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View Full Version : What's up with Tim Farr?

03-17-2004, 06:12 AM
Does anyone else think Honda should dump Tim Farr? I haven't been following the racing that close but from what I have seen he doesn't look that good. With the amount of support and big time salery he is making you would think he should be able to break the top three in the GNC nationals. I think his excuse of the bike not being "dialed in" is getting a little old. It's too bad Yamaha picked up Jeremiah Jones because I think Honda should have went with him.

03-17-2004, 06:30 AM
Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't believe that Yamaha is supporting ANY riders this year. They just choose to ride the YFZ over the dother two options.
I wish the hondas would win too, but getting "dialed in" is pretty important.

03-17-2004, 06:41 AM
To be fast in GNC MX racing you have to be comfortable on a quad...I feel Honda dropped the ball with the trx in 2 very important areas...One being the carburetor and the other key problem being the rear linkage on the trx....Why design a completely new quad and use an old linkage set up which everyone knows isnt that great...I feel they should have gone with a CR style linkage like yamaha went with the YZ style linkage...The trx450 linkage will kick yer *** in a hurry if the rear shock isnt right and i feel Timmy has issues there...will see as the season progresses if he can get that dialed in or not....

03-17-2004, 06:55 AM
Tim Farr was always a top contender running his own program so It is hard to say why he is getting whipped so bad. Take a look at Gust and what he is doing with the weakest base quad if you look at the specs. I think Honda should have control of Tim's program instead of Baldwin. I think Suzuki is taking care of Gusts Quad and he appears to have the strongest Quad out there. I don't think they need to dump him just yet,but I do agree they should go to the younger riders and build from that. I think with the two crappy races,coupled with two good results from Gust,Farr is already out of the championship picture. I hope I'm proven wrong.By the way I believe Yamaha is supplying bikes and more to Jones,Hitt, and Ballance. Which is a good move as these guys are arguably the best in each field, mx,tt,gncc.

03-17-2004, 07:38 AM
Some people are still dailing in their YFZ's, I think we will have to wait till next season to see what then 450R can really do. Just remember, Yamaha has a head start with all the bikes out there and the time people have had on them.

ALso lets not forget Tim won the Baja 1000 and the stadium series...

03-17-2004, 07:55 AM
I saw somewhere that Honda has Farr doing alot of promotional stuff and he isn't getting enough seat time.

JH Racing#16
03-17-2004, 08:17 AM
Tim is not the problem. I was going to ride a TRX at the nationals in the pro class also but without having the bikes for a couple of months it is impossible to compete at the pro level. I beleive by mid season they will have all bugs worked out and you start to see Tim back to his old form. I plan on riding a TRX next season and I am still developing parts for the TRX right now. But at this point I am going to have to race a Yamaha just for the fact it is working the way I want.

03-17-2004, 08:28 AM
Tim Far is a great driver but I sure wish Jeremiah Jones was riding a Honda. He is the best MX rider I have ever seen.

03-17-2004, 09:33 AM
I definitely don't have the inside info, but I believe Tim got a broken finger a month or so ago - riding with an injured hand will definitely cause you problems - been there, done that - it's painful and slows you down a ton...

Also don't assume that Tim's getting some huge salary and total factory commitment like the Supercross guys do.

Obviously, since he's running aftermarket shocks, an engine built by (Sparks or Baldwin depending on who you talk to), and a host of other aftermarket equipment available to us all - he's not receiving the multi-million dollar support, engineering & trick unobtanium equipment that the bike guys enjoy.

In reality - his deal is likely very similar to the deal Yamaha has made with several people - FAR short of a full factory ride.

As time goes on, I'm sure the deals will improve, but this is a good first step for the pro ATV racers. Just don't read more into it than what's there.

03-17-2004, 10:33 AM
I think its a combo of not training as much as he used to be able to because of promotions and not having the bike dialed in all the way like some of you had said already we will have to wait till at least mid season to see Farr and the 450r in top form.

03-17-2004, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by ROGERS
Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't believe that Yamaha is supporting ANY riders this year. They just choose to ride the YFZ over the dother two options.
I wish the hondas would win too, but getting "dialed in" is pretty important.

Here is a quote from ATV Scene. It says that both Jeremiah Jones, Shane Hitt and Bill Balance are Factory Yamaha riders. Yamaha just didn't make a big spectacle out of it like Honda. I'll bet Honda wishes they did it like Yamaha now.

"Yamaha nonchalantly hired Jeremiah Jones, Shane Hitt and Bill Ballance to represent them in this epic inaugural battle of ATV equipment. Yamaha purposely made no official announcement to their 2004 plan of attack on race tracks across America. Their philosophy is nothing flashy or fancy. They intend to let their product speak for itself by simply winning on the track."

