06-10-2013, 07:08 PM
I have the comprehensive instructor's solution manuals in an electronic format for the following textbooks. They include full solutions to all the problems in the text, but please DO NOT POST HERE, instead send me email including title and edition of the solutions manual u need to download it.
NOTE: this service is NOT free
My email: markrainsun( at )gmail( dot )com
Here are some from my list ...
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: A Course in Modern Mathematical Physics by Peter Szekeres
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: A First Course in String Theory, 2004, Barton Zwiebach
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: A Short Course in General Relativity 2e by J. Foster and J. D. Nightingale
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: A Short Introduction to Quantum Information and Quantum Computation by Michel Le Bellac
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Advanced Dynamics (Greenwood)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 6th Edition by Peter V. O'Neil
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Advanced Financial Accounting 8 Ed by Baker
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Algorithm Design (Jon Kleinberg & Tardos)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: An Interactive Introduction to Mathematical Analysis 2nd E (Jonathan Lewin)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics (2nd Ed., Bradley W. Carroll & Dale A. Ostlie)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: An Introduction to Signals and Systems by John Stuller
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: An Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (2nd Ed, Keith Stowe)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Analog Integrated Circuit Design, by Johns, Martin
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Analysis, Synthesis,and Design of Chemical Processes 3rd ED by Turton, Shaeiwitz
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Applied Electromagnetism 2nd Ed by Shen, Huang
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Applied Numerical Analysis, 7th Edition, by Gerald, Wheatley
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach 2e by Russell, Norvig
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis, 9th Ed by Irwin, Nelms
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Basic Engineering Mathematics by Chan, Hung
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Basic Heat and Mass Transfer by A. F. Mills
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering 7th E by Himmelblau, Riggs
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: C++ How to Program 7th Ed by Deitel
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Calculus One And Several Variables 10th Edition by S Salas
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Chemical Reaction Engineering 3rd ED by Octave Levenspiel
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Chemistry, 7th Edition by Susan A. Zumdahl
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Classical Dynamics, A Contemporary Approach (Jorge V. Jose)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Classical Electrodynamics 2nd ED by John David Jackson
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Classical Mechanics (Douglas Gregory)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: College Physics 9th ED by Serway,Vuille (Teague)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Communication Networks, 2e, Alberto Leon-Garcia, Indra Widjaja
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Computer Architecture - A Quantitative Approach, 4th Ed by Hennessy, Patterson
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance (7th Ed., William Stallings)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Control Systems Engineering, 6th ED by Norman Nise
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Design with Constructal Theory by Adrian Bejan, Lorente
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Digital Communication 3rd ED by Barry, Lee, Messerschmitt
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Digital Design: Principles and Practices Package (4th Ed., John F. Wakerly)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Discovering Advanced Algebra - An Investigative Approach
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Discrete Mathematics 3rd ED by Goodaire, Parmenter
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Discrete Mathematics with Applications 3rd ED by Susanna S. Epp
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Elasticity - Theory, Applications and Numerics 2nd ED by Martin H. Sadd
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Electric Machines Analysis and Design Applying MATLAB,Jim Cathey
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Electrical Engineering - Principles and Applications 5E Hambley
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (8th Ed., Boyce & Diprima)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Engineering Mechanics by Manoj Kumar Harbola
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Engineering Statistics (4th Ed., Douglas Montgomery, George Runger & Norma Faris Hubele)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Essentials of Soil Mechanics and Foundations: Basic Geotechnics (7th Ed., David F. McCarthy)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Experimental Methods for Engineers 8th ED by Holman
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers, 3rd Ed by Noel de Nevers
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits by Agarwal, Lang
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamentals of Chemical Reaction Engineering by Davis
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamentals of Investments, 6th E by Jordan, Miller,Dolvin
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems 4th Groover
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics (C.L. Tang)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 7th Ed by Borgnakke, Sonntag
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamentals*of*Digital*Signal*Processing*using*MA TLAB,*2nd *Ed by Schilling, Harris
