Bear with me, I have built many 400ex motors but have never actually put a 400ex together as I usually get the motors when their out of the quad and give them back and let my friends install them...
got my motor running in my project quad finally after dealing with some electrical super gremlins. But now that I got it running I went to put the tank on and realized i didnt get the heat shield with all the parts it came with so my questions...

1. Do I have to run the gas tank heat shield? or can I just put some heat reflective tape on the bottom of the tank or maybe do nothing at all? Its the wifes quad and she is just going to putt around on it, no racing or high revs really.

2. It appears the gas tank sits on top of the heat shield kind of like a mount? If I put the tank on without the heat shield on it seems that the gas tank rests on top of the carb, is that how its supposed to sit? just seems kind of odd because it appears the tank only has 2 mounting bolts (the 2 up front).
Any helps appreciated.