I like Yamahas philosophy "let your product speak for itself"

03-17-2004, 02:08 PM
Wow, I can sleep better at night knowing you think yamaha did the right thing...:rolleyes:

03-17-2004, 03:13 PM
the yamaha has a linkage problem

03-17-2004, 04:00 PM
In the newest issue of ATV sport, featured article ATV Forcast they talked with Steve Nessel of Yamaha, and he was quoted saying " there will be no factory effort this year but possibly involvement in 2005. The race scene and technology is still evolving"-Nessel Yamaha Media Representative

The other reason I think that honda picked Farr is because of his age and maturity verses others in the sport. They probably extended an offer to Gust, but after you win the championship on a proven Suzuki why accept an offer from Honda on a new, never race proven quad at the time. Besides he had to of had a bug in his ear about the Z450.

Give Farr and Baldwin time, the Trx 250R was born in 86 and they're still finding new ways to make it faster.

03-17-2004, 06:40 PM

If you dont follow racing too much then why post a hate thread on the 450r and Tim Farr. You have no idea what has been happening. Glen Helen he had throttle issues. Florida he broke an axle.

Same with Keith Little. Keith Little should be up there but he has been having problems too. Glen Helen he was sick. Florida he blew his motor.

People have bad luck sometimes. These two hopefully will figure out the mechanics and health issues and then they will be podium contenders.

03-17-2004, 07:17 PM
What's up with Tim Farr?

He needs to Smile more! :D

Scottie Mac
03-17-2004, 07:21 PM
Ok, before you people start flaming away, hear me out...

Maybe Farr isn't doing that well because..........

He's not on the best machine for MX.

There are a lot of excuses as to why, set up, ride time, etc. Yes, I know the quad has only been available to you guys for a little over a month, but Farr was testing this thing last year. And as for the notion that it takes months and months to dial a quad in, Ellis and Natalie took just a couple of weeks last year to win Nationals with the YFZ after adding arms, suspension, pipes and axle, etc. I mean, come on guys, we are talking quads here, not NASCAR. Plus, Farr has Baldwin and Honda backing him, if they weren't ready to race, shame on them.

Now, with the exception of the kicker only issue, I believe the TRX is going to be the machine of choice in the GNCC world when it is all said and done. It is more comfy and the motor is a little less aggresive in its nature for the woods type racing.

When I say this I mean as far as the Pro ranks. At the local level, it all comes down to rider. (well, rider and who has the money to build the best that can be built)

I like both machines, A LOT. I just believe that one is a better built MX machine, where the other is a nice platform for anything, just not the "BEST" for what a pro level racer needs as a starting point.

Just an opinion, we all know what they are like.


03-17-2004, 07:27 PM
Baldwin is Tims head wrench, sparks is doing his motors, but the entire maintenence of the quad is by baldwin. But the one thing is that is known by a lot of racers is Honda is calling the shots. ( ask McGrath, and Carmichael who makes the rules) And he is being pimped to do promotions and honda testing. I spoke with Tim at Glen Helen, and he said they would have him run 5 laps, and come in for changes. He said he is used to ruiing 20 minutes plus 1 lap, 5 laps does him no good. He needs more seat time.
As and for his lack luster preformances, I can say it's hardly his fault. His throttle stuck at Glen helen, forcing him to kill it, and pit, and In Flordia he snapped an axle. I don't know how that would be his fault, I'm sure he will rack up some wins here soon, but remember folks, THATS RACING!
Honda and Suzuki is the only manufactuers who stepped up and contracted riders to run the series. Yamaha is still sitting on the ball. I for one would definatley try and sign Ellis, Jones, or Natalie! Especially with the preformance quad they have on the market.
And far as Tim not winning, did you catch the Stadium series??? He won that hands down. Creech, Ellis, Dunk, and Brown were all there on there YFZ's and came up short in the end. So I'd say out of the box he is on pace. Do you really the other pros would have done bettter if they snapped an axle or had a stuck throttle? That can happen to everyone. And sooner or later it will. Just nature of the beast.

03-17-2004, 07:42 PM
Didn't Yamaha sign Jones, Ballance, and Hitt?

03-17-2004, 07:43 PM

03-17-2004, 08:42 PM
YES, Yamaha did sign those riders, and they made a good choice in choosing who to pick. Suzuki and Gust are both looking VERY good this year and I hope to see Doug win it all this year.

aces high33
03-17-2004, 10:34 PM
keep going boys. I love this!!!:D

03-17-2004, 11:00 PM
Originally posted by jb500ex
the yamaha has a linkage problem

Who cares, they still seem to be kicking the Honda's butt all over the race track.:blah:

03-17-2004, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by Chef
Who cares, they still seem to be kicking the Honda's butt all over the race track.:blah:
you didn't watch stadium cross did you because I saw the yammi get its *** handed to it a couple of times:devil:

03-18-2004, 05:21 AM
I talked with Tim about a month ago. He "hinted" at some things that I found very interesting. When we hear "Factory-backed Tim Farr..." we have a totally different interpretation of what that means versus what's really the case. I'm not going to get into specifics but if Tim's receiving all this factory support from Honda like some of you think, where's the Team Honda rig and engineers at the races? There isn't.

