440
i guess that is a side affect of diurex lol. i dont do drugs so i'm good. just loosing some water weight.

WELL, if you are still pissing green, they are gonna want to know why... If they find out its to lose weight, you'll be gone in the blink of an eye.. You are gonna have to think things through better next time... Most of the time they will just let you through if you just a few pounds over/under.

11-21-2011, 10:29 AM
i stopped taking it and it should clear up. i'm bigger so i'm getting the tape but i'll make it. i was told may would be when i'de go to Ft. Benning so i got time to:muscle:

11-21-2011, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by trailrider894
WELL, if you are still pissing green, they are gonna want to know why... If they find out its to lose weight, you'll be gone in the blink of an eye.. You are gonna have to think things through better next time... Most of the time they will just let you through if you just a few pounds over/under.

so forgive my ignorance...but why are all you guys that are going into the service so concerned about your weight? and b/f % and what not? i can understand if your were an extreme fat *** or some one who is unhealthy skinny, but whats the concern?

my brother is in the army, but i dont ever remember him worrying about his weight (me adn him are both athletically built with low body fat)......

11-21-2011, 10:54 AM
because you have to weigh at least a certain amount and if your over you have to be in the acceptable body fat %. the majority of the u.s. is overweight and weight is one of the biggest problems for possible recruits.

it cost around $250,000 to train a Soldier from the begining to the end and they don't like to waist their money on people who are "less able" like fat people. it cost $10,000 from the time you get sent to meps to the time you get sent home if you pass it all.

you can even be demoted, punnished and discharged if you get and stay above the allowable bf% and it happens all the time. it keeps you from being promoted and slows down your pt scores. weight is a big deal in the military.

11-21-2011, 03:18 PM
So mad.. Damn trailer right hand turn signal wont work. No power at the wire on trailer, no power at wire on truck. Trace wire back up into harness, stupid converter box musta gone bad cause I got power till it hits there. New harness is 50 bucks... ugh.. :grr:

11-21-2011, 03:46 PM
well after not hearing anything from my friend for months, i finally heard from her today. :D

almost fell off the couch after i got her text back. the beep woke me up from my nap, but it was well worth it.

a small step but a victory for me. im not getting my hopes up but at least it is better than nothing again.


11-21-2011, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
well after not hearing anything from my friend for months, i finally heard from her today. :D

almost fell off the couch after i got her text back. the beep woke me up from my nap, but it was well worth it.

a small step but a victory for me. im not getting my hopes up but at least it is better than nothing again.


Glad to hear man..glad to hear...

11-21-2011, 04:41 PM
thanks. Very small victory on wishing a happy thanksgiving to her and hearing back but hey its a good step. lol


11-21-2011, 04:59 PM
yeah buddy :devil:

11-21-2011, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by CJM
So mad.. Damn trailer right hand turn signal wont work. No power at the wire on trailer, no power at wire on truck. Trace wire back up into harness, stupid converter box musta gone bad cause I got power till it hits there. New harness is 50 bucks... ugh.. :grr:
Check your fuses. I had the same thing happen to me and never even considered the thought of a blown fuse.

11-21-2011, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
thanks. Very small victory on wishing a happy thanksgiving to her and hearing back but hey its a good step. lol

steve Dont get hooked on her again..feeling like theres a chance and trying all over again. been there done that over and over! I seem to have sl#ts around just fine, but they arent what i want let alone bringing one home to my parents :blah:

11-21-2011, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
thanks. Very small victory on wishing a happy thanksgiving to her and hearing back but hey its a good step. lol

steve Dont get hooked on her again..feeling like theres a chance and trying all over again. been there done that over and over! I seem to have sl#ts around just fine, but they arent what i want let alone bringing one home to my parents :blah:

11-21-2011, 05:59 PM
lots of whinney *** *****es up in this joint!:rolleyes:

watch this ****, laugh, smile, enjoy life....:devil:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/xfNluQ888g4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

11-21-2011, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by finsteratv
Dont get hooked on her again..feeling like theres a chance and trying all over again. been there done that over and over! I seem to have sl#ts around just fine, but they arent what i want let alone bringing one home to my parents :blah:

nah im not going to let that happen again. im staying away with the occasional text every now and again and ill leave it at that.

once a week or a bit more is enough lol.


11-21-2011, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
nah im not going to let that happen again. im staying away with the occasional text every now and again and ill leave it at that.

once a week or a bit more is enough lol.

steve im telling you. just whip out your wang and be like check this abnormal thing out would you like to stroke it his names peter.

11-21-2011, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by ben300
so forgive my ignorance...but why are all you guys that are going into the service so concerned about your weight? and b/f % and what not? i can understand if your were an extreme fat *** or some one who is unhealthy skinny, but whats the concern?

my brother is in the army, but i dont ever remember him worrying about his weight (me adn him are both athletically built with low body fat)......

I was too skinny when i went in... It was hell... Double Rations, try eating double rations in 3 minutes... not fun... extra PT, i got smoked all to often... etc... You want to be within your Height/Weight Group when you go in...

11-21-2011, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
nah im not going to let that happen again. im staying away with the occasional text every now and again and ill leave it at that.

once a week or a bit more is enough lol.

steve there ya go!

11-21-2011, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
nah im not going to let that happen again. im staying away with the occasional text every now and again and ill leave it at that.

once a week or a bit more is enough lol.


idk man i wouldn't waste your time.. and you can never be just friends after dating that **** never works out trust me.. if you see her with another guy your just gonna go on a roid rage.. and thats kinda F'ed up that she didn't return your text before.. lol one of my ex's didn't return my text o did she hear it i b*tched her out so bad .. lol i told her she was childish and worthless b*tch .. And would i take her back today hell no.. i don't take Sh*t from no one.. and she knows i could have another girl tomorrow..im not a cheater but all the **** i was put threw i should have cheated on her when i had the chance..:mad:

11-22-2011, 05:43 AM
Originally posted by madsmokey12
idk man i wouldn't waste your time.. and you can never be just friends after dating that **** never works out trust me.. if you see her with another guy your just gonna go on a roid rage.. and thats kinda F'ed up that she didn't return your text before.. lol one of my ex's didn't return my text o did she hear it i b*tched her out so bad .. lol i told her she was childish and worthless b*tch .. And would i take her back today hell no.. i don't take Sh*t from no one.. and she knows i could have another girl tomorrow..im not a cheater but all the **** i was put threw i should have cheated on her when i had the chance..:mad:

not to be a dick,and i dont know your story, but this ^^^, is probably why she doesnt want to return your texts or talk to you.....sounds like you got some anger issues bro

but at the same time, ill agree with you someone what...not the getting angry part, but, the best advice i was ever given was by my uncle and he simply put it as "dont ever run back into a burning building."

11-22-2011, 04:32 PM
lol at the past few posts

never dated her or anything like that so im covered there.

im not concerned with what she does or doesnt do, she is busy at school just like myself. not an excuse but i guess some people dont like to be bothered when busy. most of the time i dont.

on another good note: I got the sleds loaded up today and ready to head north on sunday. :D


11-22-2011, 05:19 PM
Screw this rain.. Total BS..


11-22-2011, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
lol at the past few posts

never dated her or anything like that so im covered there.

im not concerned with what she does or doesnt do, she is busy at school just like myself. not an excuse but i guess some people dont like to be bothered when busy. most of the time i dont.

on another good note: I got the sleds loaded up today and ready to head north on sunday. :D


I'm glad she texted ya back but was it just because of the holiday and she was trying to be nice? Doesn't really make sense she would just start texting you after 2 months of not. I'm just saying don't get your hopes up if you text her once or more a week and she doesn't respond.

11-22-2011, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by ben300
not to be a dick,and i dont know your story, but this ^^^, is probably why she doesnt want to return your texts or talk to you.....sounds like you got some anger issues bro

but at the same time, ill agree with you someone what...not the getting angry part, but, the best advice i was ever given was by my uncle and he simply put it as "dont ever run back into a burning building."

i was nice to her the whole time never yelled or got pissed off.. i even hungout with her after we broke up and she was all touching me and stuff being all flirty.. i hate girls that tease.. so what ever i let it slide.. we would talk and everything is fine and then i texted one day it was like 2 weeks after everything just to see how she was and she never text me back.. and a few days later i asked for my personal stuff back and she just set me off.. idk she was prob mad i was talking to some girls and she hated them.. i just don't like taking **** from girls and letting them run all over me.. plus she said some **** to my sister in law about me and it got back to me so i was already steaming and that just set me off..

11-22-2011, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by ngates788
I'm glad she texted ya back but was it just because of the holiday and she was trying to be nice? Doesn't really make sense she would just start texting you after 2 months of not. I'm just saying don't get your hopes up if you text her once or more a week and she doesn't respond.

holiday and she is off school for the week so she wasnt as busy as usual.

im def not holding my breathe thats for sure. haha was just nice to hear anything after deciding that i wouldnt hear from her at all any more.

ive pretty much moved past all of the recent ladies and decided single life is nice again. winter is coming, riding is upon us in another week or two and i dont need anything or anyone slowing me down and trying to impede on my riding. not that it would hurt to have a lovely lady to ride with if the opportunity arose. haha I dont want to sound rude but im just tired of jacking with them.

plenty of time in life to find someone. no need to be depressed and bummed out. the most recent ones can go screw themselves, im not going to beg them to do anything with me, it just isnt worth jacking with anyone that isnt ready for some fun.


