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View Full Version : 400ex Problem

03-28-2004, 11:42 AM
for some reason whenever i ride aound in second and mash the gas it bogs down a lot, especially in turns or hill climbing, ive only really noticed it in 2nd, any1 no the problem...thanks

03-28-2004, 12:08 PM
well there are a few things that could be wrong but they aren't major probelms. first, do you have an aftermarket exhaust, airfilter, baffle taken out, um airbox lid off, if so then your jetting may be off causing the bog. The other possiblility is that you are just not keeping the revs high enough to keep the engine using that amount of gas you are applying. What i mean is, you are in too high of a gear for the amount of work you want. Hope this helps.