Does anybody have a review on the new 2010 Foremans? There is not a lot of information available just yet and I was hoping to here from someone that may own one. I am interestead in purchasing one myself but I have a concern. I currently have an 09 500 with the two shock rear suspension. Will the new foreman carry the same loads in the rear? I like the fuel injection and water cooled but the racks seem to be a little lighter on the 2012 also. What do you guys think?

Also... If I purchase a new foreman I will need to sell my old one. It is an 09 with 210 miles and 46 hrs. Condition is excellent. I have used it spraying and hauling a small trailor around the farm. (Never been in mud) What do you guys think would be a fair asking price if I do decide to sell?

Thanks in advance for any responses.