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01-02-2005, 09:06 AM
The bikes start at 11:00 and the quads at 12:00 I hope they are faster than they was at the last one we didn't get out of there till dark. It is somewhere west of Branson and east of Joplin. Who all is going Shep?

01-02-2005, 09:08 AM
:bandit: Not sure yet ,ill prolly give you a call this week any way Johnson!! see ya!!

01-02-2005, 09:28 AM
Dunfee Ranch - Cassville, MO

HWY 112 South out of Cassville 2 mi.
Follow arrows

looks like about 60 miles south west of springfield.


Johnny & Monica
01-02-2005, 09:43 AM
Shep your doing better than me I`ve been picking threw ashtrays going threw the truck an jeep But aint broke down an bougth a pack yet...Sucks :(

01-02-2005, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by mikeracerx34
Shep your doing better than me I`ve been picking threw ashtrays going threw the truck an jeep But aint broke down an bougth a pack yet...Sucks :( :bandit:I asked my doc to put me on welbutrin, (its for nerves) take that for 2 weeksbefore you evan try quiting then buy 21 mg nictine patches, and a big bag of butterscotch (thats my choice)and quit!! i smoked 2 + packs a day for 16 years, and just through them all away yesterday morning, it hasent been to bad im just trying to stay busy and runnin outa chit to do!!

Johnny & Monica
01-02-2005, 10:35 AM
I tried the wellabutran last year helped but made me sick as hell if I didnt eat first. I like the xanax for my nerves or I mean 7 kids:D Going with more patchs today an Going riding when threw with the Chancers b-day stuff. Helped yesterday riding we didnt stop as much for smoke breaks (I`M THE ONLY CIG. SMOKER OF THE BUNCH) an got more riding in.:devil:

01-02-2005, 11:06 AM
if your out of stuff to do shep you can come down here and clean my garage:chinese:

01-02-2005, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by powerstroke
if your out of stuff to do shep you can come down here and clean my garage:chinese: :chinese: Dude i have tried to help you with that and you keep throwin chit in on top of other chit!!......................and you never want to when i got time!!!POWERSTROKER!!:blah:

01-02-2005, 11:34 AM
i just looked up cassville shep. 5 hours, 9 minutes from my house.

01-02-2005, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by cinigen9
Dunfee Ranch - Cassville, MO

HWY 112 South out of Cassville 2 mi.
Follow arrows

looks like about 60 miles south west of springfield.

Carson :chinese: Damm thats good haul too!!thanks alot carson!!

01-02-2005, 11:37 AM
:chinese:we gonna go or what!!

01-02-2005, 11:40 AM
About 10 people in my family got shock treatment to quit smoking. All of them quit except 1. Most of them smoked 2-3 packs a day. They went somewhere in St Louis and it cost around $80.00. They have been smoke free for around 6 months or so. I love it b/c now I dont have to smell the stinkin sh!!. Anyone want info on the treatment I can get it to ya. Later

01-02-2005, 11:42 AM
:chinese: I will let you know , i heard that is awsome!! thanks alot , hopefully i wont need it!!!:ermm:

01-02-2005, 12:00 PM
shep needs shock treatment but not for smokin. LMAO just kiddin shep. yea im reasonably sure I am going to go. its a lil farther then I wanted to drive for a hillbilly but I need some seat time. I guess its time to go get a battery and blow the dust off the ol yfzinger. dave may want to ride with us too.

01-02-2005, 12:04 PM
back to the shock treatment. I have a yfz stock rear shock layin around here somewhere shep. I will smack you in the side of the head with it for 70 bucks. with gas cost for your drive down here you will still be ahead of the 80 dollar st louis treatment. give it some thought and let me know. :D

01-02-2005, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by powerstroke
back to the shock treatment. I have a yfz stock rear shock layin around here somewhere shep. I will smack you in the side of the head with it for 70 bucks. with gas cost for your drive down here you will still be ahead of the 80 dollar st louis treatment. give it some thought and let me know. :D :chinese:WTF are you talkin about DOOSHBAB!!!

01-02-2005, 12:51 PM
I don't smoke but what is shocking to me is when i look around the pits and see how many racers do smoke at the harescrambles it's crazy.
How do they keep their breath and still ride hard???

Smoking stinks!:)

01-02-2005, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by Rdogg450
I don't smoke but what is shocking to me is when i look around the pits and see how many racers do smoke at the harescrambles it's crazy.
How do they keep their breath and still ride hard???

Smoking stinks!:) :chinese: THATS WHY I QUIT!!!:macho

01-02-2005, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by shep
:chinese: THATS WHY I QUIT!!!:macho

Good Deal. It has to make a big difference for the better.:cool:

01-02-2005, 01:22 PM
:bandit: Dont know yet, i hope it dous!!!

01-02-2005, 01:50 PM
shep finally took my racing advice to quit smoking however he still doesnt believe me when I tell him those lacey pink thongs are what is giving him monkey butt...............

01-02-2005, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by powerstroke
shep finally took my racing advice to quit smoking however he still doesnt believe me when I tell him those lacey pink thongs are what is giving him monkey butt...............

Monkey butt? LOL What is that? or dare i ask ?? But i do know that my yfz kills my butt!:D

01-02-2005, 02:04 PM
monkey butt is the universally accepted term amongst motorcycle and atv riders for post ride a** soreness........lol

01-02-2005, 02:21 PM
well looks like I'm one of the last hold outs.
I still smoke. Hay shep I'll have one for you.:devil:

You make it shep and I'll give it up.

01-02-2005, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by powerstroke
monkey butt is the universally accepted term amongst motorcycle and atv riders for post ride a** soreness........lol

Yep monkey butt a common problem for me on the hard a** yfz seat after a scramble.:scary:

01-02-2005, 02:33 PM
Rams are gonna blow this!


01-02-2005, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by geogeorge
well looks like I'm one of the last hold outs.
I still smoke. Hay shep I'll have one for you.:devil:

You make it shep and I'll give it up. :bandit: Better start given um up now bacuz im done smokin!!:muscle: :muscle:

01-02-2005, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by powerstroke
shep finally took my racing advice to quit smoking however he still doesnt believe me when I tell him those lacey pink thongs are what is giving him monkey butt............... :bandit: I dont get Monky butt , cuz i duct tape my butt cheecks together, its a little hard on the hair but its worth it!!LOL :D :D

01-02-2005, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by shep
:bandit: I dont get Monky butt , cuz i duct tape my butt cheecks together, its a little hard on the hair but its worth it!!LOL :D :D

Ouch............ Well I could peirce my butt cheeks together like Steve O on the mtv show Jack A**!!!:p

01-02-2005, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by shep
:bandit: I dont get Monky butt , cuz i duct tape my butt cheecks together, its a little hard on the hair but its worth it!!LOL :D :D

once again shepard shows his stupidity.........shep, everybody knows you gotta shave your butt cheeks before you tape them together...........:D

01-02-2005, 05:06 PM
:bandit: naa,after the first race im good the rest of the season:D

01-02-2005, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by shep
:bandit: I dont get Monky butt , cuz i duct tape my butt cheecks together, its a little hard on the hair but its worth it!!LOL :D :D

shep if you don't go all they way around you don't pull as much hair out. :devil:

if you make it untill the first race with out smoking, I will quit that day.

01-02-2005, 05:56 PM
I see what your doing shep. your subbing web postings for smoking. One bad habbit for another one.:blah:

01-02-2005, 05:58 PM
:bandit:WHAT EVER IT TAKES!!!!! :mad: :grr: LOL.............................Im freakin out man!!!

01-02-2005, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by geogeorge
shep if you don't go all they way around you don't pull as much hair out. :devil:

if you make it untill the first race with out smoking, I will quit that day. :bandit: BE READY TO THROW THEM IN THE TRASH AT LEBONON,CUZ I AM DONE SMOKING!!!.........NO JOKE I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!:muscle: :muscle:

01-02-2005, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by shep
:bandit:WHAT EVER IT TAKES!!!!! :mad: :grr: LOL.............................Im freakin out man!!!

here is the good news. the human body will on have a adicktion to nicoten fro 72 hours. If you make it three days your body is clean.

the hard part is the mintal game of quiting. good luck my friend.

also let me know how much I owe you for the pegs.

01-02-2005, 06:05 PM
I don't know about any other post but this one is great.
over 5 thousand veiws and over 500 post.

Lets see if we can keep it going till racing starts.

bets on shep. you make it and were both none smokers.

:macho I can do this.

01-02-2005, 06:11 PM

01-02-2005, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by shep

So long as all your trying to take is the smokes and not any thing other then that.

:eek2: if I see you coming with ky your dead.

