Hey I loved cop stories ! so I am makin a sequal.

One time me and a friend of mine where having a buddy of are's who was a cop radar us in his car to see what our bikes will do. I had a 87 250R with LRD pipe and porting and so on an my buddy Seth had a Banshee wth Toomeys,cool had,reeds, and so on (he still has his Shee and i sold my R for the 400 i have now. I only had a R for 9 months) Well any ways we get goin down a kinda major road (it was 11pm no one was drivin that late) and we go through all the gears when another cop come drivin by (we didn't know him) well he radios for back up and has about 5 cars chasing us within 5 mins, we where takin tons of diffrent streets (even went through a residentual neiborhood) and we couldn't lose them. I think they might of had some air support. Well, we finally come to a trail about 3 miles away from where we started,but the cops could take there 5-O machines through it. Well we finally found a tight trail and they quit chasin us after about 30mins and we made it to his house. Then in the morning we called our friend who was radarin us and he said one of the cas that was after us had a tranny problem after that night and another 5-O machine got a flat. I bet those county mounties where pissed!

My other favoritestories is wwhen one time me and about 10 of my friends all on Warriors and Banshees (i was the only 400ex). Well we where ridin and we found this car (a 99 ford taurus) and one guy starts cuttin dounuts next to it and was gettin dirt all over it. So a few banshees and I pushed our quads rear wheels to all four corners of the car and let me tell you me and those banshees held those front braks and went through all the gears onthat car. The car was origanally Green,but we made it clay orange. Well a po po just happens to be driven by when thise happens and we where like Flit so the other guys ran whileme and 3 banshee's had to quikly pick our quads up out of the holes we dug and we where out of there like a Fat KidIn Dodge Ball! The copnever found us again!