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Gas Dynamics (3rd Ed., John & Keith)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: History of Mathematics: Brief Version (Victor J. Katz)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Intermediate Accounting 14 ed by Kieso
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Econometrics (2nd ed., James H. Stock & Mark W. Watson)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Flight 7th ED by John D. Anderson
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Linear Algebra, 4th Ed by Gilbert Strang
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurements Systems 3rd Ed by Alciatore, Histand
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Operations Research - 7th ed by Frederick Hillier, Gerald Lieberman
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Probability Models 10th Ed by M. Ross
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Scientific Computation and Programming, 1st Edition by Daniel Kaplan
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Statistical Physics by Kerson Huang
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to the Theory of Computation by Ching Law
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Thermal Systems Engineering Moran Shapiro Munson
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business, Economics, and the Life and Social Sciences, 13 E by Haeussler,Paul,Wood
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introductory Quantum Optics (Christopher Gerry & Peter Knight)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Kinematics, Dynamics, and Design of Machinery, 2nd Ed., Waldron & Kinzel
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Laser Fundamentals (2nd Ed., William T. Silfvast)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals, 4/E, by Morris Mano and Charles Kime
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Managing Business Process Flows: Principles of Operations Management(2nd Ed., Anupind, Chopra, Deshmukh, et al)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Managing Engineering and Technology (4th, Morse & Babcock)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Materials- Engineering, Science, Processing and Design 2nd ED by Ashby
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Mechanical Measurements (6th Ed., Beckwith, Marangoni & Lienhard)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Mechanics of Fluids 4th ED by I.H. Shames
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Mechanism Design Analysis and Synthesis (4th Edition) by Erdman, Sandor, Kota
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Microelectronic Circuit Design 4th ED by Jaeger, Blalock
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Microwave Transistor Amplifiers Analysis and Design, 2nd Ed., by Guillermo Gonzalez
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis, 7th Ed by Gruber,Goetzmann
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid-Phase Equilibria 3rd Ed by Prausnitz, Lichtenthaler
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Optics 4th Edition by Hecht E., Coffey M., Dolan P
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Organic Chemistry, 8th Ed by Carey, Atkins
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Organic Chemistry, 8th Ed by Wade, Jan Simek
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Organic Chemistry, by David R. Klein
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Parallel Programming: Techniques and Applications Using Networked Workstations and Parallel Computers (2nd Ed., Barry Wilkinson & Michael Allen)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Physical Chemistry 8E Atkins, Trapp, Cady, Giunta
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Principles of Heat Transfer by M. Kaviany
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Probability and Statistics 3rd ED by DeGroot, Schervish
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Public Finance and Public Policy 4th Ed by Jonathan Gruber
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Quantitative Chemical Analysis 8th Ed by Harris
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design (5th Ed., James G. MacGregor & James K. Wight)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Signals and Systems: Analysis Using Transform Methods and MATLAB, 1st Ed., by M. J. Roberts
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Signals, Systems & Transforms 3rd ED by Phillips, Parr & Riskin
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Soil Mechanics Concepts and Applications, 2nd Ed., by Powrie
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Special Relativity (P.M. Schwarz & J.H. Schwarz)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Steel Design, 5th Edition Segui
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Structural Analysis 8th Ed by R.C. Hibbeler
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: System Dynamics 2nd Ed by William Palm III
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: System Dynamics and Response, S. Graham Kelly
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements (4th Ed, Figliola & Beasley)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Theory of Asset Pricing (George Pennacchi)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Time Series Analysis with Applications in R, 2nd ED by Cryer, Chan
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering (7th Ed., McCabe & Smith)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: University Physics with Modern Physics, 13 E by Young,Freedman,Ford
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Water and Wastewater Technology 7th E by Hammer
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Advanced Financial Accounting 8 Ed by Baker
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Analysis, Synthesis,and Design of Chemical Processes 3rd ED by Turton, Shaeiwitz
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Applied Electromagnetism 2nd Ed by Shen, Huang
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis, 9th Ed by Irwin, Nelms
