View Full Version : I felt like i was in a horror movie...

03-28-2004, 07:37 AM
Okay, me and one of my cousin's friends were riding back down this trail that goes to this track we found a day before in the middle of nowhere. It was like a old farm truck/tractor road that we were riding down, so we come around this one part where it is a corner with a mudhole in it so we have a small trail we go through to go around it, and when we got to the end their was a guy standing there, looked to be in his late 40s, giant bushy beard, nappy hair, ragged out baseball cap and a green bdu kinda jacket on, i saw his beat up blue jeep honcho truck sitting there after the mudhole....well he was there with his arms crossed and said this is the end of the trail boys, we were like wtf? and he told us that it was his land, we tried argueing with him because it wasnt his, he told us that he knew what we looked like and if we ever went through there again he would be waiting on us again but with a gun. So i got off and started to pick up my 400 by the grab bar to turn it around and then he admitted it wasnt his land, but he said he was hired to "watch over" the person's land. Well we got back and was talkin to one of my friends about it and he said the guy goes by the name Wolf and he had done been in prison and all kinds of crap, this older guy that lives close to there was about afraid to even talk about the guy, said he wouldnt hesitate to shoot somebody. And there i was in my head thinking...can i take this guy...can i take this guy, cuz i thought i was gonna get into somin with him when he started getting louder, and louder, and i was like oh man.

Anyways, that guy looked like the evil troll that dont let nobody cross a bridge or some ####, well a troll that looks like charles manson or some other serial killer. Ah what a fun sunday afternoon.:confused:

03-28-2004, 07:51 AM
damn.. i woulda **** my myself
you shooda gone to the police and told them that some old fart said if u "go on his property" again hes gonna have a gun and that you didnt know it was his property

03-28-2004, 08:01 AM
The guy hasnt been back yet...my lil cousin's dad went down there "he is like 6'5 and 240 lbs, a ex bouncer" ...and the guy was like ill call the cops he was like go ahead, tell them to meet us up at the road, he bout beat that guy's @$$.

04-08-2004, 11:54 AM
Rip his arm off at the socket and beat him silly with it.

04-09-2004, 01:20 PM
next time if he comes after u take off your helmet and sneak him in my face with it. but thats only if he comes after u:eek:

04-30-2004, 09:15 AM
lmao..good thing he didnt have a gun. psycho!:devil:

440ex dragger
04-30-2004, 02:21 PM
That is funny. It sounds llike something that would happen around my house (I live in Arkansas). There are some crazy people around here. One time we went riding and we went by this guys house and he was on his porch with a Shotgun and said that if we came back through his yard then he would shoot us. We have drove through there before and he was always cool with it. I guess he just had enough. Now we just go around the long way around his house.

05-11-2004, 12:44 PM
I've been through all kinds of those people. First thing you can't do is argue with their queer ***. Just go back later and torch the house. :devil:

05-13-2004, 04:30 PM
me and xr100justin got into a similiar situation with the same 240lbs 6'3 farmer dude in dirty overalls on a foreman and he was swearing and i was like "calm down man" and hes like "ASAHEHEHH 944994 FF UUUU AAA HH4H4H BAHAHAHAHAH GET OF MY LANNDD AHHHHH!!!"

05-18-2004, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by 440ex dragger
That is funny. It sounds llike something that would happen around my house (I live in Arkansas). There are some crazy people around here. One time we went riding and we went by this guys house and he was on his porch with a Shotgun and said that if we came back through his yard then he would shoot us. We have drove through there before and he was always cool with it. I guess he just had enough. Now we just go around the long way around his house.

Yeh bro some parts of sheriden can be pretty ruff. :blah:

05-28-2004, 08:12 AM
That same thing happened to me except this guy wit a beat up buick and his ugly @$$ girlfriend were like get the **** out of here!:eek2:

06-02-2004, 08:58 PM
Get a huge group of your tough friends, i wouldnt have too much of a problem doing so, and go there and pull up and be all like, This is the end of the line for you my friend, he would **** seeing 15 big guys walk up ya know:macho :eek2:

06-19-2004, 11:41 AM
Sounds kinda like somethin that happened to me. i was about 10 and had my little breeze 125. now me and my dad had been ridin on this guys road for years and years but then one day he got pissed. he blocked off the road so we had to turn around and go back by his house. of course he was stand there, about 6'3'' 200lbs, tatooed up one arm and down the other with a big pitbull next to him. i was scared $hitless to be honest lol. he said that had paid 300 dollars to have his road graded out and that we were F'ing it up so either we pay him some money or stop riding on it. so we rode off and sure enough his dog followed us for a little bit.

