I got one for you guys. For this season, Dad with the big ol' SUCKER stamp on his fore head, bought the 2010 Answer Racing Mode Rockstar gear for Seth. Well he finally got to ride his Apex on Sunday, for over 3 hours. Yesterday the wife was washing his gear and she showed me his new pants. They have a nice, large burn mark on them from his pipe. They are the type of pants that cover the boot and they zip apart at the knee into shorts. He cant really tuck them into his boots because there is more material in the lower legs so they cover the boots, if you tuck them in, they bunch up bad and are uncomfortable. Any one have any ideas of a fix for this?? I was thinking of making some sort of heat shield for the pipe, or maybe having some leather sewn onto the pants. Who here has had the same problem and how did you fix it. I just hate to see brand new $100 pants with burn hole in them