View Full Version : 2011 racing

12-13-2010, 06:36 PM
Ok..... what series is everyone running this year? anyone doing nationals? last year I tried racing a local and there was only one other quad there. I'd like to run the series that there's going to be some quads at. so Is it D-14 or GLMX? It's not very fun to race against yourself all the time. If no one's going to be racing locals than lets have some riding party's or something.

12-19-2010, 05:00 PM
District 14 is where all of the quads are at.

12-19-2010, 07:02 PM
the results i saw posted for d-14 didn't look that impressing for turn out either. but if that's where everyone is going to be then that's where I'll probably try to hit when I'm not at nationals.... if I have enough money that is... I would like to hang out with everyone again though. I miss the way it was when I first started racing and we had like 15 quads on the gate for just about every class and the hanging out after the races.

12-20-2010, 07:31 AM
Ya glmx is what spoiled that unfortunately (yes I'm bitter lol). D14 atv buisness is all run by quad people....mainly Luke Adams who eats sleeps and poops quads. If u know any mini racers thereius NOWHERE else to even
consider. were hoping to get everyone back together for 2011!!.

#404's Dad
12-20-2010, 09:00 AM
D14 was awesome this year, almost always a near full gate for the mini quads, should be interesting in 2011 as well, we wont be running many of them but should still be interesting!

12-20-2010, 10:18 AM
all my friends run GLMX. just started racing last year myself (SJO), but going to try to keep my body in one piece and run some GLMX this summer. It's a shame D14 and GLMX are split, and claim not to be rivals.. but it seems inevitable they would be, at least to some extent.

anyways, that's my plan, solely based on the turnouts and tracks they run on.

12-20-2010, 10:51 AM
Are u at all familiar with any of the district tracks? Keep in mind that Baja and Feeling are back to D14 now too.
What class u run? GLMX is about $$ , D14 is bout racers. Just food for thought.
Should at least give us a try. Hope to see ya.

12-20-2010, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by quadscrib
Are u at all familiar with any of the district tracks? Keep in mind that Baja and Feeling are back to D14 now too.

i've looked at the list before, and what i saw is partially my basis of running GLMX as i mentioned. not only are there more, but the majority are relatively close to me here south of grand rapids, which is sort of centrally located as well.

What class u run?

thinkin B. i'm looking at the '10 results for that class, and the year-end standings for D14 have 10 names for the championship, 8 for the mx series... GLMX has 50 for the championship, 34 for the challenge. and as said before, all the guys i run SJO with and a few others i've met at practice tracks all run GLMX.

having never run either, i am in -NO- way saying GLMX is better or sticking up for it as a series... only stating my basis on what i'm planning on thus far. by all means i'd be open to do either, but not being married to or having inside info on either, i'm merely picking based on statistics.

12-20-2010, 02:32 PM
GLMX only gets a decent turnout on the "Atv series races" but the"challenge series" you will be racing yourself.But you look at the results for D-14 they arent getting crap either. No one can afford it anymore thats why i dont do it anymore. Approx $100 to race all weekend,then you have your fuel,food,travel time...for a $30 dealer check or $30 cash or a trophy. If you like Red Bud,log road,dutch,big air,gratton run Glmx. If you like portland,battle creek,bay racing race D-14

12-20-2010, 03:44 PM
i don't care witch series i end up running, i just want to end up running the one that everyone else (or at least most of everyone else) is going to be running. it does suck that d-14 and glmx split though.

12-29-2010, 11:48 PM
i ran GLMX last year B class there was about 10 riders between A and B and couple vets i no were piking up couple kids for next year.

If i could get a good job id prob run nats with buddys of mine

12-30-2010, 11:13 AM
D-14 has really gone down the tubes since 06-07...those years seemed to be the last that the series really strived...its sad

12-30-2010, 06:43 PM
I try to do both what ever i can make it to. D-14 has more good tracks now Portland-polkadots-bay-Battle Creek-and i think baja and freeland for 2011. I think the "50 results in Championship" is from the Redbud Nat.

12-30-2010, 08:17 PM
Kinda confused about the Trompen quote Shawn.....

Anyways it would be good to have more people lean to one series as then we would build back up. The GLMX move split up waht was a growing but still overall thin group. Ill again throw out there that I am biased but D14 is where this all started.
As stated above GLMX lost two tracks this year back to D14. If we could band together (yep sounds corney) we could push things back to the 05-08 days before the GLMX move.
GLMX is why atv racing is so weak in Michigan. I do understand if one is just simply more conveniet than the ather to attend but D14 has several very fanatic ATV racers putting their heart and souls into the D14 series. GLMX has thrown you in.

12-30-2010, 08:27 PM
2 tracks they lost one doesn't have quads freelin is really far and semi boring

12-31-2010, 07:47 AM
I'm just getting back into the quads and I ran a race last year for SJO and Most of the guys there run GLMX - they told me that there weren't many in D14. Well, being that I live in Portland, I checked out the tracks and some events there and was impressed with the people and the turnout. Good people, nice turnout and nice tracks. One thing I really like is that there is a very good turnout for kid quads racing so it's good for my son and I both. After researching GLMX, it seemed like a smaller crowd with the same guys. Not that it's a bad thing, but it seems there is more challenges with D14 and a variety of riders all of which that I talked with were easy to get along with. Being a beginner, they were all very helpful and just happy to have more competitors. On top of that, I've met a few more people that are going D14 so I'm sure there is more. I'm personally going to go with D14 this year and attend every single event that I can to keep it going. With any luck, maybe Redbud will participate but until then, there is always an open ride day :)

Good luck with your choice and have fun no matter what you do!