01-02-2005, 06:30 PM
I'll give up the smokes but there is no way I'll give up my mountain dew.

death be for the dew gose.:macho

01-02-2005, 07:40 PM
Wow you guys must of had nothing to do today but post. I am getting way behind but of course a womans job is NEVER done. So I have been busy. Hey the Rams pulled it off today but the Chiefs suck big time. Bradley said they will come back undefeated next yr. LMAO!!!! Good luck guys on quitting smoking but not me. With all you guys racing I would need more than welbutrin. I would need the bottle to go with it. So I will keep my smokes for now so I can keep calm while you guys take off on that starting line that I hate the worst of all the race. Got to go do more momma jobs and do the laundry. Is starting to freeze rain up here. momma b

01-02-2005, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by geogeorge
I'll give up the smokes but there is no way I'll give up my mountain dew.

death be for the dew gose.:macho

I'm with you there geo.......... can't go without the Mt.Dew!:D

01-03-2005, 12:44 PM
I took the wife to the doctor today. all is well. just bruising and swelling. he said she is gonna be real sore for at least a week. I dont know what he gave her for the pain but she is pretty loopy right now
:eek2: lmao. matt

01-03-2005, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by powerstroke
I took the wife to the doctor today. all is well. just bruising and swelling. he said she is gonna be real sore for at least a week. I dont know what he gave her for the pain but she is pretty loopy right now
:eek2: lmao. matt

Glad to hear everything is ok. You tell her to just sit back and let yu wait on her. Be a good guy and take care of her. Momma B

01-03-2005, 01:56 PM
Scott, Good to hear from ya. how's the family? I havent decided if I will race pro or A again yet. One day I think 4 years in A is time to poop or get off the pot and another day I think its awful nice to win:D I am not sure I will know what I am doing until the morning of lebanon ;) So what did you order? a long travel front end? axis or elka? catch ya later. Matt Oh by the way I got my issue of atv racing extra and saw the article you and Greg kinkelar wrote. it was nice. thanks from me and my dog about your mention of us:cool:

01-03-2005, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by burrows
Glad to hear everything is ok. You tell her to just sit back and let yu wait on her. Be a good guy and take care of her. Momma B

thanks for the concern momma B we appreciate it. man i gotta get her healed up.......I have been doing all kinds of woman work round here. cookin, feedin kids, cleanin up. I am gonna have to go fire one of my weapons soon just to get the taste of manhood back in my mouth........100 rounds outta the ol' AR15 outta do it :devil: The sink is definitely full though.......I draw the line at washing dishes......a man has to leave some form of his pride intact.......hehe

01-03-2005, 02:20 PM
DANG! you bought all the big boy toys! hehe yea i called down and ordered a subscription and a couple back issues. they seem like real nice people. Matt

01-03-2005, 02:56 PM
Powerstroke, are you Matt Ryberg If you are Matt Ryberg you need to move up! sandbagger lmao!

yfz450xc, I raced B this year what was your name? Scott somthing I see.


01-03-2005, 06:32 PM
I am matt olson :D

01-03-2005, 06:34 PM
well shep I just got done with an expensive phone call:eek: I bought a LT front end.......

01-03-2005, 06:48 PM
:bandit: EVERY BODY WANTS TO BE LIKE SHEP!!!:macho :macho

01-03-2005, 08:25 PM
Oh ok Matt Olson, I thought you already raced in AA!? Oh well if ya race A this year I guess I will see ya on the line and that is probaly about it! I dunno if the ol 400ex will hold up or not. See ya guys at Lebanon!

01-03-2005, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by jdwxv3
Oh ok Matt Olson, I thought you already raced in AA!? Oh well if ya race A this year I guess I will see ya on the line and that is probaly about it! I dunno if the ol 400ex will hold up or not. See ya guys at Lebanon!

josh, nah last year was my 3rd(i think) year in A. I have never raced pro in mo. there aint nothin wrong with the ol 400 ex. a well suspended 400ex with a bone stock motor is still a competitive bike in missouri(in my opinion). Look forward to meeetin ya at the races. Matt

01-03-2005, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by yfz450xc
I hear ya Matt I am not exactly 100% sure where I am going yet either wont know till I se how I feel on my bike w/ the new junk on it, went w/ elka long front and rear and a GPR figure it was time to see what all you big guys feel like w/ a sore butt after paying Big $'s :D
Not that it will make me fast but I might look even better than I do now:blah: :D
In the janurary issue came out also and they put a bunch of others from our series in it they sent me 20 copies of that one and 100 more of december's issue, they said they will send us MHSC 100 copies a month if we can hand them out for free and said THANKS !!!!!!:D
The people at ATV racing Extra magazine really seem to be a good bunch of people.!!!

Whats this new mag. Bring it to the Banquet. I want to see it. thanks........momma b

01-03-2005, 08:52 PM
momma b i got ahold of jason today. I bought some stuff from him. thanks for the number:)

01-03-2005, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by powerstroke
momma b i got ahold of jason today. I bought some stuff from him. thanks for the number:)

Good deal. Didnt know if he was still alive or not. Haven't heard anything out of him for awhile. It is freezing rain again here. Suppose to get upto 6 inches of snow by tomorrow night. The trees are hanging pretty low. Been moving trailors and cars out from under the trees. It will probably be moving your way Thursday. Guess we will see ya at the Banquet. Hope the weather is nice to travel. Momma B

01-03-2005, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by burrows
Good deal. Didnt know if he was still alive or not. Haven't heard anything out of him for awhile. It is freezing rain again here. Suppose to get upto 6 inches of snow by tomorrow night. The trees are hanging pretty low. Been moving trailors and cars out from under the trees. It will probably be moving your way Thursday. Guess we will see ya at the Banquet. Hope the weather is nice to travel. Momma B

Send some of that bad weather down here all we have is COLD rain!:D

01-03-2005, 09:17 PM
Yes I seen where in some places they were under flood warnings. We got the rain first and the guys around here have made sure I don't have much grass in the yard for the winter so it is mud here everywhere. To many Bradley tracks in the yard. lol. Between the quad and the go kart this yard has no chance for winter grass. momma b

Johnny & Monica
01-03-2005, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by burrows
Yes I seen where in some places they were under flood warnings. We got the rain first and the guys around here have made sure I don't have much grass in the yard for the winter so it is mud here everywhere. To many Bradley tracks in the yard. lol. Between the quad and the go kart this yard has no chance for winter grass. momma b

An the 48 dogs:blah: An Micheal when hes to drunk to make it in the house after a hard nigth.:devil:

01-03-2005, 09:47 PM
my back yard looks like that too! God knows what my neighbors think of me. I am definitely the only parent in the neighborhood who does doughnuts in his yard on a yfz:blah: My wife has 3 kids. our 2 boys and ME! lol. that flood warning is going on in my county. Momma B i sent ya a pm. it was the website for the magazine you asked about. http://www.atvracinextra.com/

I guess i could just put it here though:cool:

01-03-2005, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by powerstroke
I took the wife to the doctor today. all is well. just bruising and swelling. he said she is gonna be real sore for at least a week. I dont know what he gave her for the pain but she is pretty loopy right now
:eek2: lmao. matt

glade everything is going tobe ok with her. find out what she is on. might need some after the races. old age sucks.:(

01-03-2005, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by powerstroke
my back yard looks like that too! God knows what my neighbors think of me. I am definitely the only parent in the neighborhood who does doughnuts in his yard on a yfz:blah: My wife has 3 kids. our 2 boys and ME! lol. that flood warning is going on in my county. Momma B i sent ya a pm. it was the website for the magazine you asked about. http://www.atvracinextra.com/

I guess i could just put it here though:cool:

Man my yard is not big enought to ride in. I have to let the dogs dig it up so I don'thave to cut the grass. I do have a nice street to ride on. Only thing is the police don't much like that. I guess if Im going to be mayor I need to stop riding my quad on the streets. Well at lease untill after the election. Then look out its party time.:macho

just so you guys know. LT sucks. only cuz I can't run it.

01-04-2005, 05:07 AM
Originally posted by yfz450xc
Josh you and me ran against each other last year but I was the one in back having a bad day "ALL YEAR ":D

I belive everyone has a bad day once in a while! SOmetimes I can never get my ***** together. I was on a YFZ last year went back to honda this year. I only finished 2 B races and raced 4. Gotta 1st and a 2nd. Well I will talk to ya later. See you at the banquet.

01-04-2005, 08:09 AM
Originally posted by yfz450xc
Momma I already have some copies set aside for you all because Zak was in one of the issues I see ya at the banquet.:D
The mag is ATV Racing extra more like a news paper and does alot of sections on midwest stuff.

Awsome will look ya up. Sure hope this weather will give some so we can make it down there or else you guys will have to eat double to use our tickets up. lol. But I am sure Johnny will have no problem eating up. Want to get in line before him. lol. momma b

Johnny & Monica
01-04-2005, 09:01 AM
I dont get to go momma b :( Didnt send in my invation an knowone around here did enougth mo. races to amount to anything.I would went if there was someone esle here to ride with me.And Monica didnt want to use her babysitting pass on going when the winter X-GAMES is the end of the month in aspen CO. we`ll use are free weekend without the kids then:D

01-04-2005, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by mikeracerx34
I dont get to go momma b :( Didnt send in my invation an knowone around here did enougth mo. races to amount to anything.I would went if there was someone esle here to ride with me.And Monica didnt want to use her babysitting pass on going when the winter X-GAMES is the end of the month in aspen CO. we`ll use are free weekend without the kids then:D

johnny you are not allowed to go any where untill your quad is all togather. And do it right. I don't wont you crying when I beat you this year.


