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07-19-2006, 01:49 PM
i was going back and looking threw some old pics... look at the dollar amount shane hitt is about to get for first place... now... tim is only winning $1,500.. $5,000 and $1,500 is a BIG diff... and e's also getting that $200 check for winning the hole shot... what do they give us these days? i think at one round they were giving away a pare of goggles...


EDIT: hum... ok... the pic would come up... but for some odd reason atvriders has it where if you spell *****(********) it stars it like its a cuss word or something?!?!

so um... to get around that... just copy and past that into your url and then type in **** where the stars are

07-19-2006, 05:29 PM
My son races and lovers this sport. But the way things are going I feel like extreme dirt will end up like the short track serires. This is sad. We came over from MX. People there think we just ride around a flat course. The have no idea how fast you big boys go off into the corners. Ifeel it is more veiwer friendly than MX. I dont know why ATVA does not promote this sport more and try to get it on tv. Well that is my 2 cents.

07-26-2006, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by One_Bad_400
i was going back and looking threw some old pics... look at the dollar amount shane hitt is about to get for first place... now... tim is only winning $1,500.. $5,000 and $1,500 is a BIG diff... and e's also getting that $200 check for winning the hole shot... what do they give us these days? i think at one round they were giving away a pare of goggles...


EDIT: hum... ok... the pic would come up... but for some odd reason atvriders has it where if you spell ****(********) it stars it like its a cuss word or something?!?!

so um... to get around that... just copy and past that into your url and then type in ***where the stars are

I have it blocked simply because that site's owner is a cad. He deserves no advertisement on this site...period.

As far as the payout, you support the companies that support the Pro riders. Maybe consider supporting the ones that support you!

09-02-2006, 08:20 AM
The ATVA is a santioning body.
The PROMOTORS are SUPPOSED to promote.
There are a cpl that try.Emphasis on "cpl". I'm trying to be nice. :D
NOBODY will do what John Pellan and George Davis of Fast Trax did for the promotion of their race at Orrville.
7000 one year and 5000 the next. All they had to do was come up with a 20k show for the ppl. LOL

09-02-2006, 08:33 AM
"I have it blocked simply because that site's owner is a cad. He deserves no advertisement on this site...period."

Ya like that's advertisement...
I've found that when sites do that it only pisses off the users and actually makes it better for the other site.

The cad is one of the nicest guys...period.

There, a 1000 word rant down to 55 or so.
1 word could do it tho..."KIDS"!!


09-03-2006, 08:14 AM
Anouther thing I have noticed is when someone does cover the event and gives a report it is usually off somehow. It is like they looked at the results and wrote the report. Just my two cents.:confused:

09-04-2006, 07:58 AM
I still say, Jack, you & my wife need to take over the ATVA & get our TT style racing back.

If you want to run a series that rewards you for your good riding efforts at the end of year banquet, check out the Southern ATVA in districts 13 & 29, real TT racing & we run on saturday nights.