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View Full Version : TRX 90 Specs and stuff

03-14-2004, 08:59 PM
Hey guys my little sister is getting to the age where we think she can get her first quad (6 years old). We are getting her a little trx90 and I was just wondering a few things about it.. Can you put a little governor to cut down the speed? How fast do these things actually go.. I never thought anyone would actually pipe them and put suspension on them until I looked in this section lol. How does the suspension actually work and stuff? Is it big enough for even my mom to put around on (she's like 130lbs)? Well thanks.. just a few questions! :blah:

03-15-2004, 10:23 AM
The TRX90 comes with an adjustable throttle stop screw on the thumb throttle to limit the speed. It also has a restrictor on the airbox which can be removed. Yes your mom can putt around on it. I ride wheelies on my sons all the time, even with two of us on it. The suspension works pretty well.

03-15-2004, 09:07 PM
Absolutely i agree with Quadfamily 100%. I rip around on one of my kids all the time too!

03-15-2004, 09:21 PM
my daughter is 6 and weighs 55 lbs it is her quad and i am too old to be on one and weigh 250 and the thing flat out hauls with me on it. you are never too old or young for a mini quad!!