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Thread: Cop Stories...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Cop Stories...

    I just wanted to hear anyone's stories about running from the cops. I live in a small town with about 5 cop cars, and we always give them hell. My friend rides his 400 straight through town with a loud *** FMF pipe and has been chased by the cops many times. You really get the advantage when you can dodge through people's back yards. He lives right at the edge of town and has never been caught. I don't dare to chase them in town, but Me and my other friend chase cars on our 300's late at night at our riding spot (which is near a gravel road) and we acidently chased a cop once, we didn't know it was a cop till he turned his lights on. We did a 180 and went to our spot, which you have to climb a slight hill to enter the gravel pits and we ran through the back and luckily escaped.

    But anyways, does anyone else have some popo stories??

  2. #2
    yeah i do i was riding minding my own business when this damn cop comes up and decides to pull me over well he said i was going over the speed limit since it was right next to a road and so close i guess there was a speed limit he said i was going 55 in a 30 mph zone and that i would get a ticket of about 100 for doing that and if i was on the damned roadi would have my liscense taken till i was 21 but this was wierd since i was on my friends 55 acre lawn and yes i was racing cars just need to show the power of that little *** 282cc engine. well the cop said that i have to wait here so he can go get his radio and call my name in the his headquarters to put this on my record and to go write me a ticket , well being only 14 i am to immature to take this $#@% i mean i wasnt even one the darn road and i am getting a 100 dollar ticket ummmmmmm how about no so i start it up and run away like a bat out of hell and go back to my house that is like through 3-4 miles of roads and about 2 minutes after iget there guess who pulls up ,the darn cop again and he says that he could take me in for running from him but i explained to him how i didnt break the law in the first place then he got my parents and they explained how he was an idiot then my friends came to my house wondering where i went and he also said i did nothing bad well i guess he had enough of this crap for one day and told me to stay away from the street and then he left.

  3. #3
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    Oct 2000
    well, we have all done our fair share of riding on the road I am sure.............but chasing cars on a quad is sure to give us all a bad name.

    Here is a story for ya to chew on.

    It was around 1986 and I was on a 1985 ATC200X. I was riding the trails home from a popular riding spot near quantico va. To get from one trail to the next, I had to travel down the median of a 4 lane road for about 1/2 mile............well, just so happens there was a cop coming towards me about 1/2 way down the median.

    when he saw me he threw the lights on & ran past me to a cross over & then started chasing me. I had already run through the gears by then & I was very close to my trail head. I crossed the road & climbed a steep embankment but still had a ways to go to get to my trail (riding parallel the road). He had caught up to me but he was about 10' below me driving his car & looking up the bank at me. I wasn't about to slow down.

    All of a sudden he hammers down & goes out in front of me...........I knew he was planning to cut me off since I had to cross the road one more I turned the old X around & headed the other way.

    I pulled into a construction site which I had passed while being chased. I put my bike in the woods& covered it with some pine tree limbs. All I had on for riding gear that day was a jersey, helmet, goggles, & gloves. I ditched all of that stuff near the bike & strolled across the job site like I owned the place. From the job site office trailer I called my brother-in-law & asked him to bring his truck & a tarp.

    as I waited for my ride I counted 1/2 dozen different cops driving by both directions with lights & sirens on...........

    when my ride showed up, we loaded the bike up, covered it with a cheap blue tarp, and headed for home..............driving right past the herd of cops that were looking for me.

    you don't always have to be faster, but being smarter sure does help.
    Last edited by 4punksdad; 09-19-2001 at 03:28 AM.
    In memory of Christopher (Chrissy) Riley Andrews / 1-24-02 to 1-23-06
    we love you Chrissy

  4. #4
    sounds awesome

  5. #5
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    Ooohhh, 3punks, that sounds cool. I would have liked to watch it happen! Mine is nothing at all.
    I was riding back from my freinds house, and get to a spot on the road where I can't ride alongside it anymore. I look both ways a couple of times and start to go on the road, then all of the sudden a cop turns his lights on and bleeps the siren once. I get off the road and look back, then he waves at me! Almost as if the knew me! I figured well, I might as well go on so I did and didn't have any trouble from him!
    2001 DS 650- Diamond G racing steering stem, Longhorn bars, Armadillo a-arms, HMF exhaust, jet kit, Trail Tech computer, and some other stuff.

    Coming soon- YFZ 450 Pro-Pegs, CRF 450 rear master cylinder, braided lines, IMS 5.0 gallon tank, black plastic and seat cover, powdercoated frame and swingarm, HPR engine kit, Scott's Stainless oil filter, radiator shrouds, and much more.

  6. #6
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    Sep 2000
    I have a couple stories.

    When i was younger i got stopped on my 200sx and it is really slow so i just pulled over and the cop talked to me for a long long time seemed like forever but he just told me to ride on the edge of the road and left.

    I was riding on my friends land that is pretty far on roads and we were heading home and my freinds were leading and they took a shortcut and got out on the road before us and when I caught up the trial was pretty close to the road and i could see red lights but i didn't think anything of it and i got to the road and saw them pulled over so i slamed on my brakes and my front tires slid out onto the road. That is about the only time that i wish i had reverse! I stoped and talked to the cop with my wheeler parked by the trail but my friends that got stoped said they were just checking there fields(they are farmers) and that I was just riding there by myself.

