Thanks for the comps. guys... I do love this thing.. and do still really want to keep working on it... Figured Id put it out there to see if there was interest/offers you guys would make for trade or cash... I'm totualy not faitfull to my possesions hehe! (just faitfull to the ladies!!) I built a trx250r from a bare frame peice by peice that was the sickness and traded it up like it was nothing.. Ive ridin dirt bikes most my life and if it wasnt for the snow I would prob. not have a quad... Im faster, jump better, and actualy feel more stable on a dirt bike for some reason. I should be heading out to chatsworth, NJ soon to try out the scrambles on this thing and see how i do. As for trails its a bit wide for me to go like i want...


any offers?