So...what a wweekend!!!!

First off, i'm just excited about finally hitting the jumps!!! Felt pretty good, except for the last one!

In the past i've never really hit the jumps and if I did they were strickly tabletops!! Not this round.

I took the time and did the MX track in pieces on Friday and got each jump down and then put it together so I was pretty stoked!!

Unclassified happened and I damn near killed myself going over the log double because I tried to roll it. I pulled off and was watching others go through and not main were jumping it but a few did so I finally lined up and went for it...I made it and then some!!! Ouch I could feel the imprints of the foot pegs in the bottom of my feet!!! It went away but was happy I jumped it!

Ran Production B and didnt do so hot but finished. I got stuck a couple of times and that cost a lot of time and energy...

Next race, Womens A...

Bad start and ended up knudging a girl named Tammy when she rolled, I tried not to but I barely touched her tire. Noticed she was fine so I kept going...Got stuck in some roots once and got out...was feelin pretty good. Finished the second lap and was in 3rd when I overshot the double on the other side of the tower and landed extremely hard so hard that my grip flew off and I fractured my arm...needless to say I didnt finish. I'm extremely disappointed and I also got my very first DNF

Overall good weekend except for the arm and getting whiplash so many times from landing rough on the log double!! lol

How was everyone else? How about that weather, we got lucky it was nice for us!!!

Can't wait to see the pictures!!