11-22-2011, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
holiday and she is off school for the week so she wasnt as busy as usual.

im def not holding my breathe thats for sure. haha was just nice to hear anything after deciding that i wouldnt hear from her at all any more.

ive pretty much moved past all of the recent ladies and decided single life is nice again. winter is coming, riding is upon us in another week or two and i dont need anything or anyone slowing me down and trying to impede on my riding. not that it would hurt to have a lovely lady to ride with if the opportunity arose. haha I dont want to sound rude but im just tired of jacking with them.

plenty of time in life to find someone. no need to be depressed and bummed out. the most recent ones can go screw themselves, im not going to beg them to do anything with me, it just isnt worth jacking with anyone that isnt ready for some fun.


there you go man!! lol you gotta find a girl with a quad!! every girl i ever dated i put them on my 06 Blaster and all they would do is stall out.. lol they always wanted to try my YFZ haha that was like a death machine.. but im working on a new girl right now.. i heard she rides quads ;)

11-22-2011, 09:13 PM
lol def, theres a reason i have 2 of everything ;) haha just gotta find one that doesnt smoke, drink, or party alot. haha thats the main problem up here, mainly the drinking. i dont care about a drink every now and again or whatever but when it is a nightly deal or going out weekly to the bar thats no good.

it is a major issue here with everyone my age it seems... :(


11-22-2011, 09:16 PM
thats why i had such high hope with the last one. lol she was interested in trying everything i do, most of it she did with me over the summer while on vaca at the resort. she was excited to ride an atv for the first time, i let her drive our rincon with me helping. she liked fishing, wanted to snowboard and snowmobile and such. plus she was gorgeous!

hard to find that around here too, thus the reason why she went back home.

if they look good on Tomahawk, they are lost or tourists!


11-22-2011, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
lol def, theres a reason i have 2 of everything ;) haha just gotta find one that doesnt smoke, drink, or party alot. haha thats the main problem up here, mainly the drinking. i dont care about a drink every now and again or whatever but when it is a nightly deal or going out weekly to the bar thats no good.

it is a major issue here with everyone my age it seems... :(


yea it is .. i agree with you man girls that drink and party alot are just trouble.. sadly i sold my 2 quads i had a 06 blaster and a 08 yfz 450 SE.. i thought i would be working alot and i would never ride them.. i regret selling them but good news is that im not quadless for now i have a little 08 honda trx250ex got a good deal on.. might be sold tomorrow i had a guy offer me $1700 so ill make some money off it.. and i bought a little 92 kx 80 run's excellent just needs chain and brakes fixed only payed $240.. and prob have it sold for $350 tomorrow.. so thats positive maybe ill have a 450 soon :devil:

11-22-2011, 09:57 PM
my last and only gf was getting into some pretty heavy drinking when we broke up. 4.5 years and she finally gave into the partying and drinking and let it get her. :( was sad to see the digression as she went through school, started with not drinking. to a drink or so a month, then a favorite, then once a week, then almost nightly after work. :( oh well... her loss

nice! always good to make some money. i hope to never have to get rid of my machines. dont plan on it now and wont plan on it in the future thats for sure.

250s are nice machines, i had a new one back in 01. that was my first atv i sort of bought on my own. lol great machine, ill probably have another one some day to have for the wife.

you should have seen my friends eyes when i told her she could ride the r haha :eek2: almost looked like that haha.

thats my favorite part of having someone to do things with, experiencing new things with them and seeing them progress in things that they think they cant do before trying it.


11-22-2011, 10:04 PM
8000th post... wow i need a life



11-22-2011, 10:12 PM
Pissed off that I have to have a brand new rear shock rather than new seals. I blew my shock about a month ago. Brand new shock=money I don't have for awhile.

11-22-2011, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
my last and only gf was getting into some pretty heavy drinking when we broke up. 4.5 years and she finally gave into the partying and drinking and let it get her. :( was sad to see the digression as she went through school, started with not drinking. to a drink or so a month, then a favorite, then once a week, then almost nightly after work. :( oh well... her loss

nice! always good to make some money. i hope to never have to get rid of my machines. dont plan on it now and wont plan on it in the future thats for sure.

250s are nice machines, i had a new one back in 01. that was my first atv i sort of bought on my own. lol great machine, ill probably have another one some day to have for the wife.

you should have seen my friends eyes when i told her she could ride the r haha :eek2: almost looked like that haha.

thats my favorite part of having someone to do things with, experiencing new things with them and seeing them progress in things that they think they cant do before trying it.


i like the 250r .. but im rolling with the trx 250ex lol it's like an ant compaired to my old 08 YFZ 450.. to be honest its a great quad and if i never stepped on to a 450 i would be fine with it and keep it.. but nothing is like the speed and the handling of a 450.. my next quad is prob gonna be a yfz450 because im use to them..But i really wish i could test drive a TRX 450r and a KFX 450 just to see how i like them. to be honest some of you might hate me for this but im a die hard Yamaha Fan i was never a honda fan but after owning this trx 250ex they did a pretty good job on it! so im gonna look into the honda 450r's

11-22-2011, 11:36 PM
you have the sport clutch one right? i had the regular one but my neighbor had a sport clutch one, man that thing was fun. he had 18s on it for a while so it got up quickly and was a complete blast.

the 250r is completely different lol.

i guess i can let the yami thing slide under tonight. haha someone has to buy those things.

11-22-2011, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
you have the sport clutch one right? i had the regular one but my neighbor had a sport clutch one, man that thing was fun. he had 18s on it for a while so it got up quickly and was a complete blast.

the 250r is completely different lol.

i guess i can let the yami thing slide under tonight. haha someone has to buy those things.

no it's the regular.. it weird it's almost like a automatic..

But yami always been good to me.. i use do off shore fishing tourny's in florida before i moved to NC and on all our boats we use to run yami's never had any problems they are the best engine on the water!

11-23-2011, 07:25 AM
i can't wait until my stuff sells so i can get a 450.. almost had the Trx 250 ex sold to some one else but she said she wanted a trail bike not a racing bike lol.. i told her it was a trail bike.. lol i would no way in hell ever race with this bike.. it's 100% stock 250ex you can't get more trail then that.. unless u got buy one of them 4x4 bikes

11-23-2011, 04:41 PM
I thought I got really lucky with my wife, she told me that she loved riding, had ridden quads for years....... Come to find out, she has only ridden a Grizzly..... Auto-frikkin-matic.... LOL

11-23-2011, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by crlt250r
I thought I got really lucky with my wife, she told me that she loved riding, had ridden quads for years....... Come to find out, she has only ridden a Grizzly..... Auto-frikkin-matic.... LOL

damn.. you gotta teach her to drive a 5 speed it's not that hard..

11-23-2011, 06:55 PM
lol get her an auto machine like a polaris trailblazer 250 or something if she doesnt want to shift.

at least she rides lol.


11-24-2011, 02:58 PM
We have been!! She learned pretty quick. Now I just have to finish building the motor for my sons bike, and we'll all be on the trails. :-D

11-24-2011, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by crlt250r
We have been!! She learned pretty quick. Now I just have to finish building the motor for my sons bike, and we'll all be on the trails. :-D

where do u ride in tampa? the only places i know is Croom and that ****ty place in st pete.. im from Clearwater beach FL lived there for like 10 years.. still got a house there

11-24-2011, 04:34 PM
There's a couple small spots we go here locally. We have friends with average. Other than that, we're waiting for dirty foot to reopen, and have gone to the Delancy loops a couple times in Ocala National. Screw Croom..... In a pinch, there's always Rancho.

11-24-2011, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by crlt250r
There's a couple small spots we go here locally. We have friends with average. Other than that, we're waiting for dirty foot to reopen, and have gone to the Delancy loops a couple times in Ocala National. Screw Croom..... In a pinch, there's always Rancho.

yea i go back and forth for NC and FL.. right now im quadless . 3 months ago i had a 08 yfz 450 Special Edition and a 06 Blaster.. We were in partners with my uncle on a restaurant and it was open 7 days a week from 11 AM to 2 Am at night alot of hours. so i sold both of my quads thinking im gonna be way to busy to even ride them or start them up.. After a month down the road we all get in a fight and we just ended up walking out on the place.. now im wishing i never sold them.. but im fixxin on getting another one here pretty soon.. if this guy takes my offer on this bike i might have one tomorrow.. lol im kinda an impulsive buyer.. but i wanna find a good bike for a good price

11-26-2011, 02:31 PM
gotta go back to houghton tonight :(

spent $92 on gas and didnt even fill my car up. only put gas in the sleds, snow blower and 2 5 gal cans.

have homework to do tomorrow and a test this week.

want to call my friend but thats never going to happen. haha

its going to be a long trip back to houghton pulling the trailer with 2 sleds and the snowblower. gonna give the 4L a workout today. lol

ah i guess thats about it.

11-27-2011, 04:38 PM
2 for 2 the last two weeks with texts:D school starts again tomorrow though so i dont expect anything next week, was shocked again today. :D almost fell off of my chair while doing hw when i flipped my phone open.