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Basic Engineering Mathematics by Chan, Hung
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering 7th E by Himmelblau, Riggs
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: C++ How to Program 7th Ed by Deitel
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Calculus One And Several Variables 10th Edition by S Salas
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Chemical Reaction Engineering 3rd ED by Octave Levenspiel
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Chemistry, 7th Edition by Susan A. Zumdahl
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Classical Electrodynamics 2nd ED by John David Jackson
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: College Physics 9th ED by Serway,Vuille (Teague)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Control Systems Engineering, 6th ED by Norman Nise
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Design with Constructal Theory by Adrian Bejan, Lorente
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Digital Communication 3rd ED by Barry, Lee, Messerschmitt
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Discovering Advanced Algebra - An Investigative Approach
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Discrete Mathematics 3rd ED by Goodaire, Parmenter
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Discrete Mathematics with Applications 3rd ED by Susanna S. Epp
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Elasticity - Theory, Applications and Numerics 2nd ED by Martin H. Sadd
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Electrical Engineering - Principles and Applications 5E Hambley
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (8th Ed., Boyce & Diprima)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Engineering Mechanics by Manoj Kumar Harbola
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Experimental Methods for Engineers 8th ED by Holman
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers, 3rd Ed by Noel de Nevers
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits by Agarwal, Lang
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamentals of Investments, 6th E by Jordan, Miller,Dolvin
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems 4th Groover
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 7th Ed by Borgnakke, Sonntag
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamentals*of*Digital*Signal*Processing*using*MA TLAB,*2nd *Ed by Schilling, Harris
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Intermediate Accounting 14 ed by Kieso
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Flight 7th ED by John D. Anderson
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Linear Algebra, 4th Ed by Gilbert Strang
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurements Systems 3rd Ed by Alciatore, Histand
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Probability Models 10th Ed by M. Ross
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business, Economics, and the Life and Social Sciences, 13 E by Haeussler,Paul,Wood
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals, 4/E, by Morris Mano and Charles Kime
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Materials- Engineering, Science, Processing and Design 2nd ED by Ashby
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Mechanics of Fluids 4th ED by I.H. Shames
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Microelectronic Circuit Design 4th ED by Jaeger, Blalock
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis, 7th Ed by Gruber,Goetzmann
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid-Phase Equilibria 3rd Ed by Prausnitz, Lichtenthaler
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Organic Chemistry, 8th Ed by Carey, Atkins
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Organic Chemistry, 8th Ed by Wade, Jan Simek
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Organic Chemistry, by David R. Klein
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Physical Chemistry 8E Atkins, Trapp, Cady, Giunta
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Principles of Heat Transfer by M. Kaviany
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Probability and Statistics 3rd ED by DeGroot, Schervish
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Public Finance and Public Policy 4th Ed by Jonathan Gruber
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Quantitative Chemical Analysis 8th Ed by Harris
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Signals, Systems & Transforms 3rd ED by Phillips, Parr & Riskin
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Steel Design, 5th Edition Segui
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Structural Analysis 8th Ed by R.C. Hibbeler
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: System Dynamics 2nd Ed by William Palm III
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Time Series Analysis with Applications in R, 2nd ED by Cryer, Chan
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: University Physics with Modern Physics, 13 E by Young,Freedman,Ford
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Water and Wastewater Technology 7th E by Hammer
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Understanding NMR spectroscopy 2nd ED by James Keeler, Andrew J. Pell
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Stochastic Modeling Analysis and Simulation by Barry L. Nelson
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: The Pendulum: a case study in physics by GREGORY L. BAKER and JAMES A. BLACKBURN
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Hydrology 5th Edition by Warren Viessman Jr., Gary L. Lewis
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Quantitative Methods An Introduction for Business Management by Paolo Brandimarte
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Macroeconomics A European Text 2nd Ed by Mertens, Weder
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Foundations of Mathematical Economics by Michael Carter
NOTE: this service is NOT free
My email: markrainsun( at )gmail( dot )com
Here are some from my list ...
