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View Full Version : anyone having probs with trails?

03-28-2004, 08:19 PM
ok yea i cant ride for like atleast 2 months now cuz the pipeline trail that i use to get to the trails around town is being closed off by these ppl that bought the house and property even though the trail has been there for like 10+ years and they said theyre calling the cops if ppl go through there, and other way to trails around town is under like 6 feet of water in spots(no way around them) and i cant ride in my yard or in our fields and runway cuz my dad says itll get all rutted up.....trails accross street are under water, plus any trails that i used to be able to get to are slowly getting closed off......and i live in the country too but its one of those towns where its all old people and rich *** snobs moving into housing developments that are taking land that trails were on etc.......we already lost like half of the trails.....:( and its not like we got loud pipes and wreck everything cuz most of the people around here have utility quads and theyre usually stock except for tires......anyone else having problems? also anyone know of ANY atv parks in WNY? only place i know of thats fun to ride in reasonable distance from here is mix rd but theyre starting to get complaints there......:( sry had to vent.....but this is pi$$ing me off that for like the next 2 months alls i can do is ride in my driveway thats like 30' x 100' and stone so ill get bit@#ed at if i ride in that too........

03-28-2004, 08:38 PM
i ride in power lines & this abondoned saw mill & everything is great for me too