11-27-2011, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
2 for 2 the last two weeks with texts:D school starts again tomorrow though so i dont expect anything next week, was shocked again today. :D almost fell off of my chair while doing hw when i flipped my phone open.

steve pshh "flipped open" that explains your lady problems! you need a new phone from now not the past! haha

11-27-2011, 07:11 PM
The fact that I haven't had sex in over 4 months... And I've been with her almost 4 years.

11-27-2011, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by finsteratv
pshh "flipped open" that explains your lady problems! you need a new phone from now not the past! haha

had a lg chocolate that took a crap... now i have a motorola hard cased flip phone. I actually got texting when i got the motorola.

sounds like she needs to go... been there done that, was about 3 or 4 months for me before i said bye. that was 4 years and 6 months with her... what good is listening to all of that whining if she aint putting out lol.


11-27-2011, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by YFZ-FoFiddy-TC
The fact that I haven't had sex in over 4 months... And I've been with her almost 4 years.

holy ****.. that blows! .. i couldn't imagine being with someone and not having sex.. **** i was going crazy when me and my ex didn't have it for 2 weeks.. but 4 months sounds like u need a new girl!

11-27-2011, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by YFZ-FoFiddy-TC
The fact that I haven't had sex in over 4 months... And I've been with her almost 4 years.

No nookie for 4 months, been together for 4 years, sounds like you've only been married for 5 months....

11-27-2011, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by crlt250r
No nookie for 4 months, been together for 4 years, sounds like you've only been married for 5 months....

That or she's cheating on you.. i don't care what people say girls like sex just as much as we do.. **** when one of my ex girl friends came into town we would have sex 3 times a day;) o how i miss her:(

11-27-2011, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by madsmokey12
That or she's cheating on you.. i don't care what people say girls like sex just as much as we do.. **** when one of my ex girl friends came into town we would have sex 3 times a day;) o how i miss her:( i know what you ate for breakfast,lunch and dinner ;) haha

11-27-2011, 08:21 PM
Hahaha :) gotta love when the gf came to school. :)


11-27-2011, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by finsteratv
i know what you ate for breakfast,lunch and dinner ;) haha


11-28-2011, 02:56 PM
im not sure what ill do with all of my time ill have when im done with school in may

im actually quite worried about being done haha i know i have the tools needed but my confidence is just not there to be sure of calculations and such. im not quite sure how im going to overcome that and have faith in what i do instead of doubting it all the time. when i do things for myself i know they are how i want, it is different when others lives can be at stake is something is messed up after i design it.

fear of rejection lingers on my mind for some reason right now... its a sucky feeling thats for sure.

i need to study for my vibes test i have on wednesday which i have about 5 hours in already and im still not sure on what i am doing. back to confidence para above...

idk today... just a long one i guess.
Anyone having one of those busy mondays?


11-28-2011, 09:25 PM
I ran out of apple butter :( ..

11-28-2011, 10:47 PM
Doesnt seem like i enjoy doing anything but being in the woods and riding..been that way for the past couple monthes but idk why. I even make excuses to not go out with friends and oh steve im not even scared of rejection because i have the feeling i dont even have a chance, she just plays with me it seems like. Life has been full of long days and even longer nights, sick for the last month to boot..:(

11-28-2011, 10:57 PM
lol im used to rejection, we are paddling the same boat. ive always been the red neck kid that wears race jerseys and boots, just smart enough to be anything i want lol. the ladies i seem to approach are the smart type and seem to think for some reason they are better than me. been that way forever.

im mainly concerned with rejection at work, i dont want anything to happen at my first real job as an engineer. I hate fing stuff up.

bummer on the sucky couple of months, was there a while back. im much better now that snow is coming and such. lol

i pretty much gave up on caring about what i do daily as long as i get my work done ahead of time and as correct as i can.

thats my only way of staying sane all day and how i can get a half way decent nights sleep. Im all set for the week now, just have to keep studying for my test. I made some good progress on learning the material tonight, i had the basics but was confused on the final step to get the correct answers. i finally started to figure it out a bit tonight.


11-28-2011, 11:06 PM
lol i don't think i even been rejected.. the only time i thing i was even close was when i went up to this random girl and said we should hangout some time and she asked for my number and later that night her Boyfriend called me Saying that he was her brother and i found out she don't have a brother lmao.. and he said he was gonna gut me or some SH*T.. i thought it was funnier then hell she never said she had a boyfriend and she still asked me for my number.. and the funnest thing was her boyfriend Apologized to me haha..

11-28-2011, 11:07 PM
All im doing is trying to kee pushing till i get my liscence so i can drive out to ride. And same here with the redneck and being smart. it makes me tend to overthink at times..I do fine with ladies but not the ones i want it seems like lately..I flirt it up fine and coul get FWB or whatever but thats not my thing. riding is. All that really matters to me along with running and wrenching.

11-28-2011, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by madsmokey12
lol i don't think i even been rejected.. the only time i thing i was even close was when i went up to this random girl and said we should hangout some time and she asked for my number and later that night her Boyfriend called me Saying that he was her brother and i found out she don't have a brother lmao.. and he said he was gonna gut me or some SH*T.. i thought it was funnier then hell she never said she had a boyfriend and she still asked me for my number.. and the funnest thing was her boyfriend Apologized to me haha.. lmao that like how some girls will watch football practice (boyfriends) but for cross country i run with no shirt and there bf's get mad when i get there ladies attention haha then they tell me how hot they think i am :devil:

11-28-2011, 11:10 PM
im an alright looking guy i think

my classification of myself:
1/3 nerdy engineer
1/3 redneck
1/3 business man

clean up when i need to, grow a beard for efficiency when i dont. haha sorry engineer joke i guess. thats the 1/3 nerd speaking.


11-28-2011, 11:13 PM
1/3 smart kid
1/3 Athlete
1/3 red neck

seems to make me well rounded
and the girl i liked i did take to homecoming but...ahh whole nother story

11-28-2011, 11:17 PM
my problem with the ladies is i never just have one girl in my life.. i have 3-4 at a time and i can't make up my mind and i end up picking the wrong one thinking it's the right girl for me and i end up screwing my self over lmao.. this happend to me like 5 or 6 times.. i have a really bad problem flirting with other girls.. i have to say single life is good not wasting money on a worthless girl and you can look at any girl you want.. but your not getting laid thats the only down fall.. And i Recommend don't have them move in or sleep over all the time when your first dating it really hurts the relationship. you start depending on them..

11-28-2011, 11:23 PM
lol im 1/2 quad racer/wrencher
1/4smart :P
1/4 redneck lol

i just do my projects in my gargae and its like relaxing to me. i could do a rebuild every winter and not mind just the wait to ride kinda sucks!! besides where i live there is no hot girls at all. 1tooth becky or lazy eye sally !!!! haha

11-28-2011, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by finsteratv
lmao that like how some girls will watch football practice (boyfriends) but for cross country i run with no shirt and there bf's get mad when i get there ladies attention haha then they tell me how hot they think i am :devil:

i had some crazy as$ sh*t happen to me.. i sold something on craigslist to this girls dad and i thought she was pretty hot.. so the leave and everything went well.. lol like 45 mins later i get a text message from this girl saying that she thought i was hot and she asked me if i wanted to go out sometime.. and another time i was hanging out with my buddy and he was trying to pull this girl she was hot.. model hot.. i just met her like 30 mins ago.. so we were chillin in a hot tub and he walks off and she just comes over to me and starts making out with me and he comes back lmao haha u could tell he was pist.. i didn't care because he tried to steal girls from me before but it always backfires and they funny thing is all his girls try to hook up with me..

11-29-2011, 01:18 AM
Working 3rd shift and cant stay awake.

11-29-2011, 04:57 AM
I have to go to school.

11-29-2011, 08:31 AM
Originally posted by madsmokey12
i had some crazy as$ sh*t happen to me.. i sold something on craigslist to this girls dad and i thought she was pretty hot.. so the leave and everything went well.. lol like 45 mins later i get a text message from this girl saying that she thought i was hot and she asked me if i wanted to go out sometime.. and another time i was hanging out with my buddy and he was trying to pull this girl she was hot.. model hot.. i just met her like 30 mins ago.. so we were chillin in a hot tub and he walks off and she just comes over to me and starts making out with me and he comes back lmao haha u could tell he was pist.. i didn't care because he tried to steal girls from me before but it always backfires and they funny thing is all his girls try to hook up with me..
whata player! haha..

11-29-2011, 09:06 AM
Originally posted by finsteratv
whata player! haha..

haha i just think it's luck.. i don't really care about having a bunch of women in my life i just want one thats right for me.. And after all these years i been searching i know who the right girl is for me.. she was right in front of my face the whole time i just never had my chance at her..

we go way back i met her from florida 7 years ago and i always liked her since just never had my chance.. and she ended up moving back to her home town.. well isn't it funny today i am living in her home town. for what reason idk but their has to be a reason why God put me here..

when i first moved here i only seen her once i tired to hangout with her and she would not even talk to me ( she had a boyfriend at the time) so i just gave up.. like a year later her and her boyfriend broke up.. and one day she just shows up at my restaurant (when we were building it) and i was pretty shocked she called out my name and came up to me and gave me a hug..

so i was like thats pretty cool then she called the next day to hang out i was like dang.. i didn't know if she liked me or not so i didn't want to make things awkward and start hitting on her.. so my buddy comes over with his sister (Ex GF) and his sister really liked me just kept asking questions about me and you could tell the girl didn't really like it..

next day we open up the restaurant (Friday Night) and she comes with some guy (PROB to make me jealous) and it did.. and she was just blowing me off all night.. and i was like what Ev's

lol then my buddy's sister comes (EX GF) and i was pretty angry about it the other girl so im like screw it and i started hanging out my my Buddy's sister and we got super close over the week end..

