Originally posted by soggyrider
Just to add to that, if you tap into the black white wire at the main harness coming down from the handlebars, You can tap the other wire into the GREEN wire in that same harness. This is a common ground for just about everything on the front of the quad.
Thanks, Soggy! I used your method to finally connect my kill switch that's been sittin around here for a few months. I took some pics for those of you who still need to complete this task... sorry for the blurriness, my camera sucks!

So, on to STEP 1

Remove the plastic retainers and 4 bolts that hold the front plastic on. Pull it off and out of the way. After you get the plastic off, locate the connector attached to the left side of the fram and unwrap the tape where the wires tee off is different directions. Once you've freed up this end, you can pull back the rubber protector like this:



Once you get the wires exposed, isolate the black/white and green wires, and give them a snip. Make sure to leave enough wire between your cut and the connector in case you screw up and have to try again. Place a piece of shrink tubing over the wire. Strip, flux, and solder the long kill switch wire to the black/white wire and the short kill switch wire to the green wire. Now you have 3 wire ends soldered together at each junction. Fold the soldered ends over and slide the shrink tubing up and over the soldered connection. You should have something like this:



Wrap it all up in tape like so:



Zip tie everything in place so your wires aren't floppin around and you're ready to go. Here's a pic of mine completed... I mounted it in the middle of the bars so that it won't get yanked out on sharp turns and it's less likely to get snagged on branches when bombing through the woods.
