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View Full Version : Parents really pist me off 2day

03-28-2004, 05:03 PM
Well this morning i got up and did my normal rutien. then i decided to go over to my buddies house then up to the dealership b/c we needed to get a few things to keep us wheelin. we get that then go over to our other friends house. we hung out for a while. finished our hillclimb/jump and went to mickey D's. came back, changed our oil and whatnot. then i decided to come back home and clean my quad and gear from yesterdays sweet ride. I come home and started getting *****ed at b/c i made the blaster oil/gas premix but my dad seems to think that its worse that having the oil injector pump burn out and completly screw my motor. so we got into a big arguement and i just walked off to my room and just tried to calm down. then my moms comes in and asked where the fenders are from it. and i said i cut them like a month ago and shes like how much are new ones. im like idk. then she asks why i did that. and ofcoarse said b/c it looks better and she tells me to look up new fenders for it. this completly pist me off. so i stayed in my room with the stereo blairing. then i went out side to start what i was planning on doing(washing the machine). so im in the garage pushin the quad out and my mom opens the door to see what im doing. then i turn around and see that all my gear i hosed off last night that was still wet laying out to dry was covered in saw dust. my helmet and the pading was laying out dusted in it. i was so pist, i was like WTF! is all my **** covered in this crap. you couldnt have moved it?! and she shut the door. ohh man. but my dads truck was all clean and washed up but now its all water spotted from the over spray of the hose(whoops). sorry guys about the language use but i seriously had to get this off my chest. but after that i am serious about selling my blaster. so if anyone wants it lemme know. Im in NY. I gotta pay my parents back $750 b/c thats how much they let me borrow to buy the bike with the money i had saved up so im just gunna pay them back and save my money up with the money i have left over from the blaster and buy something sweet and i can do w/e i want with it.

03-28-2004, 05:22 PM
ha my parents gave me that same speach when i cut my fenders, sorry to hear that, now my partents give me crap about my truck," why did u lift ur truck more, why did u put bigger tires on it, why is it so loud," then my dad gives me crap about the drive way always being coverd in mud and oil, and tranny fluid, brake fluid and antifreeze, some times i just want to smack them

03-28-2004, 05:22 PM
not to sound like an ***, but a lot of more terrible things could have happened then getting sawdust on your riding gear. A lot of people have bad days, everyday people lose their jobs, houses, spouses, etc, dont think your problems don't matter because they do but you just need to put a grin on your face and keep on truckin man.

03-28-2004, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by derekhonda
not to sound like an ***, but a lot of more terrible things could have happened then getting sawdust on your riding gear. A lot of people have bad days, everyday people lose their jobs, houses, spouses, etc, dont think your problems don't matter because they do but you just need to put a grin on your face and keep on truckin man.

03-28-2004, 05:36 PM
People need to realize they don't have it that bad..:rolleyes:

03-28-2004, 05:42 PM
I got an owy on my middle finger :(

03-28-2004, 05:49 PM
look at it this way with your wheeler they bought you a wheeler and let you ride it my parents have never supported anyhting i did like that and they would go out of there way to show it. Iv had to buy my own wheeler truck they have never and will never buy me anything to support my hobbies maybe you should think you are luckey to have some parents who helped you out and made it so you can ride.

03-28-2004, 06:03 PM
As far as the gear getting sawdust in it, you should have finished what you started. Your dad probably wanted to teach you that lesson. Prolly worked. :D One day, if you're lucky, you'll have a son and know what I mean and know what your dad was trying to do. I kind of believe that the cut fenders were your choice. If you want to get muddy, so be it. However, have you made a payment to your folks yet? If not, the quad was still theirs. Sorry to be harsh, but I can see it from your folks point of view. Maybe if you explain the cut fenders, they will understand. Oh, almost forgot, some folks will disagree, but the oil injection is the best way to go. You will foul twice the plugs with premix as you do with oil injection. BTW there was a Blaster that went through the Paris to Dakar rally, its like a 2000 mile race. Oil injection worked all the way.... no problems! :macho Believe it or not, your parents do know a lot of things... even more than you. I know you're going to bash me on that, but just think about it.... I wish I had someone to tell me that when I was a teen AND I would have listened.