Well Monday comes and her comes this girl again and this time she was all over me.. following me everywhere. and i had to leave to go pick up something and she was like im coming with.. and we were in the car and she just started asking all these questions about my buddys sister and bashing her.. (They didn't even know each other) And that told me 100% that she wanted me..

Problem was i was with my buddys sister and it wasn't right for me to break things off for another girl.. it wouldn't look good on my behalf.. and after me and my buddys sister started dating i didn't hear or see her for like a month after we broke up.. and it was already to late she ended up back with her Ex BF :(

So now i just gotta play the waiting game i know she will be back.. her mama hates the guy and she like me:D

11-29-2011, 10:32 AM
My belly has been screwed up for 2 days now.. Too scared to fart in fear of sharting all over myself....

Then, I lost my lighter and am looking like a real tool using my MAPP gas torch to light my smoke... Ugh. LOL

11-29-2011, 12:52 PM
my dog obviously stole my pudding :devil:

11-29-2011, 06:04 PM
bryson lol

tore down the SCD project today yay and nay

sad to see it go, glad to see it leave lol

i have a bunch of vibes to do and i just want to relax tonight before my test tomorrow. I have a few more things to review and ill be good to go though.


11-29-2011, 08:35 PM
My birthday is tommorow and i just got my varsity letter tonight but for some reason none of it feels like it matters. Not many freshmen get varsity letters too.

11-29-2011, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by 01boneless
my dog obviously stole my pudding :devil:

"He said with an evil grin" LOL

11-29-2011, 08:59 PM

11-30-2011, 08:51 AM
i should be studying instead of on exriders. ahaha


11-30-2011, 10:34 AM
I'm on call tonight, and its been a busy week so far....

11-30-2011, 10:51 AM
Wishing i was working making money.. and that my future wife will dump her boyfriend..

11-30-2011, 12:04 PM

not much right now. I hope i did well on my vibes test i just got done with. I think i did so thats nice.

time to start studying for my next one next week, getting ready for my presentations next week, and start studying for my finals i have in a few weeks.


11-30-2011, 05:13 PM
my days are just dragging on. Today was my birthday and it was just like any other day except people telling me happy birthday. The only thing i asked for was to go riding this weekend and my dad said no..

11-30-2011, 05:35 PM
bummer man! go yourself then...


11-30-2011, 05:48 PM
i wish! only 15 so no liscence..friends arent going out because they dont like mud/rain/snow but personally i love nasty gnarly rides or any riding for that matter. Got invited to go ride MX friday but cant because my dad said no since my mom just had surgery and he doesnt want to have to watch me and waste his time. plus i have swim friday...5 days a week :scary: sports seem to become life sucking.

11-30-2011, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by finsteratv
i wish! only 15 so no liscence..friends arent going out because they dont like mud/rain/snow but personally i love nasty gnarly rides or any riding for that matter. Got invited to go ride MX friday but cant because my dad said no since my mom just had surgery and he doesnt want to have to watch me and waste his time. plus i have swim friday...5 days a week :scary: sports seem to become life sucking.

quit the swim :devil:

11-30-2011, 05:56 PM
ha.ha.ha..try to tell my mom..guess its not too bad considering im a good swimmer and it'll keep me in shape for lacrosse/track. hoping the AD will let me swing both sports.

11-30-2011, 07:19 PM
Whats bothering me is that I feel like everything is against me going to college. I checked the colleges website several times to make sure the early action date was decemeber 31st. Checked it yesterday to find it was really december 1st. And to top it off I had my whole college essay finished yesterday and i had saved it in a old folder in accident and trying to make some room on my computer i deleted that folder.... and emptied my trash not realizing. then today on the last page of the common app online i closed my computer and when i opened it the connection was reset so i have to start over and my new essay still isnt done. i have until tomorrow. tonight will be sleepless.

12-02-2011, 11:31 PM
my new and favorite phone just bit the dust. But ofcourse my mom gets an Iphone.

12-03-2011, 01:48 PM
that it is 3:45 already and i dont have much to show for the day yet.

oh the bad things that come from sleeping in way way too long. haha

at least I have the most important hw done already, now i just have to start studying for tests i have coming up...

gonna be a fun day for sure-

12-03-2011, 02:12 PM
thank for reminding me i have HW steve..haha

12-03-2011, 03:34 PM
that i went through 10 pages of this thread because i dont have anything else to do.Its cold and muddy and still raining.Such a boring day.ill just keep reading this thread LOL

12-03-2011, 03:37 PM
man you must be bored.

myself and a few others' issues and problems for the past 3 months since i made the thread lol.


12-03-2011, 03:42 PM
Mother effing effing shizzzzzzzz...... Effing motor on my sons bike caught effing fire, caught the effing gas tank...... I grabbed the effing gas tank and threw it, effing aim was off, hit the effing house and nearly caught the effing house on fire..... So...... Found out the CDI box was bad, so the CDI is ordered, and a new effing gas tank. Now ready to get in the shower and was my nasty effing butt, and kill an effing twelve pack, and an anchovy effin pizza. Hope you all have a great mother effing night LOL :devil: :devil: :devil: :eek2:

12-03-2011, 03:44 PM
sorry g

lol my day has been going pretty well considering i havent done much haha


wolfe 21
12-03-2011, 03:49 PM
trying to find a Ruger SR1911 at any local shop for any price under MSRP. I can't even find somebody that knows when they might be shipping them. Oh, and I have yet to feel well enuff to go out and ride. FLU SUCKS.

12-03-2011, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by wolfe 21
trying to find a Ruger SR1911 at any local shop for any price under MSRP. I can't even find somebody that knows when they might be shipping them. Oh, and I have yet to feel well enuff to go out and ride. FLU SUCKS.

Check out my buddy's site im sure he can get you a SR1911..

12-03-2011, 09:19 PM
that i read through the you might be an engineer if list on this site

and laugh then say yup got that covered and it applies to me. haha :(


12-09-2011, 07:29 PM
I wish I had 2700 laying around.. found a really clean trx450

12-09-2011, 07:32 PM
I am getting boozed up, no females are answering me back :( WTF.. It is still early though :)


12-09-2011, 07:35 PM
as great as this week has been for stuff going great, I am sad to see it end. I will miss meeting with my team, working on our project, and all of the aspects of senior design. I am actually quite bummed about it ending...

i wish i had 18,000 to buy the sickest hummer i have seen. the guy laughed at the 10000 + my two cars that i offered before looking at it.


12-09-2011, 07:54 PM
Hummers overated Steve. You should find a nice GMC topkick like they used in transformers. It eats hummers for breakfast!

12-09-2011, 08:03 PM
nope h2 FTW :D always wanted one, Ill have one in the spring after im done with school. its going to be my graduation present to myself. :D

gonna have a 6" lift, goki roof rack, warn winch, 41s, and a full exo cage on it. I cant wait to make the cage for it. :D

the one i found has 9.5" of lift and 44s on it with a full exhaust and a few other things. 28,000 is just too much for me right now i think.

thats going to be my first car in my collection. lol

then i can finish up the honda collection with a 88 or 89 r, a 09 450r, and a stock 2003 400ex. then that collection will be done. I have to get one more 06 mxz X 800 121" thats stock also to complete the sled collection of previous stuff.

oh the plans i have. most of it is cheap stuff since it is all old. lol at least thinking of all the awesome stuff i currently have and the stuff i want to get has distracted me from being depressed about senior design.


12-09-2011, 08:13 PM
my right abductor muscle and my right nut has been hurting for the past 4 years. no medical insurance so i have to deAL WITH THE FUYCKING PAIN.

12-09-2011, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by buck440
my right abductor muscle and my right nut has been hurting for the past 4 years. no medical insurance so i have to deAL WITH THE FUYCKING PAIN.

F the med insurance I think Id go see wtf it is. Hernia maybe?

12-09-2011, 09:50 PM
need money gotta sell my quad:(

12-09-2011, 09:56 PM
bummer man!