Johnny & Monica
01-04-2005, 06:04 PM
Geoff if your buying the beers I`ll be there:devil:

01-04-2005, 09:44 PM
maybe its just me but i found this thread HILARIOUS.

01-05-2005, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by powerstroke
maybe its just me but i found this thread HILARIOUS. That is funny chit!!!

01-05-2005, 05:20 PM
Hey Scott I don't know were Olsen gets his mail from to have gotten the kahoka issue because I just got the issue with the Missouri Mudders article. I would like to thank you for giving the credit to Greg,Gary,Tom and myself for the track layout. Bryan

01-05-2005, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by powerstroke
maybe its just me but i found this thread HILARIOUS.

Never trust a woman! ............ LOL!:(

01-06-2005, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by yfz450xc
it's christmas time at the ole johnson house again , all parts have made the arrival and ready for install, the only thing i am still waiting on is that darn slow COD that I ordered from overseas, it said on the order form that it's garuntted to make you faster a cross between speed ,vicodin and viagra, Yes I ordered a new rider:D

But I do have a survey for all the MHSC racers and supporters
(Momma B) to fill out were trying to get some goodies for next years banquet so look me up to fill this thing out it isn't of frank just the ATV riders and family's:)

Hey Scott is garuntted a word?? LOL I think you meant guaranteed...... :D just kidding with ya.

01-06-2005, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by bjones
Hey Scott I don't know were Olsen gets his mail from to have gotten the kahoka issue because I just got the issue with the Missouri Mudders article. I would like to thank you for giving the credit to Greg,Gary,Tom and myself for the track layout. Bryan

Bryan, how ya doin man? havent seen ya in a while. I only got that issue because when I ordered my subscription I asked them to send me the back issues for the previous 3 months also. C-ya at lebanon. Matt

Johnny & Monica
01-07-2005, 09:54 PM
Shep,hows the smokin going?Me I`m back to 2-3 packs a day again with one in the rigth an left hand.Hard to stop when monica keeps puffing away in front of me.Maybe a 3 day riding trip with out her around I can get a clean 3 day head start:bandit:

01-08-2005, 07:09 AM
:bandit:johny it goin real good , havent had a smoke in a full week , not realy even craving them any more !! my wife quit also and that makes it a lot easier!!..................woke up this morning to about 3to4 in. of snow getting ready to see if Tylers 50 will go in it!! i hope hope it duz he will love it can go !!!

01-08-2005, 07:33 AM
Originally posted by yfz450xc
Hang in there Shep the rough part is over, good job.
Just think $$$$$$$$$$$$$$:D :chinese: hey what you and bryan you doin today?

01-08-2005, 07:35 AM
Originally posted by shep
:bandit:johny it goin real good , havent had a smoke in a full week , not realy even craving them any more !! my wife quit also and that makes it a lot easier!!..................woke up this morning to about 3to4 in. of snow getting ready to see if Tylers 50 will go in it!! i hope hope it duz he will love it can go !!!

Day one of not smoking, the dogs already hate me. The coffee is not holding out and its cold out side.

Good news, I got a new sponcer yesterday. Fasst. I ordered some flex handle bars they should be great I hope. I'll let yu all know when they come in and I try them out. Johnny don't quit yet I would hate to be the reason you go back to it when I wipe you racing. :devil:

01-08-2005, 07:42 AM
Originally posted by yfz450xc
Geoff can you change handle bars in stock , see I dont know it all:D

yes you can change the handle bars in stock and the gncc will let you use the flexx ones. Seeing I have to take my damper off if I run a gncc these should take its place and help out. I also got some more help with things like chains, sprockets and stuff. I'm going to check out a helmit deal as well. I'm thinking I can get them cheeper from Larry at Donelsons tho so we wil have to see. If pm me I'll tell you more.

01-08-2005, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by yfz450xc
I'm goig tobolt on parts when I get home and brian has a b-day party to go to.:( :bandit: thats kool just wonderin , were getting ready to eat and then play in the snow!!!...............Geoff go get some patches and a bag of hard candy, and stay as busy as possible the 1st 3 days are the hardest after that not to bad!! stay strong my brotha!~!!!

01-08-2005, 07:51 AM
Originally posted by yfz450xc
I am interested to see how you like your flex bars I would like to but I am just about tapped out now, guess I will have to stick w/ the caulk gun trick:ermm: :bandit: all the kool chit you just got you dont need them flex bars, you have no idea how good its about to be!!! the 1st time you ride it you will have a mouth full of dirt from cheeeezin so big !!!! I promise!!

01-08-2005, 08:03 AM
:bandit: I just might get drunk and dance naked on a table!!! you never know how things like this may turn out!!

01-08-2005, 08:15 AM
Originally posted by shep
:bandit: thats kool just wonderin , were getting ready to eat and then play in the snow!!!...............Geoff go get some patches and a bag of hard candy, and stay as busy as possible the 1st 3 days are the hardest after that not to bad!! stay strong my brotha!~!!!

It was cheaper for me to smoke. I just descovered ebay, so far I'm bidding on tires and rims, got a ps2 system, good price on that and am looking for new plastic for the yfz.

I'v got hard candy, coffee, and I'm working on things around the house. I 'm even thinking about given the dogs a bath......

Scott maybe we can work a deal on some bars, I'll let you know how I like them.

01-08-2005, 08:40 AM
hey shep good job on the smoking thing. becareful when you get drunk because you will still want one. that was the hardest part to do when i quit two years ago. Bryan

01-08-2005, 09:07 AM
Originally posted by yfz450xc
I'm goig tobolt on parts when I get home and brian has a b-day party to go to.:(

You don't have that thing ready to go yet????:confused:
I thought the massive snow storm we got last night would motivate you!:D

01-08-2005, 09:15 AM
I am snowed in here in Jefferson City. We only got 2 inches but My S-10 is a helpless POS.

Anyway, I wanted to ask you all a question.

What is the best overall you have had in a MO race and what class were you in when you got it? Later.....Josh:D

01-08-2005, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by jdwxv3
I am snowed in here in Jefferson City. We only got 2 inches but My S-10 is a helpless POS.

Anyway, I wanted to ask you all a question.

What is the best overall you have had in a MO race and what class were you in when you got it? Later.....Josh:D

Never good enough to remember here....lol:cool:

Johnny & Monica
01-08-2005, 09:42 AM
My best was 13th overall in the mud on my 250r in 99 when I was still feeling young:D Thougth I kicked butt untill my ol`lady told me John Maples came out of the woods ahead of me carring his front shock under his arm.Toughest guy ever raced with an one of the best people you could ever meet.He him self gives atv`ers a good name.How many of you rember Johnny Maples?

01-08-2005, 09:50 AM
I have only finished 3 races outta 5 maybe 6

First year raced Begginer on a Mojave in Sedalia(25th overall)Boy was I sore that thing aint made to be raced it was like riding a fuggin solid rock!

Last year I raced B and finished Westphalia(19th overall)
and Marshfield(13th overall) See ya all....Josh:D

And I do not know Jonny Maples sounds like he was a hard ***** Motha Fugga:muscle:

Johnny & Monica
01-08-2005, 09:53 AM
He was in his mid 50`s back then an is still fast as hell...

01-08-2005, 11:11 AM
:bandit:Johny Maples is is good people, i like johny a lot!!!

01-08-2005, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by jdwxv3
I am snowed in here in Jefferson City. We only got 2 inches but My S-10 is a helpless POS.

Anyway, I wanted to ask you all a question.

What is the best overall you have had in a MO race and what class were you in when you got it? Later.....Josh:D

Best over all for a race. 7th flat river grand prix 1997. was in b class at the time.

Best for a season 25th over all 2nd class Senior class that was 1999 I think.

01-08-2005, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by mikeracerx34
My best was 13th overall in the mud on my 250r in 99 when I was still feeling young:D Thougth I kicked butt untill my ol`lady told me John Maples came out of the woods ahead of me carring his front shock under his arm.Toughest guy ever raced with an one of the best people you could ever meet.He him self gives atv`ers a good name.How many of you rember Johnny Maples?

I keep hoping he will come back. he was not only a great guy but funny as h*ll to. he could beat you and make you feel good about it at the same time.

01-08-2005, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by mikeracerx34
He was in his mid 50`s back then an is still fast as hell...

he was thta old back then? So whats he like now 100?
You see him every now and then don't you johnny? tell him I think he sucks for not racing any more.:D

01-09-2005, 12:14 PM
shep tell me it gets better. right now, I 'm not a nice person. I just yelled at my dogs for nothing.

If it were racing season Ithink I would be a real jerk out on the track. this sucks.

The good news is, my house is now clean.

more rain in the way and they say it might snow again thursday.

I wont nice weather so I can ride.

01-09-2005, 12:21 PM
Try pay per veiw porn that should keep you occupied for a few minutes:D

Wernt you supposed to be racing to day?:grr:

01-09-2005, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by jdwxv3
Try pay per veiw porn that should keep you occupied for a few minutes:D

Wernt you supposed to be racing to day?:grr:

With all the rain and stuff Brian and me desided it was best not to go racing. I hate the mud. I wil put up with it for the Mo races cuz I have to but not if its just for fun.

