View Full Version : Getting close!!!

02-28-2005, 12:36 PM
Guys just to let you all know the Pre entry sheets are up for Southwick, Jolly, And Winchester.
For those of you who were concerned because the rules are not updated , and the classes either. I just spoke to ryan he was unaware that when the webserver went down 3-4 weeks ago we lost the rules and new info... He is working on it as we speak.

Other than that Rausch Creek is shaping up to be a blast we have riders from all up and down the east coast who will be there Dirt Wheels has talked about coverage as has ATVriders.com Harlen on sunday!! This will be a good race to showcase your talents with national media exposure for your sponsors ,so dont miss Rausch or an other race this season!!!

This year I would appreciate any of our riders who take photos of different classes to post them here !!! I will be doing a littel write up on all our race days...not really gonna focus on any specific classes but as stories unfold I will do little write ups so photos to show the days event will help too!

Keep an eye on here guys and we'll see you in 33 days!!!!!


03-01-2005, 03:23 PM
Thank you Jason!

Are you still going to be able to make Uxbridge? 666 is going so you can try out that new ATK of his!

03-02-2005, 11:35 AM
I plan on it unless something comes up...whats the date again???


03-02-2005, 02:21 PM
All of the info is on the NEATV forum...

March 21st

03-05-2005, 06:56 AM
do i absolutly need a membership with th ATVA and NEATV-MX to race or can i just pay at the gate at every race

03-05-2005, 11:30 AM
Southwick and Unadilla ye you must have both. Jolly Roger and Winchester do not require AMA cards. But you must have an NEATV-MX card or pay 20 extra per raceif you do a race by race trial


03-05-2005, 02:17 PM
umm jason you said the entry forms are up for southwick jolly and winchester but i cant find them anywhere on the site...am i missing something :confused:

03-06-2005, 07:36 AM
I was told they were up......but I just checked them myself..and they are not ...... Ill see what i can do about getting them up by this week.


03-08-2005, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by jason14x
Southwick and Unadilla ye you must have both. Jolly Roger and Winchester do not require AMA cards. But you must have an NEATV-MX card or pay 20 extra per raceif you do a race by race trial


why do you need both just for unadilla???? too bad i planned on racing it but im not spending the money for a memeber ship for 1 race, 2 memberships is enough for me

03-09-2005, 07:08 AM
Southwick and Unadilla are AMA/ATVA sanctioned tracks, therefore you will need an AMA or ATVA membership and a NEATV membership. What were the 2 memberships that you signed up for?


03-09-2005, 07:58 AM
SRH....what do you mean....are you just running Unadilla???? If you run more than one race get the yearly mebership....If not It will cost you 25.00 for a one time race...basically if you are not an NEATV-Mx member its the entry fee + the 25.00.

Just so you know though if you decide to race more than one race after that that 25.00 can be applied to a yearly membership.

So to break it down for you.....For Unadilla you will need an AMA....OR an ATVA card not both ....your entry fee and an NEATV-MX membership ...OR 25.00 for a one day race .

Hope this helps and hope we see you at Unadilla in September!!!


03-11-2005, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by jason14x
SRH....what do you mean....are you just running Unadilla???? If you run more than one race get the yearly mebership....If not It will cost you 25.00 for a one time race...basically if you are not an NEATV-Mx member its the entry fee + the 25.00.

Just so you know though if you decide to race more than one race after that that 25.00 can be applied to a yearly membership.

So to break it down for you.....For Unadilla you will need an AMA....OR an ATVA card not both ....your entry fee and an NEATV-MX membership ...OR 25.00 for a one day race .

Hope this helps and hope we see you at Unadilla in September!!!


in your previous post i thought you met you must have ne atv too for unadilla and southwick only, i have my ama and district cards, ill pay the extra 25, i plan on seeing you guys in september, what track are they going to let use run? the national track or the amateur track in the back, iim really suprised we will be running on the full blown national track for the gnc

03-11-2005, 09:53 PM
Glad we'll see you...it should be agood race and its after the Nationals are over so we get a lot of the regional pros like dunk, Brown, Haaavisto, etc..that show up then..who knows!!

We'll be on the amateur track !!!

03-25-2005, 09:08 PM
so will ATVriders have covrage of the first race on april 3rd?

i wanna see my picture:cool: aha

woo hoo 2000 posts

03-25-2005, 10:00 PM
i can't wait to see pics of the rollmister :macho