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03-15-2004, 04:17 PM
My buddies 450R just cracked around the shifter caseing! Just a fracture though but a decent sized one!
I forgot what this is caused by can someone help.
also can it be welded?


Bill Fuller
03-15-2004, 04:27 PM
It should be under warrenty.This seems like the common weak spot in the R.I have heard of a few cracking in the same area while the owners were trying to start a flooded machine.

03-15-2004, 04:36 PM
Cracking near the shifter???

We've all seen the pic of the crack near the kickstarter, but not near the shifter. Can you post a pic?

Regardless, yes, have him get it covered under warranty.

03-15-2004, 05:24 PM
Sorry typo. its the kicker casing. The dealer said it will NOT! be covered because "it was his fault he didnt read the manual where it says not to start it while appliying the throttle."


Hammer trx450r
03-15-2004, 05:29 PM
try another dealer and change your story

03-15-2004, 05:29 PM
Come on. Are you telling me the dealer won't warranty that. I'm smellin bs. Give me a break, honda will stand behind it if that is the case.

03-15-2004, 05:59 PM
Hey man thats what the dealer said not Honda!

03-15-2004, 06:13 PM
Just a flamer, Search his posts.

03-15-2004, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by Clutch123
Hey man thats what the dealer said not Honda!

Hey man. Go back to bluetraxx. Flamers not welcome here. :mad:

03-15-2004, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by jmoney45
Come on. Are you telling me the dealer won't warranty that. I'm smellin bs. Give me a break, honda will stand behind it if that is the case.

Gibson Racing 6
03-15-2004, 07:40 PM
WTF I mean I am going to be buying a 450r pretty soon and if I forget and i give it a little gas when I start it and this happens and it cracks or something like that and they dont cover it that it BS. Honda was working on this for a long time you would think that things like this would happen if you messed up.

03-15-2004, 07:47 PM
The clutch covers are breaking! This is a problem and Honda is not standing behind it if you have the HRC kit !

03-15-2004, 10:04 PM
How many actually have broke? I have had no problems at all. I don't think this should be known as a widespread problem,,, most people havent had this problem, so why does it keep coming up....... Also, if you are not actually racing your bike, your warrenty is good,, even if you have the HRC kit,,, Honda still covers it, as it is a honda option and I dont believe it states anywhere that the hrc kit voids you warranty, If your dealer says they wont cover it, contact honda, they are a very reputable company and I am sure they would not want this crap going around. Just my .02

03-15-2004, 10:14 PM
Yeah seriously.. There is no way that my DEALER wouldn't even cover this. The guy at the dealer told me flat out that even in the case of having a problem after the warranty they would most likely honor it and fix any problem for you. Honda would definately warranty it. I really think this guy is full of it.

03-15-2004, 10:17 PM
The clutch covers are breaking! This is a problem and Honda is not standing behind it if you have the HRC kit !

The person who started this thread is just trying to ruffle peoples feathers, if you look at his past posts, you will see he is ANTI-TRX!!! I think we all know about the incident that happened and I'm sure it is a pretty isolated incodent!! If people are still giving it gas while kicking it, then....they have issues, and their dealers should be stressing to people when they sell them to not do this!! If i'm correct honda will only warrant your 450r if the dealer installed the HRC kit, which is understandable.

03-16-2004, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by mephyst
Yeah seriously.. There is no way that my DEALER wouldn't even cover this. The guy at the dealer told me flat out that even in the case of having a problem after the warranty they would most likely honor it and fix any problem for you. Honda would definately warranty it. I really think this guy is full of it.

And I bet he told you this JUST before you signed on the dotted line...Let us know how this works in reality! Dealers will say anything to get your $, then when it;s time to pay the piper it's a different story!

Shoot, from what you say, 2-3 years and your dealership will honor stuff??? Stick with them bud!

03-16-2004, 08:48 PM
I just talked with our Reginal service rep from Honda and asked him about warranty with the HRC kit. IT DOES NOT VOID WARRANTY!!!!! They are also very interested in any problems at all with these machnines and want to know about them and will fix most anything on them within reason. Obviously they aren't going to replace tires, brakes, and clutches for normal wear type stuff. There has only been one of these that have done this that I have heard of and have seen a confirmation of a pic. It is VERY isolated and isn't from being flooded but just from giveing it some throttle wich gives it a little squirt of fuel not flooding the engine. And the conditions have to be just perfect. Thus the only one that I know of that has done it.