make sure to check clearances for each valve (where the bucket is)

ok, so put the new shims on the little circle marked on the valve, and slide the bucket over it. the bucket should just glide in, DO NOT push it. if it does not just set in, you are not puttin it in at the right angle. it takes a big of finnaglling to get the hang of it.

so put the cams in with the timing marks i showed you before, put the cam stay on and torque the bolts to 7ft lbs of torque and check that your still at TDC (down by the timing plugs) and then release the tension of your chain SLOWLY. now recheck your clearances. if you are doin this on your own, it may take a couple of trys to get the hang of it. it is more time consuming than it is hard.

once you got everything together, DOUBLE, TRIPLE check little things such as timing, clearances, makin sure the cams are in the right spot etc. etc. slap the gasket back on with the head cover and you will be good to go. enjoy your newly tuned machine!!!

if anyone finds ANY room for improvement in this article, just hollar at me
