View Full Version : Axle Bearings

03-24-2004, 01:44 PM
I got a new pair of tires. I took off my rims to get the tires changed. I noticed a very slight bit of play in my axle bearings. I never noticed it before, is this normal? Can i just tighten the nut on the right of the rotor, or should i get new bearing immeidatly. I know how expensive Carriers are and dont want to replace that. Thanks. Let me know

03-24-2004, 02:56 PM
make sure its your axle bearings & not the brake stay or the large nut at the ends pf the axle that hold the rim on...forgot what it was...if its actually jiggling inside the axle carrier/swingarm then it is your bearings and change them

03-24-2004, 03:05 PM
Since you already have it all tore apart, I would go ahead and replace them. They shouldn't have play so you might as well get them fixed, so you don't have to take you rear end apart again anytime soon.

03-24-2004, 03:59 PM
Its definatly the axle bearings, the spindles are on tight. To install new bearings, do i have to take the carrier out and have someone press them in??? Or do the bearings just slip in? I found a few pairs on ebay real cheap, i think ill go with them.

03-24-2004, 05:27 PM
i never needed a machine shop but it still wasnt easy...to get the bearings out of the carrier I heated the carrier upiin my oven at 300 Farenheit for about 10 minutes after I got all the rubber out....then they kinda fell out...then while the carrier is still hot & large you get your new bearings out from the freezer & pop them in there gently...then you put new dust seals over them & put everything back together...remember to put the spacer tube back in there before you put both bearings in b/c I forgot once 7 almost killed myself

03-25-2004, 12:38 PM
haha thats a very creative method. Maby ill try that. Thanks for the help ill fill you in once i get my bearings.

03-25-2004, 07:30 PM
Ya got some like left in them berrings, but replace them very soon.
I learned the hard way. Blew the bering at the botom of some pits. Lukily a friend had a winch.:D

03-26-2004, 07:02 AM
When it comes to getting them out they can be a pain. I have double row bearings in both of my quads, which makes them twice as hard to get out. Its hard to beat them out, because the tube is in the middle and it doesn't give you much of a bearing lip to hit on. I have heated them with a torch before, but never in a oven. If he says they almost fall out then I'm going to try that next time. I have changed my friends before also that was stock, and the single row bearings do come out a lot better.

03-26-2004, 09:19 AM
the torch method I have heard is very dangerous because you can get one part hotter than the others and cause it to be messed up & not cool down like the other parts

03-26-2004, 12:38 PM
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=43974&item=2469392650 (http://)

Those are the bearings i bought, he said he was going to ship them this weekend. i was more conserned with getting the bearings back in the carrier.

03-26-2004, 03:03 PM
those are the correct bearings & seals....its easy getting your bearings back in the carrier....what I have heard to do 7 what I have dione is while im taking the axle & getting the old bearings out & stuff I haveleft the new bearings in the freezer...it is said that when you leave them in there they shrink up a little bit or something & it makes it easier to get them back in for me

03-26-2004, 07:05 PM
Jumbo, i have a question about a few of your parts. First the steerign stabalizer. Does it work good, do you think its worth it. And also the 14t sprocket, does it make the gears more usable. Is a lot of speed lost? Thanks.

03-26-2004, 07:39 PM
I've changed my axle bearings a few time so far and never had a problem with needing to add heat or put in freezer. Make sure you pop out the seal on the bearing and pack grease in there before installing.

03-27-2004, 07:30 AM
Just my opinion here, but if it were me replacing the axle bearings, I would take the trouble to find a cycle or machine shop to remove and reinstall the bearings. Pounding on the outer race of the installed bearing can (and probably will) damage the housing just enough that the new bearing, when installed, may not be aligned just right. If you have access to one, use a slam hammer with a hook end, and continually move it around the bearing as you slam it - that way you maintain somewhat constant force around the bearing. As far as reinstalling, heating up the housing and freezing the bearings isn't a bad way to go, bit having them pressed in is ideal. The bearings' inner race should fitt tightly against that tube in the housing. The whole idea behind a "press fit" is that the outer race of the bearing is stationary, and cannot spin; when installed properly, only the inner race of the bearing should rotate in the housing. I have gone as far as to apply blue Loctite (242) minimally aorund the outer race prior to reinstalling, just to make certain. A "spun" bearing will create numerous problems, and most certainly result in the need to replace the housing. I have access to pullers, slam-hammers, and a variety of presses, both manual and hydraulic, and if you're in the Rockford Illinois area and want some help with this, give me a shout, I'd be glad to do some ATV work on "company time." Sorry to be so long-winded, just my .02......

03-27-2004, 08:44 AM
Originally posted by andrew360
I'd be glad to do some ATV work on "company time." Sorry to be so long-winded, just my .02...... thats really cool of you :cool:

03-27-2004, 08:46 AM
Originally posted by Spikers400
Jumbo, i have a question about a few of your parts. First the steerign stabalizer. Does it work good, do you think its worth it. And also the 14t sprocket, does it make the gears more usable. Is a lot of speed lost? Thanks. i love my steering stabilizer & hate riding other peoples four wheelers without one...I bougt it used off of the for sale forum here for $40 shipped which is a helluva deal....i like my 14tooth sprocket too & dont notice any power loss because I am running 22 in rear tires...this gives me more top end but less take off with the stock sprocket (which is 15 tooth).

03-27-2004, 10:08 AM
I think i might get a stabilizer. Also im looking to get a hotcam stage 1. Does anyone have a say on that. Does it just shift the power to the top, or are the gains all throught. I can pick one up off ebay pretty cheap.