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View Full Version : Brake rotor glowing red

03-29-2004, 03:24 PM
What damage would the rotor suffer, other than warpage, if it got heated to the point of glowing red?

This did happen due to brake pedal sticking. It doesn't appear to be warped, I put the rear on a stand and ran it in gear. There was no wobble.


03-29-2004, 03:39 PM
Hey Joex, I read your previous post about this.

I am not sure how if I can answer your question....but maybe the brake rotor is forged now:D

Good luck.

03-29-2004, 03:44 PM
Hey if nothing apears to be wrong then its ok.

03-29-2004, 03:48 PM
lol, zephead:p

I was wondering if it would become brittle of if there could be other future problems.

Thanks, Joe

03-29-2004, 06:23 PM
that happened to me...my parking break was rubbing...then i thought it was red rock dust cuz i was driving in some red rock so i went to wipe the "dust" off and burnt a hole in my glove and had the brak rotor holes imprinted in my hand...hot stuff

03-29-2004, 10:14 PM

I wouldn't really worry about it if it is not warped. Depending on the material, you may have taken the temper out of it a little and it might not last quite as long, but if you let it cool down on it's own it should be OK. As long as you didn't do something crazy like throw cold water on it to cool it down instantly and warp it, it should be Ok. Keep riding it. I've seen them glow at a TT race before also.

03-30-2004, 10:13 AM
Thanks John!

I let cool down natually, knew not to throw water on it;) It took about 45 minutes before it was cool enough to handle the caliper.

KY Woods Rider
03-30-2004, 05:04 PM
I don't know why it happens, but after a rotor has been red hot a bunch of times, you seem to lose a small amount of braking power. I don't know if it changes the structure of the metal or what, but it isn't that big of a deal anyway.

If you just heated it up once and it didn't warp, then don't worry about the rotor, but you may want to replace the brake fluid if it boiled.

I generally don't look at my rotors while riding;), but on a few occassions people have commented that the rear rotor of my EX was starting to glow in the really twisty woods sections. It is warped very slightly now (not enough to worry about), but the rotor has never caused any problems. However, the brake fluid has started to boil a couple times (talk about poor brake performance:eek2: ) and that did cause a problem with braking performance until I flushed the system and put in some new fluid.

03-30-2004, 05:38 PM
Thanks KY Woods Rider:)

This only happened once for me. The lever seized just enough to rub and I didn't notice it until everything heated and expanded enough to cause a major loss in acceleration, LOL.

I headed back to the shop, as I was slowing down to turn around the rear locked up. I got off and looked at the rear end, that's when I saw it glowing:eek:

I did replace the fluid, it smelled like burnt popcorn.