03-28-2004, 06:14 PM
my dad alway *****es about the garage being dirty and how I got two trikes in it and parts and his fat ***** has a hard time walking in it. When he *****es I just remind him of what the grage looked like before I had the bikes. saw dust over your riding gear isn't something to be pissed about, how about putting my trx250r gas tank in the recylcling bin and I go to look for it and its gone, along with my motor mounts and a few other small items, I was pissed. It cost alot to replace that stuff. Why should your mom care about the fenders on your quad? she doesn't ride it, and your dad with the oil injection removed, thats a big upgrade. Now my parents don't move anything of mine, especailly when my bike is apart. I wouldn't be too pissed about the saw dust, it can be washed.

03-28-2004, 06:18 PM
I'm with you, EXdad. I realize the guy spent a lot of his own money on the Blaster. But Dad helped get you riding early with his hard-earned $$$ too, and ya gotta respect him for that. I was looking for a Blaster a while back for one of my kids, and I wouldn't even consider one without oil injection. Pain in the butt when all the rest are 4-strokes having to carry extra gas can, and I know a lot of folks with Blasters that have never lost one to oil injection probs. Usually carb jetting will bite ya in the butt before then.

03-28-2004, 06:29 PM
i told my best friends mom off today do you think ill ever be allowed over there :rolleyes: i hate his mom tho, she had it comin, right tim? :D

xr50tim: steven, you have no right to tell me what to do i'm an adult and i'm in charge
xr50layke: age has no boundary for respect


03-28-2004, 06:33 PM
yea but i bought 90% iof it

03-28-2004, 06:39 PM
one thing that you have to remember in this situation is that you are living in your parents house and it is their rules if my kid ever would talk to me the way you said you talked to yours he wouldnt talk for a long while my boy s are 10 and 4 and belive me they know better they are not beaten or nothing but they know how to talk to adults which you are not till you turn 18 and when i was your age if i would have talked that way to my parents oooo man i wouldnt be here now just my 2 cents like it or not just something to think about

03-28-2004, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by Atreyu
People need to realize they don't have it that bad..:rolleyes:

03-28-2004, 09:01 PM
Grow up and pull your weight around the house.

03-28-2004, 09:20 PM
I never had these problems because I showed my responsibility at an early age. I've taken care of my parents before. So my parents show me the respect and let me make most of my own desicions.

3 easy words to follow.... Deal with it!

03-28-2004, 10:27 PM
do my parents piss me off sometimes ... yes
do they take me to the races ...yes
do they ask very much out of me ...no
is my life hard....no
if u even have a quad and a house that THEY pay for than

03-28-2004, 11:55 PM
Dude havent you been on the site before?

Lots of high horse riders around here with itchy typing fingers.


03-29-2004, 01:28 AM
Parents are parents, you should listen to them and respect them! I am only 17, and i know i haven't been the greatest kid, or have always treated my parents with the utmost respect! But i have never cussed at my parents, never told them to shut up, never did anything to really "disrespect" them! Tell you the truth if i saw one of my friends mouthin off to his parents i would prolly slap him and teach him some respect! Respecting my parents has gotten me a long ways! I have a quad out of the deal ( i gotta pay for some of it ) I have a nice truck ( they got the loan for me in there name so my interest is only 6%) and i can basically do whatever i want, as long as i let them know whats going on! Saw dust on your riding gear aint that big of deal! Maybe you shouldn't of left it there! Maybe your dad shoulda moved it, but its nothing to flip out over! Did you ask your parents before you shaved your fenders ? If not maybe that would of been the better thing to do, instead of just doing, again its about respect! Most of the time if you show your parents respect they will in return show respect to you! Just some advice from someone around your age! Thank me or hate me for it, at least think about - Peace