    This summer I rode on a old railroad grade and it goes through towns and we got to this one and we were looking for where the trail was and so we were riding right through the town. man was that stupid. We were going pretty fast and then we caught up to a cop car and did a U turn and headed the other way! and on the way back we got to a pretty wide part of the railroad grade and I looked ahead and there was something white way in the distance so i waved down my riding buddy and we stoped to try and figure out what it was. It was not moving so we rode closer and it was a cop car back on the trail! I figured it was the cop we ran from and that he knew that we would go back that way and was waiting for us to come! We got really close and then flew into a field and hid behind a haybale the only one on the whole field and thought about what to do. So i thought screw this and i went back onto the trail and pulled right beside the cop and he rolled down his window and told me to stop and so I talked to him and he just was wondering if we knew anything about a 4-wheeler being stolen. I guess someone just stole a quad and took the parts off and ditched it in the weeds off the trail.
    Last edited by coryatver; 09-19-2001 at 05:15 PM.

  7. #7
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    Oct 2000
    the post about riding on the railroad reminds of a time I had forgotten.............thats why I love this website

    the story starts around 1985 in upstate NY............
    my buddy on his yamaha IT-175 dirt bike is riding beside me on my 85 200X down a paved road. Only problem is..........I have a passenger.

    We come up on this fairly busy intersection where we need to ride up the pavement for about 500' to the next trail head while crossing a bridge. As we approach the intersection we are leaning forward trying to look past the guardrails for oncomming traffic...........just one car coming..........a NY State Trooper! We never say a word to each other.

    He pulls out onto the larger paved road heading right towards the cop in the same lane! He rips it up into a wheelie & runs right past the cop. SHE throws the lights on & the chase is on!

    Then SHE trys to whip a U turn in the insection where I am still hidden by the guard rails. Thats when she decides to chase me instead of him!

    I whip out onto the road & haul *** to the trail head while my buddy stays on the pavement............when I rounded the guard rails & hit the trail, she was RIGHT on my tail.

    The trail was actually an old abandonded railroad bed with NO tracks. Every 50' or so there were HUGH puddles that were dry at this time..............they looked like perfectly round craters about 1' deep & 12' I blasted through them I looked back & I swear that woman cop had that car 4' in the air. Boss Hog would have surely been proud of her! I eventually lost her on the rough terrain,,,,,,,,,,,,but for awhile I wasn't sure I was going to. I could hear the 4 barrel carb kick down every time she mashed the gas, thats how close she was!

    I finally stopped because my passenger was SO scared, he was punching me in the kidneys begging me to slow down............Thats when I noticed she was no longer behind me
    In memory of Christopher (Chrissy) Riley Andrews / 1-24-02 to 1-23-06
    we love you Chrissy

  8. #8
    My first bike was a '80 CR250 and we had some cool dirt roads and trails between our neighborhood and high school. When we would go up to the school on occasion, we would have to ride on the road for 1/2 mile.
    A couple times, copper would give chase but soon as we hit the dirt road that was narrow in the woods in 5th gear wide open, the chase soon ended. I guess the police didn't want to rip their mirrors off and trash their cars for some crazy teens out having fun. One other time my friend and I took our '84 atc200x's on a golf course they were building. Muddy as all get out, while both of us were getting unstuck, the owner arrives with another guy yelling for us to stop. I continued pushing my trike and got unstuck ready to scramble, but my partner was stuck bad at the bottom of a hill. So I stayed and helped him get unstuck, but too late. County mounty arrived and just warned us about trespassing and criminal mischief if caught again. So we fled and didn't try that again.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    game wardens really don't like us!!!!

    Well me and a bunch of mi friends went riding just yesterday 4 2001 ranchers one 4wd me on my trx300(not ex) a kid on a 220 bayou and a warrior, well we had been riding since i got home from school at 3 and it was like 6 or so and we had been running as hard as we could ride all night we were up in the AEP area and were not really allowed to ride there cause people like to dump trash back there, any way we were riding along and there is this puddle it is aobut 15 feet long and only like 1.5' deep but it is really muddy and all everyone made it cept for me and the bayou, well he hit it in 3 and hit the lip on one side and had it sitting sideways in the puddle and he fell off and it sucked water into the exhaust so we got him out and was desperatley try'n to get it to start, meanwhile the warrior with his "coffee can exhaust" (cobra) wuz doing donuts we told him to stop but he didn't listen so we finnaly got his bike started and we heard someone yell "OH SH*T" we turn around and there is a game warden on a 400ex pulling it out of his truck so we all took off like a bat out of heck thorugh the woods well we rode like he** clear home and we stoped right after we got off the main trial about 10 secs later we hear this LOUD ex go flying by we went home waited 10 mins and went out again he never did find us, jeesh that wuz long!!

  10. #10
    i was riding at my local sand pits and we were taking the trail home. i was prob. going at a good speed of about 25.
    the cop was standing in the middle of the trail, i got so scareed i gunned it and he jumped to the side, the ppl behind just gunned it right around him, we jetted the trail home (its wide enough for a car) and the cop chases us, we were right at the end and took the roads home, we got home, park the quads behind the house and the cop comes speeding by on the road and kept going.
    it was great

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