View Full Version : Spring Series Standings
06-14-2009, 07:13 PM
Well guys the Spring Series is in the books as we head for our mid-season R&R (relax and retune:D ). Hope ya'll had a nice spring and are looking forward to a great Fall Series.
Those riders elligible for a year-end award as a result of their Spring Series standings can be found here: link (
Next race is Aug 30 in Jacksonville, Texas; fix-up your quads and come on out to the races.:cool:
07-05-2009, 04:24 PM
37 views and not a single reply, who are all the lurkers out there? Current racers? Wannabe racers? Who knows?
Anybody doing anything worth mentioning to their quad over the break? Do tell, and post up pics.
I have one word for ya'll...Houser
snake eyes
07-13-2009, 01:32 PM
Looks good, have just been trying to keep out of the heat. I have not even replaced my bent tie rod form the Pine Mountain race yet. Have you noticed that DC has added another Pine Mountaintain race in the fall. Temps should be nice for that one.
One big question for all, given Texas has had it a little easier through this economic slump,where are all the quad racers? Texas is second to only California in ATV sales. It is not just ATVCCS, the other two series in south and west Texas have turn outs that suck worst. We,Texas riders, are not all a bunch of mud dobben red necks are we? Maybe so, I guess those Yanks got us Texas boys covered when it comes to XC racing, but if it comes to racing through a mud pit with one hand on the gas and a six pak in the other all the while balancing a 300 pound girlfriend on the rear rack for traction they are looking at a real seat whipping.
Comments welcome! No pencils allowed.
07-13-2009, 06:06 PM
I've wondered the same thing about turn-out. Seems to me that it should be higher than it is. I got this slice of forum allocated to us so we could get the word out, but haven't seen much traffic. I'd like to see the series take off like gang busters. Would suit me just fine if there were 200 to 300 racers each race, the more the merrier in my mind. I've tried to market a little here in Shreveport, but I will tell you that Shreveport is dominated by the mud scene. We have the founding company of all the atv mud races right here in Shreveport, High Lifter, so it's hard to get the word out against that. I've put out fliers at dealerships and talked to people I know, but 4x4 quads are king over here. It is kinda odd that atv racing is exploding in other parts of the country, but not in Texas. I have internets buds that race everyweekend in Ohio and Pennsylvannia in three or four different series, seems like they have it going on up there. As for Pine Mountain showing up again, I say bring it on, I got in to this racing thing in Jan '08 because I wanted a challenge and I've gotten plenty on DCs race courses. I'm not what anyone would call a fast racer, but I've never failed to finish the prescribed race time with a running quad, not always with all four tires, or straight suspension, but running at the finish is my goal and I've met it on 16 of DCs race courses. I say bring Pine Mountain on, my only grip is distance to the race track, but I'll get there a little late, but other than that no problem.
I'd like to see some folks try to promote the racing series more. I think we need series shirts with our logo on front and our '09 schedule on back along with our web address, I know I'd be in for five or six for my family. I'd like to see some more hoodies get made and maybe we all need a series sticker on our quad, say the left front fender, or something uniform like that. I went rding at Wolf Pen Gap in Arkansas last week, I have a ATVCCS sticker that I had made on my quad and answered several questions about it from riders I met on the trail.
I don't know the answer to increased participation, but I'd be willing to be part of the solution if we can get it going.
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