12-31-2010, 09:41 AM
i realize you wanted to know the big quad turn out not minis, but this was my experience.
last year was my first year for my kids racing, at the beginning i was doing glmx mainly because the tracks are closer, but for the minis theres no turn out. and they put you on the little tracks unless theres 10 mini's. for the big quads you'll get some turn out at red bud and a few other tracks. but for the most part very thin on quads. i tried sjo and attended a few races but decided its not really a place to build a racer. d-14 was by far the best tracks for quads, plus the people are much more freindly and willing to help you out. its farther driving for me, but to get the competition for the kids its worth it. if all the large quads would come to d14 it would only help the over all to grow. if you can say theres going to be 10 quads there, then more will show.
towards the end of the years there seemed to be a bigger big quad turnoutat d14, i think people realized this was the place to be
and you will not get red bud to switch to d14.i believe red bud owns the GLMX series.

12-31-2010, 01:38 PM
u will not get red bud to switch to d14.i believe red bud owns the GLMX series. [/B][/QUOTE]

Amy owns Red Bud and not sure "owns"glmx but she's defiantly got a huge stake in it. Red Bud will never be back.

12-31-2010, 01:43 PM
Lol scrib I wasn't posting that quote, its my signature...he threatened me a while back so I figured id share it for the world

12-31-2010, 02:39 PM
i'm all about running D14 if there'll be a better turnout than GLMX. as "corny" as banding together may sound, maybe it's a realistic campaign that should be attempted.. create a facebook group and go from there. i know of a few quad guys that have very recently expressed their dissatisfaction w/ GLMX and how they treat the quads.

i made a quick map of D14 tracks (the red dots) VS GLMX (blue dots):


i wish D14 could get one more track over here on the west side. like Martin.. maybe i'm biased because it's my "home" track, haha, but with very minor additions it could be another great facility option for D14.

12-31-2010, 03:38 PM
good job on the map. i agree d14 needs to get a track or 2 on the west coast. alot of riders in west and southwest mi. that feel 4 hrs is just to far to drive

runs might have been a better word to use instead of owns. i believe the glmx membership money runs through buchanan in someway.
i know if i was on big quads i would try to get in the ears of the other riders and let them know if everyone gets in the same series it could be an advantage for everyone.

12-31-2010, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by Warnerade
Lol scrib I wasn't posting that quote, its my signature...he threatened me a while back so I figured id share it for the world
Love it

12-31-2010, 05:08 PM
When does the D-14 2011 race dates come out ? I dont race anymore (quadless lol) but i like to watch,i havent been to a mx race since 08 when i raced.

GLMX is into indiana and ohio now ? You better have some $$$ to follow that series

01-01-2011, 12:16 AM
Originally posted by Latemodel32
When does the D-14 2011 race dates come out ? I dont race anymore (quadless lol) but i like to watch,i havent been to a mx race since 08 when i raced.

GLMX is into indiana and ohio now ? You better have some $$$ to follow that series

you never came last year! lolol i ran glmx from fortwayne IN last year gotta go were tracks are better lol

01-01-2011, 07:14 AM
Travis you running Glmx this yr ? . And your running "A" correct in 2011. If i dont make it to a local race this yr to see ya i ll be at the Red Bud Quad Nat.

01-01-2011, 09:42 AM
bbender...LOVE the map. Very cool.
One thing to consider in the decision of where to race is also the number of races, not just the distance, but how many times you drive the distance.
We decided that we would race ALL the D14 races in the Championship series, which meant 8 races, then hit which ever other races we wanted in between. There are other D14 MX race dates that offer quad classes if you want more racing, and you could always hit the GLMX's that are closer to you.
We struggled to keep up with the 25+ race dates in GLMX. Too much driving IMO. We will be at all the D14 Championship races :)

01-01-2011, 12:35 PM
We do have a fb page for D14, http://www.facebook.com/pages/D14-ATV-RACING/284377568333

We attended every atv championship race for 2010 and had a great time! The competition was great for the minis! As of right now we wont be doing much racing fro 2011 unfortunately, but the ones we attend will be d14!

01-01-2011, 01:32 PM
does D14 have theyre schedule up yet?

lookin like GLMX only has 8 racesfor the series and they took out the challenge series

my problem with D14 is the drive im likemiddle of indiana fortwayne area and itll be a far drive

the mads pretty sweet to!

01-02-2011, 06:41 AM
Originally posted by kimv
We do have a fb page for D14, http://www.facebook.com/pages/D14-ATV-RACING/284377568333

We attended every atv championship race for 2010 and had a great time! The competition was great for the minis! As of right now we wont be doing much racing fro 2011 unfortunately, but the ones we attend will be d14!

What's going on Kim? We don't want to miss you guys. Everything ok?