IfI'm going ot spend my hard earned money o looking at naked woman I'll do it on the east side not over the t.v. That way I know whats real and whats not.

I find that sleeping helps. took a two hour nape and feel better now. The next thing is going to be a diet I guess....all i'm doing now is eating all the time.

YOU SUCK SHEP this is all your doing

01-09-2005, 05:28 PM
shep........busted up some flooded timber mallards today :D

01-09-2005, 05:49 PM
Did anyone race Cassville today?

Also for the banquet can we bring a guest. My invite was mailed to my parents house because I guess that is the address they have on record for me. Anyway my bor sent mine and my money. I was just wondering if there was some way I could bring my wife? Also what is the apparel is it semi formal I would guess?


01-09-2005, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by jdwxv3
Did anyone race Cassville today?

Also for the banquet can we bring a guest. My invite was mailed to my parents house because I guess that is the address they have on record for me. Anyway my bor sent mine and my money. I was just wondering if there was some way I could bring my wife? Also what is the apparel is it semi formal I would guess?


Josh, the semi formal or nice everyday cloths. As for bring some one else I believe it is possible, however, you will have to pay the $20 at the door for them.

01-10-2005, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by yfz450xc
Yea Johnny is a good ole boy we have alot of them, Back about 3-4 years ago the was a guy named Chuck ruckdeshell his grandson
does the bike side of the series, he was finnaly some where aroundlate 50's early 60's , raced c class w/ us back then tough ole guy not real fast but always finised top 15-10, really good guy and always at the banquets.:) :)

It's time to ride!:D

01-10-2005, 06:49 PM
is shep hiding out or what??????:chinese: lol

01-10-2005, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by powerstroke
is shep hiding out or what??????:chinese: lol

Must be taking the night off.:)

01-10-2005, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by yfz450xc
I know Dog I am a sorry sort aren't I,Get ahold of me for some plans for the weekend banquet.

*I did get the arm and shocks on but still got alot of small stuff to do, grease bearings front and rear mount tires etc....

That long travel is awesome! I need more money.:cool:

01-10-2005, 09:34 PM
wow it sure has been quiet on here lately. Guess we are going to have to stir things up to get some people on here. lol. Guess those non smokers have to keep busy and not sit around on the computers. Sure wish them luck but I just couldn't do it. I would go nuts and these guys around here already think I have lost it. lol. mommab

01-10-2005, 09:41 PM
Shep was more fun when he was smoking.

I'm not going to make it. I picked up the patch and guess what? I'm alerjec to the glue they use. looks like not smoking is going to kill me too. Hell i should go back to smoking and DIE HAPPY.

I'll give up smoking again the day before each race, that way I mean and craky so everyone will move out of my way or DIE.

So johnny you got that bike togather yet.:devil:

01-10-2005, 09:55 PM
You have come this far, "YOU CAN DO IT" hang in there and eat some fire stick candy. Or any kind of hard candy. mommab

01-10-2005, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by burrows
You have come this far, "YOU CAN DO IT" hang in there and eat some fire stick candy. Or any kind of hard candy. mommab

The only reason I have made it this far is I live along and there is no one for me to kill. Man I know I'm cracky as all H*ll. Good thing I work along or things could get ugly.

I have gone thught a 5lbs bag of tooties rolls this weekend. Good thing I don't gain weight or I would look like th goodyear blimp.

Thanks fro your support but I'm still going to blame Shep. :D

Johnny & Monica
01-10-2005, 11:48 PM
Geoff the yfz should be back together the first of next week got the frame powder an repowdered my houser lt front end an rpm stem an rpm swing arm replace all bearings order my new plastic an head pipe got my new razr`s we won at the 12 hour race waiting on the rest of my motors parts to get here this week had to replace both case halfs cly. an piston all new should be ready I hope but having a blast riding Monicas 400ex the last month or so .

Momma B tell Brad he pick up a new sponsor ME :D I got Taylor a real clean 03 300ex wit full exchaust looking for nerfs already have pyramid bumber an pep triple rates shocks for it But Taylor aint old enougth to race Iowa on it yet but hopefully she can do a few MO. races on it But We`re putting number plates on it so we can put 65 on it for Bradley Tell him hes doing better than Micheal an DAUNE he as a full ride sponsorship :blah: I`ll call you guys tommorow nigth oh took taylor out about 10:00 tonigth to ride it sence we just got it tonigth very icy out tonigth with the cold

01-11-2005, 12:47 AM
:bandit: Damn get alittle busy and every body gets mad at ya!!!!LOL...............had a lot goin on guys sorry!! Geoff you may as well smoke cuz you aint ready to quit , when your ready to quit it isent that hard at all!!!.........Momma-b you know i luv you best!!!............and ive gone 10 days without smokin and doin just fine, i do crave one pretty bad but not gonna do it, it always passes!!!LOL ........................see you guys at the banquet!!................Geoff none of us spell very well your chit is just plain bad brother!!!!LOL:blah:

01-11-2005, 09:55 AM
Originally posted by yfz450xc
if I were you geoff I would use super glue:blah:

for what to keep my mouth closed or my butt on the set of the quad? You are being way to genral here Scott.

01-11-2005, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by shep
:bandit: Damn get alittle busy and every body gets mad at ya!!!!LOL...............had a lot goin on guys sorry!! Geoff you may as well smoke cuz you aint ready to quit , when your ready to quit it isent that hard at all!!!.........Momma-b you know i luv you best!!!............and ive gone 10 days without smokin and doin just fine, i do crave one pretty bad but not gonna do it, it always passes!!!LOL ........................see you guys at the banquet!!................Geoff none of us spell very well your chit is just plain bad brother!!!!LOL:blah:

Shep look up Dyslexic in the dictionary and see what you find out. Now, I have a reason for being a bed speller what is yours for being ugly.:eek2: :mad: :grr: :eek:

01-11-2005, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by mikeracerx34
Geoff the yfz should be back together the first of next week got the frame powder an repowdered my houser lt front end an rpm stem an rpm swing arm replace all bearings order my new plastic an head pipe got my new razr`s we won at the 12 hour race waiting on the rest of my motors parts to get here this week had to replace both case halfs cly. an piston all new should be ready I hope but having a blast riding Monicas 400ex the last month or so .

Momma B tell Brad he pick up a new sponsor ME :D I got Taylor a real clean 03 300ex wit full exchaust looking for nerfs already have pyramid bumber an pep triple rates shocks for it But Taylor aint old enougth to race Iowa on it yet but hopefully she can do a few MO. races on it But We`re putting number plates on it so we can put 65 on it for Bradley Tell him hes doing better than Micheal an DAUNE he as a full ride sponsorship :blah: I`ll call you guys tommorow nigth oh took taylor out about 10:00 tonigth to ride it sence we just got it tonigth very icy out tonigth with the cold

Oh man this is going to really get to Duane and Michael. Can't wait to tell them lol. Full ride sponsorship. Can you imagine what they will say. Funny. Aaron said no problem with the nerf bars. We can handle that at the shop. We will make Michael make a set for the full ride quad. He better not sabotosh it either. Will tell Bradley when he gets back in the house. He is out rabbit hunting since we had no school AGAIN from the ice storm we got last night. Talk to ya later.....mommab

01-11-2005, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by geogeorge
Shep look up Dyslexic in the dictionary and see what you find out. Now, I have a reason for being a bed speller what is yours for being ugly.:eek2: :mad: :grr: :eek: sheps not ugly at all, you should take a look at your self!!! and this dyslexic thing is getting old , I think your just to lazy to read what you wrote before you post!IVE known you as long as shep has geoff and i know how manny girlfriends you have had in the last 10 years , Jamie is always nice to you, you should be nice to him! see ya at the banquett Angie:) :devil:

01-11-2005, 03:55 PM
Ha Ha bringing the women into this! Pulling out all the stops!:)

01-11-2005, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by yfz450xc
Well geoff do you really need glue to keep you on the quad when your top speed is only 2 MPH ?:blah:
Ok I know Now it's your turn:eek2:

Funny Scott. ButI think that is about 5 mph faster then you go. That is unless they are clocking your mouth. :devil:

01-11-2005, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by shep
sheps not ugly at all, you should take a look at your self!!! and this dyslexic thing is getting old , I think your just to lazy to read what you wrote before you post!IVE known you as long as shep has geoff and i know how manny girlfriends you have had in the last 10 years , Jamie is always nice to you, you should be nice to him! see ya at the banquett Angie:) :devil:

That would be three grilfriends. I have high standarts.

Angie I am being nice to Shep.

01-11-2005, 05:47 PM
Not to get off the topic. But I have some z-400 motor parts for sale. I have them on ebay right no but would end the auction early. I have both middle cases, entire head, Wiesco 440 kit (complete W/ cylinder), Clutch cover, and also a crank. Maybe more just let me know if you know anyone needing these parts. They are cheap. They only have 2 days left on ebay. Let me know. My e-mail is jdwxv3@yahoo.com or 573 634 8914. Leave a message. Thanks a lot! Josh

01-12-2005, 06:03 AM
Originally posted by yfz450xc
Oh that hurt Geoff, Just for that I might have to run the stock class on my wifes 250 EX against you for a race:blah:

Well scott really wont to beat me? HAve your wife ride it in the stock class.:D

ow that one will leave a mark.