12-09-2011, 10:44 PM
thinking about asking the woman ive been thinking of for months (the one referenced in this thread and pretty much the start of this thread), to see if she would like to come up and snowmobile over break.

not sure if i want to mess with it though... single in the winter is nice lol. i can ride when i want and dont have to go anywhere but home for the holidays.

decisions to make... im not sure if want to go through the grief either. been down that road already and i dont think it was worth it. haha i wouldnt have to face another likely rejection either...

im trying to figure out how i can afford a hummer before im done with school... doesnt seem like a real good idea though to get one while im still in. I dont think i could get any money anyway so it wouldnt matter. i havent worked since august haha i have the money for the payments but the bank wants to see a job and steady income to give me 10 grand or so.

am i done with school done yet? shouldnt have taken this minor... it will be worth it though. May is coming soon enough.

slipped off the good mood sidewalk tonight. I was living it up and riding high all week. slipped on the ice a bit tonight :(


12-09-2011, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
thinking about asking the woman ive been thinking of for months (the one referenced in this thread and pretty much the start of this thread), to see if she would like to come up and snowmobile over break.

not sure if i want to mess with it though... single in the winter is nice lol. i can ride when i want and dont have to go anywhere but home for the holidays.

decisions to make... im not sure if want to go through the grief either. been down that road already and i dont think it was worth it. haha i wouldnt have to face another likely rejection either...

im trying to figure out how i can afford a hummer before im done with school... doesnt seem like a real good idea though to get one while im still in. I dont think i could get any money anyway so it wouldnt matter. i havent worked since august haha i have the money for the payments but the bank wants to see a job and steady income to give me 10 grand or so.

am i done with school done yet? shouldnt have taken this minor... it will be worth it though. May is coming soon enough.

slipped off the good mood sidewalk tonight. I was living it up and riding high all week. slipped on the ice a bit tonight :(


Single During the Holidays is great you save go much money:D

I kinda wish my Quad would sell so i can buy a dang car im like $$1,500 short and im only asking $2500 for the quad and thats a damn good deal for mine.. i had a guy come out tonight on Desperation for $2,500 Guy Drove 2 hours to come look at it.. i was kinda Excited because i thought he was gonna buy it. and he said he liked it and wanted me to hold it.. i was a little pissed off because i got the bike looking perfect for this guy thinking im gonna sell it.. and im like na im taking it to florida and loaded it right on the trailer in front of him.. i mean who drives 2 hours to come look at a bike and likes the bike and don't buy it.. it not like he didn't have the money he had a brand new Silverado...

On the good news im going to Florida Tomorrow im gonna take the quad with and see if i can sell it while im there hopefully i have some luck i got all my friends asking around for me i told them ill throw them a hundred bucks or so if they sell it.. Plus i got a Date on Sunday :)

12-10-2011, 06:47 PM
LOL mad. single is a bitter sweet relationship haha.

been a good day so far though, got some of my first final done. it is my only take home so i have to get it done for tuesday. I have 2 more to study for so I dont want to wait that long to get it done.


12-13-2011, 04:45 PM
Went to the DMV 2 Times to Get a Title Finally got one and they said my bike was a 2004... and it Cost me $200 God i wish i could just get rid of this dang thing.. i need a damn car! im willing to let it go for $2400 i got way more into the bike.. Some one Please Buy it!!!

12-13-2011, 10:45 PM
that it is almost 1 again tonight and im still wide awake. :(

this sucks...

12-13-2011, 10:57 PM
Well i think i found out some ****ty news... this girl i been seeing her facebook saids she's in a relationship with some random dude.. idk if its true or not we been talking everyday and it seems like she's really into me.. and i been flirting with her and shes been flirting back idk what the deal is.. were going to dinner tomorrow this could be awkward.. im gonna ask tomorrow about this guy:confused: ..

12-13-2011, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by madsmokey12
Well i think i found out some ****ty news... this girl i been seeing her facebook saids she's in a relationship with some random dude.. idk if its true or not we been talking everyday and it seems like she's really into me.. and i been flirting with her and shes been flirting back idk what the deal is.. were going to dinner tomorrow this could be awkward.. im gonna ask tomorrow about this guy:confused: ..

i would just ask before you go wasting money on her. that's car money!

12-13-2011, 11:04 PM
bummer man!

at least its still sort of early...

trying to decide if/when to call my lady friend and see if she wants to go snowboarding and snowmobiling over break...


12-13-2011, 11:24 PM
okay guys, i'm looking for some advice!! Yes its women related... Well after typing out my first post, then the internet failing, i will post a short and sweet. I've been texting this girl for a long time now, and ................... fast forward.............. I'm worried that she won't want to get close to me because I'm in the Army.. Its caused problems for me before.. They thinks its hot, and whatever, but then as soon as i mention getting deployed next year they bolt... How is a good way to ensure that she isn't gonna bolt on me when i tell her???
She's the best girl i've ever met, and we seem like a good fit. I've known her off and on for nearly 10 years.

12-14-2011, 06:55 AM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
bummer man!

at least its still sort of early...

trying to decide if/when to call my lady friend and see if she wants to go snowboarding and snowmobiling over break...


for pete sake man, why dont you just get it out of the way already before someone else asks her...

im going to put this in football terms..you may not understand this...your a quarter back, and she's the reciever, and your job is to ask her out, aka, pass her the ball....and lets say that your not a very good qb, or very mobile at that, caleb hanne for instances or ryan fitzpatrick, and she's a reciever...something of calvin johnson caliber.......

well, its 3 and 10 with 0:25 left in reg, and all you gotta do is pass her the ball, call time out, kick field goal, and the game is won.........you have her wide open, even though your facing a cover two zone blitz, 4 linemen and the defense is gonna bring three..... well your problem is, you can pass it to her, but your holding on to the ball....eventually, if you hol dlong enough, your gonna get sacked and/or fumble the ball..

this is what your doing my frined, your holding onto the ball to long and the opportunity is gonna vanish.....

so moral of the story is, as the broad out. quit moping and waiting and just ask her....one of three things is gonna happen A) she says yes, B) she says no and you go out and find another slore to lay the pipe to, or C) she gets picked up by another team and catches touchdown passes from aaron rodgers all damn day!

good luck. may the force be with you:chinese:

12-14-2011, 06:58 AM
Originally posted by trailrider894
okay guys, i'm looking for some advice!! Yes its women related... Well after typing out my first post, then the internet failing, i will post a short and sweet. I've been texting this girl for a long time now, and ................... fast forward.............. I'm worried that she won't want to get close to me because I'm in the Army.. Its caused problems for me before.. They thinks its hot, and whatever, but then as soon as i mention getting deployed next year they bolt... How is a good way to ensure that she isn't gonna bolt on me when i tell her???
She's the best girl i've ever met, and we seem like a good fit. I've known her off and on for nearly 10 years.

the problem is there is no way of knowing if she'll bolt or not, or even if she does stick around now, whther or not she'll bolt once your deployed....they're women man, they dont think like men do, and that is, logically.....

how old is she? and how old are you?

Aarons 01 400EX
12-14-2011, 07:17 AM
trailrider894: Don't put yourself in a committed relationship going through basic/ait/jump school. You wont have time for it and she will end up cheating anyway. What till you get stationed at your duty station and then go hunting. :D I'm just an army vet telling you how it is...

And for the rest of you, quit being women and grow a pair and ask the girls out already.


12-14-2011, 07:20 AM
Originally posted by ben300
your gonna get sacked

Literally, or figuratively? lol

I laughed when you used Fitzpatrick.. what a bum

12-14-2011, 07:34 AM
Originally posted by chronicsmoke
Literally, or figuratively? lol

I laughed when you used Fitzpatrick.. what a bum

haha, well guessing by his 900 posts in this thread alone...im gonna say figuratively.......

haha, and ya, Fitzpatrick is a bum and i cant believe that buffulo gave him a big contract extension....but then again, buffulo isnt exactly the cream of the crop when it comes to intelligent football decisions, haha

12-14-2011, 07:49 AM
and i dont mean to pick on the dude....women can be scary creatures from time to time...

...but the dude just seems like he needs some confidence..a little self esteem booster..

..chicks dont want a guy who's timid or unsure of themselves.....so quit fuddling around and just give it a shot...

just like the zac brown band song says "dont be falling in love as she's walking away" holmes....

but what do i know, according to madskrillz, i was on jersey shore..........:devil: haha

12-14-2011, 08:03 AM
Originally posted by ben300
for pete sake man, why dont you just get it out of the way already before someone else asks her...

im going to put this in football terms..you may not understand this...your a quarter back, and she's the reciever, and your job is to ask her out, aka, pass her the ball....and lets say that your not a very good qb, or very mobile at that, caleb hanne for instances or ryan fitzpatrick, and she's a reciever...something of calvin johnson caliber.......

well, its 3 and 10 with 0:25 left in reg, and all you gotta do is pass her the ball, call time out, kick field goal, and the game is won.........you have her wide open, even though your facing a cover two zone blitz, 4 linemen and the defense is gonna bring three..... well your problem is, you can pass it to her, but your holding on to the ball....eventually, if you hol dlong enough, your gonna get sacked and/or fumble the ball..

this is what your doing my frined, your holding onto the ball to long and the opportunity is gonna vanish.....

so moral of the story is, as the broad out. quit moping and waiting and just ask her....one of three things is gonna happen A) she says yes, B) she says no and you go out and find another slore to lay the pipe to, or C) she gets picked up by another team and catches touchdown passes from aaron rodgers all damn day!

good luck. may the force be with you:chinese:

well with that pep talk i guess ill have to call her. cant let that talk go unused. haha


12-14-2011, 08:20 AM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
well with that pep talk i guess ill have to call her. cant let that talk go unused. haha


no problem steve...

and thats the correct way to think about it..dont text her, call her..

