View Full Version : Bicycles...

TRX310R Rider
03-25-2004, 11:03 PM
First off I don't know if their called bicycles but that's what I've always called them. Where you get up on two wheels and just ride it.

Anyways, I've been practicing a lot of freestyle tricks lately but about 2 or 3 years ago when I had my Blaster I used to bicycles a little and could ride them for as long as I wanted really. I haven't done one in almost that long and about a week ago my friend just got two 00' Warriors. We went out riding today and every Warrior I've ridden felt too heavy so I never tried doing bicycles or much of anything. So, I was just screwing around and doing wheelies and said ahh screw it and tried a bicycle. I was kinda surprised I got it up as easy as I did and I just rode it all the way up the street. A couple of my friends were there too and thought it was a sick trick and were kinda suprised by it. So, my friend who bought the warriors and who's rode a lot before and used to drag got on his other one and tried doing them. He couldn't get up on two at first but when he did he couldn't keep his straight.

Anyway I just wanted to know if they are called bicycles and what your thoughts on them are? Like if you think they are difficult to do or keep straight or just whatever. Also, how many people do them and if you don't who thinks they look sweet? I will try to get some pictures up here tomorrow or sometimes this week if he decides to let me ride again...Later

03-26-2004, 09:18 AM
yeah they're called bicycles, really easy and basic trick that impress most people that don't race or do freestyle. They're basic tricks that aren't too hard to throw down really. Now combining them with other tricks or doing one handed bicycles and stuff is where it gets fun. Freestyle has a limitless amount of possibilites and combinations. The more technical the combination the cooler the trick will look. Throw down some combinations then post up some pics.:)

03-27-2004, 07:13 PM
It's all about how tilt your four-wheeler. You know that you have it down when you can do little circles (the hard direction). I can do lots of combos during a bicycle, but my favorite would have to be either a heelclicker while doing it, going from a bicycle to an endo wheelie, or sitting on my knees on the side of the four-wheeler when balancing (like Kangaroo Kid in Huevos 1 or 2).

04-04-2004, 07:40 PM
any tips to doing them?

04-05-2004, 07:07 PM
bicycles are easy, just lean and turn the bars, i do them on my 250 all the time but my friend freddie does them on his sportsman 500 and my dads prairie 400:eek2: but doin them on the prairie and sportsman scare me a bit, Recon, just practice alot, but be careful, bicycles are the perfect way of rollin ur quad

04-06-2004, 07:27 PM
i can do those for even and with people on the back one handed turn around while ur doin it stand on the side side sattle stuff stick my feet straight up and head by the ground lol its all good:macho

04-06-2004, 09:17 PM
bicycles were so easy on my 400EX... it's a different story on the predator.

04-08-2004, 04:52 PM
easy on a 400ex.... Try it on a blaster!

I think they are really easy but I gotta lot of practice on my belt.

04-11-2004, 06:52 AM
Originally posted by CowsBitePeople
i can do those for even and with people on the back one handed turn around while ur doin it stand on the side side sattle stuff stick my feet straight up and head by the ground lol its all good:macho

ITs the truth. He scared the crap out of me one time because i fell of the back and landed on the nerf bar. HE kept goin tho. THe worst was lookin foward because the tire was about 4 inches from my face.

04-15-2004, 07:56 PM
bicycle ?? haha i thought those werent even a trick haha i can do them on my raptor 80 aroudn my house 1 handed and then go into a wheelie there real easy on a mini quad i dont know about a big one haha some one gimme there E-mail adress and ill have you post em for me .. i also have wheelie pics ( COMPUTER ELITERATE)

04-15-2004, 08:07 PM
Bicycles r simple