OK good peoples, I have been stirring the pot lately with white plug posts. Thought I had to be lean. White plug, white exhaust on tip, red header for quite a ways back and others leading me to believe that it is lean. And my exhaust is really white coming out of the tip!

I have the full RS-5 ex.(SA pulled out), lid off, CB, 50% 110 octane race/50% 91 pump gas.

Well I spent the $$ to figure out what is up. This isn't my best run, but it shows the a/f ratio really well.

How do you like that a/f flatline jetting?

I think this might be my best run of 48hp and 33.5 ft/lbs of torque

For all the nay sayers that are saying these things are slow are full of poop. Piped only '06 450's, this is the fastest. I was asked on many occasions what all I had done. I responded that a pipe was all I knew that was out there really. If I was missing out on some new cams on the market, they should let me know. They quit with the probing then.

And b/c I spent the coin on the run, I'll go ahead and add one of my scrawny @ss just messin' around.