Thank you I am a redneck and proud of it buddy, and to even make a comment like that in the first place shows me a few things,

1. you have no respect for anyone...not even yourself

2. you have no respect for the people that are here to share their mechanical knowledge with others or actually help people.

4. you have no respect for this forum, so to be fair this is it. I am done answering to your b.s. posts that have nothing to do with what we are all here for. Mabye you have no friends and a POS HONDA so you have to go running your mouth and being a prick. and lets not talk about brand loyalty I had a 97 xr 100 a 96 cr 125 and a 99 cr 250 before i crossed over to the other side. And let me tell you the grass is greener on the other side!!

And to call me stupid and say i know very little let me tell you buddy i have never taken a dirtbike quad snowmobile car or truck anywhere to get fixed, painted or souped up so think about that the next time you drop your paycheck at the honda dealer....

so please stop wasting all our time...if you want drama go watch springer i'm out i got a quad to ride