:devil: :blah:

Johnny & Monica
01-12-2005, 09:46 AM
Geoff,I`m starting to feel sorry for you.Everyone loves giving you crap.Now their ol`ladys want to beat on you do:devil:

Johnny & Monica
01-12-2005, 11:05 AM
Here's a pic of Tay on her 300ex. She just traded her blaster for it. She took it easy taking her first ride with all the ice and then it was Chancers turn. That boy skeered me, he had the thing full throttle and sideways on a sheet of ice.

Johnny & Monica
01-12-2005, 11:07 AM
Tay Tay giving the Chanceman a ride.

01-12-2005, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by mikeracerx34
Geoff,I`m starting to feel sorry for you.Everyone loves giving you crap.Now their ol`ladys want to beat on you do:devil:

Everyone one needs a hobby I guess.

I look at it this way. if no one liked me know one would bother to talk to or give me sh*t about anything now would they?:cool:

It looks like I'm the most popular person racing. :macho

01-12-2005, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by yfz450xc
Your ate up Geoff I'll get w/ you before the season starts and well do some practice at the creek soon as the bike is back together again.

That one was funny and you know it.

I'm ready to go. I'm waiting on my new flexx bars but I can ride with out them. I'm thinking there going to be a nice sponsor.

01-12-2005, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by geogeorge
Everyone one needs a hobby I guess.

I look at it this way. if no one liked me know one would bother to talk to or give me sh*t about anything now would they?:cool:

It looks like I'm the most popular person racing. :macho

You definitely seem to be the center of attention on here.....lol!:cool:

01-12-2005, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by mikeracerx34
Tay Tay giving the Chanceman a ride. :bandit: where are those kids helmets?

01-12-2005, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by shep
:bandit: where are those kids helmets?

I was thinking the same thing Shep. But I did not wanna say anthing casue I dont know this guy yet!:uhoh:

01-12-2005, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by Rdogg450
You definitely seem to be the center of attention on here.....lol!:cool:

being popular is a hard job but someone needs to do it. So I'm glade to step in.

Besides there all just trying to un nerve me cuz they know I am going to rock this year. be use to looking at my back boys.

01-12-2005, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by shep
:bandit: where are those kids helmets?

hoosier helmets Shep. Didn't you see them in the second picture?

Johnny & Monica
01-12-2005, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by shep
:bandit: where are those kids helmets?

We just got home with it an it was after 10:00 at nigth sleeting ice an the helmets was at my shop an she wanted a test ride to make sure her little boyfreind Bradley Burrows at a good race bike this season:devil: She said get off her ***** you knows an always wears one....You guys dont want this girl hiding at the 4 mile marker with a stick do ya?:blah:

01-12-2005, 06:03 PM
:bandit: just dont want to see or hear about anyone getting hurt or worse!! see ya at the banquet!!

Johnny & Monica
01-12-2005, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by shep
:bandit: just dont want to see or hear about anyone getting hurt or worse!! see ya at the banquet!!

Guess I aint going to banguet Geoff never said he was buying all the bears:( But Taylor said Bring your helmet an meet her a Fingerlake for a but whiping:macho since thats your favorite place.

01-12-2005, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by mikeracerx34
Guess I aint going to banguet Geoff never said he was buying all the bears:( But Taylor said Bring your helmet an meet her a Fingerlake for a but whiping:macho since thats your favorite place.

I never got a invit to the banquet. Guess they don't wont me there so I'll just hang out here and let you guess all show how much you care for me.:D

Johnny & Monica
01-12-2005, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by geogeorge
I never got a invit to the banquet. Guess they don't wont me there so I'll just hang out here and let you guess all show how much you care for me.:D

Well good Geoff if you ain`t going I dont want to go...Who would I get drunk an talk smack to An AARON Burrows or Shep would poke me in the eye for hitting on Pam :devil:

01-12-2005, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by mikeracerx34
Well good Geoff if you ain`t going I dont want to go...Who would I get drunk an talk smack to An AARON Burrows or Shep would poke me in the eye for hitting on Pam :devil:

Well at least we could give them something to talk about then maybe Geoff could have the day off. lol. We could get you drunk and on the table to lap dance. That would really make the important people there something to talk about. I am getting ready for the holeshot run to a table. That is crazy to find a table to sit with yur friends or even sit with my own kids.
Momma B

01-12-2005, 09:11 PM
Is there not that many tables usually or something????:(

01-12-2005, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by Rdogg450
Is there not that many tables usually or something????:(

There is alot of table but people just spread out. It seems like the bike guys always have theirs all together and reserved. And when we go in everyone is running and pushing. When there is so many people in our group it is hard to get a table so all of us can sit close to each other. They need to figure something out differently like reserving tables to a group like some other people.
I went in last yr and saw alot of reserved signs on tables towards the front.

01-13-2005, 05:30 AM
Originally posted by burrows
Well at least we could give them something to talk about then maybe Geoff could have the day off. lol. We could get you drunk and on the table to lap dance. That would really make the important people there something to talk about. I am getting ready for the holeshot run to a table. That is crazy to find a table to sit with yur friends or even sit with my own kids.
Momma B

Momma B I'm the youngest of 8 kids. the guys here on EX are amatures to my family in giving me trouble.

Hint, if you get there why they are setting up and talk nice to frank he might let you hold a table. The hold the ones up front for the people handing out stuff and franks buds.

Just yell "Look T*ts and when all the guys trun to look grab a table. :devil:

01-13-2005, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by mikeracerx34
Guess I aint going to banguet Geoff never said he was buying all the bears:( But Taylor said Bring your helmet an meet her a Fingerlake for a but whiping:macho since thats your favorite place. :bandit: I will let Tayler whip me but it wont be at finger lakes!! and she better be nice to me , Bradly and I are pretty tight, imight show him other girls!!! LOL..........................just kidding TAY TAY!!!( wair that helmet)see ya soon!!

01-13-2005, 12:00 PM
ha shep why aren't you at work?

Snow blade is on and I'm ready to go. looks like I might get to plow this time.:D :D :D

01-13-2005, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by yfz450xc
Thats why we all crowd in the waiting room like sardines until the doors open and Momma is right it is a holeshot to tables, so bring beer while you wait.

You mean we can drink there?????:)

01-13-2005, 03:14 PM
drink one or 10 for me i will be flying, or i would do it myself

01-13-2005, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by motoboy66
drink one or 10 for me i will be flying, or i would do it myself

I kow if I drank 10 I would be flying too. Only with out a plain to do it in. :devil:

01-13-2005, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by motoboy66
drink one or 10 for me i will be flying, or i would do it myself

We are starting early saturday so it might get ugly. Hey just look for an airport close by Todd and swing by for a bit.:)

01-13-2005, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by Rdogg450
We are starting early saturday so it might get ugly. Hey just look for an airport close by Todd and swing by for a bit.:)

Oh my gosh I hope we aren't neighbors at the motel. lol. Although if you party all day you might be ready for bed by the time us young fogeys go to bed. But thats allright Have fun. Momma B

Johnny & Monica
01-14-2005, 09:22 AM
Hey don`t forget Aaron burrows pam`s husband he`ll drink some bush beer`s when your toasting He kept the team together you know.An don`t slap momma B on the butt around him he takes offence to that:mad: All thougth Momma B may like it:devil:

01-14-2005, 04:02 PM
This is for all of you farm boys. Now I know why you have Yamaha's.

01-14-2005, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by tprender
This is for all of you farm boys. Now I know why you have Yamaha's.

That is too funny! :D

01-14-2005, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by mikeracerx34
Hey don`t forget Aaron burrows pam`s husband he`ll drink some bush beer`s when your toasting He kept the team together you know.An don`t slap momma B on the butt around him he takes offence to that:mad: All thougth Momma B may like it:devil:

Now Johnny you ought to know I don't pay any attention to Aaron. You will never know what all went on when youre not there. We will sure miss ya. But don't believe all the stories about me when we get home. lol. You will never know what is true and not true.

01-14-2005, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by tprender
This is for all of you farm boys. Now I know why you have Yamaha's.

That was so funny.

Johnny & Monica
01-14-2005, 11:20 PM
Tom that`s a good one :D see you gotta sence of humor , That better than the toilet in the woods at park hills:ermm:

You guys tie one on for me tommorow nigth an someone go on An smack Momma B on the ***** for me. It`ll make her day:devil:

I`ll be here tommorow nigth talking smack with Geoff sence he aint going either:(

Starting with Geoff you suck an would be faster if you didnt ride side saddle like a girl:blah:

01-15-2005, 05:59 AM
Originally posted by mikeracerx34
Tom that`s a good one :D see you gotta sence of humor , That better than the toilet in the woods at park hills:ermm:

You guys tie one on for me tommorow nigth an someone go on An smack Momma B on the ***** for me. It`ll make her day:devil:

I`ll be here tommorow nigth talking smack with Geoff sence he aint going either:(

Starting with Geoff you suck an would be faster if you didnt ride side saddle like a girl:blah:

I learned to ride from you Johnny. :D

Besides on the PS2 game you get points for doing tricks and how would you know how I ride unless your behind me? :macho

01-15-2005, 05:06 PM
Johnny I guess if your going to trash talk me you need to be here to do it.

