go to bluetraxx and start yelling yFZ all the way.!!! you would sound alot cooler... and i cant wait until about 2 yrs roll by and u guys with the yfz's Finally and i mean finally realise that it was rushed.. and not reliable at all.. this is the same thing that always happens... the dumb people always thinks that yamaha has one up on honda, and that yamaha has really made something this time thats better than honda... the fact is that the R isnt even out yet so keep braggin on ur yamasuckies,, and one day u will realise that u made a mistake and buy the honda,,all i got to say to u guys is that (you will be back),,, lol same thing happend with the craptor,, when they come out they was cooler than cool.. like icecold.. now people are selling them left and right cause the people thought that yamaha actually did something right,, but they were wrong and now they realise that...

i think the weak spot on the yfz is:: everything ,, now dont that sound cool.... no so guys quit talking about the trx 450r and not one person will say anything about the yfz..cause no one cares its the guys with the yfz who are the ones that start talking abouit the ride and why they chose it and the damn honda isnt even out yet,, ur opinion means nothing cause u alreasy have a yfz,, it dont matter.. go to bluetraxx and talk about ur ride and talk about what ur going to do,, when the big red machine comes out an try to figure out someway to make it competetive..hahhahah