..girl ive been kinda talking to got out of relationship about a month ago...she gave me her number..and i slighlty hinted that if she wanted to hang out sometime that i was all go...well one thing this and that, couldnt get something worked out..finally i jsut said "hey, im holding ya to saturday night".....so, we're going to dinner sat night....

like i said, never hurts to just try

12-14-2011, 08:52 AM
i would def not text her to ask her if she wanted to come up lol. that would be a pretty big step for her to take to be lame enough to text her. she would have to come up and stay for a couple of days, she lives too far to drive back again in a day. I might propose that we go somewhere closer to where she lives, i would drive down there and see her for a while. it will be a call sometime but i will wait until she is done with her finals this week and call her over the weekend or early next week. Im not going back to where i was a couple of months ago lol.

you are correct, never hurts to try! no matter what the outcome is, its worth giving it a shot.

good luck to you also, though you wont need it.


12-14-2011, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by ben300
the problem is there is no way of knowing if she'll bolt or not, or even if she does stick around now, whther or not she'll bolt once your deployed....they're women man, they dont think like men do, and that is, logically.....

how old is she? and how old are you?

I'm 21 and she's 20..

And, i'm already at my station, been done through that training whatcha ma call it.... ha ha Basic was okay, but AIT was way more fun.

12-14-2011, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by trailrider894
I'm 21 and she's 20..

And, i'm already at my station, been done through that training whatcha ma call it.... ha ha Basic was okay, but AIT was way more fun.

there in lies your problem.....at 20, shes only .000002 % less crazy and .0000002% more sure of what she wants from her life than we she was/did at 18.....and your basically in the same boat..

thats a tough call man....its hard to ask a 20 year old girl to become involved with you and then just wait for you while your 1000's of miles away for 6-18 months (depending on your deployment). Espcially if she sees her friends being involved wiht guys and wht not...it would be easier if you guys would have been involved for awhile now already........not to mention, it may be emmotionally and psychologically easier on you to not have her back here and have to think and worrier about her,when you already have to think and worry about your fellow servicemen adn your family back home..

thats a tough call and your decision bro...not an easy one for sure......on a more lighter side, if you dint persue it, then you'd be able to go after all sorts of sand scratcher poontang or women from where ever you may go.:devil:

12-14-2011, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by madsmokey12
Well i think i found out some ****ty news... this girl i been seeing her facebook saids she's in a relationship with some random dude.. idk if its true or not we been talking everyday and it seems like she's really into me.. and i been flirting with her and shes been flirting back idk what the deal is.. were going to dinner tomorrow this could be awkward.. im gonna ask tomorrow about this guy:confused: ..

Whew Good news she isn't dating anyone.. it's just a Facebook Cover up her friend is getting stalked by some girl and they are acting like they are dating.. kinda childish but of well.. i knew no girl would act that way if they were in a Relationship :)

12-14-2011, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by trailrider894
okay guys, i'm looking for some advice!! Yes its women related... Well after typing out my first post, then the internet failing, i will post a short and sweet. I've been texting this girl for a long time now, and ................... fast forward.............. I'm worried that she won't want to get close to me because I'm in the Army.. Its caused problems for me before.. They thinks its hot, and whatever, but then as soon as i mention getting deployed next year they bolt... How is a good way to ensure that she isn't gonna bolt on me when i tell her???
She's the best girl i've ever met, and we seem like a good fit. I've known her off and on for nearly 10 years.

Pop the question, get a quick mairrage arranged, knock her up..... Then wake up one morning and kiss her on the cheek..... Then tell her you're in the army, and deploying in the morning.....

12-14-2011, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by crlt250r
Pop the question, get a quick mairrage arranged, knock her up..... Then wake up one morning and kiss her on the cheek..... Then tell her you're in the army, and deploying in the morning.....

ha ha i secretly like your answer the most... I might just get her drunk then leave in the morning.. ha ha jk

12-14-2011, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by madsmokey12
Whew Good news she isn't dating anyone.. it's just a Facebook Cover up her friend is getting stalked by some girl and they are acting like they are dating.. kinda childish but of well.. i knew no girl would act that way if they were in a Relationship :)

Come on, don't fall for that. Females are crazy. :D

12-14-2011, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by madsmokey12
kinda childish but of well.. i knew no girl would act that way if they were in a Relationship :)


you obviously dont get out of the house much do ya?:huh :rolleyes:

12-14-2011, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by trailrider894
ha ha i secretly like your answer the most... I might just get her drunk then leave in the morning.. ha ha jk

This link has now been forwarded to her,
Random Guy.
PS, LOL!!!

12-14-2011, 03:32 PM
What's bothering me... Let's see, I need to buy a new carburetor and clutch cover for my hybrid quad, need to get the jetting right on my sons, still need to get the earrings that I picked out for my wife for Christmas..... We did have a trip to Punta Gorda redneck yacht club, with a couple other families, and now I have to cancel it because suddenly I have to support my deadbeat mother and brother. Water pump for Jeep=40 bucks. Food for their animals=40 bucks. Money for groceries=60 bucks. Litter for her stinking effing cats=30 bucks. More money to help them pay rent=80 bucks. In the meantime, she sits on her you know, wasting money and time on farmville, and my brother sits on his you know, with his face burried in his phone, watching anime cartoons.... In Japanese!!!!! Is it too late to put myself up for adoption?

12-14-2011, 09:20 PM
not much to complain about from here tonight. :D

hope i passed my final i took earlier...


12-15-2011, 07:53 PM
been a bit on edge the last couple of days. haha my ma and dad been irritating me the past few days.


12-15-2011, 08:44 PM
the fact that a shady buyer/trader is bashing me for bull chit i dident do in the feedback section and now everyone will belive him and ruin my perfect rep with 50+ folks. :(

12-16-2011, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
been a bit on edge the last couple of days. haha my ma and dad been irritating me the past few days.



1)smoke a joint
2)beat off
3)go to the gym
4) its friday, get on the phone with that snatch zilla you've been moping over
5)do steps 1-4....


12-16-2011, 11:15 AM
LOL good stuff right there! :D

12-16-2011, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by trailrider894
ha ha i secretly like your answer the most... I might just get her drunk then leave in the morning.. ha ha jk

thats all fine and dandy and all, till a couple days later when the cops come busting down your door, and the next thing you know, your getting sandusky'ed in the showers at prison by a 6'5" tall, 340" black man named bubba....:uhoh:

12-16-2011, 08:33 PM
finally got my mas tablet all fixed for her...

they think its cool to have smart phones and tablets but they can hardly turn them on let alone work them on their own. I have turned into the go to guy as always to not only set them up but show them how to use them and everything else.

time to relax... finally finished them up for the night.

12-16-2011, 09:54 PM
for HER huh ?:devil:

12-16-2011, 09:57 PM
yeah, she just got a new sylvania 10" tablet a couple of days ago. it is a flytouch 2 in disguise though.

I have a flytouch that i upgraded to android 2.2 Froyo today and got it working well also. only took me a few hours since it only has 1 micro sd card slot instead of 2. i had to eject the micro and insert it before it would get too far into the install so it would read the bootable sd.

at least i finally got everything working.

12-16-2011, 10:39 PM
Ugh. I was over a friends house and their neighbor was drunk and again trying to hook me up with this same ugly girl she has been trying to do so for like 4 years now.. I had to make up an excuse and leave...No sense reasoning with a drunk person..

12-16-2011, 11:11 PM
I'm leaving for Killington, VT tomorrow for a boarding trip and I cant fall asleep!!!! Just cant wait to get there.

12-17-2011, 05:06 AM
Working all weekend, changing water heaters, and clearing poo stuffed clogged toilets.... Oh friggin joy...

12-18-2011, 09:41 AM
not much today, same old things mainly but feeling good and in a good mood. haha


12-18-2011, 12:48 PM
Just had a 1/16th inch long shred of copper removed from my eye.... And still have more calls to run.. About to put a BMW logo on my truck, Blind Man at Wheel...

12-18-2011, 02:58 PM
ive got over $200 in gift cards to my local dealer already with no quad or bike to spend it on and christmas is STILL a week away!

12-18-2011, 03:23 PM
sell your 400? buy a cam. or piston. or somthing haha

12-18-2011, 05:42 PM
Went to Arby's drive thru and got me 2 for $5 French Dip subs. Pulled out, and the scalding hot au jus sauce started to leak (it's in a little sealed bowl in a seperate bag). Not wanting to to leak all over my seat, I picked up the bag to move it and it poured lava hot beef broth all over my twig and berries. Nice. Got me a scalded, blistered ball bag for Christmas LOL

12-18-2011, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by Pipeless416
i would just ask before you go wasting money on her. that's car money!

oh no thats take her somewhere nice and expensive. wait till the end of the meal to ask about the guy. then ask the waitress for the check and casually slip off to the bathroom never to return if it all goes south.

on a side not work from dark till dark is getting old and not haveing time to work on any of my projects sucks

12-19-2011, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by CJM
Ugh. I was over a friends house and their neighbor was drunk and again trying to hook me up with this same ugly girl she has been trying to do so for like 4 years now.. I had to make up an excuse and leave...No sense reasoning with a drunk person..

dude, theres no reason to not **** a bush/sea pig.....we all gotta go hoggin from time to time ya know

12-19-2011, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by ben300
dude, theres no reason to not **** a bush/sea pig.....we all gotta go hoggin from time to time ya know

Dude..the girls easily 250lbs..Im not doing a coyote ugly..

