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07-31-2006, 07:41 PM
I was asked to post this information.

JJ went into surgery sometime after 8 pm. The operation is expected to last 5 hours. The damage may not be what they expected and he does at this point have what seems to be a chance to walk again. While we pray that this is the case, no real information beyond what I just posted is being released from the Jones family, however they wish for your prayers and support through this tragic ordeal.

07-31-2006, 07:51 PM
Good luck to him in surgery! I like that news better than what has been coming out. Hopefully the damage is not as bad!

07-31-2006, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
I was asked to post this information.

JJ went into surgery sometime after 8 pm. The operation is expected to last 5 hours. The damage may not be what they expected and he does at this point have what seems to be a chance to walk again. While we pray that this is the case, no real information beyond what I just posted is being released from the Jones family, however they wish for your prayers and support through this tragic ordeal.

That is the best news I heard all day. My prayers are with you JJ and family.

07-31-2006, 09:54 PM
come one JJ pull through this....me and my family are praying for you and your family!!!!

07-31-2006, 10:06 PM
Hi everyone-

I'm just back to California from the Unadilla event. A weekend that I'd very much like to forget.

A couple quick notes regarding JJ- There is some glimmer of hope that this thing may not be as bad as first thought. But that's all it is right now, a glimmer. As stated earlier- after the surgery tonight they will know a lot more. At least at this point there have been some positive signs. Keep the prayers and positive thoughts coming in!

On behalf of Team Yoshimura Suzuki I'd like to thank the ATV racing community for all of the kind words, prayers, and thoughts for Jeremiah and his family. The ATV racing community is very special. At times like this, the best comes out of all of you and it's gratifying to witness.

After we got back to the truck Sunday, a steady stream of competitors stopped by to express concern and say some kind words, John Natalie, Pat Brown, Tim Farr and Mark Baldwin, and oh yeah- you too Harlen... the list is pretty big. To all of us at Yoshimura you guys are all awesome. We race a lot of different series. Everything from AMA Superbike Roadracing to Supercross, in no other category do we see this kind of "closeness" with otherwise fierce competitors. It is truly remarkable.

Jeremiah is a wonderful guy. His smile is genuine, he cares about people, he has a great family, and he will be OK. No matter what the outcome of this new challenge, JJ will attack life again just like before. He may or may not be racing, but I guarantee you that he will be going "wide open" again in short order. He will be OK.

Racing anything can be dangerous. Overall the safety record of ATV racing is very good. This incident Sunday was no ones fault, it was an accident that happened by pure bad fortune and that's all it was, nothing more, nothing less. I'd like for everyone to keep that in mind.

In closing, to my friends Wayne Hinson, Pat, Ryan, Paul, Ricky, Travis, Billy, Digger, John, and the whole crew- hang in there boys.

To Jamie, Jim & Brenda and the whole Jones clan- Your family is amazing and a source of inspirartion. JJ is so lucky to have all of you in his corner.

To all the fans of Jeremiah- His team thanks all of you from the bottom of our hearts for all the kind words and prayers. I think it's safe to say that Jeremiah's family feels the same way.

Brant Russell
Yoshimura R&D of America

07-31-2006, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by bruss55
Hi everyone-

Brant Russell
Yoshimura R&D of America

i just know that he will make it through this! idk if he will continue riding or not but that doesnt matter....as long as he walks again!!!:(

07-31-2006, 10:43 PM
I 2nd That. looking forward to an update tonight.

07-31-2006, 11:19 PM
Update 1:35am

The latest update we have from the Jones family....

Jeremiah Jones is in his fourth hour of surgery, and everything has been coming along fine as they have secured the fractured vertebrate in his back, and there is still no word on the extent of damage to his spinal cord, but Jeremiah's family and friends continue to wait and pray for the best.

07-31-2006, 11:27 PM
Thanks for the update Pappy! Still praying for the best news possible....

07-31-2006, 11:28 PM
Thanks for the Update....JJ is in my prayers

07-31-2006, 11:46 PM
thanks Pappy. Keep us posted . Get well soon JJ You and your Family are in our thoughts and Prayers .

08-01-2006, 12:12 AM
Were praying like crazy for ya JJ!!

I know he is gonna pull thew this.. I can just feel it!

08-01-2006, 01:32 AM
Hang in there buddy, were praying for you all!!!!!

08-01-2006, 01:43 AM
Shortly after 2AM, this Tuesday Morning, the surgeons completed the nearly six hour long operation on Jeremiah Jones. Unfortunately, his spinal cord was found to be seriously damaged as anticipated, but it hasn’t been announced whether it is damaged or actually severed, which would be the worse case scenario. As of now, the odds are not in favor of Jeremiah ever walking again, but as anyone who has been fortunate enough to know and meet Jeremiah will tell you, he will give it everything in his power to overcome this hurdle.

The surgeons applied a bone graph and screws to Jeremiah’s damaged vertebrate, which has set the stage for the healing process to begin. All we can do now is pray for Jeremiah Jones and his family during this very difficult time, but as Joe Byrd’s Mechanic, Dan Lamey, told me today, “Jeremiah still has the use of his arms, and he can still do almost anything he wants.” Dan should know because he was paralyzed from the chest down in 1983 when he went through a fence at the start of a race on an ATC, and he has since become one of the most respected engine builders in the ATV Industry.

Jeremiah’s Mom, Brenda, has been overwhelmed by all the support that Jones family has received from the ATV community, and the Jones family thanks everyone for their thoughts and prayers.

08-01-2006, 01:47 AM
JJ is out of surgury he is doing fine, there is severe spinal cord damage, they did get his back aligned back up. At this point they are still unsure of the extent of the damage to the spinal cord.

But plese don't stop praying, and don't give up hope!

08-01-2006, 02:30 AM
Tell JJ that even though we've never met and he has no clue who I am, I'm pullin for him as I had a similiar experience with my neck but I had extremely limited movement and no feeling in my limbs until after surgery...

08-01-2006, 04:41 AM
Keep your spirits up JJ! God does not give us mountains to climb that we cant handle. I put you on my church's prayer chain.

08-01-2006, 05:45 AM
my poppop is 91 years old, fell and broke his neck and couldnt walk for 7 months...halo and everything. almost a year later, its like it never happened. JJ, if my grandpop can do it, you can buddy, keep pullin and you will make it!! :(

08-01-2006, 07:25 AM
our prayers ar with JJ, no body likes to see this happen to a great guy and rider. He has brougth our sport so far and we should all say a little prayer for him and his family in there time of need. We all hope for a positive outcome to this. JJ would do the same if someone else was hurt so we need to return the favor, prayers and hopes are all people have in a time like this and they need everyones support, so show your support at the races for him, his team, and his family

08-01-2006, 08:25 AM
I talked to Jamie just before 2a.m. after the surgery was complete. She is staying positive about the situation and said that she was going to teach her son and husband how to walk together. She said that the doctor stated he may never walk again not will he will never walk again so there is a hope. JJ is a strong person and goes with the flow and will do what it takes to be back on top again. It will just be a different challange for him. He is a tough competitor that will never give up on a win. He will have Jamie, his family, friends and his team by his side the whole way back to the top.

Keep praying and stay positive.

08-01-2006, 08:56 AM
We are all praying here in Tennessee for you, we know you will stay strong and we all love you. My husband says hes gonna ride like he has never rode before for you and dedicate his win this weekend to you......JJ you are the best!

08-01-2006, 08:59 AM
My prayers are with JJ and his family. I met him and the rest of the Suzuki folks at Red Bud. Jeremiah was real nice and spent a couple of minutes talking to me about the bike and racing. I actually bought a LT-R450 cuz of him. He's real lucky to have a team like Suzuki behind him. I know that they will take good care of him and his family.

08-01-2006, 09:05 AM
Originally posted by Cindi
I talked to Jamie just before 2a.m. after the surgery was complete. She is staying positive about the situation and said that she was going to teach her son and husband how to walk together. She said that the doctor stated he may never walk again not will he will never walk again so there is a hope. JJ is a strong person and goes with the flow and will do what it takes to be back on top again. It will just be a different challange for him. He is a tough competitor that will never give up on a win. He will have Jamie, his family, friends and his team by his side the whole way back to the top.

Keep praying and stay positive.


One thing that my wife and I are concerned with is insurance. Suzuki/Yoshi does provide good insurance to JJ and Digger, don't they?

I know the bills are going to be huge and we will be able to rest better knowing they JJ, Jamie, and Nahtaniel are covered by good insurance to take care of them during this horrible time.

My wife and I will continue to pray for God to touch and heal you JJ. God bless.

08-01-2006, 09:27 AM
Jermiah Jones Is one of the nicest, Down to earth riders I have ever met. It hurts to hear about somthing like this happening to a geat Guy. I know that all our Minnesota riders prayers are with him and Hope That everything goes well. I hope to see JJ around next year somewhere racing or not it will be great to have him there

88 4Ever
08-01-2006, 09:28 AM
If anyone has an address for the hospital Jeremiah is at, I'd appreciate it.

Jeremiah has a strong family (and extended family-that's us!) support system to help him with this challenge. Little do these doctors know how determined and dedicated Jeremiah can be to accomplishing a goal.

Positive thoughts and prayers will see him through.

Debi Bartosek
88 4Ever

08-01-2006, 10:03 AM
From the NH fan base of Joe Haavisto #75 and ATV racing: We are all praying for JJ and his family. We know what it's like to have a racer in the family get seriously hurt and it is very, very difficult. This brings back a lot of bad memories, but know that with all the prayers, God is with JJ and will give him and his family the strength they need to go though this ordeal. If there is anything any of us can do....... If the address of the hospital could be posted, that would be great. Keep praying for God IS the ultimate healer!
Philippians 4:7 & 8 says; Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell God your needs and don't forget to thank Him for His answers. If you do this, you will experience God's PEACE which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. (living bible version) To JJ and his family. May you have PEACE that God is with you!

Raptor350 racer
08-01-2006, 10:03 AM
I don't know where it is, but does anyone know where i can talk to the jones family. Thanks I really appreciate it.:D

Raptor350 racer
08-01-2006, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by Kristin250EX
We are all praying here in Tennessee for you, we know you will stay strong and we all love you. My husband says hes gonna ride like he has never rode before for you and dedicate his win this weekend to you......JJ you are the best!

Where in TN do u live

T Creech
08-01-2006, 10:50 AM
I have just spoken with the Jones family. Jeremiah is siting up in bed and is expected to be released from the hospital in the next few days. We have set up an email for good wishes and I have an address for those of you who would like to send get well cards in the mail. The Jones family are investigating many medical procedures to put Jeremiah in the best possible position for his future. The spinal cord has been damaged between the 11th and 12th Vertebrae. He has had some positive moments and nothing is written in stone yet since the extent of damage is not completely known at this time. The Jones family really appreciates all the good wishes and prayers, and thanks everyone from the bottom of their hearts for all the good wishes.

Cards or letters can be mailed to:

Jeremiah Jones
811 William Simmons Road
Bowling Green, KY 42101

emails can be sent to:


08-01-2006, 10:52 AM
thanks so much for that info! :)

08-01-2006, 11:09 AM
we should all where a #2 on our quads at LLs in a few weeks i am working on a blue back ground and white 2 i just half to find a place to do it . get well JJ i am pulling for you and a lot of people are to.

08-01-2006, 12:00 PM
does anybody know how doug gust is doing? i'm assuming that he and jj were somewhat close...i'm sure this is waying very heavily on his mind also....

08-01-2006, 12:19 PM
jj is in my prayers. i hate to hear stuff like this and when i first seen it and watcht the video it send chill`s up my spine. best luck with jj and his family

08-01-2006, 12:24 PM
Where did you see a video of the start??

08-01-2006, 12:27 PM
"...sitting up in bed" "released in the next few days..."?!?

Could the prognosis be better than aniticipated..? I sure hope so...

It is hard to call someone outside the service of our country a warrior but, within the context of this sport, Jeremiah could surely be considered one.


