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Thread: Racing around in a small circle

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Westbrookville NY

    Exclamation Racing around in a small circle/Race report added

    This saturday, my cousin is going to be racing his 330EX around in a little tiny oiled circle on the orange county fair grounds, flat track i guess u would call it, sounds kind of interesting, and I am invited along. Niether of us are prepared AT ALL. I know there are no age restrictions and not too many rules or regulations, its not very organized as I understand. Sounds like it could be an experience. I am just wondering if anyone can give me any advice if I decide to do it. Ill have my bald Holeshots on the back of my quad, wich is stock width, I guess the only thing I can really do is get some tie downs and crank my quad down, try to make my quad not tip over around the turns.
    My only engine mods are a WB E exaust jet kit, K&N airfilter and air box mods. I dont expect to be the fastest quad out, but maybe just have some fun.
    Any Tips or suggestions would be appreciated, if none then just wish me luck
    Last edited by kc 300EX; 01-07-2002 at 04:13 PM.

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