I guess seens your not going to I will haave to just slap you down anyway.

You know you would be faster if you didn't have to have your wife hold your hand.:devil:

Belly up to the bar I'm serving humble pie.

01-15-2005, 05:28 PM
Also Johnny I have a new body guard. so if you think your going to get the better of me you will have to deal with this guy. good luck

Johnny & Monica
01-15-2005, 05:43 PM
Ha Geoff I see peanut butter on the dog`s face where was he licking that from :D John Glenn called me on the way threw this area an wanted to know if I want to ride to the banquet tonigth I almost took him up on it.But I`m going to set around the house tonigth to cold to get out.Hoping yfz will be back on the road next weekend have to do some riding soon if you can afford the lessons:devil:

01-15-2005, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by mikeracerx34
Ha Geoff I see peanut butter on the dog`s face where was he licking that from :D John Glenn called me on the way threw this area an wanted to know if I want to ride to the banquet tonigth I almost took him up on it.But I`m going to set around the house tonigth to cold to get out.Hoping yfz will be back on the road next weekend have to do some riding soon if you can afford the lessons:devil:

Thats not peanut butter. It is what is left of the last guy that was giving me chit. :D

I can afford the lesson if you can afford the humility. :macho

01-16-2005, 07:45 AM
The banquet went well, they talk waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to much about dirt bikes thogh. Kinda made it boring but we came away with some cool chit. Got to meet SHEP, he is a character:D Wanted to meet a few more people but it is kinda hard when you talk to someone on here and you dont know what the hell they look like! Later guys

01-16-2005, 08:04 AM
Originally posted by jdwxv3
The banquet went well, they talk waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to much about dirt bikes thogh. Kinda made it boring but we came away with some cool chit. Got to meet SHEP, he is a character:D Wanted to meet a few more people but it is kinda hard when you talk to someone on here and you dont know what the hell they look like! Later guys

YOu mean they only talkked WAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY to much about bikes this time. Heck that means there getting better.

It use to be they only talked about bikes.


Shep is a classic alright.

01-17-2005, 08:30 AM
so where are the party pictures?

01-17-2005, 02:22 PM
Johnny what did I do you in so fast you wont even post here any more? sucks, I look forward to getting riped on and now know ones has anything to say. I'm hurt.:(

Johnny & Monica
01-17-2005, 03:10 PM
Hell no Geoffery,I just been lazy all weekend I may run down to the shop an post a few pictues of my naked yfz here shortly just cold down there..

01-17-2005, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by mikeracerx34
Hell no Geoffery,I just been lazy all weekend I may run down to the shop an post a few pictues of my naked yfz here shortly just cold down there..

Its cold every were. I hate the cold. I ghope it warms up for the first race. at my age the body don't work well in the cold.

01-17-2005, 04:26 PM
I'd rather it be cold than mid 40s and rainy and muddy!
Just my 2 cents..........lol.;)

Johnny & Monica
01-17-2005, 04:47 PM
Look how close I em to kicking your ***** Geoff:D

Johnny & Monica
01-17-2005, 04:49 PM

Johnny & Monica
01-17-2005, 04:52 PM
last one Geoff:o An this is the only part you`ll see the back of me lol

01-17-2005, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by mikeracerx34
last one Geoff:o An this is the only part you`ll see the back of me lol

Wow. You aren't playing.:cool: Looks sweet.

01-17-2005, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by mikeracerx34
Look how close I em to kicking your ***** Geoff:D

its going to look like that after I blow by you in the first race. I would number the parts so its easyer for you to put it back togather again. :devil:

01-17-2005, 06:47 PM

The quad I mean!!

01-17-2005, 07:02 PM
:bandit: WHAT A P>O>S!!!!!!! LOL!!:devil:

Johnny & Monica
01-17-2005, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by shep
:bandit: WHAT A P>O>S!!!!!!! LOL!!:devil:

:( :( :(

Monica said her first picture of you is going to be photo shoped with your face in Geoffs lap lol:devil:

01-17-2005, 09:02 PM
Originally posted by mikeracerx34
:( :( :(

Monica said her first picture of you is going to be photo shoped with your face in Geoffs lap lol:devil:

Johnny just so you and Monica know. I have photo shop and I know how to use it too.

just a word of warning. :D

Johnny & Monica
01-17-2005, 09:19 PM
Yeah baby photo shop war in progress woo woo:devil:

Johnny & Monica
01-17-2005, 09:48 PM
You can leave me out of photoshop too or else !!!!

I found some old pics from Missouri races around 99 to 2000 my scanner is a pos so the pics might not come out very well but we'll see.

I think this is Westphalia.

Johnny & Monica
01-17-2005, 09:54 PM

Johnny & Monica
01-17-2005, 09:58 PM
Florence by the chicken ranch win Kink drove into the mound of crap thinking it was firm and sunk in at least a foot.

Johnny & Monica
01-17-2005, 10:00 PM
Mike, Bohon, and Johnny at the starting line...

01-17-2005, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by mikeracerx34
You can leave me out of photoshop too or else !!!!

I found some old pics from Missouri races around 99 to 2000 my scanner is a pos so the pics might not come out very well but we'll see.

I think this is Westphalia.

looks like westphalia. Johnny just giving you crap. but it would be funny if we but someones face on yak yaks body.:devil:

I mean I know it.

Johnny & Monica
01-17-2005, 10:03 PM

Johnny & Monica
01-17-2005, 10:05 PM
Johnny looking when he was a bean pole. Ha Ha

01-17-2005, 10:06 PM
What know pics of me and my banshee?

You know I'm the best looking guy out there don't you.

Johnny & Monica
01-17-2005, 10:08 PM
And the cry baby maker Willow Creek!!!!!!!

Johnny & Monica
01-17-2005, 10:11 PM
I'm still looking Geoff I've got a big stack of old pics ((thank goodness for digital)) .

Chris Higgins

Johnny & Monica
01-17-2005, 10:13 PM

Johnny & Monica
01-17-2005, 10:17 PM

Johnny & Monica
01-17-2005, 10:20 PM
Tay's first race on the old lt80.

Johnny & Monica
01-17-2005, 10:24 PM
Finger Lakes

Johnny & Monica
01-17-2005, 10:27 PM
Park hills

Johnny & Monica
01-17-2005, 10:33 PM
Don Eckoff, Miles, Johhny, Lee, Blanton, Donnie (DIRTSHACK) and Travis(DIRTSHACK)(yes at one time the DIRTSHACK owners use to race now they Hillclimb:blah:

Finger Lakes

Johnny & Monica
01-17-2005, 10:37 PM
Maples ready to kick some d**kH**ds *** at Ironman.

Johnny & Monica
01-17-2005, 10:39 PM

Johnny & Monica
01-17-2005, 10:42 PM

Johnny & Monica
01-17-2005, 10:44 PM

Johnny & Monica
01-17-2005, 10:47 PM
Park Hills

Johnny & Monica
01-17-2005, 11:12 PM

Johnny & Monica
01-17-2005, 11:14 PM
And speaking of photoshop......Miles Harris in the off season.

01-18-2005, 05:12 AM
Originally posted by mikeracerx34
And speaking of photoshop......

Johnny who is the guy on your back with the stick?

01-18-2005, 08:00 AM
Originally posted by yfz450xc
Motoboy I have your throphy and shirt, give me a call when you get in town.

I will sure give you a call when i gethome next time. Looks like it will be at the end of the month. Did you get your parts on yet? I am kinda wanting to see it in action.

Thanks again.

Johnny & Monica
01-18-2005, 08:43 AM
Thats miles on a camel did you know him an bin laden are cousins lol

01-18-2005, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by mikeracerx34
Thats miles on a camel did you know him an bin laden are cousins lol

Your too much Johnny.

01-18-2005, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by yfz450xc
Front end is all done and set got the wheels to do and the rear linkage and shock yet, did the new resistor to by pass the battery also looks pretty cool w/ all the blue houser stuff. stop by I plan on riding next week, it should be done by then, plus Tim got my honda engine back together so I can ride 2 of them again:D

Well when i get home, i will stop by just to see everything you have done. I have Nick tearing my engine apart as we speak, so when i get home, all I will have to do is put it back together. I won't be able to do everything i wanted, but at least my engine will be healthy again. i won't be home until the 29th, but if you go riding give Nick a call, he hasn't been riding any latley. Can't wait until that first race in Feb.

01-19-2005, 10:35 AM
Johnny changeing your name wont keep me from knowing who you are. your still slow and I'm going to blow your doors off.

Besides I'm going to suck up to monica big time so she will take my picture as I pass you. :D

Just name your price Monica.

Johnny & Monica
01-19-2005, 10:50 AM
Don't forget I still have to ride home with Johnny so the price will have to be pretty high unless he makes me mad then I might do it for free....

01-19-2005, 04:47 PM
scott, what kind of change did you make to your electrical system? I meant to ask you about it at the banguet but i forgot. Matt:blah:

01-19-2005, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by Johnny & Monica
Don't forget I still have to ride home with Johnny so the price will have to be pretty high unless he makes me mad then I might do it for free....