08-01-2006, 12:31 PM
I am having a real hard time with this news about JJ. I do not know Jeremiah (said good luck to him at redbud, he said thanks) but I feel like I do b/c I eat and breath ATV racing. Seeing him in the magazines, at the races, and on the internet while following his career makes you feel like you know him, even if he doesn't know you. At the IN WPSA less than 2 weeks ago my wife and I were standing kinda by his wife and his mom, they seemed like good people and we admired them from afar. I can't get it out of my head, i keep seeing his wife/mom/and baby watching him at the wpsa race, and how happy they all seemed to be, now that will be put to the test. I can't help but feel bad for him and his family and scared for all the other racers.

I race MX and XC locally, and this is really making it hard for me to throw a leg back over my quad and risk my dreams for something I love doing, but utlimatly only do it for fun. I'm sure this feeling will pass, but I will never forget Jeremiah Jones

08-01-2006, 12:38 PM
pbell75 thats the same way I feel.

08-01-2006, 01:06 PM

Cindi was on yesterday and said Doug was doing fine and keeping a positive attitude for his buddy.

08-01-2006, 01:34 PM
She is staying positive about the situation and said that she was going to teach her son and husband how to walk together

wow...i'm lost for words. that was a powerfull statement.

TBSS Racing
08-01-2006, 02:18 PM
get well :) JJ :) we are praying for you

08-01-2006, 02:31 PM
My most sincere prayers go out to a great guy and his family

08-01-2006, 03:14 PM
You are in our prayer's get well soon.

08-01-2006, 04:22 PM
Best wishes and great recovery JJ From D-Unit Racing.....We have Faith in you!!

sleepy eddy
08-01-2006, 05:40 PM
You and your family are in our prayers JJ , hope you have a speedy recovery. Keep the faith.......

08-01-2006, 06:15 PM
You are in my prayer's. Best wishes to you and your family.

Miss U Number 7
08-01-2006, 06:17 PM
My family was greatly saddened with the news of Jeremiah's wreck. We are thinking about him and pray that he gets back to normal soon. There are great advances in paralysis prognosis, compared to just a few years ago. We have faith that he will jump this hurdle, or Clear this huge Double!

Hopes and prayers to Jeremiah and his family!

seat time
08-01-2006, 06:28 PM
I want to start by saying that my thoughts and prayers are with JJ and the Jones family. We were at the race and saw the crash. As with all crashes we hope for no injuries and for no one to be hurt. Unfortunately it is a dangerous sport and maybe more precautionary measures need to be taken into consideration about the width of the first turn, but we run the risk when we race. Jeremiah Jones maybe one of the greatest if not the most talented ATV racers. To see JJ ride is like watching someone whose heart is in riding and talent is matched equally. Jamie, the baby, and the whole Jones family our thoughts are with you in this time. We are praying for the best outcome of this incident and are thinking positive thoughts for you and your family. With a heart as big as Jeremiah's the sky is the limit and his recovery will amaze us all and pretty soon he'll be passing people all over the track. Again we are praying for everything to go well in JJ's surgery, please keep us posted.

08-01-2006, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by pbell75
I am having a real hard time with this news about JJ. I do not know Jeremiah (said good luck to him at redbud, he said thanks) but I feel like I do b/c I eat and breath ATV racing. Seeing him in the magazines, at the races, and on the internet while following his career makes you feel like you know him, even if he doesn't know you. At the IN WPSA less than 2 weeks ago my wife and I were standing kinda by his wife and his mom, they seemed like good people and we admired them from afar. I can't get it out of my head, i keep seeing his wife/mom/and baby watching him at the wpsa race, and how happy they all seemed to be, now that will be put to the test. I can't help but feel bad for him and his family and scared for all the other racers.

I race MX and XC locally, and this is really making it hard for me to throw a leg back over my quad and risk my dreams for something I love doing, but utlimatly only do it for fun. I'm sure this feeling will pass, but I will never forget Jeremiah Jones

I am with you, I know exactly how you feel. In august of 2003 I broke my back, and to this day still remember the Dr in the next room explaining to my wife that I had spinal damage, it was terrifying, yet here I am fully recovered with no problems what so ever. As crazy as it sounds I almost feel like its unfair to people like JJ and Anthony Mastrocola (spelling??), like how dare I recovered and go racing again. Its all I have thought about since I heard the news.
Above all, my family's thoughts and prayers with with JJ and his family, they all have tens of thousands of friends they can look to for support, right here !! and I offer this link for help and inspiration http://www.mikeutley.org/

08-01-2006, 09:09 PM
I had the displeasure of looking at every frame captured by our photographer tonight. I honestly had to stop looking at them.

Jeremiah, you are lucky to be alive, and god willing you will pull through this tragady in true Jones fashion. If it can happen to JJ, it can happen to anyone of us and I do not know if I can stomach another fellow rider suffering this fate. The only solice we have discussed here is the fact that those who have the misfortune of this type of ordeal is that they are surrounded by a loving and supportive family and good friends. The entire Jones family will need as many prayers and as much support to get through this. I know they will recieve it, that speaks to the type of people in the sport.

I would also like everyone to go hug your kid. I was almost in tears when I turned and saw my sons glossy eye'd stares as they peeked over my shoulder to see what was on the screen. I told them both to pray for Jeremiah and his family and that he was in good hands so not to worry. I spotted both of them a few minutes later staring at JJ's poster, the wife said they were praying.

Gods speed Jones family, we are all pulling for you.

08-01-2006, 09:12 PM
in our thoughts and prayers!

08-01-2006, 09:13 PM
Best wishes to a great guy and we will all be praying for you...get better...

08-01-2006, 09:18 PM
Jones will be back. It just wouldnt be the same not seeing #2 Jones tearing it up. I just cant imagine a season without him on that starting gate. I Just know he will be back. I pray every night i log on here to see his fate. Glod bless the atv community for being to family manner.

08-01-2006, 10:33 PM
get well jj, i was about 20 ft from where it happened, it was the worst crash ive ever seen.

jj we all know u will be back on a quad ripping it some time and some how.

08-01-2006, 10:39 PM
i got one of the worst lumps in my throat when i heard this news. jeremiah has been my favorite rider ever since i got into the atv scene. like someone said earlier its like part of your family in that hospital. no doubt i will be praying my heart out for him.

08-01-2006, 10:40 PM
... I have complete sympathy for JJ, his family, and friends and I understand how devastating this is so I keep all of them in my prayers and seek hope for Jeremiah.

My cousin, Anthony Mastrocola, recently was paralyzed in an ATV accident on June 18th... And he met JJ on the 16th at the Cernic's shop in Johnstown, PA. They both raced Suzuki and raced the next two days for Nationals in Steel City, Pittsburgh, PA.

This is not an easy concept to accept and I see my own cousin struggling daily with adapting to this lifestyle, but undboutedly, there is always hope.

I hope that JJ's family reads this:
There are 16 Model Spinal Cord Rehabilitation Centers in
The United States and they provide aggressive treatment
And scientific research, especially dealing with stem cell.

I understand that JJ is in New York, and there
Is an Excellent Center in New York called Mt. Sinia.
Also, the one that Christopher Reeve's went to
Is called the Kessler institute in New Jersey.
Among others, another is the Craig Institute in
Colorado and two in California, one in Boston, Mass. ,
One in Miami, Georgia, Alabama, and a few others.

They offer the most hope for recovery ...

Stay strong, JJ & Family.


08-01-2006, 11:45 PM
Just a small note to let u know that all of us from Rad wheeling Cycle Shop here in Little Rock Arkansas, want to express our prayers and thoughts to both jj and his famaily .. JJ's a special person to us here in little rock even though he may not remember, that cold night in Heber Springs at the Cleburn Co. Raceway many years ago. We will never forget it. WE pray for a speedy recovery. I know JJ can do anything he puts his mind to , and I know that crash could"t of hurt his hard head.

GOD SPEED, The Radwheeler JJ

08-02-2006, 04:58 AM
Thoughts and prayers from the Waltz family, there's alot of folks pullin' for ya JJ :)

08-02-2006, 06:08 AM
I know the pictures are bad reminders but will you be posting any of the pictures or videos of the start so everyone who wants can see what really happened to JJ.
I'm not being mormid just curious how it all came into play and maybe alot of viewers can offer some suggestions to preven this from happening again on such a fast starting stretch!!!

08-02-2006, 06:32 AM
Just a few words of inspiration for you JJ.... We all know how strong you need to be right now and everyone in the racing community is pulling for you ...


Yesterday is already a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision.
But today,well lived Makes yesterday and every tomorrow a vision of HOPE !!!!!!!!!!

We Believe in you and you can do this ... You are in our prayers !!!!


08-02-2006, 08:00 AM
Can anyone confirm this information?..It is rumored that Jones will come into Atlanta for treatment next week. This has to be at the Shepherd center. They are the best and have treated athletes for as long as i can remember..

08-02-2006, 08:07 AM
There is a great JJ tribute video at atv s c e n e.

08-02-2006, 08:13 AM
Originally posted by matt76
I know the pictures are bad reminders but will you be posting any of the pictures or videos of the start so everyone who wants can see what really happened to JJ.
I'm not being mormid just curious how it all came into play and maybe alot of viewers can offer some suggestions to preven this from happening again on such a fast starting stretch!!!

I cant say if I agree or disagree with posting any pictures and/or video of the accident. Sometimes it is good to use them as a reminder of how dangerous this sport can be and to put into perspective that no one, not even arguably the best our sport has ever seen, is invincible. I do think if any more revealing pictures are posted, that everyone in the Jones camp is OK with that, I know pappy seemed pretty disturbed by what he saw, so if posted they should also carry a warning.

08-02-2006, 08:43 AM
Chills went down my spine when I heard about JJ's accident. I have had two ATV accidents where I thought my back was broke and couldn't feel anything. Thank the Lord above that feeling came back. This is only a grim reminder of what can happen in a sport we all love. We are huge JJ fans and was at Oak Hill in Texas when JJ and Gust were here. The whole Jones family are in our prayers, and the man that posted the Lord is the Ultimate Healer is 110% correct. I suffered over 10 years after 4 back surgeries. I was scheduled for a 5th when I was at my church and they laid hands on me and began to pray over me, sweat began to run down my spine and my back got extremely hot. The next day I noticed the drainage that had been draining from my spine was dried up and 3 weeks later, my back was completely healed. I could not believe it, what 3 doctors and 4 surgeries couldn't fix over 10 years, the Lord healed instantly! So YES, I do know of the power of prayer and God's healing.

We pray the Lord will heal you JJ and that he will surround you and your family with HIS presence.

In Him

08-02-2006, 09:06 AM
Anyone heard anything new?

08-02-2006, 09:42 AM
Here is the link to the tribute video that can be found at ATV scene's website. GOOD STUFF!!!


08-02-2006, 09:43 AM
replace all the **** with "atv scene" and leave out the space

08-02-2006, 10:25 AM
he'll walk again. i don't mean to give any false hope but, stem cell surgery for the spinal cord injuries is sooo close to perfection, just a few more years. he'll just have to be strong, pull through till that is available in America. they are doing it in other countries and the patients are getting significatn gain. someday, him and i will both walk again. to the Jones family, good luck and if the rumor is true, Jeremiah will be at Shepard Center, I will be looking forward to meeting you all again down there in a few short weeks. god bless

08-02-2006, 10:37 AM
My nephews' half brother Paul was paralyzed 2 years ago after diving into a pond (on his graduation day nonetheless :(

Just this year he flew over to Portugal (I believe) for a procedure that they don't do in the U.S. yet. From what I understand they took stem cells from his nose and grafted them into his spinal cord. Apparently they have had some success in doing this and some people are walking again. We are praying that he will walk again but it is still unsure at this point.

450Racer or someone close to JJ, feel free to PM me and I can put you in touch with Paul, or even his mother. They know all about what kinds of treatments are available and would be happy to help in any way.

I will say a prayer for you both tonite.

