i know that everyone has there set ups and it comes with trial and error, im not asking for your secrets, just a little help with the base set ups, im use to the woods stuff... be qite honest, i had my quad set up for my home track and never really changed much on it, just sayed as it was...

Im looking to race the SD race in 2010... i will be on my 250r, what motor im going to run im not really sure yet, im going to take another look at class rules so i know what CC's can i can run in what classes...

i would just would like some help on how you set your quad up, what are some better set ups...
where do you want your ride height sitting at and all that.
also what tires are good, and what arnt?

does the EDT have a mx class? at the local tt's they have a slicks class and then a MX, the Mx is just mx quads, with knobbies...

thanks for the help...