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03-24-2004, 05:04 PM
Me and my girlfriend broke up yesterday. She came home w/me after school, like we normally do, you know kissin & all over each other and stuff. Well right before i took her home i notciced somthing was wrong with her, so i was like "Whats wrong babe?"
she kept telling me nothing, so i kept askin, i was like do you wanna break up or somethin? (kinda jokingly) then she looked at me and said the usual, "It's not you"crap, but she was sayin that it was her, and right now was a hard time in her life, she was like,"every night i cry because i want out of this house", (she's got a really bad family life, her mom's house just got repoed & her mom lives with her boyfriend, and she lives with her sister) well after i took her home, she called me at like 9:00. She was like i still want you to wait at my locker, and call me every night, and then when we hung up she was like, "i love you steven". So today at school she was like, "i wanna go out with you when things get better at home, so wait on me", and stuff like that.

I dont know what to do, i'm in love with the girl and i cant see myself without her, we've gone out for a year almost now.

She swore up & down that there wasn't another guy, and i accualy believe her... what should i do? i love her and i cant just let her go that easy.

Cole Trane
03-24-2004, 05:07 PM
It'll be hard, but you gotta give her some space. If you guys are for real, it'll work out.

03-24-2004, 05:14 PM
i got the perfect idea for you. adams crisis line. if we cant make your crisis better, we can surely make it worse:p
j/k. you need to give her some space and time to think. if you do these things, she will come back to you.;)

03-24-2004, 05:16 PM
thats easier said than done, i cant just see her in the hall and not hug her & tell her i love her and stuff, this is really ackward for me, ive never been in this situation.

Cole Trane
03-24-2004, 05:19 PM
Like I said, it isn't gonna be easy. Everything will be alright dude. I've been through it plenty of times. Everytime I've done what I said to do, it came out the RIGHT way. Maybe not with the girl, but better things happened because of it.

03-24-2004, 05:22 PM
see i dont let my self get like that, Girls are good for only one thing :eek: LOL its not worth getting involved because its not worth the trouble. thats just my .02 but i would just be friends with her and help her out emotionaly.

i know peeps are going ot bust on me for waht i just said but thats ok, its better to have friends with bennifits then having a g/f


03-24-2004, 05:22 PM
Thats a tough one bro. I would know. The reason I am replying to this is because I am 18 and only graduated last year so I can relate a little. I say let her go and move on. I know its tough and much much easier said than done but you are obviously still in school whcih means you're 18 or under. That means you have a whole lot of things to experience in life and dont really want to be weighed down by one girl. I know you think you are in love but that wears off and then you 25 to 28 thinking man I could have done alot more stuff and experience more things if I just would have been single and played the field. If you really want to know what to do listen to Tom Likes on talk radio. He is on all over the country on fm radio and chances are hes on the radio in your area. Just trying to help you out.

03-24-2004, 05:30 PM
yea, i see what you mean, but icant just let her go, i cant, ive got to give it every chance i can.

oh im 16, incase yall were wondering

Tommy 17
03-24-2004, 05:51 PM
dude don't take this the wrong way... and i'm not flamin but i'm gonna flat out tell u what i think...

ur 16... girls come and go every day... u will walk down the hall tomorrow see another girl and be like damn i want that and go for her... u 2 didn't work out... big deal move on... it happens everyday... it'll happen more then once again i can almost gurantee it... i wish i had a dollar for everytime i thought i'd be with a girl forever... lasted about 2 weeks didn't work out and moved on...

if its ment to be it'll be... if she don't wants u back and u 2 can't work it out... don't get all bummed out... move on and find another one...

03-24-2004, 05:55 PM
Life will go on I promise...;)

03-24-2004, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by 400exrider2002
Like I said, it isn't gonna be easy. Everything will be alright dude. I've been through it plenty of times. Everytime I've done what I said to do, it came out the RIGHT way. Maybe not with the girl, but better things happened because of it. havent you gave enough advice tonight?:rolleyes:

03-24-2004, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by QUADREBEL248
havent you gave enough advice tonight?:rolleyes:

your looking for that thin ice again.

That was another thread.... let it go... everyone has their own opinions. I suggest you look at rule #1!

Cole Trane
03-24-2004, 05:58 PM
Thanks MOFO.

03-24-2004, 06:04 PM
I'll tell you what you DON'T want to hear.

The problem is ALYWAYS you. If she wants to break up, it is because of you. Either she doesn't enjoy your company anymore, or you don't measure up to the new guy she's interested in.

If she really has a stressful homelife, but a happy relationship, than the relationship would be a comfort to her, not a burden. If she wants to split up (even for a little bit) than the relationship is obviously a burden, not a comfort. If your relationship was happy, she would be running to you because of stresses at home, not running from you.