08-02-2006, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by Tyler25
Here is the link to the tribute video that can be found at ATV scene's website. GOOD STUFF!!!


brought a tear to my eye watchin that, ecpecially at the end.:(

08-02-2006, 11:44 AM
I just wanted to let you all know we will have Blue silicone braclets that say Jerimiah Jones #2 at Loretta's for $5. The money raised will go to JJ's family. I'm sure they will be announcing more at the race.


08-02-2006, 11:49 AM
is there any way I could get a large number of those bands shipped because i know the entire neatv series is pullin for jj and we are having a mass card signing at our next event so if there is any way to get abou 400 of these bands shipped to our president feel free to pm me and i will do everything i can to follow it through

08-02-2006, 11:55 AM
wow that video is incredible!!! god bless the jones family!!!

08-02-2006, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by Cindi
I just wanted to let you all know we will have Blue silicone braclets that say Jerimiah Jones #2 at Loretta's for $5. The money raised will go to JJ's family. I'm sure they will be announcing more at the race.

Cindi Are they going to be sold at the the WPSA at Englishtown? How can we get a couple without being at Loretta's?

08-02-2006, 12:00 PM
damn it im sorry to hear it he was the fastest 250R rider i ever seen

08-02-2006, 12:21 PM
On behalf of all the members at ATVSC I want to also extend my deepest and most heartfelt thoughts and prayers to Jeremiah and his family. You are constantly on our minds and we are behind you 110%.

If there is anything, absolutely anything we can do to help in this time of need please contact me.

Rich Strucke

08-02-2006, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by Cindi
I just wanted to let you all know we will have Blue silicone braclets that say Jerimiah Jones #2 at Loretta's for $5. The money raised will go to JJ's family. I'm sure they will be announcing more at the race.


I live out west. Hopefully someone will put a link to where we can buy them online. Perhaps front page of atvriders? :-)

08-02-2006, 01:37 PM
yes i would like to buy at least two online. let us know how to purchase them thanx

08-02-2006, 01:50 PM
Please let me know where we can get the wrist bands. I would like a few of them.

08-02-2006, 02:13 PM
If someone (pappy maybe) here could put together some way to take orders I'm sure we'd sell a bunch. I'd take a couple.

08-02-2006, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by jmoney45
If someone (pappy maybe) here could put together some way to take orders I'm sure we'd sell a bunch. I'd take a couple.

I (WE) are willing to do whatever we can to help. I also know there are plans from all sorts of websites and organizations that feel compelled to help out Jeremiah, so everyone will have a chance at doing something!
Cindi is free to post anything she needs to get people the info to order the braclets.

08-02-2006, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by matt76
I know the pictures are bad reminders but will you be posting any of the pictures or videos of the start so everyone who wants can see what really happened to JJ.
I'm not being mormid just curious how it all came into play and maybe alot of viewers can offer some suggestions to preven this from happening again on such a fast starting stretch!!!

I do not control the release of photographs from another photographer. I will say that if they were mine, I would not allow thier release until the Jones family authorized them. I know others will release what they have, but thats not how we do things here. Respect for the family and rider will always take precedence over posting wreck shots where any rider is seriously injured or killed.

I have heard nothing new after his surgery, I would think now the family needs time to catch thier breath and JJ needs his rest. I am positive any new information will be handed down as it becomes available. I am with everyone else, waiting to get a call or news.

08-02-2006, 04:42 PM
ill deff get a wrist ban, and i hope that JJ will have a full recovery and walk again real soon.

get well soon JJ

08-02-2006, 04:51 PM
i too would also like to have a few! please let me know where i can get some or order some. Thank you!

Anthony's Dad
08-02-2006, 05:14 PM
Jeremiah is now where Anthony was six weeks ago. I don't know the true prognosis of his injury, but I can tell you what will help. When the cards and letters started coming in it truly lifted Anthony's spirits and gave him motivation. Also, the posts on this site were awsome. You guys are the best.
Anthony also got a less than one percent chance to ever walk again. The only thing is, that's a one percent for the average person... not a quad racer... especially with JJ being one of the best in the world. It takes an unbelievable amount of dedication and work to get where he is. If he applies the same heart and guts to his recovery that he has in racing, the chances get a hell of a lot better! When an address is posted for JJ, please send him cards and well wishes. You just can't believe the difference it makes. As already has been said, there is nothing stronger than the power of prayer. With God, ANYTHING is possible.
Anthony has already proven the doctors wrong several times and has been up on leg braces even though he can't feel his legs.
Jeremiah, you and your family will be in our prayers. God Bless you.

Chris Mastrocola

08-02-2006, 05:15 PM
i want a wrist ban

08-02-2006, 05:53 PM
the tribute was so awsome i had to save it to my computer. it sucks to hear of this tragedy, i have watched jeremiah race quite a few times and every time i was impressed and amazed. my family and myself wish jeremiah a speedy recovery and to stay strong.

best wishes to jeremiah and the whole jones family.

08-02-2006, 06:07 PM

08-02-2006, 06:11 PM
ridekfx, that pic makes a great desktop background.

08-02-2006, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by JRP
brought a tear to my eye watchin that, ecpecially at the end.:(

i second that:( that vid was great. my prayers go out to jj and his family.

08-02-2006, 06:24 PM
This is almost unimaginable to hear of my favorite rider getting hurt. It hurts me as if I know him. I do know that God obviously has a plan for Jeremiah and that through him all things are possible. I'll be praying for your whole family and your healing. Jeremiah will always be #1 in my mind. God Bless

*keep us updated on condition and about the bracelets

08-02-2006, 06:27 PM

I love this picture, just wanted to share

08-02-2006, 06:27 PM
You are in our hearts and prayers.


08-02-2006, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by STEVENJANNA
Are they going to be sold at the the WPSA at Englishtown? How can we get a couple without being at Loretta's?

Yes, we will have them at Englishtown.

08-02-2006, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by badvox
I live out west. Hopefully someone will put a link to where we can buy them online. Perhaps front page of atvriders? :-)

We will work on that. I will talk to Debi and Harlen about this.

08-02-2006, 07:31 PM
all i can say is GET BETTER JJ. i was standing at the gate when this happend and saw it all. it was hairy. my heart stopped for a few seconds when i saw that. you never see something of that degree happen in a pro class. it sucked for me because i was the next one to go out and that made me a million times more nurvous after seeing that. i hear something about blue JJ wristbands going around. anyone know how i can get a hand on some. i'd do anything to help JJ and his family in this tough time.

08-02-2006, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by Cindi
We will work on that. I will talk to Debi and Harlen about this.

Hey cindi I sent you a pm about this, guessing you dont use those.

As you know we go to all of the races out here on the west coast, my dad and I where wondering if we could get about 100 of them so we could sell them out here when we go to ITP, WORCS, etc????

Let me know.

call me if need be

760 953 0045

Brittany Bloodworth

08-02-2006, 08:46 PM
yea i would like to get one but im in nc ill glady buy one if i can get one shiped here

08-02-2006, 08:47 PM
where do i need to send money to in order to get a wrist band?

08-02-2006, 09:10 PM
I saw JJ take a spill at the Wild Cat Creek track the weekend before that one on the second moto. he got bac and finished 7th behind Dana Creeke and Digger Gust took the Win to. all i got 2 say is JJ is on tough mother and he can take a beatin.

08-02-2006, 09:30 PM
Yeah if the bloodworths take the west I will get them at the west coast races for sure.

Way to go Brittany great idea!!

Originally posted by quadchick01
Hey cindi I sent you a pm about this, guessing you dont use those.

As you know we go to all of the races out here on the west coast, my dad and I where wondering if we could get about 100 of them so we could sell them out here when we go to ITP, WORCS, etc????

Let me know.

call me if need be

760 953 0045

Brittany Bloodworth

08-02-2006, 09:36 PM
I want one but I dont got to Mx racing but I race in the District 11 harescamble series and I always keep up with all the atv racing news

08-02-2006, 10:28 PM
Has anyone heard anymore news on JJ? Im in Australia, so all i have is what you guys post on this site!! Yep JJ is a hero to many of us over here as well, and we are all praying for him as well, and for his family.

08-02-2006, 11:19 PM
Hey wanting to know if i can get some of those jj wristbands and were i could send money for them to help out JJ

08-03-2006, 04:26 AM

i´m a guy from germany and guy´s should not cry but when i heared from JJ´s accident it made me crying und feeling very sad.

We don´t have that big atv-riding scene over here but all my buddies know JJ very well and they are also very sad.

Maybe some could tell me where i can buy that discussed wristband. But maybe its not available for me in Germany ...

@JJ: Get better soon and never give up!!! I pray for you!

08-03-2006, 06:45 AM
Hi all
Just got news here back in South Africa about JJ's accident - I am a huge fan of his - so please send his best wishes from SA to him and his family - they are in our prayers

08-03-2006, 06:55 AM
I pm'd you also- I have an idea that would make those wrist bands available for everyone- even overseas.


08-03-2006, 07:01 AM
I m writing From ARGENTINA, here JJ have a lot of fans, if any of you can said this to him.
Jeremiah you are the best rider in the world.
A lot of people are praying for you here.
Best wishes for him and his family

more tea vicar
08-03-2006, 07:37 AM
Best wishes to the whole Jones family and the Suzuki Team. To get as fast as jj takes a lot of determination and heart. I am sure this will help a great deal during these hard times.

08-03-2006, 08:00 AM
I really hate to hear about this. Anytime a fellow racer is hurt it is bad news. My prayers are with you and your family JJ, and I hope you have a speedy recovery. I know JJ from when he rode with Legacy which is local here and his determination is unreal and I know he can pull through this.


08-03-2006, 08:11 AM
Hi Jeremiah,
We have never met, but to me you feel like my brother.
I am reading these posts and you are so well loved world wide, and not just because you are a great rider but because you are an even greater man.
Australia,Germany,Africa and Argentina and im sure theres others who are yet to post from other parts of the world..you have touched and inspired so many men, woman and children.
You are a great role model for my son and daughter, and my grandsons.
Your a true hero in so many peoples lifes, and we are all cheering you on for a speedy recovery.
Your bike may carry the #2 but to all of us that have been inspired by you your #1.

In God we trust

May Love, Luck and Laughter, happiness and health always be with you.

08-03-2006, 08:21 AM
Originally posted by motoXmum
Has anyone heard anymore news on JJ? Im in Australia, so all i have is what you guys post on this site!! Yep JJ is a hero to many of us over here as well, and we are all praying for him as well, and for his family.
There have been some positive signs. We will know more after the next MRI. He will be moved soon to a rehab in Atlanta. His spirits are good and is ready for the challange!

08-03-2006, 08:30 AM
We will be getting the wrist bands at Loretta's. We have 1000 adult on order and 200 youth on order. The youth will not be available until after Loretta's. We are ordering an additional 1000 at this time.

We will be selling the wrist bands at Lorretta's, Englishtown and Ballance's GNC race. We will make them available at as many events as we can.

Soon as we get the wrist bands (after Loretta's) we will let you all know how to get them online. We are working on the details for this now.

If you would like a larger order please send me an email at cindihart88@cs.com.

Thanks for all the support I know Jamie and Jerimiaha appriciate everything.

08-03-2006, 09:06 AM
Originally posted by z400ACDC
There have been some positive signs. We will know more after the next MRI. He will be moved soon to a rehab in Atlanta. His spirits are good and is ready for the challange!
thats great news:)

08-03-2006, 10:48 AM
This is when the beauty of the sport REALLY shines...

All the support and compassion for fellow riders/racers is amazing.

08-03-2006, 11:02 AM
MY prayers are with you and your family JJ! I have never met you but you are a huge inspiration in the atv world so get well soon!

88 4Ever
08-03-2006, 11:37 AM
Bracelets are scheduled to arrive either Thursday or Friday at Loretta's. They will be for sale at the ATV Medical Trailer, ITP tent and I'm sure the Suzuki tent. Once we get through Loretta's we will start handling all the other requests. Everyone's support is deeply appreciated.

