ok heres my situation,im driving down the road full speed(the quad thats in da signature)and i all of a suden totally lose power it slows down prolly 10mph and i still have it floored.i was almost home so i just pinned it 2 c if id make it still and i did but no power 2 it.when i was driving the thing was knocking like crazy 2 it was rlly loud,and when i got home i had 2 keep it speed up or else it'd go out on me,i reved it up some and it smoked alot AND keeped on knocking and smoking and it actually couldnt rlly rev rlly good even.so now i rlly need 2 know was up wit it,the starter broke so i always have 2 use the pull start and if u pull it u can just pull it out the full length of the rope prty easy and its like it has no compresion or n e thing,it still turns over but theres no way it'll start.so wat do yall think is wrong wit it?i would like 2 know the sooner the better cause we use it at work all the time.so ya gimme some ideas on wat 2 do or wat wrong,wat to do to fix it. lat8r