Sorry, man, just the way it is. The only thing you can do is let her go, and move on. This whole "I still want to go out with with you when things get better" is just her trying to make you feel better. :(

03-24-2004, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by Tommy 17
dude don't take this the wrong way... and i'm not flamin but i'm gonna flat out tell u what i think...

ur 16... girls come and go every day... u will walk down the hall tomorrow see another girl and be like damn i want that and go for her... u 2 didn't work out... big deal move on... it happens everyday... it'll happen more then once again i can almost gurantee it... i wish i had a dollar for everytime i thought i'd be with a girl forever... lasted about 2 weeks didn't work out and moved on...

if its ment to be it'll be... if she don't wants u back and u 2 can't work it out... don't get all bummed out... move on and find another one...

yeah i agree with tommy... if it was ment to be then you guys will work it out... if not, move on... like he said you are 16 and there are many other fish in the sea... you may think you wont find another just like her but you will... I hope you guys get stuff straightned out though...

03-24-2004, 06:05 PM
I'm just going to reiterate what Tommy said. You're far too young to be worrying about this girl because I got news for ya...no matter how much you think you love each other there's a 99.99% chance that she's not the girl you're going to marry anyway. If she wants space you've got to give it to her. You also can't be doing all the normal boyfriend/girlfriend stuff with her. If you're going to be meeting her at her locker, telling her you love her and calling her everynight than you might as well just stay together. If she needs space than she needs space. Sounds to me like she wants to have a little freedom but also wants you there for a security blanket in case things don't work out well.

Move on, dude.

03-24-2004, 06:06 PM
almost the same thing happened to me. it was 10months of loving this girl like crazy and then i get told by some of her friends that she has been cheatin on and off but i didnt believe em until the next day i caught her. Then she told me chit about her "background" and how she used to be and she lied to me and chit. ohh man i was so poed. now she always tries to get me back sayin she changed and shes a good girl now. but the best part is shes tryin to get me back while my gf stands right next to me. :grr:

03-24-2004, 07:09 PM
Its a high school reationship. dont wory. Give her her space. Chances are even if yer relationship lasts till u graduate, thats when itll probably end and you'll go your seperate ways.

03-24-2004, 07:18 PM
dude theres plenty of fish in the sea!

03-24-2004, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by chucked
dude theres plenty of fish in the sea!

amen to that. when i was single for the summer and about 2months into the school year it was the best. lookin at so many hott girls and mackin on em. gotta love bein a guy

03-24-2004, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by chucked
dude theres plenty of fish in the sea!

yea man thats true....after awhile you will start feeling diffrent and stuff and you will have a betta time now checking out girls and stuff at the mall and in school....its just puppy love...good luck though on this one man

03-24-2004, 07:54 PM
love at the age of 16 hmmmm... I have been there before and realized how stupid i was to be in love at such a young age. Your in high school. Deff move on. Like someone else already said if she really liked you then she would want u to be with her threw her problems. I also think she wants some freedom but wants you on reserve just incase she cant find anyone else. You think your in love with her now ? Wait 2 years and then see how you feel. Boy do things change.

03-24-2004, 08:22 PM
Ugh, this is the same kind of crap that my ex-GF always told me. Then one day, she told me that she didn't like Nirvana and I broke up with her:p . Seriously, if she's telling you all that stuff she's just using you for security reasons like someone said earlier, she's most likely seeing someone else but is using you as backup. Just move on, I know it's a tough decision, and it's even tougher to actually do it...but you HAVE to do it.

If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it was meant to be. Love in high school is just not a good thing, I was in a nerve wrecking relationship with a girl for over a year, and now all it's done is left me with a lot of mental and emotional issues:( . The best thing you can do is just walk away from it all and just move on, it's the best thing you could do. I'm still broken up with my gf for 2 weeks now (it's a record...usually only lasts a day..) and we're still doing stuff together, but I only do it because I'm not seeing anyone else. As soon as I find someone else, I'm dropping her completely.

Listen to everyone here and just go with dropping her completely from your life, maybe talk to her every once in awhile, see how she's doing...be comforting, but no more saying "I love you baby, I need you back" etc. Just be friends with her, and if you can't do that, tell her you just can't have anything to do with her. There are plenty of girls out there, you just may not realize that they are interested in you.

03-24-2004, 09:03 PM
that sounds pretty bad, and I'm sorry for you, but the way you put it sounds like she doesn't want you anymore, don't waste all your time chasing after her. Look at it this way you haven't been on the "prowl" for the ladies in a year! this time around it will be more fun because the girls are a lot more feisty now then a year ago:devil:

03-24-2004, 09:20 PM
Go riding.

03-24-2004, 10:11 PM
Talk to her man if you guys really love eachother you will work stuff out believe me man.. iv been threw it many times.....everything will be ok promise bro..goodluck man:(

03-24-2004, 10:25 PM
y'know....the teenage drama on this site is really starting to piss me the f*ck off.

you have freakin friends dude...talk to them instead of polluting this message board with your freakin high school inane cr!p.

03-24-2004, 10:57 PM
Haha, listen to all of them everyone is correct. There is no right way to handle this but if it were me, i would give her space. Maybe even if theres a good lookin girl youve been noticing (hey....it happens) might see how things go with her. Don't let the ex play you though, if she truely loves you she should be wanting you around and not be asking for you to leave her a lone for a while.