12-19-2011, 01:37 PM
I can't believe this thread is up to 43 pages. I posted what was really bothering me on one of the first few pages when the thread was new but it seems this is still the only thing bothering me. I still can't find a decent deal on a 5 speed 12 valve Cummins!

12-19-2011, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by HondaRacing83
ive got over $200 in gift cards to my local dealer already with no quad or bike to spend it on and christmas is STILL a week away!

Thought you had a CR125 and a 400ex? :confused:

^ That was like less than two weeks ago, LOL

We need a few of these made I think..

12-19-2011, 04:01 PM
^^^ awsome!!!

12-19-2011, 06:22 PM
have a headache :( i hope i can sleep better tonight than i did last night. haha


12-19-2011, 06:46 PM
We got 2" of snow... it melted and it's going to be mild all week, next week, and the week after :mad: No projects to work on :( too crappy out to ride :( been waiting 3 months!!! for a set of fricking headgaskets for the project I do have, called the dealer TWICE and they said there parts guy wasn't there and they didn't know, they never called back. And I can't find anywhere in Canada that can get a g*****m 42 pilot jet!!!

12-19-2011, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by rpfeifer11
I can't believe this thread is up to 43 pages. I posted what was really bothering me on one of the first few pages when the thread was new but it seems this is still the only thing bothering me. I still can't find a decent deal on a 5 speed 12 valve Cummins!

you in me both. id settle for an 04ish 24 valve 6 speed but even at that the ones i have looked at some 18 year old kid got for his first vehicle and you know it had the balls drove off it and it probably needs balljoints ect.

12-19-2011, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by CJM
Dude..the girls easily 250lbs..Im not doing a coyote ugly..

just be honest and say im not bangen that hog.

12-20-2011, 04:30 AM
Originally posted by 250x_kyle
you in me both. id settle for an 04ish 24 valve 6 speed but even at that the ones i have looked at some 18 year old kid got for his first vehicle and you know it had the balls drove off it and it probably needs balljoints ect.

Yeah you have to watch who you are buying off of depending on how much work you want to do to it. I don't really care about anything becuase I want one to rebuild and make into a high power street truck so everything will be new once I am done with it anyways.

12-20-2011, 06:28 PM
not much again today. :D just relaxing tonight.

i probably should have went for a ride but oh well. the couch looked better after work.

still have to decide if i should ask my friend to come up north. i have to see what her plans are for the break. haha


12-20-2011, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by 250x_kyle
just be honest and say im not bangen that hog.

Do you have any idea how many times I did say it lol-arguing with a drunk doesnt work!

12-20-2011, 07:14 PM
If she aint 280 she aint a lady ;) :devil:

12-20-2011, 07:57 PM
started a new job a little over a week ago and now i have to tell them i got offered a much better job and probably quit or get fired before i get the chance too.

12-20-2011, 08:01 PM
congrats on the new job! they will get over it. ive had to do it before too. gotta take the better job when you can.


12-20-2011, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
congrats on the new job! they will get over it. ive had to do it before too. gotta take the better job when you can.


thanks. i hate to leave because its a great work environement. (cnc machinists plus we all ride and hunt) so we have a good bit of down time during the day to work on small things around the shop and bs but its an 8 dollar an hour pay raise to switch so i have to look out for number one. they seem like the type of people that will understand where im comming from and not get bent out of shape over it. its just the fact of being the new guy and letting down a shop thats over worked as it is at the moment.

12-20-2011, 08:24 PM
work environment is important but that kind of coin says bye for me. lol its not your fault they are behind.

congrats on moving on up!

12-21-2011, 05:55 AM
Originally posted by 250x_kyle
thanks. i hate to leave because its a great work environement. (cnc machinists plus we all ride and hunt) so we have a good bit of down time during the day to work on small things around the shop and bs but its an 8 dollar an hour pay raise to switch so i have to look out for number one. they seem like the type of people that will understand where im comming from and not get bent out of shape over it. its just the fact of being the new guy and letting down a shop thats over worked as it is at the moment.

They'll understand I'm sure. It's not like you're walking away for the same money, you have to look out for #1.

Too bad though seeing as you'd end up becoming friends with those guys.. Nothing saying you can't still keep in contact to ride and stuff though.

Congrats :macho

12-21-2011, 08:23 AM
welp...I have had the original moto droid for nearly two years, and the past two months, i have been seriously just limping by with it...i was trying to hold out as long as possible to get a new one so i could get some other ****, but, yesterday, i reached a new level of destruction with the phone....

..i broke the interal charger part off, in the droid...no longer enabling it to be charged...

...so i went to verizon, and wanted to get the iphone 4s....wel they ended up having the only 4s within 100 miles of that store, and it was a 64gig! which i definitely didnt need..

so i looked at the droids, and looked at the new samsung, which looked like a really nice, and fancy phone...but man did i have some serious problems with my droid..and the more i talked to the lady, the more she talked about little problems with each droid...so after about 45 minutes of hard thought............

........i bent over, spread my butt cheeks, grabbed my ankles, and to the tune of $400 bucks :eek2: :mad: i took it like a man, and got the 64 gig iphone 4s...

so im happy that i finally got the iphone..but man i am not happy about the price...it was that or the samsung...which was $300....and when it comes down to it..the extra $100 bucks, over 24 mohts, is like less than $5 bucks......

12-21-2011, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by ben300

so im happy that i finally got the iphone..but man i am not happy about the price...it was that or the samsung...which was $300....and when it comes down to it..the extra $100 bucks, over 24 mohts, is like less than $5 bucks......

The iPhones are worth it, man. I've had one for 3 years and I'd never switch.

I admit there are some pretty cool smartphones out, but Apple leads the way for sure.

12-21-2011, 09:49 AM
Originally posted by chronicsmoke
The iPhones are worth it, man. I've had one for 3 years and I'd never switch.

I admit there are some pretty cool smartphones out, but Apple leads the way for sure.

haha ya, the droids look, and opperate really ****ing dope at first, but then i think jsut after updating them, they suck a big one!..

i just wanted the iphone for its overal simplicity, the fact that they're good phones, and that my factory indash trouch screen/nav radio in my jeep integrates with the ipod/iphone and has controls from the radio to control the music.....i couldnt do that at all wiht my droid or my MS Zune....

so far im happy...just as long as its not freezing up or crashing...ill be cool with it

12-21-2011, 11:22 AM
Here is my gripe for the day.... I have been living in an APT, with my sister near where i am stationed, and now it's time to move out for my deployment. She said, " me and Jobe, her fiance, will help you move out.. " I woke up this morning after having the stomach flu, a 104 degree fever, a trip to E.R. later... and they are both gone... I've been moving about two truck loads full of furniture, clothes, guns, etc... down from the top of my 4 story APT, all by myself... I can honestly say i've never been this weak in my entire life... Taking a break now, after falling down a flight of stairs. Just so aggravating...

12-21-2011, 11:51 AM
^^ that sucks bro

my rant- I hate when you try to talk to someone and they totaly ignore you!!!!!! but then the next day they will talk its just so annoying!!!! but there is a bright side see the happy thread

12-21-2011, 05:41 PM
new rant im blacklisted :(

12-21-2011, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by 01boneless
new rant im blacklisted :(
And here's why...

Pretty interesting read...

12-21-2011, 05:46 PM
real interesting aint it :P

12-21-2011, 07:35 PM
looks like he deleted his thread..haha

12-21-2011, 07:35 PM
Man I saw boneless on here as the last post and I knew exactly what he was gonna put. I don't think that post is in the 400ex section anymore though... lol I posted in it with some cussing now I don't see it on there... whooopsie.

12-21-2011, 07:40 PM
not much tonight haha just jacking with computers again as usual.

my sisters hp is all goofed up so i get to fix that tonight and tomorrow night. at least ill have something to do while im not riding for a couple of days.

thinking im calling her tomorrow night most likely.


12-21-2011, 07:40 PM
lol naughty darwin :devil: and austin the mods did lol

12-21-2011, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
not much tonight haha just jacking with computers again as usual.

my sisters hp is all goofed up so i get to fix that tonight and tomorrow night. at least ill have something to do while im not riding for a couple of days.

thinking im calling her tomorrow night most likely.


go steve!

12-21-2011, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by Baileygunns
And here's why...

Pretty interesting read... Sorry you had a bad transaction, I'm always skeptical when buying stuff off a forum. I agree with your reaction to this matter 100%...Thanks for posting the info!

12-21-2011, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by 01boneless
lol naughty darwin :devil: and austin the mods did lol
don't see the big deal about it. everybody knows what your saying when you ****** it out anyways.

12-21-2011, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by kt1148
Next time(if there is one) don't send the money as a gift, just pay the fees that paypal charges(2.9% of total + $.30/transaction). Sorry you had a bad transaction, I'm always skeptical when buying stuff off a forum. I agree with your reaction to this matter 100%...
lol it was a strait up trade with excelent items on both parts

12-21-2011, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by Drfat400ex
don't see the big deal about it. everybody knows what your saying when you ****** it out anyways.

lol i know its just in the rules no cursing haha

12-21-2011, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by 01boneless
go steve!

will be interesting for sure!


12-21-2011, 07:47 PM
haha got that broll?
lol JK JK

12-21-2011, 07:49 PM
no i dont unfortunately haha

you should send me the guy on a phone b roll.