Hay you got to love the free stuff don't you monica.

Well maybe I could bribe the kids for less?

01-20-2005, 02:18 PM
thanks scott. I have been one of the lucky ones that has never had an issue but I am always worried that my luck will run out. I assume this has been a reliable fix? Matt

01-20-2005, 03:15 PM
On my old YFZ I had a few electrical problems and I ended up doing away with a lot of unneeded wires and also putting a larger battery in it.

01-20-2005, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by yfz450xc
Matt go to the forum section and then go to YFZ section and scroll down to YFZ Resistor kit it explains it there, you can remove the headlights and it gives your battery a direct full charge all the time, it looks like yamaha saw a problem and we have to but the kit to fix it ? $51 pretty easy to install.

Hey there..With someone that has warranty for what good it is. I was told if we put one of those thingys on there it would cancel the warranty if something went wrong in that part. do ya know?:confused: mommab

01-21-2005, 07:48 AM
From the people that I have talked to about he Yam electric problem. It has been corrected in the new models. The 1st year ones are the ones with the battery going dead problem. the trail tech part is the solution for the problem.
The problem that is happening on the new ones is that the gorund wire is coming undone. when this happens it will sound like the quad is missing an backfiring. I saw this happening at a couple of the races that I was at last year.

01-21-2005, 07:50 AM
From the people that I have talked to about he Yam electric problem. It has been corrected in the new models. The 1st year ones are the ones with the battery going dead problem. the trail tech part is the solution for the problem.
The problem that is happening on the new ones is that the gorund wire is coming undone. when this happens it will sound like the quad is missing an backfiring. I saw this happening at a couple of the races that I was at last year.
It was a great day of riding on Wed. Sunny, warm, and with just a little bit of mud in the morning.

01-21-2005, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by yfz450xc
New post on the MHSC site.
Question, reading below it means that "ONLY" 1-10 AA
and "ONLY" 11-20 A after the 05 season, which means that B class will be totally swamped again next year by those that were 21-60 and on who "Used" to be able to ride AA and A ?
Am I reading this right ?

ATV Class Changes

There was a MAJOR re-structuring of ATV classes at this year's meeting. This was done to better align our attendance and riders with current machines. Some classes have stayed but, many have been shuffled or re-named. We will also increase the number of AA and A riders in those classes but, that does not take effect until the 2006 season. Below is a complete list of the 2005 ATV classes.

2005 ATV Classes
AA-Expert 1st - 10th Overall (after 2005)
A-Intermediate 11th - 20th Overall (after 2005)
B any B rider, any cc
B Vet +25 B rider, any cc
C any C rider, any cc
C Vet +25 C rider, any cc
Senior +40, any cc
2-3-4 200cc 2-stroke, 300c 4-stroke
4-stroke Stock any cc, Stock 4-stroke
Beginner any cc, no MHSC points

Bring them on the more the better!

01-21-2005, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by yfz450xc
New post on the MHSC site.
Question, reading below it means that "ONLY" 1-10 AA
and "ONLY" 11-20 A after the 05 season, which means that B class will be totally swamped again next year by those that were 21-60 and on who "Used" to be able to ride AA and A ?
Am I reading this right ?

ATV Class Changes

There was a MAJOR re-structuring of ATV classes at this year's meeting. This was done to better align our attendance and riders with current machines. Some classes have stayed but, many have been shuffled or re-named. We will also increase the number of AA and A riders in those classes but, that does not take effect until the 2006 season. Below is a complete list of the 2005 ATV classes.

2005 ATV Classes
AA-Expert 1st - 10th Overall (after 2005)
A-Intermediate 11th - 20th Overall (after 2005)
B any B rider, any cc
B Vet +25 B rider, any cc
C any C rider, any cc
C Vet +25 C rider, any cc
Senior +40, any cc
2-3-4 200cc 2-stroke, 300c 4-stroke
4-stroke Stock any cc, Stock 4-stroke
Beginner any cc, no MHSC points

Yes your right scott but I'm hopping that they guys that finished 1 - 10 and 11 - 20 will not wait untill the 06 season and they will race those classes this year. but only time will tell. I already know I'm in the stock class

01-21-2005, 01:37 PM
If they want to stay in a lower class because they win there, thats just dumb. Why would you not want to move on to a higher class? Seems dumb to sandbag in a class that you have already proven yourself in. Hopefully I will get kicked out of b-class one day.

I think they are afraid of getting beat!

01-21-2005, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by yfz450xc
New post on the MHSC site.
Question, reading below it means that "ONLY" 1-10 AA
and "ONLY" 11-20 A after the 05 season, which means that B class will be totally swamped again next year by those that were 21-60 and on who "Used" to be able to ride AA and A ?
Am I reading this right ?

ATV Class Changes

There was a MAJOR re-structuring of ATV classes at this year's meeting. This was done to better align our attendance and riders with current machines. Some classes have stayed but, many have been shuffled or re-named. We will also increase the number of AA and A riders in those classes but, that does not take effect until the 2006 season. Below is a complete list of the 2005 ATV classes.

2005 ATV Classes
AA-Expert 1st - 10th Overall (after 2005)
A-Intermediate 11th - 20th Overall (after 2005)
B any B rider, any cc
B Vet +25 B rider, any cc
C any C rider, any cc
C Vet +25 C rider, any cc
Senior +40, any cc
2-3-4 200cc 2-stroke, 300c 4-stroke
4-stroke Stock any cc, Stock 4-stroke
Beginner any cc, no MHSC points

Scott what this means is 1-10 will be mandatory AA, 11-20 mandatory A everybody else can ride where they want . So what I'm trying to say is overall numder 32 can ride AA or A ifhe so chooses to.

01-21-2005, 03:26 PM
Bjones is correct in what he is saying. For this year 1-5 have to ride in the AA class, for 2006 1-10 have to ride in the AA class. This year those finishing 6-15 have to ride in the A class, starting in 2006 11-20 have to ride in the A class. I would think that most of the ATV riders that fall in to overlap (6-10 and 16-20) areas will move up to the higher class this year and not wait for next year. Scott you were just reading it wrong. Go look at your LT a-arms and shocks an relax. Then think how fast you might or will be able to go with them.
The only thing that is wrong on the site is the listing for what is legal in the stock class. We have written to the webmaster asking for it to be changed.

01-21-2005, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by tprender
Bjones is correct in what he is saying. For this year 1-5 have to ride in the AA class, for 2006 1-10 have to ride in the AA class. This year those finishing 6-15 have to ride in the A class, starting in 2006 11-20 have to ride in the A class. I would think that most of the ATV riders that fall in to overlap (6-10 and 16-20) areas will move up to the higher class this year and not wait for next year. Scott you were just reading it wrong. Go look at your LT a-arms and shocks an relax. Then think how fast you might or will be able to go with them.
The only thing that is wrong on the site is the listing for what is legal in the stock class. We have written to the webmaster asking for it to be changed.

So long as I'm still stock I don't care.

Scott I think you ran B last year and you can still run it this year.
YOur fast eather way.

01-22-2005, 10:45 PM
Only about a month away til Lebanon. I think it might be too cold.:p

01-23-2005, 03:54 AM
Originally posted by Rdogg450
Only about a month away til Lebanon. I think it might be too cold.:p

just think warm thoughts and you will be fine.:devil:

01-23-2005, 09:39 AM
About how many riders are in each class?

01-23-2005, 10:04 AM
Originally posted by tdsongster
About how many riders are in each class?

It depends on the class.

last year the B and C classes had like 30 in them this year we are hoping that they will have around 15 to 20 in them. we added classes to handle the number of riders we have total.

Last year we had a ave. of 125 riders total for the year.

I hope this helps

Johnny & Monica
01-23-2005, 10:46 PM
Good job Duane Johnson on winning the hill billy race in coalcamp today :D

01-24-2005, 05:27 AM
125 average? I thought we were up near 180? The races I went to either broke 200 or were really close if I remember correctly.

01-24-2005, 07:58 AM
The average number for all of the races was 141 for the year. The last 2 races had a low turn out, which dropped the number down. They were around 110 each, the rest were around 155 or 140. The March of Dimes race had 225 riders and we hope that it will be larger this year.
Hopefully with the B and C class split up the class count will be more fair. It look's like it is going to be a good year of racing. I will be busy doing the 6 and 12 hr races this year.

01-24-2005, 09:24 AM
I asked him to change what he had posted about the stock class being wrong and to correct it to that wording on the page with the class list. He did change it on that page, but he also put that on the front page. Not sure if it is a slam, but I am going to overlook it for right now to get the correct posting.

Johnny & Monica
01-24-2005, 10:25 AM
Off topic....... Just wanted to brag on Tay Tay not only did she make the principals honor roll with straight A's but her basketball team took second in their tournament. Woo Hoo.Basketball is almost over for the year so she's stoked about getting back to quad racing and can't wait to defend her first place win from last year at Kahoka.