Now, on another note, the board of 88 Live to Ride (Cindi, Jorge, Sue Butterbaugh and myself) are hosting an auction on Sunday of Loretta's. The proceeds from this auction will benefit Anthony Mastrocola, the 17 year old rider who crashed at Steel City and is now paralyzed from the waist down. I have asked almost all the pros to donate at least one autographed item and spoken to several of the vendors for donations. Please help us make this fundraiser a success.

Matt loved this sport, but if it wasn't for the caring people who make up our atv community, I'm not sure I could have stayed as involved as I have.


88 4Ever

08-03-2006, 02:54 PM
You just took my idea completely. I did not want to sound insensitive at all, but I also wanted to see if there was any way that we could link some of the proceeds from these bracelets to Anthony. It almost seems that he is forgotten in this whole ordeal. Not taking anything away from Jeremiah's injury, but Anthony was injured just as badly as Jeremiah and I'm sure he was not any better financially or support wise as JJ. Guys please don't forget about us, the amatuers!!! I am just as guilty as everyone one else and have not done anything yet for Anthony and do not know him, but I would love to be able to help both of these riders, cause we all are a family, whether pro or amatuer. I would hate to see Anthony not get this same level of support as JJ, he's a racer too, just not under that big blue and white tent, but both of these young men need our help! I also think that JJ and his family would feel the same, he was Anthony at one point in his career. Cindi and Debi, please see what you could do about helping Anthony also. thanks

08-03-2006, 03:48 PM


hes in my prayers i hope everything goes ok..
great guy!! iam lost for words

08-03-2006, 05:45 PM
raptorguy.. am sorry to hear about your friend...I found my way on this site because JJ is world famous, im sure no one within the sport has forgotten your friend, and there are people out there doing for him, and the others that have been injured the same as these great people are doing.
My 17 year old daughter races a yamaha 450, and she crashed a few weeks ago, and broke her sacrum, she was lucky and healed fast and is already back on her bike racing again.
To JJ and all the ATV races in in situation speedy recovery to you all

08-03-2006, 06:10 PM
I did not know girls had sacrom's! I am glad she is doing well.

08-03-2006, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by CaATVRacrsDad
I did not know girls had sacrom's! I am glad she is doing well. I had never heard of it until then, its just up from the tail bone....yeah is still sore, and now wears a tailbone protector when she rides

Miss U Number 7
08-03-2006, 09:59 PM
Debi and Cindi, I just wanted to let you know that the adult bracelets are great, but most women, and even my 16 yr old boy and my husband, like the youth bands better. They fit a little more snug, and don't fall off when you let your arm down.

Just trying to help out, I'm hoping to get to Loretta's this year, all of us would like to get bracelets to support Jeremiah. I also would like to make a graphic kit donation for the Auction, let me know what I need to do.



08-03-2006, 10:33 PM
Jeremiah Jones Update: 8/3/06

JJ has been in great spirits, and he is determined as ever to overcome his paralysis one way or another, and on a very positive note, JJ has responded to some of the therapy, and he was able to sense the pressure of a cold cup and pin applied to areas below his waist. He still doesn’t have any feeling or movement, but he could sense the pressure, which is one very small but promising step to recovery.

Now for the bad new, JJ received a MRI and a CAT scan today, and it revealed that several of the pins inserted into his vertebrate were actually affecting his spinal area, so he went back into surgery tonight to have the pins relocated. If all goes well, JJ is expecting to be released from the Hospital sometime between Sunday and Tuesday, and he will be transported, as of now, to a rehabilitation facility in Atlanta, GA where he will stay for an extended period of time.

The trip from New York to Georgia will require the use of a medical airplane ride, which will be a costly trip and exceed what will be covered under his insurance policy, so in the first phase of raising money for JJ, we are making available for purchase online, blue Jeremiah Jones #2 bracelets, which can be purchased for $5.00 Each along with a Flat Rate $5.00 shipping charge for any quantity of bracelets ordered. Also, for those just looking to make a standard donation, a field is available for this as well through paypal. For those without paypal accounts, you can also mail in your orders or donations to Debi Bartosek, and the order information is available online at Jeremiah Jones Bracelet & Donation Link (http://jbatvracing.com/88Live2Ride/jones.htm) .

Bracelets are already on order, but they haven’t arrived yet and more will be ordered, so please allow up to 4 weeks to receive your bracelet via mail. Bracelets will also be available at the remaining ATVA MX Nationals and WPSA events. Also, several regional race promoters have also requested bracelet shipments, which will only help expand the reach for raising funds for Jeremiah Jones.

Here is the link to place your order or make a donation:
Jeremiah Jones Bracelet & Donation Link (http://jbatvracing.com/88Live2Ride/jones.htm)

The Jones Family thanks everyone for the incredible outreach they have received from people from around the global, and I personally thank everyone for posting all their great words of encouragement for Jeremiah and his family.

God Bless,

08-03-2006, 10:36 PM
I never had the pleasure of meeting Jeremiah Jones but I did get the chance to photograph him at the 2006 ATVA National Round #1 at Glen Helen Raceway in San Bernardino, CA.

I wanted to share these photos I had taken of JJ with the racing community. The news was overwhelming when I heard, being a photographer of the sport for a few years now, I see racing thru a completely different minds eye than the spectators and riders and wanted to share what I saw that day.

Thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery for the friends and families of Jeremiah Jones and to all those friends and families that have gotten injured in our sport.


08-03-2006, 10:38 PM

08-03-2006, 11:12 PM
now's the time for us as a community to come together and show JJ what ATVing is all about. if you can, donate or buy a bracelet so he'll have help paying for his trip and surgeries, and keep him in your prayers and thoughts. stay strong man, you'll be back

08-03-2006, 11:56 PM
Do you all know what is so great - we all come from different parts of the world - but when something like this happens - the worlds quad community stick together like glue!! It's awesome to see - I also race (I'm a woman in South AFrica) but thank God every race that he kept his hand over me cause accidents can happen so quickly! I was looking at the race on ESPN on Tuesday night but we are a bit behind with the races where the young guy on the 450 Honda won (Willer or something is his surname) won and it was awesome racing to watch between him, JJ and Doug Gus. Natalie was not racing - but those 3 had me on the edge of my seat. It's guys like this that inspires me to try and be better at my sport!!! (I ride a Suzuki 400 - LOVE MY QUAD) Anyway, Please keep us updated about JJ's recovery and send him best wishes from South Africa;)

08-04-2006, 03:01 AM
JJones I will never forget Doug & your voices in sinc, when I said Good Luck Boys, and you both answered "Thanks" in harmony. We were at the bottom of the hill facing the Gravity Cavity. I heard the announcer say there was a tangle of about 9 Quads but, did not realize anything . We drove home happy 3hrs to our PA home slept, and then back to our NJ home ready for work. My son Emanuel 6 hugged me, and started to cry his sister followed with tears not knowing why her big brother cried, when I told him the news the following day . I had found out on LTR -HQ . Today at dinner we said grace and he quickly said "Oh dad and lets pray for Jeramia Jones" . I love my wife for getting me a second Quad for our 9yr anniversary, a Ltr-450 yellow its faster than white. Do me a favor JJ. Pray as hard as we all are. and You will pull thru.
God Bless The Power of Good!;)

08-04-2006, 03:17 AM
My wife & son.

08-04-2006, 03:23 AM

Best Wishes!
Get Well Soon.

08-04-2006, 06:38 AM
JJ is in our families prayers!
This is a fear all riders and their familes live with, each and every time they ride out on a track.
I have ordered a pro back protector from 661 for my son.
I hope he will use it!
If it takes a little time of getting use to wearing it, so what!
Life in a chair will take a whole lot of getting use to.
Have a safe weekend everyone!
All of you as well as JJ and his family are in my prayers.

08-04-2006, 09:48 AM
I have made a myspace page and dedicated it to Jeremiah and his fans, I have also started a group for updates and comments about him. I am inviting anyone who wants to join and help us support JJ. Here is the web address for the page http://www.myspace.com/foxgirlracing2003
And you can join the group by clicking on Groups in the contact box. Thanks to everyone who has already joined. ~ Kristin

JJ we are all behind you all the way!

08-04-2006, 10:02 AM
To Debi Cindi or anyone else associated with 88 Ride 2 Live.

Please contact me about a proposal I have for you. I have a client with a domain that is no longer in use. My hosting company has told me that I can transfer that contract to ANY other domain name I want. In other words I am offering you a domain of your own and 2 years hosting for your 88live2ride foundation free of charge.

I only have 48 hours to transfer so if someone can please let me know if this sounds like something you would be interested in.

Call me and I can discuss all the details with you.

I am on the west coast. 951-294-8967


Originally posted by 88 4Ever
Bracelets are scheduled to arrive either Thursday or Friday at Loretta's. They will be for sale at the ATV Medical Trailer, ITP tent and I'm sure the Suzuki tent. Once we get through Loretta's we will start handling all the other requests. Everyone's support is deeply appreciated.

Now, on another note, the board of 88 Live to Ride (Cindi, Jorge, Sue Butterbaugh and myself) are hosting an auction on Sunday of Loretta's. The proceeds from this auction will benefit Anthony Mastrocola, the 17 year old rider who crashed at Steel City and is now paralyzed from the waist down. I have asked almost all the pros to donate at least one autographed item and spoken to several of the vendors for donations. Please help us make this fundraiser a success.

Matt loved this sport, but if it wasn't for the caring people who make up our atv community, I'm not sure I could have stayed as involved as I have.


88 4Ever

08-04-2006, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by Miss U Number 7
Debi and Cindi, I just wanted to let you know that the adult bracelets are great, but most women, and even my 16 yr old boy and my husband, like the youth bands better. They fit a little more snug, and don't fall off when you let your arm down.

Just trying to help out, I'm hoping to get to Loretta's this year, all of us would like to get bracelets to support Jeremiah. I also would like to make a graphic kit donation for the Auction, let me know what I need to do.



We do have youth ones on order they just wont be available until after Loretta's.;) But Harlen has a link in his post above that has the order form for the youths if you will not be at the races after Loretta's

08-04-2006, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by badvox
To Debi Cindi or anyone else associated with 88 Ride 2 Live.

Please contact me about a proposal I have for you. I have a client with a domain that is no longer in use. My hosting company has told me that I can transfer that contract to ANY other domain name I want. In other words I am offering you a domain of your own and 2 years hosting for your 88live2ride foundation free of charge.

I only have 48 hours to transfer so if someone can please let me know if this sounds like something you would be interested in.

Call me and I can discuss all the details with you.

I am on the west coast. 951-294-8967


Mike, thats a nice offer :)

08-04-2006, 06:52 PM
My wife and I travel to Loretta's every year mostly just to watch Jeremiah ride. Jeremiah and Doug have always been our favorites even before they were on the same team. It just won't be the same without him there. I don't race much anymore since I had a bad crash 2 years ago and injured my upper back (fractured 3 vertabrae). More reseach and development needs to be done to find a better way to protect our back/neck area. Our tracks and machines have far outgrown our safety gear.

Jeremiah, you and your family are in our prayers. Positive thinking and strong faith in God will overcome anything.

08-04-2006, 08:15 PM
i could easily get rid of at least 20 of those wristbands, so hook us up pappy... or someone!!!!

08-05-2006, 08:05 AM
I have made a myspace page and dedicated it to Jeremiah and his fans, I have also started a group for updates and comments about him. I am inviting anyone who wants to join and help us support JJ. Here is the web address for the page http://www.myspace.com/foxgirlracing2003 and you can go to the groups page http://groups.myspace.com/JeremiahJones2. Thanks to everyone who has already joined. ~ Kristin

JJ we are all behind you all the way!


08-05-2006, 09:05 AM
Originally posted by dunebuggie66
i could easily get rid of at least 20 of those wristbands, so hook us up pappy... or someone!!!!

Purchase the 20 wristbands online , and sell them locally would be great.

