View Full Version : Rd 5 - Maypearl, Tx - May 15 - 17

04-29-2009, 09:57 AM
Here's one for you folks out west.

Race flyer here (http://www.atvccs.com/Flyers/705%20MAYPEARL.pdf)

Hope to see ya'll at the races.

The mission of ATVCCS is to offer racers an environment that is family orientated. Think of this as a place you can load up the family to go camping, and then get to race to boot. What a deal !!!

This is a sport that will satisfy your thirst for competition, as well as reward you with a sense of accomplishment. We offer Pee Wee classes for the little ones and they race on Saturday on a separate track designed for beginner level riders. Also, we feature a Buddy Race on Saturday after the Ladies races. Teams are selected in a drawing before the race and points are accumulated for each individual rider. The two riders with the most points at end of the year will be Buddy Race Champions. Dirt Bikes and Quads are allowed in the Buddy race. All the other ATV races occur on Sunday. The tracks are normally around 8 miles in length and consist of mostly natural terrain.

Black R/T
05-04-2009, 05:04 PM
see you guys this weekend!! anybody been to this track yet?