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: A Course in Modern Mathematical Physics by Peter Szekeres
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: A First Course in String Theory, 2004, Barton Zwiebach
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: A Short Course in General Relativity 2e by J. Foster and J. D. Nightingale
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: A Short Introduction to Quantum Information and Quantum Computation by Michel Le Bellac
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Advanced Dynamics (Greenwood)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 6th Edition by Peter V. O'Neil
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Advanced Financial Accounting 8 Ed by Baker
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Algorithm Design (Jon Kleinberg & Tardos)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: An Interactive Introduction to Mathematical Analysis 2nd E (Jonathan Lewin)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics (2nd Ed., Bradley W. Carroll & Dale A. Ostlie)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: An Introduction to Signals and Systems by John Stuller
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: An Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (2nd Ed, Keith Stowe)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Analog Integrated Circuit Design, by Johns, Martin
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Analysis, Synthesis,and Design of Chemical Processes 3rd ED by Turton, Shaeiwitz
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Applied Electromagnetism 2nd Ed by Shen, Huang
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Applied Numerical Analysis, 7th Edition, by Gerald, Wheatley
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach 2e by Russell, Norvig
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis, 9th Ed by Irwin, Nelms
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Basic Engineering Mathematics by Chan, Hung
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Basic Heat and Mass Transfer by A. F. Mills
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering 7th E by Himmelblau, Riggs
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: C++ How to Program 7th Ed by Deitel
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Calculus One And Several Variables 10th Edition by S Salas
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Chemical Reaction Engineering 3rd ED by Octave Levenspiel
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Chemistry, 7th Edition by Susan A. Zumdahl
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Classical Dynamics, A Contemporary Approach (Jorge V. Jose)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Classical Electrodynamics 2nd ED by John David Jackson
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Classical Mechanics (Douglas Gregory)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: College Physics 9th ED by Serway,Vuille (Teague)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Communication Networks, 2e, Alberto Leon-Garcia, Indra Widjaja
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Computer Architecture - A Quantitative Approach, 4th Ed by Hennessy, Patterson
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance (7th Ed., William Stallings)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Control Systems Engineering, 6th ED by Norman Nise
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Design with Constructal Theory by Adrian Bejan, Lorente
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Digital Communication 3rd ED by Barry, Lee, Messerschmitt
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Digital Design: Principles and Practices Package (4th Ed., John F. Wakerly)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Discovering Advanced Algebra - An Investigative Approach
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Discrete Mathematics 3rd ED by Goodaire, Parmenter
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Discrete Mathematics with Applications 3rd ED by Susanna S. Epp
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Elasticity - Theory, Applications and Numerics 2nd ED by Martin H. Sadd
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Electric Machines Analysis and Design Applying MATLAB,Jim Cathey
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Electrical Engineering - Principles and Applications 5E Hambley
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (8th Ed., Boyce & Diprima)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Engineering Mechanics by Manoj Kumar Harbola
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Engineering Statistics (4th Ed., Douglas Montgomery, George Runger & Norma Faris Hubele)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Essentials of Soil Mechanics and Foundations: Basic Geotechnics (7th Ed., David F. McCarthy)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Experimental Methods for Engineers 8th ED by Holman
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers, 3rd Ed by Noel de Nevers
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits by Agarwal, Lang
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamentals of Chemical Reaction Engineering by Davis
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamentals of Investments, 6th E by Jordan, Miller,Dolvin
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems 4th Groover
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics (C.L. Tang)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 7th Ed by Borgnakke, Sonntag
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamentals*of*Digital*Signal*Processing*using*MA TLAB,*2nd *Ed by Schilling, Harris
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Gas Dynamics (3rd Ed., John & Keith)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: History of Mathematics: Brief Version (Victor J. Katz)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Intermediate Accounting 14 ed by Kieso