08-05-2006, 10:01 AM
It was really sad to hear about Jeremiah Jones. As I was on this site for the reading the live coverage of Unadilla, when the news came, I was in shock. He was definitely one of my favorite riders and hes one hell of a guy. Very down to earth.

Heres a picture I made for him. Comments would be appreciated on it.


I am aware that one picture was originally from here and I took out the watermark. If that is not allowed, I will gladly remove it.

08-05-2006, 02:09 PM
What size is the adult and the kids bracelets?

Also what is the address for the rehab facility?

08-05-2006, 03:29 PM
:p HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY TO Mrs. Jamie Jones:p

08-05-2006, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by quadracr
Looks good, but no offense, how about one without the advertisement?

yah the ad is alittle low class

08-05-2006, 08:16 PM
JJ, you are in my prayers and thoughts.
Hope to see you out there again.

08-05-2006, 09:29 PM
I just returned from Vacation and learned of this accident. My heart and prayers go out him and his family. My son Zak was the youth rider killed at GAtorback..the support we got was overwhelming from JJ and the other pro riders...I want to repay thier kindness and compassion.

If the rumors are true about him being at an Atlanta rehab facility Since I live in Atlanta..I would like to offer my home to his wife child while they visit or stay here. We can even help with transportation to the Hospital..babysitting..food..whatever they need while they are here. I dont know how to get word to his wife...so pass this along and I will check my messages or email to scottatvs@aol.com

08-06-2006, 08:47 AM
this is a pic I drew I'mm thinking of making it into a shirt, to benefit jj

08-06-2006, 09:22 AM
some guy at work said he saw a video of that race? anyone know where it is at?

08-06-2006, 10:18 AM
Hey Jeremiah,
I should be out raceing with all my buddy's today here in Minnestota. month ago I crashed bad because a guy swaped out in front of me over a big double.
I watched your race yesterday as i have all year. Wow you were flying. I just want you to know that I have allway's looked up to you for some reason. Even tho i have riden at Park X in the winter with Doug G. I still asked him about you
ha-ha .
It was really nice to read that artical that came from you. I hope that everthing turn's out for the best. Recovery is a stressfull thing but if you can hold your head hi and look forward to another suday at the track everthing will be fine I really hope you make a full recovery.
As fare as being a great roll model you were and still are too me you gave me the impression that gave me the strenght to go out and win in my first year race quad's.
You will allway's Be #1 in my book.

Get well Jeremiah
Steve Emerson D23 #137

08-06-2006, 02:46 PM
Hey Guys,
I think that it would be great, since JJ can't sit in front of a computer to read about all of the support he is getting and just how much he really is loved by everyone in the ATV racing community, if we all could get together and sign a "Get Well Soon" card for our dear friend. So, that being said, I have made a 4' x 3' "Get Well Soon" card for him. I will post this card at Loretta's somewhere near the sign-up pavillion, the card can be signed on the front or the back, so if everyone just signs their name we should have room for everyone to sign. At the end of the weekend I will make sure that it gets to JJ. So everyone be sure to bring your sharpie so that JJ can see some physical evidence of how much he is really loved. Thanks, Rev. Chris Harper, SRS Racing.

08-06-2006, 03:45 PM
After reading the interview with JJ on the homepage, I can honestly say Jeremiah is more of a roll model then he will ever know.

08-06-2006, 07:35 PM
After reading the interview with JJ on the homepage, I can honestly say Jeremiah is more of a roll model then he will ever know
I'll second that.Our thoughts and prayers are with JJ and his family.

08-06-2006, 09:15 PM
Happy Birthday Jamie !!!!

08-06-2006, 09:50 PM
Some of you may know who I am on this site , but for those of you who do not , I am Jeremiah's brother Chris. I haven't been online for a while but still follow the sport continuously. My family wants to express their extreme gratitude for your thoughts , prayers , and all of the fund raisers everyone has organized. It's going to be a long battle , but he will overcome this. I have been talking to him as often as possible. He is in good spirits and ready to take on the challenges facing him. Jamie and our parents , like many of you know , are by his side and fighting through this with him. Little Nathaniel helps keep his spirits up when he is down , just by being in the room with him. Please keep praying for a speedy recovery and the strength to keep fighting. Keep riding and don't ever give up!

Thanks to all,
The Jones Family

08-06-2006, 10:20 PM
I am a mortgage broker in az and love atv racing. I am willing to donate 25% of my comission to jj's family if i do a loan or loans for people that mention jj's name so if you could post something about this it would be a great benefit for jj's family. My name is Josh Dae and i work at First Capital Mortgage here in Az. I can be reached at 480-540-7874 or 480-491-1100. I am very serious and want to help anyway i can and i think jj and his family could benefit from my help. I was also thinking about giving money to a college fund for there new baby. Please let me know if i can help or what i can do to help. JJ getting hurt makes me sick he was riding so good recently. I remember watching jj dominate on the 250r and thats what makes him my favorite rider. Please call me to discuss helping 480-540-7874.

08-06-2006, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
After reading the interview with JJ on the homepage, I can honestly say Jeremiah is more of a roll model then he will ever know.
ditto... well put...

08-07-2006, 07:45 AM
I have made a myspace page and dedicated it to Jeremiah and his fans, I have also started a group for updates and comments about him. I am inviting anyone who wants to join and help us support JJ. Here is the web address for the page http://www.myspace.com/foxgirlracing2003 and you can go to the groups page "Prayers For Jeremiah Jones" and join there also. Thanks to everyone who has already joined. And Hope to see more of you on there.~ Kristin

08-07-2006, 08:55 AM
Hey all just wanted to report on the local race we were at yesterday at Lake Elsinore MX Park. It was very cool to see trailer after trailer pulling in with the number 2 on their quads.

JJ your number 2 is riding high!!

08-07-2006, 09:13 AM
Jeremiah Jones 2005 Suzuki LTZ For Sale

James Perry of JPMX recently put the 2005 Yoshimura Suzuki LTZ 400/450 that Jeremiah rode last year on E Bay. The money raised will help with the expenses that are incurring daily for Jeremiah.

For more on Jeremiah's Suzuki Yoshimura LTZ click here.



08-07-2006, 09:31 AM
Joe Byrd Riding School Raises Money for Jeremiah Jones

In an effort to help raise money to help offset the many expenses that are occurring for Jeremiah Jones, Joe and Heather Byrd recently decided to offer a not-so-ordinary Joe Byrd Riding School weekend.

Aiding Professor Joe on October 7-8 at Joe Byrd's place in Union City, TN, will be none other than Doug Gust. The two promise to teach everything from proper set up, to negotiation whoops, to out braking your competition and more.

"Every school I conduct is important to me, but this one is extra special. Not only will I get to share duties with my good friend Doug Gust, but we'll be raising money for Jeremiah", said Byrd. "Jeremiah is like a little brother to me. He's a fellow family member if you will, so we're really looking forward to a good turnout and an opportunity to give him some pretty decent money."

At $500, the special session of Joe Byrd Riding School will cost each student more than Joe's standard price of $375, but every cent will go directly to Jeremiah. After class has been dismissed, Joe and Doug plan to drive to wherever Jeremiah is and personally hand him the cash, which they anticipate at being close to $10k.

For more information about the Joe Byrd Riding School be sure to check out ATV Scene's special feature here.

Answers to all your questions can be found at www.joebyrd.com

08-07-2006, 09:54 AM
The outpouring of Support for JJ is awesome.. Hang in there JJ .. Remember with God all things are possable.

Prayers and thoughts from my family to yours..

08-07-2006, 02:57 PM
Thoughts and prayers are with you JJ. I can relate to your very unfortunate situation. I dislocated my T7-T8 4 weeks ago and dealing w/ an identical SCI(car accident). I live and breath quad world. I raced Mid East Harescramble series, some GNCC and rode all the time. The support from the race community and fellow riders helped me out tremendously. Rehab is a long process(i'm half way) but you will make progress faster than u think. Good luck on your recovery.
Joey Bashaw

08-07-2006, 03:20 PM
I think it is great to see how everyone in the Quad world pull together for a unfortunate rider. I know that all of us supporting Jeremiah and his family will help with the healing process. Get well soon JJ! Were are praying for you and pulling for you.

08-08-2006, 03:41 AM
i have been saying this for many years.people talk about what they ride and im faster and suzuki sucks and stuff all that matters is when a rider gets hurt the friendship comes out.my thoughts and prays go to jj and the whole jones family.

i have read lots of articles and posts of the accident but can any body tell me what actually happend i still have no idea.

08-08-2006, 04:34 AM
Originally posted by teamhonda396x
i have been saying this for many years.people talk about what they ride and im faster and suzuki sucks and stuff all that matters is when a rider gets hurt the friendship comes out.my thoughts and prays go to jj and the whole jones family.

i have read lots of articles and posts of the accident but can any body tell me what actually happend i still have no idea.
if you go to the home page of this site there is an interview with JJ and he tells you.I have the video of it that some one emailed me, and when you watch that you wonder how he is even alive..God was with JJ and still is now.If you want i will email you the video of the accident.

08-08-2006, 08:19 AM
get well soon JJ. everyone is pulling for you!:) :)

08-08-2006, 02:03 PM
JJ the Washington State ATV community sends their thoughts and prayers to you and your family. We have a lot of young riders in this community and breaking the news to them has been tough as you are one of the FAV's here. We just let them know that your strength of character and faith in GOD will overcome any physical challenges that you are faced with. And by the sounds of it you are well on your way. My grandfather was disabled when I was a young child. He was the greatest role model a girl could ever ask for. He never let his disability bring him down. We were also at a WORCS race this past weekend and Steve Petit is a disabled rider in this series. He was disabled racing 3 wheelers in the 1980's. My son spent a lot of time talking with him over the weekend and it gave him a lot of hope for you. Stay strong. :muscle:

We look forward to seeing you with Team Suzuki in the future.



08-08-2006, 05:07 PM
I live about 5 mins from Louisville. If Jeremiah is going there for rehab Id be willing to do anything I can to help out. Stay strong JJ, everyone i know is praying for you.

08-08-2006, 06:48 PM
JJ is prolly the best rider out there. It has always been amazing to see what he can do on a quad. God's Speed on your recovery.

08-09-2006, 02:45 AM
God Bless, get well soon.

08-09-2006, 03:06 PM
Jeremiah is a wonderful person and a great father. He has the determination and strength to push his way through this situation. This is merely a setback for him because he has a huge family and a large number of supporters standing behind him. Jeremiah will make it through this because he is a hero to many and like a brother to most. Strength and perservation prevail .... and Jeremiah will.



08-09-2006, 05:05 PM
I know this thread is about Jermiah Jones and love to see my work used to help the racing community in a time like this....so I don't want to Hijack this thread.

But PurePerformance, you're in a clear violation of my copyrights as stated in the watermark. It is extremely unprofessional and against the law to take credit for someones work remove the watermark and then add your own.

Again, get well soon JJ

08-09-2006, 07:55 PM
Just wanted to say our thoughts and prayers are with you JJ, but you are an atv mx rider one of the toughest kind you will pull through this. Never forget you have your family and all of us out here pulling for you get well soon buddy....

08-10-2006, 09:42 AM
I looked up to you JJ, you were and still ARE a great role model, you need to stay strong bud. You were always my favorite rider and still will be.
#2 is riding high!!

08-10-2006, 09:54 AM
Are there any new updates on JJ? We are still praying for you JJ!

08-10-2006, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by Lurch
Are there any new updates on JJ? We are still praying for you JJ!

Nothing new has been passed to this site.

