After reviewing some articles on there has been some good descusion about batterys. Thought I might share some good info since the stock KQ batterys are junk!

Odyssey PC535 or PC625 are great batterys!

Both are about the same size as the KQ battery. The PC535 is a little shorter and the PC 625 is a little taller then the stocker battery but that causes no problems with seat clearance. When using the PC625 spacers and longer bolts will need to be used in order to use the bracket that holds down the battery.

THe batterys are diffrent. The PC535 post are configured on the same side as the Stock KQ.

The PC625 post are on opposite sides. If you use the PC625 just turned the battery around so that the post are configed onthe same side. The ground will reach but the postive cable will need to be lenghtened about 3 inches. But the PC625 is cheaper, and has higher cranking amps.

I bought mine from summit racing for about $85 shipped to my door.