03-18-2004, 06:16 AM
Originally posted by norrisboat

If you dont follow racing too much then why post a hate thread on the 450r and Tim Farr. You have no idea what has been happening. Glen Helen he had throttle issues. Florida he broke an axle.

Same with Keith Little. Keith Little should be up there but he has been having problems too. Glen Helen he was sick. Florida he blew his motor.

People have bad luck sometimes. These two hopefully will figure out the mechanics and health issues and then they will be podium contenders. The reason I posted was because I haven't been following the races that much and when I was looking at the results yesterday, I was surprised how bad Farr was doing. I was hoping to get some information on the races but as usual everyone automatically thinks your flaming Honda. I can see not getting on the podium every race but you would think with his "factory" backing from Honda he would be in the top five. I follow motocross and I know that Honda wont put up with Farrs results. As for the bad luck thing, look at Hondas motocross racers and ask yourself the last time they had mechanical failures. Honda is meticulous with their race bikes and they rarely ever have mechanical problems. Honda is all business when it comes to racing and I can't see them tolerating what's happening with Farr. I think Honda needs to go after another rider. Unfortunately the field of riders to choose from is not that great since Yamaha picked up the top TT, GNC and GNCC riders already.

03-18-2004, 07:15 AM
C'mon,you know if Honda wants someone,they just buy em. Look at every great rider that Kawasaki raised,Honda ends up paying for them. They will end up with Stewart too. When they decide they want Ballance or Jones or whoever else is the next speed racer,they will throw a war chest full of cash at them and all the brand loyalty goes down the drain. Don't fool yourselves,cash is king.

Scottie Mac
03-18-2004, 07:54 AM
Originally posted by MX#9
C'mon,you know if Honda wants someone,they just buy em. Look at every great rider that Kawasaki raised,Honda ends up paying for them. They will end up with Stewart too. When they decide they want Ballance or Jones or whoever else is the next speed racer,they will throw a war chest full of cash at them and all the brand loyalty goes down the drain. Don't fool yourselves,cash is king.

You are 100% correct. I have been wondering myself how long it will be before Stewart ends up on a red bike.


03-18-2004, 07:56 AM
Don't fool yourselves,cash is king. [/B][/QUOTE]

Isn't that the truth!

03-18-2004, 08:24 AM
Jones, Hitt, and Ballance all received a couple yamaha's but that doesn't mean they recieved a BIG check and were put on payroll at yamaha like some of you think..:cool:

03-18-2004, 01:45 PM
you guys are forgetting. Tim qualified 1st for florida, the axle problem just screwed him in the main, so you know he must have been flying

03-18-2004, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by norrisboat

If you dont follow racing too much then why post a hate thread on the 450r and Tim Farr. You have no idea what has been happening. Glen Helen he had throttle issues. Florida he broke an axle.

Same with Keith Little. Keith Little should be up there but he has been having problems too. Glen Helen he was sick. Florida he blew his motor.

People have bad luck sometimes. These two hopefully will figure out the mechanics and health issues and then they will be podium contenders.

thank you!

03-18-2004, 06:16 PM
From the info that I have been given is that Tim is signed with Honda R&D, not with HRC. There is a big difference between the 2. If he was with HRC, youy would not see Mark or any of his own people from before around him. Just people with Black and Red lettered shirts. What all of the riders got is nothing even close to what a bike rider gets. My friend rides for Kaw inthe GNCC's and he gets the atv and parts at cost and that is his factory ride.
The Honda is still new and needs some fine tuning. By the middle of the year, it will be neck and neck with the Yam. 6 months makes a big difference for testing and setting a quad up to race.

03-18-2004, 06:22 PM
I have a question to all that are talking chit about Tim. Do you think you can do any better? If not then STFU:rolleyes: .

03-18-2004, 08:21 PM
I think that everyone assumes that since HONDA is behind him that he and the machine should be perfect and that if it dosen't work that well, then it is tim's fault. You can throw all the money you want at a team and sometimes bad luck strikes,.......................................... .....look at the TERRIBLE HERBST RACING in Trophy truck, the truck won many races and the championship last year, it couldn't finish good to save its life, this year DNF last two races and a dead last finish at Laughlin,


03-18-2004, 08:22 PM
Originally posted by AtvMxRider
I have a question to all that are talking chit about Tim. Do you think you can do any better? If not then STFU:rolleyes: .