08-10-2006, 12:10 PM
I have made a myspace page and dedicated it to Jeremiah and his fans, I have also started a group for updates and comments about him. I am inviting anyone who wants to join and help us support JJ. Here is the web address for the page http://www.myspace.com/foxgirlracing2003 and you can go to the groups page "Prayers For Jeremiah Jones" and join there also. Thanks to everyone who has already joined. And Hope to see more of you on there.~ Kristinhttp://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h219/Kristin250EX/IMG_3186.jpg

08-10-2006, 02:39 PM
JJ's brother , Chris , just giving everyone an update. He was flown to the Frazier Center on Tuesday to begin his physical thearpy. He started his thearpy Wednesday and did fine. He said that his physical therapist was cool and was suprised at how fast he learned. They told him he was about four weeks ahead of most people that arrive there with his type of injury. The facility he is in has one entire floor dedicated to spinal injury patients and all state of the art equipment. He is looking forward to getting back to the track and back to his fans. Keep praying and keep up hope , because anything is still possible with a little faith.

08-10-2006, 02:39 PM
i dont know if n e one has senn this but check out this vid of jj hes awesome http://www.jonescam.tv/helmet_cam_video.php
scroll down to see jj helmet cam.

08-10-2006, 03:48 PM
Glad to hear that jj is ahead, miracles happen all the time and with enough support, prayer and the determination that we all know jj has I know that he will be back. Chris please tell JJ that we are all pulling for him and are looking foward to seeing him back. Get well soon JJ

08-10-2006, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by jones5790
JJ's brother , Chris , just giving everyone an update. He was flown to the Frazier Center on Tuesday to begin his physical thearpy. He started his thearpy Wednesday and did fine. He said that his physical therapist was cool and was suprised at how fast he learned. They told him he was about four weeks ahead of most people that arrive there with his type of injury. The facility he is in has one entire floor dedicated to spinal injury patients and all state of the art equipment. He is looking forward to getting back to the track and back to his fans. Keep praying and keep up hope , because anything is still possible with a little faith.

Thank you for logging on and giving us an update! Please let Jerimiah know that he is in our prayers.

Prayer has worked in my life, and it will work in his! The best lesson I learned about prayer is how to pray. Someone took the time to teach me that I should thank God for all his blessings, and he will continue to bless me!

Keep the faith!

08-10-2006, 06:53 PM
Yes thanks for the update Chris. With the amount of people pulling for JJ, the power of prayer will work.

JJ, keep working hard and stay positive.

RMS Racing
08-10-2006, 07:26 PM
God speed Jeremiah.
We wish you a quick and complete recovery.

Mitch, Mary Beth & Ryan Stanesu
Alvaton, KY

08-11-2006, 06:48 AM
:( in my prayers JJ.


08-11-2006, 10:08 PM
JJ your the best. I'm praying for a full recovery.

08-12-2006, 01:30 AM

08-12-2006, 03:56 AM
I dont know you JJ, but I hope you get well soon, warriors never lose strength!

08-12-2006, 11:24 AM
Jeremiah is in high spirits and is determined to push through this. He is a wonderful guy and needs your prayers. No one realizes how big the ATV family is until s time comes when they come together and are needed. Jamie is standing firm along with his family by his side. Don't give up on Jeremiah because he will be back and he will be strong. Happy 21st birthday to Jamie and I LOVE YOU JEREMIAH! You are one of the strongest and best people I know.

matt quick
08-12-2006, 04:22 PM
JJ in Ech in 2005 before moto 1!C:\Documents and Settings\Matt\My Documents\My Pictures\Kodak Pictures\2006-01-15\100_1368.jpg

08-12-2006, 07:15 PM
Heres an update on JJ

A Day of Rehab with Jeremiah Jones
Ryan Barnes visits with JJ
August 12, 2006
Story and photos by: Ryan Barnes

I took a vacation day this Friday August 11th to go and visit my good friend and long time racing pal Jeremiah Jones, who is now at Frazier Rehab Center in Louisville KY. I first met Jeremiah at local races in Kentucky in the mid 90’s, he was a young teen battling in the amateur classes aboard his Yamaha Warrior. Yep he actually raced the not-so-racer-friendly Warrior! How things quickly changed as years progressed. Once he threw a leg over his first 250R, both the Kentucky and National competition learned very quickly to get used to looking at the number 3 (and latter number 38) on the rear of his number plate.

Upon arrival to the Frazier Rehab Center, I worked my way through the halls and to the elevators and waited for one to come down so I could take it up to the 10th floor where they told me Jeremiah’s room was. As I stood nervously awaiting the elevator door to open I wondered what to do or say when I first saw Jeremiah, then with an awakening “ding” the door popped open and out walks Donny Banks. We laughed at the fact of running into each other, shook hands and started chatting about our favorite topic, ATV racing. Donny and his friend Dr. David Reise of Moto TST, made the trip from Macon, GA to see Jeremiah before heading back down to Loretta Lynn’s in Tennessee. Donny was on his way out to the car to get something. I walked along with him and talked about everything from Jeremiah, to promoters, tracks, series and organizations. I could write a feature story on our interesting conversation, but let's just say the guy knows what he's talking about when it comes to this sport and move on.

Out of respect for Jeremiah, I had brought my camera but purposely left it in the car until I checked to see if it was cool with him to get a few shots. Once we got back up to the 10th floor the first glimpse I got of Jeremiah was through a glass door. He was working out in the exercise room. As often seen at the track he was surrounded by his mom and dad. His nurse Shelley, his coach Sean, who is also in a chair, and Dr. Reise were also nearby. Much to my delight, JJ had a great big smile on his face and was laughing at something one of them had said when I walked in. Man that smile sure made me feel much more at ease.

While his wife Jamie and son Nathaniel had returned to Bowling Green to get some things done around the house, we hung out in the exercise room for awhile, which I must say has an awesome view of downtown Louisville. I didn't expect that we would be going outside during this visit, but after exercising, Sean said it was time for Jeremiah to go down to the street for some wheelchair training. Sean was paralyzed 14 years ago in an automobile accident. His sense of humor and outgoing personality sure seemed to lift Jeremiah’s spirits and come to think of it, mine too. Sean instantly started to show Jeremiah how to hop up on a curb in his chair by popping a wheelie. "This shouldn't be too hard for Jeremiah", I thought to myself. Sean could sure work magic with that chair, and knowing JJ like I do, I could already sense some kind of competition or race between the two in the near future. Just for your comfort, I did notice that Jeremiah’s chair had wheelie bars on the back of it to prevent him from flipping over backwards. We agreed, I needed to modify these bars a bit when I return.

After that, while Donny and David traveled down to the Loretta Lynn’s GNC, Jeremiah and I headed back up to the room where his mom and dad were hanging out. Bobby Sharp, father of youth racers Hannah and Noah Sharp, stopped by and bench raced with us for awhile. We had a lot of very interesting conversations one of them being the future of the sport and Jeremiah's future. Jeremiah and his dad felt the sport was going in a good direction with things like the new WPSA ATV Tour and the money that pro riders can make these days. Jeremiah ensured me that he will be a very productive and visible part of ATV racing in the future, he said he wasn’t going to become someone you read about on the Internet. He is very excited at the opportunity to head out to California to work with Wayne Hinson and Team Suzuki. He said he knows he'll be able to help get the best results out of their machines and riders. He feels that with his knowledge he will be able to watch both machine and rider on the track and let the team know what changes or adjustments need to be made to go faster. I have to agree, after all, who knows more about going faster on a quad than Jeremiah Jones?

After all the visiting and talking, all four of us had worked up an appetite, so Jeremiah took a quick glimpse at the tray of food the nurse rolled in, pushed it aside and said, “Ryan let’s order some pizza." 30 minutes later, myself, Jeremiah, Brenda and Jim were having no mercy on two large pizzas, some cinnamon stick’s and a two liter of Coke. When we were done with dinner Jeremiah took some time out to look through the Xtreme RC Cars Magazine I had brought him. Since I retired from my personal ATV racing career at the end of last season, my son and I race nitro powered RC off-road buggies almost every weekend. It’s the closest thing to motocross racing I have found to fuel the motorsports junkie in me. RC racing has everything from challenging racing, to creative setups, to socializing with friends at the track, -- it’s great. He seemed real interested and even asked if I could bring my buggy next time I came so he could go down and drive it on the street. Let’s see, Jeremiah Jones driving an 1/8th scale nitro-powered off-road buggy that is capable of speeds of over 60mph on the streets of downtown Louisville. This should be pretty cool. I'll get some photos and post them in the forums after I return.

I must say first hand, that with all the rumors and speculation that has been reported on the Internet, it was great to go and see with my own eyes Jeremiah’s situation and progress. Rest assured, he is in one of the best rehab centers in the country. We found out just how good Frazier was when Jeremiah's case manager, Mark, came into the room to check on Jeremiah and chatted with us for awhile. He was telling us how doctors from the Shepherd Center in Atlanta, (where JJ was first going to go), and from other top spine centers in the country, come to Frazier in Louisville to do some of their training. The Frazier Center also has a great aquatic center for rehab and a newly developed locomotion machine that is only available in Louisville and the Shepherd Center in Atlanta.

Jeremiah is in great spirits and looking ahead. His room was full of cards and printed e mails that people have been sending from all over the country and beyond. His family not only brings the cards sent to their Bowling Green address but they print nearly all the info on the Internet for him to read. I will be returning soon and often to see Jeremiah, check on his progress and help anyway I can. He has thousands of loving fans from all walks of life, and hundreds of supportive friends and family members behind him. Walking again is against the odds, but anything is possible. Keep the faith and keep believing. In the future, I will do my best to report on Jeremiah’s situation in a respectful manner to both him and his family. I realize that there are fans out there that are sincerely concerned and want to know how he's doing from day to day. I will try to keep pictures and info coming so his loyal fans can follow and be near as possible to him. If there are things you’d like to see or questions you may be pondering, e-mail me or post your questions and comments in the forums. I’ll respond and do my best to get the word to Jeremiah. I am not a reporter nor am I a photographer -- just a friend reporting to the racing community on another friend who also happens to be a multi-time national champion and one of the greatest ATV racers of all time.

Trust me, Jeremiah thanks you all from the bottom of his heart. Please keep the prayers and support coming.

08-12-2006, 08:02 PM
thanks for that update! im sure everyone will appreciate it. seeing JJ in good spirits puts me and im sure alot of others a little more at ease. hearing good news like this brings my day right back up if im feeling a little down. he seems to be handling the situation very well and he is in my thoughts everyday. i wish him the best and am always reading up on the latest news! get well soon JJ and thanks again for the update!

08-13-2006, 12:05 AM
THANK YOU for taking the time for such a a great update!! :)

I look forward to your next :)

08-13-2006, 01:22 AM
Kristen's post was a copy/paste of my story off of (atv scene dot com). Be sure to log onto (atv scene dot com) to see the story complete with pictures. Give credit where credit is due, especially in a time like this! I'm am good friends with both Harlen Foley(atvriders) and John Pellan(atv scene) and I know for a fact that they both want our racing community behind Jeremiah, and to be able to hear word of his progress, no-matter which site were all getting info from!! Thank you, and Keep Believing!!!-Ryan Barnes

08-13-2006, 08:29 AM
Just to make sure you all know, I wasn't trying to take any credit for the story, I just saw an update that looked like it needed to be spread. Thanks you Mr. Barnes for updating us on JJ, we really appreciate it. The pictures made my day, seeing JJ smile and you talking about the wheelie bars. Keep us informed, we are all waiting by the computer every day. Again, sorry if everyone thought I was posting that for myself. All the credit should go to a great reporter........take a look at the pictures he took guys........they are heart warming.

08-13-2006, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by superman
Kristen's post was a copy/paste of my story off of (atv scene dot com). Be sure to log onto (atv scene dot com) to see the story complete with pictures. Give credit where credit is due, especially in a time like this! I'm am good friends with both Harlen Foley(atvriders) and John Pellan(atv scene) and I know for a fact that they both want our racing community behind Jeremiah, and to be able to hear word of his progress, no-matter which site were all getting info from!! Thank you, and Keep Believing!!!-Ryan Barnes

Oh... LOL From the way I read it- it was HER story...My bad :o I guess I didnt read who it was written by or the photos ect. it WAS a little late when I read it ...

thanks again for the update Ryan ;)

08-13-2006, 05:45 PM
jj you`re in my tougth and i'll hope everything goes well with your recovery, keep the spirits high, a sayin we have in mexico, " there is no worse struggle than the one that isnt done" so keep on figthing and your outcome will be great

08-13-2006, 06:38 PM
I live like 30 minutes north of louisville and my mom use to work at frazier rehab and it is a really good hospital. when i was talking to my mom about it and i said he was either goin to atlanta or kentucky she was like, i bet he is going to frazier. I just thought i would throw my two cents in about the hospital. JJ is in good hands.