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Econometrics (2nd ed., James H. Stock & Mark W. Watson)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Flight 7th ED by John D. Anderson
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Linear Algebra, 4th Ed by Gilbert Strang
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurements Systems 3rd Ed by Alciatore, Histand
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Operations Research - 7th ed by Frederick Hillier, Gerald Lieberman
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Probability Models 10th Ed by M. Ross
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Scientific Computation and Programming, 1st Edition by Daniel Kaplan
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Statistical Physics by Kerson Huang
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to the Theory of Computation by Ching Law
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Thermal Systems Engineering Moran Shapiro Munson
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business, Economics, and the Life and Social Sciences, 13 E by Haeussler,Paul,Wood
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introductory Quantum Optics (Christopher Gerry & Peter Knight)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Kinematics, Dynamics, and Design of Machinery, 2nd Ed., Waldron & Kinzel
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Laser Fundamentals (2nd Ed., William T. Silfvast)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals, 4/E, by Morris Mano and Charles Kime
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Managing Business Process Flows: Principles of Operations Management(2nd Ed., Anupind, Chopra, Deshmukh, et al)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Managing Engineering and Technology (4th, Morse & Babcock)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Materials- Engineering, Science, Processing and Design 2nd ED by Ashby
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Mechanical Measurements (6th Ed., Beckwith, Marangoni & Lienhard)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Mechanics of Fluids 4th ED by I.H. Shames
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Mechanism Design Analysis and Synthesis (4th Edition) by Erdman, Sandor, Kota
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Microelectronic Circuit Design 4th ED by Jaeger, Blalock
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Microwave Transistor Amplifiers Analysis and Design, 2nd Ed., by Guillermo Gonzalez
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis, 7th Ed by Gruber,Goetzmann
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid-Phase Equilibria 3rd Ed by Prausnitz, Lichtenthaler
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Optics 4th Edition by Hecht E., Coffey M., Dolan P
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Organic Chemistry, 8th Ed by Carey, Atkins
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Organic Chemistry, 8th Ed by Wade, Jan Simek
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Organic Chemistry, by David R. Klein
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Parallel Programming: Techniques and Applications Using Networked Workstations and Parallel Computers (2nd Ed., Barry Wilkinson & Michael Allen)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Physical Chemistry 8E Atkins, Trapp, Cady, Giunta
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Principles of Heat Transfer by M. Kaviany
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Probability and Statistics 3rd ED by DeGroot, Schervish
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Public Finance and Public Policy 4th Ed by Jonathan Gruber
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Quantitative Chemical Analysis 8th Ed by Harris
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design (5th Ed., James G. MacGregor & James K. Wight)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Signals and Systems: Analysis Using Transform Methods and MATLAB, 1st Ed., by M. J. Roberts
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Signals, Systems & Transforms 3rd ED by Phillips, Parr & Riskin
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Soil Mechanics Concepts and Applications, 2nd Ed., by Powrie
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Special Relativity (P.M. Schwarz & J.H. Schwarz)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Steel Design, 5th Edition Segui
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Structural Analysis 8th Ed by R.C. Hibbeler
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: System Dynamics 2nd Ed by William Palm III
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: System Dynamics and Response, S. Graham Kelly
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements (4th Ed, Figliola & Beasley)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Theory of Asset Pricing (George Pennacchi)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Time Series Analysis with Applications in R, 2nd ED by Cryer, Chan
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering (7th Ed., McCabe & Smith)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: University Physics with Modern Physics, 13 E by Young,Freedman,Ford
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Water and Wastewater Technology 7th E by Hammer
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Advanced Financial Accounting 8 Ed by Baker
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Analysis, Synthesis,and Design of Chemical Processes 3rd ED by Turton, Shaeiwitz
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Applied Electromagnetism 2nd Ed by Shen, Huang
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis, 9th Ed by Irwin, Nelms
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Basic Engineering Mathematics by Chan, Hung