01-24-2005, 08:11 PM
Since we are on the subject of the rule changes concerning 1-10 and 11-20 I want you guys opinion on where I should head off to. Everyones opinion is valuable to me but I especially want tom and bryans. I finished 3rd in A and 12th overall. Most of You guys know me pretty well and know my racing history so what do you think? A or AA? I was heavily considering staying in A for one more year but I have caught some flack from a few guys:blah: Matt Olson.

01-24-2005, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by powerstroke
Since we are on the subject of the rule changes concerning 1-10 and 11-20 I want you guys opinion on where I should head off to. Everyones opinion is valuable to me but I especially want tom and bryans. I finished 3rd in A and 12th overall. Most of You guys know me pretty well and know my racing history so what do you think? A or AA? I was heavily considering staying in A for one more year but I have caught some flack from a few guys:blah: Matt Olson.

Pstroke you could run eather of the classes. Personaly if it were me I would stay in the A class. See how you do this year and move up next year to the AA class. I don't think you are cheery picking the class so no need to move up yet.

Side not. don't go stock. thanks

01-25-2005, 07:53 AM
Matt, this one is your call on the AA or A class for this year. Do you feel that you could win a race or place in the top 3? If so, maybe you should ride the AA, if not stay in the A class. This one is your call, I have no problem with you in either class. The only problem that I had was when you showed up at Macon for the 6 hr and ran the B class and won with 2nd overall.

01-25-2005, 03:56 PM
Matt, I have a VERY biased opinion but I think you should run AA! If you race A then that means I am just one spot farther back everyrace:( . Seriously though it is your call. I just hope you dont get bored in the A class. Who else is running A that was in the top 5 in the A class last year. I know Ryberg is moving up but who else? Later, Josh

01-25-2005, 05:15 PM
thanks for the input guys. I also do not see any problem with me staying in the A class this year. I dont believe in setting restrictions on yourself. I believe in working as hard as you can and striving to win no matter what class you ride. That being said I think about top 5 in the AA class would be a "realistic" goal for me. I am not saying i could stroll into the pro class and get 5th for the year. I may be able to do better, I may do far worse. I am just saying i think that would be a realistic goal taking into account the current competition. JDW---dont sweat it man. you will be fine. Your first year in A is hectic and can be a little disheartening at times but you grow into it like you do with any step up. I moved to A 3 seasons ago( i think). my first year in A i was finishing between 6th and 10th. My second year I was gettting 3rds and 5ths. Last year I won a couple and was in the battle for the lead almost every race. It comes to you but you have to work at it and hang in there. To answer your question Matt ryberg is moving to AA. I heard through the grapevine that Jake wyatt is also moving up but I dont know if that is fact. I dont know if Zac johnson or Mike Dankel are moving up either. Matt

01-25-2005, 05:28 PM
Sounds good Matt, I am looking forward to the challange! Going to be really tough this year. I know for sure I will not be fighting for the championship b/c I can only race probaly 7 races due to my dang work scedule. Anyway I will see you in Lebanon if my 400 is still alive by then anyway. Later, Josh

01-25-2005, 05:41 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by powerstroke
[B]Since we are on the subject of the rule changes concerning 1-10 and 11-20 I want you guys opinion on where I should head off to. Everyones opinion is valuable to me but I especially want tom and bryans. I finished 3rd in A and 12th overall. Most of You guys know me pretty well and know my racing history so what do you think? A or AA? I was heavily considering staying in A for one more year but I have caught some flack from a few guys:blah:

Matt i think I'm going with Tom one this one it's your choice because you would be competive in either class so it's really your choice. Good Luck in lebenon if i don't make it.

Bryan Jones
MSHC #430

Johnny & Monica
01-26-2005, 07:55 AM
Tom.....who or how do I get ahold of the MHSC logo? Harlen is giving me the oppurtunity to provide race coverage for the MHSC for 2005 and I need that information so I can get this thing started and be ready for the first race at Lebanon. I should be able to make most of the races. Right now the only one I know for sure I can't make is Finger Lakes. So if anyone would like to volunteer to take photos and provide a race report for Columbia please let me know as it would be greatly appreciated. We can go over the details when it gets closer to that race. I think this is going to be really awesome and provide the MHSC with some good advertising and show everyone just how big this series is. Thanks to all for any help you can provide. Thanks Monica

01-26-2005, 02:48 PM
That sounds really cool.:)

Johnny & Monica
01-26-2005, 05:47 PM
We`re hoping to get a picture of acouple different riders each race an take a pic. beside there ride with a small inerveiw of qeustions sponsors ect. so the sponsors get alittle plug an noticed Try to mix it up from AA to beginners Starting With Shep since he`s always left out:D

01-26-2005, 07:07 PM
:bandit: Dont have to start with me dont Know if im gonna run any mo races yet!!

Johnny & Monica
01-26-2005, 08:38 PM
What the hell Shep? You've been Mo Mo Mo and now you don't know if you're going to race any? Then what are you planning on doing?:huh Are you coming to Iowa?? Your not giving up riding for dance lessons are you?:devil:

01-26-2005, 11:04 PM
Hay Shep everything ok?

Johnny I will be at the columbia race. I can see about getting some pictures for you and doing race coverage. I will have to get someone to shot the pics why Ii kick everyones butt racing but that should not be too hard.


01-27-2005, 04:44 AM
:bandit: Just fine!!:D

01-27-2005, 04:50 AM
:bandit: Sounds like Monica is going to busy!!lol we need to make sure she is compinsated for her time and efferts!!I found out the night that ARK. series score keeper gets paid $.50 a racer !!.................MMMMMMMMMMMM!

01-27-2005, 05:06 AM
Originally posted by shep
:bandit: Just fine!!:D

Thats good. If you wern't around to give me chit I don't know what I would do. Johnny just ant as good as you are at it.

he trys thought have to give him that.:D :devil: :macho

01-27-2005, 06:26 AM
The score keeper in our series gets payed in a way. Each officer get free gate fee and gets to ride the race free.
The person that was doing the Mid South races at one time was getting payed per rider. He upped his prices after the 1st year because of very short race tracks an having to score the riders so much. The next year the courses were twice as long, I wonder Why?

Johnny & Monica
01-27-2005, 06:50 AM
Originally posted by shep
:bandit: Just fine!!:D

Shep your just kranky because you need a smoke?:devil:

01-27-2005, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by Johnny & Monica
Shep your just kranky because you need a smoke?:devil:

He is not cranky cuz he needs a smoke he cranky cuz he cares and everyone has gotten on his case. I think it was great that Shep tryed to get people fired up. Its just to bad alot of the people could not see that and now they are all pist off at him. Heck look at the crap I take and you don't see me being pissy about it. If you are all going to be that thined skined then its not shep tht is the problem.

As my neighbors kid would say just grow up.:eek2: :scary:

Johnny & Monica
01-27-2005, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by tprender
The score keeper in our series gets payed in a way. Each officer get free gate fee and gets to ride the race free.
The person that was doing the Mid South races at one time was getting payed per rider. He upped his prices after the 1st year because of very short race tracks an having to score the riders so much. The next year the courses were twice as long, I wonder Why?

At this point I am not looking to get paid or asking for free admissions or anything. I just want to take pics and post reports and such. Not out to step on any toes or take anything away from anyone. Just some needed and well deserved publicity. I think that by me doing this it will only make the numbers increase.

Johnny & Monica
01-27-2005, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by geogeorge
He is not cranky cuz he needs a smoke he cranky cuz he cares and everyone has gotten on his case. I think it was great that Shep tryed to get people fired up. Its just to bad alot of the people could not see that and now they are all pist off at him. Heck look at the crap I take and you don't see me being pissy about it. If you are all going to be that thined skined then its not shep tht is the problem.

As my neighbors kid would say just grow up.:eek2: :scary:

Oh F em Shep. They'll get over it and if not who cares we still like you.:D

01-27-2005, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by Johnny & Monica
At this point I am not looking to get paid or asking for free admissions or anything. I just want to take pics and post reports and such. Not out to step on any toes or take anything away from anyone. Just some needed and well deserved publicity. I think that by me doing this it will only make the numbers increase. :bandit: what you guys are going to be doing and what Scott has going with news letter , these 2 things are so awsome there arnt words to descibe it , I think its great!!!

01-27-2005, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Johnny & Monica
Oh F em Shep. They'll get over it and if not who cares we still like you.:D :bandit:yer perty aaaaight to jon jon!!

Johnny & Monica
01-27-2005, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by geogeorge
Hay Shep everything ok?

Johnny I will be at the columbia race. I can see about getting some pictures for you and doing race coverage. I will have to get someone to shot the pics why Ii kick everyones butt racing but that should not be too hard.


Geoff that would be great. I'm gonna try and have some flyers or something made to pass out at the races about that I'll be doing race coverage and it will be posted here and my email address so if anyone gets some good pics or info they can email it to me and I can add it to the coverage. I'm getting really excited about it. :D

Johnny & Monica
01-27-2005, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by shep
:bandit:yer perty aaaaight to jon jon!!

Hey it's Monica not Jon Jon. He's went to take the trailer that the suicidal deer took out to see about getting it fixed. It's my turn to post cuz once he comes back he'll kick me off the computer by promising me some lovin' then jump on here and forget about me.:blah:

01-28-2005, 05:03 AM
I dont have any probelms with SHEP either.