Well said.

03-18-2004, 11:16 PM
what brand of axle was he using?

Originally posted by tdd6405
you guys are forgetting. Tim qualified 1st for florida, the axle problem just screwed him in the main, so you know he must have been flying

03-19-2004, 01:09 AM
he always ran rpm on his previous quads.

Scottie Mac
03-19-2004, 07:18 AM
Originally posted by tdd6405
you guys are forgetting. Tim qualified 1st for florida, the axle problem just screwed him in the main, so you know he must have been flying

None of the top pros have to qualify fo rthe main, they transfer straight to the main by points. Farr was the only "name" racer in the qualifier. Also, yes Farr had throttle issues in one moto at Glen Helen and a broken axle in another moto at Gatorback, but he didn't do anything in the 2nd moto of either National. He is off the pace, break or not. I do agree, though, that by the time hte season hits the midway mark he will either be on the podium, or Honda will step in and build him a one off that walks the field. Honda HATES to lose and saving face is the key part of selling merchandise. Why do youthink they threw all that money at Ricky Carmicheal, because they new what wins on Sunday, sells on Monday. Especially now that the top Honda guys are riding 4 strokes!


03-19-2004, 11:59 AM
I don't want to start a this bike versus that bike debut but think about this for a second. Would Kevin Windham be anywhere near as competeive if he was using an engine a thousand rpm less, steel valves, cast piston, Longer stroke, and a butterfly carb? How about if he had the same rear linkage system the 450R uses? How about a two inch shorter swingarm?
Like someone else mentioned this bike is lacking alot of very important features that make it motocross worthy.
I think the biggest thing holding back Tim is confidence. I just don't think he has it with this bike YET.
Once all the parts are available to get his motor back to CR spec and if he can do anything with the rear suspension I think he will get his confidence back and start doing better.
As far as the Monster Truck races Tim did what he had to do and I'm not taking anything away from him but this was a 4 race series held during intermission of a monster truck "show" on a TT type course. Not exactly an outdoor national. Also consider he only won two rounds that the other contenders crashed out of.
I have to laugh when people bring up the Baja win. If you guys saw the amount of support Honda throws at that event compared to the other competetiors you wouldn't give them half as much credit. For gods sake they won it on a 600 lbs 4 wheel drive utility machine the year before. I sure as hell hope they would win it on a sport ATV.
Anyway Tim is a great rider probably my favorite actually and I have no doubt he will do what ever it takes to win because he hates to lose as much or more than anyone else.
I think the rider to watch is Gust. That guy has more support from Suzuki than everyone else combined. I am amazed at how fast they made that machine go.

03-19-2004, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by Scottie Mac
You are 100% correct. I have been wondering myself how long it will be before Stewart ends up on a red bike.


Well see next year if he does or not his contract is up this year.

03-21-2004, 05:55 PM
well said trx11t, your statement about kevin windham and the less technological motor certainly takes effect. today at echeconnee, i got to talk to tim a little and he feels EXTREMELY confident on his bike. today, he felt as though it was dialed in well and actually said he was dreading riding his lonestar chassis quad for pro because his trx was so much better. i think some earlier statements about him not getting enough seat time are true though as after the first moto, he was really winded and fell from a strong 2nd to falling to 5th.

Scottie Mac
03-21-2004, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by 440exnacsracer
today at echeconnee, i got to talk to tim a little and he feels EXTREMELY confident on his bike. today, he felt as though it was dialed in well and actually said he was dreading riding his lonestar chassis quad for pro because his trx was so much better.

Dreading riding what Lonestar quad in what Pro class???? Tim has never rode a LSR (he has always been on Leager bikes) and there is only one Pro class this year, that would be only production rules.

The TRX is a fine machine, and Tim is a great rider, neither need you lying to make them better.


03-22-2004, 10:01 AM
yea I didn't understand that either.
So does anyone know where Tim finished at round 3? I haven't seen his name anywhere.

03-22-2004, 10:33 AM
Mid pack I believe

03-22-2004, 11:58 AM
8th and 5th i believe...

03-22-2004, 05:50 PM
yea, sorry about that, i meant the leagers, he finished 5th in the first moto, and i left just before the end of the second, but 8th would sound about right because he was trailing behind significantly. doug gust was tearing the track up on his z though

03-22-2004, 06:54 PM
Tim is not running a "stock" lenth swing arm. There are some things to be worked out on the front of the bike too. And a win in baja is a win no matter how you look at it. Some times the big money wins and sometimes they lose to the underdog, it is all a matter of who wants it more.

Hawk III
03-22-2004, 10:04 PM
Tim is NOT running a stock length swing arm..it's a +1 1/8 from laeger.

03-25-2004, 12:48 AM
we gave him a +1/1/4 and a +5/8 swing arm