View Full Version : haspin acres harescrambles

03-22-2002, 03:10 PM
Just wondering if anybody had any info as to when the harescrambles at haspin acres, Laurel,IN are this year?

03-22-2002, 03:48 PM
Well yes, I do
3/17 - 4/14 - 5/19 - 6/9 - 7/14 - 8/4 - 8/18 - 9/15 -

10/26 Quad Halloween 100
10/27 Bikes Halloween 100

11/10 - 11/24
sign up 9:30-11:30 Race @ 12:00
Info 1-765-698-2800

Take care

03-22-2002, 05:45 PM
Thanks for the info.

Do you have anymore info on other scrambles in IN?

Did you run the #747 in the gncc's in 01?


03-23-2002, 08:51 AM
Yes I ran #747 in the series last year and will try and run it this year (haven't called to reserve yet). I will only be running a few this year, instead run a lot more local stuff until my wife is out of school.

I do have the district 15 schedule, other then that and the Haspin, I don't know of any other H.S. in Indiana.

Where in Indiana do you live? There are a couple of District 14 H.S. in lower MI that may be an option for you.

I am from Indy, but know live up North temporarily so the MI races and district 15 races are a lot cheaper to go too....but there is nothing like the nationals!!! wish I could run more this year!

District 15 schedule - http://www.motoracing.com/
District 14 schedule - http://www.atvracers.com/
(portland and battlecreek are the closest)
Also Casey IL has a H.S. schedule, but I have had a few freinds not real happy about the course marking, have the class got disqualified!

03-23-2002, 08:52 AM
P.S. Did you run last year? If so what # and class?