Just a short video edit from our helmet cam stuff from this weekend at Sunday Creek.

The first gate drop was from Saturday with a sick quad, after a new carb and a couple new gaskets from MaxRPM we got it running pretty good. Took it to the gate twice on Sunday and it ran pretty darn good. We are running the reverse intake so I wanted to see how it would run when it was tuned correctly. He wheelied out of the gate in 90cvt and he chopped the throttle and got tagged by the quad on his right so he got to the top of the hill near the back.

Brady has never been on a quad that fast so I was a little worried. He just turned 8 about a week ago so we let him give it a try. He got roughed up a little while running in the front (4th) of the 90 auto jr pack but thats how it works I guess, its gonna happen from time to time. Anyway, he had never raced his brothers quad so I thought he did pretty good.