08-13-2006, 06:38 PM
I live like 30 minutes north of louisville and my mom use to work at frazier rehab and it is a really good hospital. when i was talking to my mom about it and i said he was either goin to atlanta or kentucky she was like, i bet he is going to frazier. I just thought i would throw my two cents in about the hospital. JJ is in good hands.


08-13-2006, 09:45 PM
I went back to the rehab center today (Sun. Aug. 13th) to see Jeremiah. His wife Jamie was back today from Bowling Green, and Bill Ballance (GNCC Champion) had drove up to visit!! His mom and dad were there as usual. We all hung out and he got to go outside, so we took him over to the top floor of the parking garage where no cars were and I let him drive one of my Nitro Off-road RC buggies!!! He had a ball, and his eye hand coordination is pretty good cause he managed to only hit 1 CONCRETE PILLAR!!! Bill Ballance took a turn as well, and even Jamie got in on the action- That was scary!! I thought I was gonna be buyin a new buggy!! Jeremiah was in good spirits as usual, but his dad said they had watched the WPSA series race on ESPN earlier that day and listened to coverage from Loretta's on the cell phone, but had to turn it off cause it was gettin to Jeremiah. That's very understandable!!! Before I left this evening Doug Gust and Cindi were on there way there from Loretta's to pay a visit, but I had to get my son Chandler home and didn't get to see them. I was hopeing to get a bracelet since I didn't make it to Loretta's, but I'll get some one way or another!!! YOU PRAY!!!-And I'll keep reporting!!-Thanks-RYAN BARNES








08-13-2006, 10:26 PM
the last picture is so touching... still saddens me to see him like that though :ermm:

JJ looks to be in good spirits.

08-14-2006, 04:12 AM
VERY nice pictures! Thank you!

08-14-2006, 11:02 AM
that last picture was so beutiful. It made me cry. lol. im a pansy.

08-14-2006, 06:39 PM
Hey Ryan. Just like to thank you for helping to keep everyone on the up and up. I have been really busy taking care of things at home. Little brother has a big farm and a lot of work to do to keep it up to his standards. I have been taking care of Big D's company and trying to make everything here at home go as smooth as possible while we battle through. A few loyal friends here at home help as much as they can , so I also thank them for what they do also. I finally got to see JJ Saturday (the first time I had seen him since three days before Unidilla). It was hard seeing him at first. To see a person who had so much , and gave so much to a single pursuit of reaching greatness , loose it all in an instance , it hurts. He lived , breathed , and did everything to help our sport become everything it is today. He has no regrets about anything , but looks forward to the future and what his next mark on our sport will be. The next few months will be hard for him but with the support of his family and all of his many fans , he will overcome. I asked him Saturday if he had ever reallized how much he meant to so many people , he said no. He had always thought of himself as just another rider that tried his best to set a good example on and off the track. I think he knows now how much he is loved on and off the track. Thanks , Chris

08-14-2006, 06:55 PM
Has Jeremiah been able to read all the post that we've been posting for the last few weeks? Does anybody know? That would give him just a little bit of an idea how much he means to his fans. 14 pages on this thread and that many more on the Unadilla post on this site alone. Anywho I'm still hopin and prayin for the best bro. Hang in there.

08-14-2006, 07:11 PM
Chris- No problem "Bubba"!! I've know you guys and your parents for YEARS now, and your all GREAT people!! There's alot of history we could sit around and talk!! Right after I found out I tried getting ahold of you to come down and help you with the driveway and the ramp, but didn't have your cell and didn't wanna call Jeremiah's or Big D's at the time, I must of talked to every Chris Jones or C.Jones in the Bowling Green area directory!! They all knew of you guys but didn't have a #
I got to see a picture of your boys yesterday, D@MN you better back MASON away from that table or that boy is gonna be whoopin up on you by the time he's 10!!! He's a lil ham!! Anyway, good hearin from ya and anything or any help you might need, your parents and Jeremiah have my numbers, Like I told JJ sunday before I left, "I'm only a phone call away"!!! -Thanks-Ryan Barnes

08-14-2006, 07:49 PM
wow, its good to see him out like that and having some fun...I wish you the best JJ...Get better soon man!!

08-14-2006, 08:14 PM
It's good to hear Jeremiah is in good spirits. If only I had half the determination and desire as him. He will always be #1 in my heart. Never give up!

08-15-2006, 12:43 AM
I hope the best for JJ and been thinking about him every day. I thought he was getting another MRI and Cat Scan today, does anyone have any info for that. Thanks for the updates its good to know whats happening.

08-15-2006, 05:11 AM
yeah those picts are awesome! its good to see that he is in better spirits and is getting around a lil.....

08-15-2006, 08:37 AM
get well soon JJ...our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family....

08-15-2006, 02:47 PM
I have made a myspace page and dedicated it to Jeremiah and his fans, I have also started a group for updates and comments about him. I am inviting anyone who wants to join and help us support JJ. Here is the web address for the page http://www.myspace.com/foxgirlracing2003 and you can go to the groups page "Prayers For Jeremiah Jones" and join there also. Thanks to everyone who has already joined. And Hope to see more of you on there.~ Kristin:)

08-15-2006, 04:27 PM
man that brings back some memories for me. i had the same injury happen to me a year ago. but i was fortunate enough to walk/ride again. my prayers go out to you JJ. i know what your goin through dude. on the inside and out. but keep pushing, stay strong and positive.

on a different note. good luck with that brace on, or better known to my family as a "turtle shell". lol. it sucks. taking a shower with it on is even worse b/c then you have to go lay down on your back and have someone pull it off. you sweat your but off too with it on. good luck JJ and my prayers are with you dude.

08-15-2006, 07:19 PM
Hey Kristin! Just like to give you props on the my space page you created. I viewed the page a few days ago , and was blown away by the creativity. The pictures you chose portray my brother for who he is and what he stood for. Fans like you and so many others are what help keep our family strong. Thank you for caring enough to show everyone what he means to you. By creating the page , you gave others a place to express their feelings. Thanks , Chris.;)

08-15-2006, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by jones5790
Hey Kristin! Just like to give you props on the my space page you created. I viewed the page a few days ago , and was blown away by the creativity. The pictures you chose portray my brother for who he is and what he stood for. Fans like you and so many others are what help keep our family strong. Thank you for caring enough to show everyone what he means to you. By creating the page , you gave others a place to express their feelings. Thanks , Chris.;)

Did he get another MRI and Cat Scan Monday? If he did how did things go for him? I've always loved watching him race and you could tell just by watching on tv that he is a great guy and has done alot for the sport.

08-15-2006, 07:54 PM
I talked to JJ a short time ago. I asked him how his day went and gave him an update of things here at home. I only live about an 1/2th mile from him , so I keep watch over everything. Today I just called to talk about stuff , not about hospital stuff. He enjoys just talking about everyday things and not foccussing on his injury or tests he had undergone. I thought I 'd give him a break from the medical questions today , but as soon as I get new info , I'll be sure to pass it along. Thanks to everyone , Chris.:)

08-15-2006, 07:59 PM
Hey Chris,

Is there anything he needs or wants...I saw the RC car and figured if he had something he would like to pass some of the time with I am sure a few of us would make sure he got it.

And it was good to see a smile on his face in the pictures, at the tracks this weekend noone was smiling when they either found out about his injury or were discussing it. If he thinks he is getting support now, just wait until this information goes mainstream, I hope he likes opening letters!

08-15-2006, 08:07 PM
I wish there were more I could do for Jeremiah. When I made the page and started letting people know about it, there was a huge response and still is. There are people sending comments, requests and messages every day. I felt like it was something I needed to do for everyone, especially JJ. I love working with pictures and graphics, I have made T-shirts for me and my husband, supporting JJ. Thank you for looking at it and the compliment. We all know Jeremiah is #1 here and always will be.

08-16-2006, 06:07 PM
I contacted Moto Tees a couple of weeks ago. They said they might be able to do a commemorative shirt for JJ. I would be all about that. If you get a chance to call them maybe it would help convince them it would be cool.

08-16-2006, 06:07 PM
I contacted Moto Tees a couple of weeks ago. They said they might be able to do a commemorative shirt for JJ. I would be all about that. If you get a chance to call them maybe it would help convince them it would be cool.

08-16-2006, 06:07 PM
I contacted Moto Tees a couple of weeks ago. They said they might be able to do a commemorative shirt for JJ. I would be all about that. If you get a chance to call them maybe it would help convince them it would be cool.

08-17-2006, 01:16 PM


Hello fellow ATV’ers!

As many of you know, Pro Suzuki rider Jeremiah Jones was involved in a race accident. To help out with his medical expenses, Bare Performance and the "Central" web sites have teamed up to raffle off some amazing prizes! 100% of the proceeds from the raffle will go towards Jeremiah Jones.

We would appreciate it if you could help donate money as it is going towards a great cause!

You will find the information below on how to purchase tickets or by simply going HERE (This information is on the front page of every Central site).

Thank you for your support! We wish Jeremiah Jones a speed recovery!

__________________________________________________ _______________

New Berlin, NY (7/30/06) - Jeremiah Jones headed to Unadilla for weekend of racing with high hopes for a chance at the ATVA National Motocross Championship, but sadly, he was involved in a horrific crash in the first turn of the second Moto, which left him with a broken back and no feeling below the waist.
Jeremiah Jones was rushed to the Baptist Trauma Center in Cooperstown, NY, and it has been determined that his back in the T10-T12 region was damaged, which resulted in some spinal cord damage as well. As a result, Jeremiah underwent surgery on Monday, July 31st to repair the damaged vertebrate and determine the extent of the damage to his spinal cord.

Unfortunately, his spinal cord was found to be seriously damaged. As of now, the odds are not in favor of Jeremiah ever walking again, but as anyone who has been fortunate enough to know and meet Jeremiah will tell you, he will give it everything in his power to overcome this hurdle.

The surgeons applied a bone graph and screws to Jeremiah’s damaged vertebrate, which has set the stage for the healing process to begin.

100% of the proceeds from this raffle will be donated to Jeremiah Jones to help him and his family with his extensive medical bills.

We here at all of the Central Sites wish Jeremiah Jones a speedy recovery!

Fasst Co. Flexx Handlebars

At first glance the FleXX Handlebar System appears much different compared to any other handlebar. Its unique design incorporates moving and inter-changeable components that allow the rider to tailor the bar to his/her own preference. Choose from soft, medium or hard elastomers and set your ride height to your liking. With proprietary materials, the FleXX Handlebar System will provide its user with a handlebar that is unmatched in today's handlebar market. The FleXX System will take your riding experience to the next level...

Want to buy this product from Bare Performance? Click Here!


$1.00 USD Each
5 Tickets for $5.00, GET 2 FREE
10 Tickets for $10.00, GET 5 FREE
50 Tickets for $35.00
100 Tickets for $65.00


1st Place (2 Winners):
- Fasst Co. Flexx Handlebars (You pick the bend)
- Bare Performance Sticker Pack *PICTURE*

2nd Place:
- $75.00 Bare Performance Gift Certificate
- Bare Performance Race Tee *PICTURE*
- Bare Performance Vintage Hat *PICTURE*
- 10 Free Tickets to next raffle

3rd Place:
- $50 Bare Performance Gift Certificate
- Bare Performance Promo Tee *PICTURE*
- 5 Free Tickets to next raffle

Runner Up:
- $25 Bare Performance Gift Certificate
- Bare Performance Sticker Pack *PICTURE*
- 2 Free Tickets to next raffle

To purchase tickets, Please click below! The link is also on the front page of every "Central" site.



