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03-29-2004, 04:21 PM
whats up, i am going to start having more free time, so i want to do some things that ive wanted to do for a while. one is weight lifting. i dont consider my self weak, but i def. do not consider myself strong, whats a good weight to start at on freeweights? when should i add more?

any other advice would be great

thanks in advance

03-29-2004, 04:32 PM
How tall are you? How much do you wiegh? Whats is your build?

03-29-2004, 04:33 PM
im 5'9 1/2''

150 lbs

03-29-2004, 04:47 PM
i like doin curls a lot, and pull downs.

also bench is a good practice.

for curls you can do single arm curls with 25-35s. i did 30s to start

and the bench curls do about 25 on each side to start

pull downs i started at 135

and bench try 150, if thats too easy or hard try higher or lower, i started at 160 and i weight 155 and am 5 10

03-29-2004, 05:02 PM
no one can tell you how much to lift, you need to get you a good spotter (a trusted friend will work too) sit back and figure it out for yourself. For a beginner though, dont try and go real huge just do multiple sets of "lighter" weights.

03-29-2004, 05:07 PM
It depends what your trying to do. If your trying to get bigger go with heavier weights.

If your trying to get cut do lighter weights with a lot of reps.

You will figure out how much weight to use after you start going.

03-29-2004, 05:35 PM
yea u go up when it starts getting easier for u and dont start out going at it real hard cause u will get sore and not want to do it anymore so squats and legg press are good for ur lower body and bench and curls are good for upper if u wanna get alot stronger proitein suppliments are good but stay away from bigger stuff like roids and stuff i shouldnt say this because im gettin started on them here this summer

03-29-2004, 06:30 PM
First off, do a warm-up set. Pick a weight that you dont think will be too much. Try to do a set number or reps. This will stretch out your muscles and warm them up. From here you can dtermine the ammount of weight to use. Do three more sets until exhaustiun (sp). You can do this with pretty much every work-out...

Tommy 17
03-29-2004, 06:44 PM
word of advice... don't lift to much weight... if its 2 heavy go down weight... u'll thank urself the next day when u can't move bc ur so sore... i learned the hard way:o

03-29-2004, 06:48 PM

This should help you out.

03-29-2004, 07:37 PM
Don't go real heavy. Just do light weight, bunch of reps. I am actually lucky to be naturally strong, well 5 weeks ago today I was trying to Powerclean 265, my knee gave out. Well 3 days later I had surgery, here I am sitting starting week 5 and still have 2 more weeks in this huge brace.

03-29-2004, 08:05 PM
do more lower body then upper ...... you will be thanking yourself when your legs wont get tired and u will be inporportion

03-29-2004, 08:13 PM
I must stress stretching. Stretching warms the muscles. Lifting with "cold" muscles with only do 1 thing...tear.

Yep, what was said before is what I recommend. Start light and progress to your strength. Just remember, too much weight is too much weight. If you can't lift it, you can't properly work out.

6 years ago when I was a sophomore in HS, I wa 5'7", 125lbs. I suck at benching but squatting was my strong point. I maxed out on squat at 250lbs. After working out for 2 months I was squatting 345, 5 times. That was properly working out, stretching, and cool down.

03-29-2004, 08:22 PM
Everyone is different. Just cause your friend does X amount of weight, doesn't mean that you can do the same. I'm 5'8" 165lbs, and I always worked out w/bigger guys. It was difficult a lot of times seeing my friends lift so much more than me. I learned not to let that affect my workouts. Through trial and error, I found good weights to start out with, then gradually increased in weight as I got stronger.

Two rules to remember: 1. Don't go too heavy (you'll know). 2. Always stretch and warm up before a workout. If you don't follow these rules, you'll hurt yourself! Find a routine that works for you, stick with it, and eat right. You'll see results before you know it.