12-21-2011, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by 01boneless
lol i know its just in the rules no cursing haha
ya i guess. gets kind of anoying remembering to do that. and having to count out the stars haha

12-21-2011, 07:55 PM
Read it. Your both wrong but this isnt the time nor the place to get into it.

Today I went to play with my light/killswitch on the ex. I had washed the quad 2 weeks ago and it was so cold the water froze and apparently got into the switch, cleaned that up but sadly the one screw wouldnt hold and made the switch move all over-so I tried to epoxy and retap the hole. That didnt work b/c the plastics SOFT. So I decided to find a threadsert of some sort. Ended up getting some T nuts and modifying them to work, and epoxying it in. Hopefully it works well. Otherwise back to the drawing board. Mighta had better luck had I gone to lowes but nearest ones 15 miles away and home depots like 5 mins.

Also my lightbulb blew in my snap on flashlight, stupid special bulb Im willing to bet I can only get from them as googling it produced nothing but snap on which is 16 bucks just for 2 of them!

12-21-2011, 07:58 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by CJM
[B]Read it. Your both wrong but this isnt the time nor the place to get into it.

your right mark thanks !

12-21-2011, 08:00 PM
man i say nobody ever start into this baily vs. boneless again, it is opening a can of worms man lets all just start up on some chevy vs ford, uni vs k&n, mac vs pc and some xbox 360 vs ps3 while were at it. peace out im going on the **** happy thread!!!

12-21-2011, 08:04 PM
lol darwin u sound upset bro lol
back to the thread

whats bothering me is its the first day of winter and its 68 out?? wtf so much for a white xmas?

12-21-2011, 08:07 PM
Originally posted by 01boneless
lol darwin u sound upset bro lol
back to the thread

whats bothering me is its the first day of winter and its 68 out?? wtf so much for a white xmas?
lol nah, just sayin, it's getting annoying to open up any thread on this whole forum and see "i didn't get my money and my hoods cracked and im too much of a ***** to go down to the post office and collect my insurance! :'( "

12-21-2011, 08:08 PM
That subject needs to be dropped.

12-21-2011, 08:10 PM
^^ i agree

12-21-2011, 08:11 PM
^exactly my point, it just makes people crazy.

12-21-2011, 08:13 PM
68F outside.. was liek 62 here but shame its not gonna get warm again..gonna drop like a rock to the 40's...

12-21-2011, 08:14 PM
yup 68F just hard to belive fealt like summer out other than the trees had no leaves :P

12-21-2011, 08:16 PM
it's so wet. id much rather drive the four wheeler on frozen ground or on a bit of snow then get completely covered in almost freezing water and muck and get stuck all the time and make a mess.

12-23-2011, 02:26 PM
That my 1000$ injection pump just went out of my truck ugh so much for a good Christmas

12-25-2011, 06:27 PM
kinna chapped about the way those dumbasses at honda set up the dash on the new style 400ex so that you have to take the igniton through the hole but my grips are sodered onto the wire and I suck at doing wiring and I don't want to snip it. I can't get any drill bits or good metal to make a bracket and all the companys that make the dash pannels are in the US so it will take forever to get here. I'll be pretty damn mad if that brake line wont reach with new bars too!

12-26-2011, 08:09 AM
Still have to find a new carburetor for my 250... And not sure if the repair on my clutch/water pump cover is going to hold... Looks like my new years weekend at Dirty Foot is cancelled.

12-26-2011, 08:49 PM
idk just chilling here... bummed a bit. no snow yet to ride at home so i cant ride the sled this week.

at least it was a great christmas weekend. i am working 4 days again this week to make some cash. get to start buying some more sled parts and such soon too. :D


12-26-2011, 08:53 PM
cant decide if i should get this kfx450 or not?... decisions...decisions..

12-27-2011, 09:17 PM
was a tough day of getting side tracked.


12-28-2011, 09:17 PM
I just ate some of those mr noodles in the styrophome cup. man they're good from the pack but they're nasty as hell in the cup. I feel like I'm gonna blow chunks after eating them nasty things :ermm:

12-28-2011, 09:17 PM
I just ate some of those mr noodles in the styrophome cup. man they're good from the pack but they're nasty as hell in the cup. I feel like I'm gonna blow chunks after eating them nasty things :ermm:

12-28-2011, 09:29 PM
went for a nice soothing ride on the rincon tonight but it would have been great to hold a beautiful lady close while looking up at the stars. it was an enjoyable ride though, saw a shooting star and made a wish too.

I just had a feeling of calm, tranquility, and peace while riding. Its amazing when you can feel that it will all work out some day. i am thankful every day for what i have been able to be a part of and do. I could tell that i was in good hands tonight while riding and was being watched from above :D

Thanks to everyone up stairs, for not only watching over me to keep me safe but helping me through school and through life every day.


12-28-2011, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
went for a nice soothing ride on the rincon tonight but it would have been great to hold a beautiful lady close while looking up at the stars. it was an enjoyable ride though, saw a shooting star and made a wish too.

I just had a feeling of calm, tranquility, and peace while riding. Its amazing when you can feel that it will all work out some day. i am thankful every day for what i have been able to be a part of and do. I could tell that i was in good hands tonight while riding and was being watched from above :D

Thanks to everyone up stairs, for not only watching over me to keep me safe but helping me through school and through life every day.

steve dude, just use christian mingle

12-28-2011, 09:36 PM
lol im not that worried about it haha ive been doing quite well with not thinking about women or one woman in particular anyway. ive been excited for new things and finishing school to keep my mind busy.

would have been nice but it was a nice ride alone too. was nice to reflect a bit


12-29-2011, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by Drfat400ex
I just ate some of those mr noodles in the styrophome cup. man they're good from the pack but they're nasty as hell in the cup. I feel like I'm gonna blow chunks after eating them nasty things :ermm:

Dude, Chunks is your dog..... LOL:cool:

12-29-2011, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by crlt250r
Dude, Chunks is your dog..... LOL:cool:
aaah you dirty arse. :rolleyes:

12-29-2011, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by Drfat400ex
aaah you dirty arse. :rolleyes:

You said it, not me :devil:

12-29-2011, 04:58 PM
The Racetrac hot dogs taste nothing like dog.....

12-30-2011, 10:03 AM
my best friends garage just burnt down to the ground with his dads harley was inside, his quad, all his brand new hockey equipment, lost a cat, luckily his dogs made it out okay. his dad jsut finished an upstairs manroom with a huge couch, bar, firdge, ps3 and tv and air conditioned. it really suckss

12-30-2011, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by HondaRacing83
my best friends garage just burnt down to the ground with his dads harley was inside, his quad, all his brand new hockey equipment, lost a cat, luckily his dogs made it out okay. his dad jsut finished an upstairs manroom with a huge couch, bar, firdge, ps3 and tv and air conditioned. it really suckss

insurance yoz!

12-30-2011, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by crlt250r
You said it, not me :devil:
Can't argue with the truth.

12-30-2011, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by ben300
insurance yoz! idk i hope they had good insurance it was a huge *** garage

01-02-2012, 06:39 PM
christmas season is all but over again for another year. :(

was single for another one for good and bad.

I said i wasnt going to have a resolution for the year but:
want to lose 10 lbs before summer

have a beautiful woman to spend time with and buy stuff for

get an amazing mechanical engineering job in May when i am done with school.

have an H2 by july

get another 400ex, a 450r, and a rincon to complete my collection of machines

might pick up another250 r that the same guy i bought mine from is thinking of selling

thats about it, not much of a list that i cant already control or do lol at least i know im good to go on most of them.


01-03-2012, 09:04 AM
Great weekend! Other than having 4 quads, and 4 screwed up carburetors... :grr:

01-03-2012, 09:04 AM
Great weekend! Other than having 4 quads, and 4 screwed up carburetors... :grr:

01-03-2012, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
have a beautiful woman to buy stuff for

careful what you wish for! :eek2: :blah:

01-03-2012, 11:45 AM
LOL i suppose i better watch out!


01-03-2012, 05:40 PM
grandpa has an estimated 72 hours or less till he passes :( he's always been my idol too from how far he made it in life going from nothing and rags in an old house in the woods to owning a logging buisness to being a log truck driver and investor. He always lived in a very modest way and its just hard to see whats happening.

01-04-2012, 06:03 AM
Originally posted by finsteratv
grandpa has an estimated 72 hours or less till he passes :( he's always been my idol too from how far he made it in life going from nothing and rags in an old house in the woods to owning a logging buisness to being a log truck driver and investor. He always lived in a very modest way and its just hard to see whats happening.

Sounds like a hell of a man, I'm sorry to hear that. Just lost my grandpa with a similar story to your grandpa (replace logging for excavation, lol). Hang in there kid, it gets worse before it gets better. :(

01-04-2012, 06:21 AM
Originally posted by finsteratv
grandpa has an estimated 72 hours or less till he passes :( he's always been my idol too from how far he made it in life going from nothing and rags in an old house in the woods to owning a logging buisness to being a log truck driver and investor. He always lived in a very modest way and its just hard to see whats happening.

Dont give up on hope man, they said the same thing about my grandpa while he was "laying on his deathbed" and he somehow made it out of it and lived another 2 years after that.