I got this in an email, above is the link to buy tickets and website:

08-17-2006, 07:46 PM
I'm all for a good 10 tickets. The only problem is I don't have a paypal account. Any way of getting around this?

08-19-2006, 12:03 PM
I had heard something about JJ's bike being raffled for $50.00 a ticket. Any body know how or when we can buy tickets?

08-19-2006, 12:07 PM
There was mention of selling the Quad JJ rode last year on EBay.

You can find the message on page 11 of this subject.

08-20-2006, 08:44 PM
As far as the raffle for the LT-R450 bike, all I have heard is that they will be selling tickets in KY, at the nationals.....They said something about letting us know when there would be a website to purchase them, and I haven't seen nothing about that yet.

08-21-2006, 05:48 AM
Originally posted by Kristin250EX
As far as the raffle for the LT-R450 bike, all I have heard is that they will be selling tickets in KY, at the nationals.....They said something about letting us know when there would be a website to purchase them, and I haven't seen nothing about that yet. Thanks

08-22-2006, 08:02 PM
I just talked to Big D. a few minutes ago. He and our mom just returned from Louisville on a visit to see JJ. His outlook is good and his spirits are high. He would like to thank all of his fans for their support and for all of the letters , cards , and e-mails he has recieved. His greatest fear since his accident , has been that he would be just another racer that was forgotten. After he started recieving his mail , he finally realized how important he was to so many people. He still has a bad day from time to time , but reading the cards and letters he recieves lifts his spirits and brings his hopes back up. Jamie went to their bank to start a benefit fund. Anyone wanting to help out with the mounting medical expenses can send donations to our parents address (811 William Simmons Rd. , Bowling Green , KY 42101). Checks can be made to Jeremiah and Jamie Jones Benefit Fund. He will be released from Frazier on Thur. or Friday of this week , but will have to return five days a week for therapy. JJ turns the big 27 on Wed. and his 1st. anniversary is August 27. This has been a pretty big month for JJ. From everyone in our family , we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the prayers and support. Keep praying , and never give up! :) Thanks , Chris

08-22-2006, 08:22 PM
Thanks so much for the update. I have been checking everyday. He is still in all our prayers, and I'll be sure to spread the word about the benefit fund. Thanks again, Kristin

08-22-2006, 08:39 PM
Like Chris was saying Wed. Aug. 23rd is Jeremiah's 27th BIRTHDAY!! (Mine was today Aug.22nd!!) Jeremiah and I usually spent our birthday's at some restaurant at a National with the whole JPMX crew, often ending in a FOOD FIGHT!!:D

I talked with Jeremiah for a while this morning and he was really excited because he gets to leave the rehab center for a couple hours to go out and eat lunch in downtown Louisville with his mom and dad, Jamie and his physical therapist and trainer, all to celebrate his birthday!! And as Chris was saying, he is gonna be released this Thurs or Friday to go home, and that had him all fired up because he will get to go to the ATV National MX at Ballance MX in a couple weeks to see everyone!!!

I'll be going by Frazier Rehab wednesday to spend some time with Jeremiah and wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Later-Ryan Barnes

08-23-2006, 11:32 AM
Thats awsome news. I've also been checking in everyday to see what kind of good news anyones heard of. Keep pluggin along JJ. Your doin awsome.

Has anyone gotten their JJ wristbands by mail yet? I send my payment to them a little over 2 weeks now and I still have nothing. Just wondering if anyone else got theirs.

08-23-2006, 02:57 PM

We here at SRS Racing have been spending alot of time in prayer over JJ's unfortunate mishap. I have always felt that he was the fastest rider on the track. It is absolutely unfortunate that JJ was dealt such a horrible blow. Jeremiah is the one rider that both of my children have grown up watching and admiring. At my house, when the topic of ATV racing comes up and we begin to tell our racing stories, it always seems that some how Jeremiah's name always seems to appear somewhere in the story. My daughter is 3 years old and at any time if you ask her who her boyfriend is she will always reply "Jeremiah Jones". Every time I go out onto the racetrack and do something that looks cool, or I get a bad start and have to fight my way from the back of the pack, or when I find myself having to explore different lines on the track that maybe no one else seems to look for, then when I get off the track someone in my family (usually my son) always say's "man, you were Jeremiah Jones'n that thing". Ever since I started racing ATV's I have watched JJ and tried to learn from him. Sometimes I learned by trying to do what he was doing and sometimes I learned from his mistakes, but nevertheless, I have always learned from him, and I am pursuaded that anyone who has ever watched him (wether you are a fan or not) can probably say that you have learned from him to. So with that in mind, I think that it's time that we taught Jeremiah something. I think that we need to teach him how much we love him. The cards, letters, e-mails, and prayers have helped him tremmedously thus far, but don't let up now, lets stick with it. Another lesson that JJ can be taught is that nothing is impossible when you're a child of God. In 1996 I cut the back of my arm with a miter saw, I cut all of the ligaments and tendons that go to my fingers on my left hand and cut 3/16 of an inch through both bones. That Doctor said that I would never again regain full use of my left hand, but after alot of prayer and getting serious with God and REALLY BELIEVING that I could be healed, I was riding again, on a 2-stroke I might add (clutching like crazy with my left hand). I have a white #2 with a blue background on the hood of my four wheeler, I put it on there after the Doctor said that Jeremiah had a 1% chance of ever walking again, and I vowed that I would run that number on there until he walked again, because I know how big the God is that we serve.

Happy Birthday, and God Bless Jeremiah Jones

08-23-2006, 05:22 PM



08-23-2006, 11:26 PM
He will walk again.

Not doctor proven, not anything but hope, faith, and the Lord.

08-24-2006, 02:50 PM
I got my wristband this monday and i have been telling people outside of racing about jeremiah and his situation. Good luck J.J. never give up!

08-25-2006, 11:28 AM
I made it up to Louisville Wed. evening to see Jeremiah on his Birthday!!! He was in really good spirits cause he was getting to go home at 10:00am EST on FRIDAY!!! We had fun laughing and joking around, and both he and Jamie got to look at the Myspace page that Kristin Fritts from TN(Kristin250EX) has created for Jeremiah, they were really impressed!! I had also givin Kristin my cell # so that she could call while I was at the rehab center and wish JJ a Happy B-day herself!! She thought that was really cool, she talked with both Jamie and Jeremiah for awhile. Hope to see everyone in Bowling Green for the final round of the ATVA MX Nationals, Jeremiah WILL be on hand!!! Later-Ryan Barnes







08-25-2006, 01:52 PM
Jeremiah made it home today!:) Welcome home buddy!!!!:)

08-25-2006, 02:02 PM
That has to feel better being at home....Welcome Home JJ

08-26-2006, 01:02 PM

08-28-2006, 06:15 AM
Happy Birthday!!! :) And Anniversary!!!Looking Good!
I went to Loretta's even though I Knew that I wouldn't get to see you race and it just wasn't the same without you in the mix! I really enjoy watching you push your way to the front and never quiting every time you race!!! Needless to say You are my Favorite Pro rider on and off the track. I spoke to you at a local Fair race a few years back when you were on a YFZ. We talked about two strokes and you are the most down to earth guy out there. I was suprized how Cool you are Especially for the Fastest guy I have ever seen on a quad! Just watching you race, I know You would have taken the title this year! If you are as intense on your recovery as you are at racing, I know you will be walking soon enough and then riding again and then become Champion again soon after that, If that is what you want. I would just like to see a Good person like you walk again much less race. I know you have it in you, be patient and God will take care of everything else.;)

09-02-2006, 10:08 PM
JJ your in my prayers man. I love watching you race. I hope you will get well soon. I feel as if I should say something original but im just speechless right now. There are tons of people that love you JJ, you are my idol. Lets keep up the support.

09-03-2006, 02:33 AM
I am a mortgage broker in az and love atv racing. I am willing to donate 25% of my comission to jj's family if i do a loan or loans for people that mention jj's name so if you could post something about this on different forums or websites it would be a great benefit for jj's family. My name is Josh Dae and i work at First Capital Mortgage here in Az. I can be reached at 480-540-7874 . I am very serious and want to help anyway i can and i think jj and his family could benefit from my help. Please let me know if i can help you. JJ getting hurt makes me sick, he was riding so good recently. I remember watching JJ dominate on the 250r. I hope to see him rip on the Ltr soon. Get well JJ.

09-06-2006, 01:28 PM
It was so awesome to see JJ this weekend! He had no idea who I was lol, but he made my day when he signed his name on my poster. JJ if you read this I was behind the guy who had you to sign his baby's back and I said "Thats one way to start him off early" haha :D

JJ - I'm still praying for you !!!I wish the very best for you in your family!!!!!

Take care

09-06-2006, 01:29 PM
It was so awesome to see JJ this weekend! He had no idea who I was lol, but he made my day when he signed his name on my poster. JJ if you read this I was behind the guy who had you to sign his baby's back and I said "Thats one way to start him off early" haha :D

JJ - I'm still praying for you !!!I wish the very best for you in your family!!!!!

Take care

09-06-2006, 06:59 PM
Hey everyone! Chris here. JJ's been home for a little over a week now and is doing fine. He starts his outpatient thearpy next week and is really looking forward to it. He really enjoyed going to Ballances last Sunday. Seeing all of his fellow racers and the continuous line of fans made him feel like he was back at home. I joked with him when people started lining up with the short amount of time he had been at the track. We as a family , greatly appreciate all of the prayers and support from everyone. JJ is still in awe at the amount of people he has influenced and helped by just being himself. We would like to send our deepest sympathies to the Irwin family in Australia. Steve Irwin was a great man who opened the eyes of many, and showed people that many of the creatures we fear are not monsters. We were great fans of Steve and will dearly miss him. JJ enjoys watching his show and could not believe he had passed away. The Irwin family and everyone close to their family are in our thoughts and prayers. Even though tragedies happen , we must remember that those who have fallen would want us to strive forward and never give up.

09-06-2006, 08:56 PM
Even though tragedies happen , we must remember that those who have fallen would want us to strive forward and never give up.

VERY WELL SAID! Strive foward and never give up! Hold these words true to your heart JJ! With this and FAITH IN GOD you can over come anything!

09-06-2006, 11:49 PM
we must remember that those who have fallen would want us to strive forward and never give up. [/B][/QUOTE]

More true words cannot be spoken - I am from South Africa and can only get updates on this site about JJ - please send our warmest South African greatings to JJ - he is an inspiration to all of us!
May God be with you and your family!! and may you go from strength to strength!
Thanx for the update Chris - much appreciated!!!

09-11-2006, 07:11 AM

My family and I wish JJ all the best and our prayers go out to him and his family.

This ordeal kind of reminds me of when David Bailey got injured. This is a great reminder that if it can happen to to the BEST of the best, then it can happen to anybody. So be careful people and treat every day like it's your last...live life to it's fullest every single day.

These two (JJ and Bailey) were indeed the BEST OF THE BEST and always will be in my mind. :macho

09-11-2006, 03:10 PM
Hope all is well in the situation for JJ. The support says alot for how much he is liked in the atv racing world. JJ has my full support as always! I would do anything to see him race again hes the best their is and nobody will ever fill his spot!!!!!!!!!!!

09-11-2006, 03:12 PM
I bought my ticket for the quad raffle. Id love to win it, but Id like more to see every ticket sold to help JJ and his family.

09-11-2006, 06:22 PM
just bought my ticket to help jeremiah jones!!!!!!!! NEXT!!!!

09-13-2006, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
I bought my ticket for the quad raffle. Id love to win it, but Id like more to see every ticket sold to help JJ and his family.

Bought one also.

Even though it reduces my odds.. I hope they sell all 1000. I think it was an excelent idea for a fund raiser!

Even with 1000 sold, that's still excelent odds!

I noticed he's got knobbies on his wheelchair! You can take the racer out of the race, but you cant take the race out of the racer, lol. :) It's good to see he's in high spirits.