07-12-2004, 01:08 PM
wen that s#it happens to me i think the people who yell at us are scared more than me b/c i ride wit my bro hes 6'9 300 lbs and he has a axe a a sharp *** knife a machete wait he has 2 machetes but i think he only caries 1 he nos where we ride like the back of his hand

and wen the cops come we just go home or hide in the woods b/c were not supposed to ride at meads pool

07-15-2004, 12:49 AM
i had a bad expirence once it was really buggin me out, i was with this other kid one day ridin down on the tracks by us. we found a trial in the middle of nowhere that u had to go up a reall step hill climb to get to, once we got up to there was a real tight(we were both on bikes) trial that weaved in out of these trees the were in almost perfect order. anyway we ended tryin to leave and we kept comin back to the same spot. it took us like 2 hours to make it back out, havent gone back since. It was some blair witch sh*t

07-21-2004, 01:53 PM
The blair witch project scares me:rolleyes:

04-29-2006, 07:21 AM
those are the stories that make u want too ride with a huge group then u never go off your prperty alone

i have a story so were just hanging out on some back roads and my friends brother lets me drive his blazer hes 15 and nobody in the blazer has a license so i get down too the road and i pulled out in front of somebody and he pulled us over and said why is there a 13 year old driving and we all got out my friend nole his brother jarad noles 12 jarads 15 and spencer is 16 and this guy hit jarad cuz jarad wasnt listening so spencer grabbed the guy and wrestled with him and i grabbed a wrench and hit him in the bacj of the knee so jarad got him good in the face and im like omg wat the hell is going too happen and noles dad comes cuz he was going into town and gets the guy in a headlock and finnaly we all calm down and leave then we find out like a week later that he just got out of jail for murdering a family and also setting a house on fire so we were all really weirded out as for the guy we havent seen him since but people tell us he lives not far from hear like 20 miles away

04-30-2006, 04:15 PM
You guys are talking alot of trash about being 6' something and so many pounds. I don't care how big someone is. A gun will drop anyone. The best thing to do is just apologize and leave.

04-30-2006, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by jordan_400ex
those are the stories that make u want too ride with a huge group then u never go off your prperty alone

i have a story so were just hanging out on some back roads and my friends brother lets me drive his blazer hes 15 and nobody in the blazer has a license so i get down too the road and i pulled out in front of somebody and he pulled us over and said why is there a 13 year old driving and we all got out my friend nole his brother jarad noles 12 jarads 15 and spencer is 16 and this guy hit jarad cuz jarad wasnt listening so spencer grabbed the guy and wrestled with him and i grabbed a wrench and hit him in the bacj of the knee so jarad got him good in the face and im like omg wat the hell is going too happen and noles dad comes cuz he was going into town and gets the guy in a headlock and finnaly we all calm down and leave then we find out like a week later that he just got out of jail for murdering a family and also setting a house on fire so we were all really weirded out as for the guy we havent seen him since but people tell us he lives not far from hear like 20 miles away

:rolleyes: you don't have one period in that entire story....

04-30-2006, 07:04 PM
I've had guys try to kick me off of my OWN property! That's real fun!

05-05-2006, 07:56 PM
My friends sisters boyfriend was ridin his z400 on a trail around where i live and got to some guys house. That guy supposedly had a shotgun in his hand and shot at him. He hid behind that guys truck and found a way to take off without gettin shot. But my friend can exagerate alittle sometimes.

05-06-2006, 08:13 AM
I have a similar story.
Last year I was riding my 450r down the street from my house where this is some trails. I have ridden there before without anyone bothering me. So I am cruising around the trails and I was on my way home and I see this red quad coming from the other direction. I thought it was my neighbor on his grizzly but I was wrong. This older guy comes flying down the trail and rams right in the front of my 450r which actually bent the front bumper. This is guy is screaming at me but I ain't no small dude so I freaked because he ran into me. So I rip my helmet off and start going towards this guy then he pulls a gun on me. It was only a 22 rifle but it makes you think about what the hell to do now. So after a few minutes things calmed down and I was told I couldn't ride there anymore. He said I did the totally opposite of everyone he has stopped. MOst people won't take there helmet off and most won't get off there quad. He said the owner of the land has ripped people right off there quad but I would love for someone to lay a hand on me as long as they don't have a gun too!

05-06-2006, 11:15 PM
Thats crazy:eek2: We came acrossed a guy like that once who was standing on this trail and said that we couldn't ride on it anymore.. But he told us that someone (meaning us I guess) had rutted out this one place so bad that he had lost a tractor tire in it.. We were like WTF.. If you lost a tractor tire in it we would lose our quads in it.. The guy was a jerk.