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Thread: HELP! Need advice buying a powerful, cheap trail pounder!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    HELP! Need advice buying a powerful, cheap trail pounder!

    I have a very tight budget, but need a trail rider and overgrown field breaking quad. Im looking for IRS, but is not terribly necessary. I have been offered an 06 yamaha wolverine 450 4x4 for $1750. I am able to afford a little more, but this is my best option so far. Im in CNY if you have something to sell or know of. I Do not want anything less powerful than a 400. If you have advice on something cheap, powerful, and strong, any help will be much appreciated! Im very light but i am strong. I can hold my own on a sportsman 570 so weight is no concern. I really am looking for something decently new, nothing that looks shoddy like the old wolverines and such. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Anyone out there?

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