Greg Z
03-29-2004, 07:29 AM
when ever my mom yells at me i just say .. yes mom... in the calmest way... and its all fine and just do what they tell you.. but the shaved fender thing is like.. yeah... Lol i think thats stupid... my mom doesnt care what I do to my quad.. but thats because i payed 100% for it:blah: the only thing she cares about is how much money i put into it...but now she doesnt even seem to care about that

03-29-2004, 08:19 AM
Originally posted by Greg Z
when ever my mom yells at me i just say .. yes mom... in the calmest way... and its all fine and just do what they tell you..
Now thats a mouthful. My son is 14 and pushes my buttons sometimes. What you said above is so true, thats all I ask of him really. I dont expect him to be a poster boy for the good conduct society, all I want is a little respect. I work hard to put a roof over his head and feed him.
I also know to get respect, you have to give respect. I do that with my son.

03-29-2004, 08:21 AM
Originally posted by xr50layke
I told my best friends mom off today do you think ill ever be allowed over there :rolleyes: i hate his mom tho, she had it comin, right? :D
Now thats how to get respect from adults. :rolleyes:

03-29-2004, 09:43 AM
HAhaha...This thread kind of makes me laugh. I know 10 years ago I would have maybe been a little angered if I was in his situation. Now I just realize how ridiculous many teens “issues” really are. Oh, to be young again!!!:eek:

03-29-2004, 03:00 PM
If I did half the stuff you did to your parents I would have been picking myself off the floor from my dad straightening my arse out. :macho

Your luck you didn't get your arse blistered in my book. :D

My son will get the samething I got if I acted up. It's not child abuse it's an attitude adjustment. ;)

03-29-2004, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by js52589
some of you need to suck it up, stop *****in :o and show some respect ;)

That is full of **** though becuause sometimes they want to just make your life misserable, ware all they need to do is bite there tonge and walk away. My parents bug me about everythign but they cant do anything cuz my quad is under my name i bought it and i pay for all my races and aftermarkets.

I say SCREWEM they thing i am going through a teenage phase ya right its them being up tight old peeps.:devil:

03-29-2004, 03:58 PM
LOL, life's tough:devil: :rolleyes: You have no idea... When you go through something really rough give me a call. I'm telling you guys, you have no idea how crappy your life CAN get. Some of you will experience times where you will be truly lucky just to be alive. Suck it up and drive on. Life will get worse and sometimes better and you'll learn from it, hopefully.

03-29-2004, 04:06 PM
Life is easy ........... exstremely easy but what makes it easyer is just not talking ot my parents I do pull my weight around the house, i clean after my mess its almost i dont even live at my house

I get home i go right out to the garage, then come in for bed. I dont really say a word to my family and all i can say is IT IS SO MUCH EASYER then having to put up with they say. i know they want the best, and i get all A's and B's in school, and i also know that i have no choice then to put up with them. But if there not going to take the time to sit down and talk to me and get to know me then there really not worth my time.

that is my final .02 think what u may, go ahead and critizise me but thats it.

03-29-2004, 04:07 PM
People need to quit yer b!tchen!

03-29-2004, 04:11 PM
I can call the waaaaahhhmbulance if you want..

03-29-2004, 04:45 PM
Dramatic children....
Always looking for attention when things don't go their way.

03-29-2004, 05:01 PM
I wish the sawdust on my riding gear was the biggest of my problems...

03-29-2004, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by sly400ex
HAhaha...This thread kind of makes me laugh. I know 10 years ago I would have maybe been a little angered if I was in his situation. Now I just realize how ridiculous many teens “issues” really are. Oh, to be young again!!!:eek: Yeah, Some of these guys gotta remember... We've been in your shoes, you haven't been in ours YET, But your turn is coming. Then see how you think when Mr. Responsibility is talkin' in your ear.:confused:

03-29-2004, 06:33 PM
if you was my son id kick your punk ***