Originally posted by TYayo420
yeah i have 2 or 3 more to refund, I WILL REFUND the rest i owe, i promise just like i did the first 4, just im not made of money, and i gotta save up another 400, i paid back 750 already, im 21 with 1 part time job, my own place, and a kid coming, im trying my best to get it done in a fast timely matter, now if the 3 claims against me on paypal were lifted, since every claim subtracts that much out of your account, its negative 439, leaving me 11 in there, so till there lifted or i save some cash, i can't do much but promiser you ill do it, just give me a little time, and ill send a extra 20 spot with it like i did to 2 other ppl cuz they waited longer since they got stuff of me first and were owed for 3 weeks rather then the 1 1/2 like the other 2, sorry for this b/s and thanks for your time and understanding.

What do you mean you will send an extra 20 spot?