Hi, I will purchase a 1986 yamaha YTM 225 dx (might have the lettering mixed up sorry).
This would be my first atv/bike ever. Even though I am pretty knowledgeable in snowmobiles and Garden tractors and can pull my own with cars trucks and heavy machinery, I have no clue what I should expect/inspect upon purchase. Is there specific things I should know about in order to make a good assesment before buying?

The machine needs to have the rear bearings replaced and the chain is showing signs of age but still usable.
The seller will include new bearings and chain.

On the net Ive noticed that many people say theirs dont have front brakes and others say the model came with front brakes.
Mine doesnt have front brakes and theres no evidence showing it ever had any.$T2eC16NHJIQE9qUHsFbnBRkrm()7lw~~48_20.JPG Its semi automatic and I know nothing about that. Good? Bad? fragile? what are the common problems on this machine? What is your opinion on the model is it reliable or always in for repairs?