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering 7th E by Himmelblau, Riggs
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: C++ How to Program 7th Ed by Deitel
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Calculus One And Several Variables 10th Edition by S Salas
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Chemical Reaction Engineering 3rd ED by Octave Levenspiel
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Chemistry, 7th Edition by Susan A. Zumdahl
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Classical Electrodynamics 2nd ED by John David Jackson
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: College Physics 9th ED by Serway,Vuille (Teague)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Control Systems Engineering, 6th ED by Norman Nise
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Design with Constructal Theory by Adrian Bejan, Lorente
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Digital Communication 3rd ED by Barry, Lee, Messerschmitt
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Discovering Advanced Algebra - An Investigative Approach
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Discrete Mathematics 3rd ED by Goodaire, Parmenter
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Discrete Mathematics with Applications 3rd ED by Susanna S. Epp
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Elasticity - Theory, Applications and Numerics 2nd ED by Martin H. Sadd
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Electrical Engineering - Principles and Applications 5E Hambley
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (8th Ed., Boyce & Diprima)
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Engineering Mechanics by Manoj Kumar Harbola
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Experimental Methods for Engineers 8th ED by Holman
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers, 3rd Ed by Noel de Nevers
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits by Agarwal, Lang
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamentals of Investments, 6th E by Jordan, Miller,Dolvin
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems 4th Groover
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 7th Ed by Borgnakke, Sonntag
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamentals*of*Digital*Signal*Processing*using*MA TLAB,*2nd *Ed by Schilling, Harris
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Intermediate Accounting 14 ed by Kieso
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Flight 7th ED by John D. Anderson
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Linear Algebra, 4th Ed by Gilbert Strang
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurements Systems 3rd Ed by Alciatore, Histand
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Probability Models 10th Ed by M. Ross
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business, Economics, and the Life and Social Sciences, 13 E by Haeussler,Paul,Wood
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals, 4/E, by Morris Mano and Charles Kime
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Materials- Engineering, Science, Processing and Design 2nd ED by Ashby
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Mechanics of Fluids 4th ED by I.H. Shames
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Microelectronic Circuit Design 4th ED by Jaeger, Blalock
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis, 7th Ed by Gruber,Goetzmann
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid-Phase Equilibria 3rd Ed by Prausnitz, Lichtenthaler
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Organic Chemistry, 8th Ed by Carey, Atkins
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Organic Chemistry, 8th Ed by Wade, Jan Simek
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Organic Chemistry, by David R. Klein
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Physical Chemistry 8E Atkins, Trapp, Cady, Giunta
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Principles of Heat Transfer by M. Kaviany
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Probability and Statistics 3rd ED by DeGroot, Schervish
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Public Finance and Public Policy 4th Ed by Jonathan Gruber
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Quantitative Chemical Analysis 8th Ed by Harris
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Signals, Systems & Transforms 3rd ED by Phillips, Parr & Riskin
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Steel Design, 5th Edition Segui
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Structural Analysis 8th Ed by R.C. Hibbeler
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: System Dynamics 2nd Ed by William Palm III
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Time Series Analysis with Applications in R, 2nd ED by Cryer, Chan
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: University Physics with Modern Physics, 13 E by Young,Freedman,Ford
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Water and Wastewater Technology 7th E by Hammer
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Understanding NMR spectroscopy 2nd ED by James Keeler, Andrew J. Pell
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Stochastic Modeling Analysis and Simulation by Barry L. Nelson
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: The Pendulum: a case study in physics by GREGORY L. BAKER and JAMES A. BLACKBURN
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Introduction to Hydrology 5th Edition by Warren Viessman Jr., Gary L. Lewis
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Quantitative Methods An Introduction for Business Management by Paolo Brandimarte
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Macroeconomics A European Text 2nd Ed by Mertens, Weder
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Foundations of Mathematical Economics by Michael Carter