03-24-2004, 11:02 PM
love doesnt happen when yer a teenager...:rolleyes:

03-25-2004, 06:46 AM
Originally posted by batgeek
y'know....the teenage drama on this site is really starting to piss me the f*ck off.

you have freakin friends dude...talk to them instead of polluting this message board with your freakin high school inane cr!p.
^Go take some Midol.:D^

Hondadude48, life doesnt seem fair sometimes, things like this happens to all of us. Go beat up something and shed a few tears, it will be allright.

03-25-2004, 06:52 AM
Originally posted by QUADREBEL248
havent you gave enough advice tonight?:rolleyes:
Listen up, you have had many people stick up for you, including me, and then this. If your posts are going to cause trouble in the forums, guess whos going.

03-25-2004, 12:53 PM
Hopefully after all these replies you got the point and if not then dont take this the wrong way but wake the f*ck up man! You must be a retard if you dont just tell her to f off. If I was you friend I smack ya to get you thinking strait again. I am only saying this because everyone thinking this but trying not to hurt your feelings. Also if you think I am being an a-hole just remember this when you are about 20 or older and you will think "man that guy was right I was being a retard" Sorry to be so blunt but wake the f-up.

03-25-2004, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by SGA
Listen up, you have had many people stick up for you, including me, and then this. If your posts are going to cause trouble in the forums, guess whos going.

Howie I got the apple waiting if ya need it.:devil:

03-25-2004, 02:31 PM
Find a new chick.. one thats less dramatic.
16 year old drama queens are the WORST.

03-25-2004, 03:46 PM
SHANE03EX, dude i dont think your an a-hole, its ight, im thiinkin the same thing i think, i do need to wake the hell up.

ive treated her better than anyone in her family ever has, i brought her either roses or candy every or every other day, ive helped her through her "problems", ive always been true to her, i cant even name all the **** ive done for her,and now this ****, I quit.

i just talked to her sister and she said, all night last night she cried because i was the most caring boyfriend shes had, and the reason she broke up with me was because she wasnt ready for a long relationship, i think that **** hurts me the worst, if its love then you need to go with it. her sister just told me she wanted space and to wait for her. i dont think she knows what she wants, im tired of it. dude ive deprest myself enough, im tired of it, its gonna be hard to move on, but im gonna have to face it sometime

03-25-2004, 03:52 PM
"Her sister just told me she wanted space and to wait for her..."

This is the most important phrase of the whole conversation. She doesn't want a relationship but she wants you to put your life on hold just in case she changes her mind. F-that. She's 16 and she doesn't want a relationship, I can dig that. 16 year old kids are fickle and they never know what they want for sure. From here on out it's your fault if you stick around.

03-25-2004, 03:52 PM
Man give her something to really cry about. Tag her best friend:devil: or her sister;) .

03-25-2004, 03:55 PM
Man give her something to really cry about. Tag her best friend or her sister .

YEAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!:devil: :blah: :bandit:

03-25-2004, 04:00 PM
Good call.

When was the last time you ran away from something you truly love, especially if you are having problems elsewhere? Never. Sure, she says she still loves you, but look at what she's doing. Actions speak louder than words. If she is pulling away, then it isn't love.

03-25-2004, 04:01 PM
well....where are the pictures?:devil:

03-25-2004, 04:02 PM
If you really want to know what to do I have the answer! I am serious man this will help you so much it will effect your whole life!

Pray about it, ask God what he wants you to do and try to lead a life though him. Go to church and learn more about him ask for him to take your life into his hands....alot of everyday stress will be lifted off your back if you live your life for God.

I went though the same thing, just like others, and I dont know were I would be without God today. All I can say is thanks to the person that lead me to him!

03-25-2004, 04:10 PM
dude, ive prayed for the past 2 days at least 30 or 40 times for him to lead me through this, its helped, i just miss her, alot, i think back of all the fun times we had together & stuff like that, and thats what kills me, thats why part of me wants to wait for her to be ready for a long relationship, and the other part is like f-it move on.

03-25-2004, 04:34 PM
think of all the good things that will come of this like not spending money on her (more on the quad) and no more doing things for her! now you can look at all the other hot chicks :devil: just be glad of things like PS2, honda, quads in general, TV, man...watch tv, eat a doughnut, go on a roller coaster it'll be all good.

03-25-2004, 07:52 PM
i remember when i thought i loved this one girl.. well now i could care less about her.. im only 14 and i figured this out real fast

03-26-2004, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by member
i remember when i thought i loved this one girl.. well now i could care less about her.. im only 14 and i figured this out real fast

yea dude, ive "loved" plenty of girls, but when you've been going out with them continuously for 11 1/2 months with no problems at all, then it hurts. im sure youll find more u love too, or at least think you do.

03-27-2004, 02:31 PM

03-27-2004, 08:19 PM
f' it MOVE ON!!!!

03-28-2004, 06:53 AM
Originally posted by MOFO
your looking for that thin ice again.

That was another thread.... let it go... everyone has their own opinions. I suggest you look at rule #1! i guess your right:cool: