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View Full Version : Nice race today with payout - Indiana

03-14-2004, 06:38 PM
these guys put on a good harescramble. Jeff Stoess was there as well as 3 - 4 stroke A guys. Fun race and good time. YFZ's took the day. I think there's 3 more this year. Maybe have one at my place this year. check it out!


03-14-2004, 07:45 PM
i ws there, track was kinda short, but still nice. won the sport class and 59 bucks:eek: first ever win, and a good pay out to top it off!

were you there? i was on the black and red blaster with the number 812 yellow numberplates

03-14-2004, 08:08 PM
way to go brad!!:cool:

how did jeff do??

Lil - Braff
03-14-2004, 08:18 PM
There is already a thread on this (http://www.exriders.com/vbb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=95913) but it's alright!

Cliq how did you do? I got 3rd in sport and had a blast! Yes the track was kinda short but fun and tight! Not sure how Jeff did but he was running the wolverine!! and clearing doubles!!! :eek2:

03-14-2004, 08:18 PM
jeff's dale broke down right off the bat, so he walked to the truck and got on the trusty wolverine!lol, obviously last place in the pro class, but you shoulda seen him hittin those tabletops!

03-15-2004, 04:48 AM
sorry, i didn't see the other thread. I finished 3rd in the 4 stroke B class behind a YFZ and a Cannondale on my white z400 number 20. those YFZ's are the real deal. I couldn't keep up with them. The track was short for a harescramble but tight and rough. they did a good job for the small amount of land there.

hope to have an even better turnout at the next one! and to have a race at my place just a few miles from there. the course would be much longer there. probably 8-9 miles.

03-15-2004, 07:12 AM
the cannondale that beat you was jesshamner from this site. i think i saw you come in at the finish

03-15-2004, 08:03 AM
yeah, they black flagged me twice because they said i was cutting the course bad. i think i lost about 3-4 minutes. i was not very happy. i didn't cut anything. i even lost at least 2 spots on one black flag, let alone the time...
oh well.

03-15-2004, 08:03 AM
I haven't looked at the bike yet but I believe its just a broken wire or something simple. Its ok tho, I had a blast racing the Wolverine.

03-15-2004, 08:15 AM
Originally posted by cliq20
yeah, they black flagged me twice because they said i was cutting the course bad. i think i lost about 3-4 minutes. i was not very happy. i didn't cut anything. i even lost at least 2 spots on one black flag, let alone the time...
oh well.

on behalf of everyone that was said to have cut the course, there were quite a few places on the track that just looked like "the good line" that actually cut a fair amount of the course off.

it was this places first ever xc race tho, and they were coming around asking questions after the race. they wanted to know what we liked, didnt like, what needed to be changed and if there was anything wrong about the course. so they are putting a consious efort into making it better.

i'm gonna try to make all of these races tho, i liked the track alot, even if its a little short, i thought it was fun and i liked the mx track alot too

03-15-2004, 08:19 AM
Ya, there was some cuttin going on. Jeremy was in 5th overall and 2nd in class but they had him finishing 4th in class. :confused:

03-15-2004, 08:23 AM
i was told jeremy kept cutting, probaly on accident since he did it in the same spot each lap tho. i dont remeber where it was, but eventually one of the course guys but a cedar tree in his way

03-15-2004, 08:26 AM
ya, everyone was using that spot but it was only 6' inside the marked line, well within rule limits for most tracks

03-15-2004, 08:34 AM
come to think of it, i havent heard of any set of rules for this track:confused:

03-15-2004, 11:07 AM
yeah, it wasn't marked well or discussed at the riders meeting. you just had to remember where he took you on the parade lap so you would know where to go. it was hard to not go around stuck riders when there was a line right next to them and people piling up behind you. but i never cut a line to gain position unless it was right next to them and they were stuck on a tree...

This was my first race ever and I don't know what's exactly wrong. I did the best I could with split second decisions. You talk about a tight course.

You know the Beaver's boys did every bit of the cutting too. It's hard to know what to do when you're right there.

It was kinda wierd since some people got around me but I never saw them and somehow they finished in front.

Anyway, looking forward to the next one. Maybe there'll be more caution tape...

03-15-2004, 08:06 PM
The track was awesome. I finished 5th in the B class. If you thought the track was tight then you must not race scrambles much. I have seen much tighter. Short-maybe but they did a very good job setting it up.

03-15-2004, 08:20 PM
They didn't even have any body to score they pulled my dad over and asked him to do it. There was some cheating goin on but i could understand people making the wrong turns it was so cramped.

03-15-2004, 08:38 PM
Where exactly were the major cheating areas? I saw some lines that weren't very far off the original course but nothing that was major. In one of the small, very tight turns, I hit a tree and got stuck. I rolled my cdale back and then went about 4 feet of course so I didn't have to get off and turn that thing around. There was no advantage of it and I didn't intend on using that line on the following laps. I did notice that people started using it when i came back around. I know the course changes every lap but I didn't think people could cut as many corners as they did.

03-15-2004, 09:10 PM
it was definitely tight in some places. if you had an extended axle or wider a-arms, i'm not sure you could have gone through a couple spots.

this is my first scramble but i do a lot of personal racing with some of the a riders and it's definitely on a little wider course. i have a course of my own which i thought was tight in some spots.

i saw a lot of those lines just off the course that a lot of people were taking and if i got off course from missing a tree i wasn't going to back up to get on course. that's silly. not like you were gaining spots by doing it.

you know if you saw a line that was even used a little many were using it. if it's not more than 10 feet of course, i'd say very legal. i don't see anyone "cheating" unless you gained spots and the person you passed didn't even see you. that's cheating. if you're stuck on a tree and there's a line right beside you, why sit there while you get off and pull your quad off the tree. go around. anyway, i'll be at the next one. i don't care if i win or whatever i just like to ride...
you all can come practice at my place sometime if ya want. i live about 4-5 miles from the track...

03-15-2004, 09:29 PM
You don't race scrambles with wide A-arms or axles, it only slows you down. I thought it was funny the Raptor guy about +4 wide and the DS650 in the race. They didn't make it to the end I believe. I got behid the 650 once and he about hit every tree until I got around. Geez........Casey IL also has a good harescramble series and they have several checkpoints to help with the cheaters....if they would just quit running through a 3 foot wide creek and those stupid 3 foot around logs.

03-15-2004, 11:13 PM
LOL. I couldn't believe that guy was trying to race a DS 650. I bet he had a long day.

03-16-2004, 06:50 AM
you mean to tell me that all the pros with aftermarket axles and a-arms are all stock length? that seems wierd.

anyway, i got behind that guy once too. that ride must have sucked. i lost a lot of time behind him though...

i thought about going to casey too. sounds fun. a buddy of mine goes over there. they are District 15 points too I think.

03-16-2004, 07:13 AM
Originally posted by cliq20
you mean to tell me that all the pros with aftermarket axles and a-arms are all stock length? that seems wierd.

anyway, i got behind that guy once too. that ride must have sucked. i lost a lot of time behind him though...

i thought about going to casey too. sounds fun. a buddy of mine goes over there. they are District 15 points too I think. yes casey honors district 15 point at thier races;) see you there the lines for the series are getting very big! and yes 47501exracer that creek bed does suk!!:mad:

03-16-2004, 08:05 AM
Originally posted by 400exmom
yes casey honors district 15 point at thier races;) see you there the lines for the series are getting very big! and yes 47501exracer that creek bed does suk!!:mad:

Casey requires you to have a district card, last year they accepted any district card, but only gave points to district 17

03-16-2004, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by lshonda310
Casey requires you to have a district card, last year they accepted any district card, but only gave points to district 17

well chiot...:confused: whata i know

03-16-2004, 09:38 AM
Originally posted by 400exmom
well chiot...:confused: whata i know

do you know if you are going to North Carolina?

03-16-2004, 09:42 AM
:( no can do~unemployed as of last week my gncc series has to stop for a while~c-u-at casey speedy

03-16-2004, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by 400exmom
:( no can do~unemployed as of last week my gncc series has to stop for a while~c-u-at casey speedy Say it aint so :(

03-16-2004, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by 400exmom
:( no can do~unemployed as of last week my gncc series has to stop for a while~c-u-at casey speedy

damn kim.....you kikk up the manager again:(

03-16-2004, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by Jeff@QuadShop
Say it aint so :( :o i didnt wanna mention it but... im busy living in deniel ill have to miss out~ im busting my *** to figure things out unemployement is paying me more than i could mke at another job right now so im swallowing pride and collecting it till i take my real estate test in springfield...:huh me a real estate agent:huh lol that will be interesting~(do you want this pos house or not???!!!):D ive never rolled over and played dead~ ill be back!!

03-16-2004, 10:53 AM
My parents are into real estate and I would love to be an agent BUT you have to work EVERY WEEKEND if you want to make any money and thats not a good job if you want to race a lot but once your in it a while you can make a lot of money

03-16-2004, 11:11 AM
nights and weekends~ i know my mother is a VERY successful realestate woman for 30 years(still is)~ma was never home~ plenty of other things , appraiser,refferal agent, listing agent, etc. im a resourceful gal and know ALOT of people ill figure it out but i never want to depend on painting cars for a paycheck fun for side work but not to provide for my family~ thanks for your concern~ sorry to take over the indiana race~ no more pitty for kim please:o ...:) talk about pappy takin home 1st in pro:eek2:


03-16-2004, 11:20 AM
Well hell......:(

I have no idea who I"m gonna flirt with at the races now....:mad:

03-16-2004, 11:20 AM
who was the top three in each class? I want to know who took home some money!

03-16-2004, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by lshonda310
who was the top three in each class? I want to know who took home some money! Quit cheery pickin damnit!:grr:

03-16-2004, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by Jeff@QuadShop
Quit cheery pickin damnit!:grr:

no money? but nice to hear you was on a Yamaha:eek2:

03-16-2004, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by lshonda310
no money? but nice to hear you was on a Yamaha:eek2: Ya well.....I always wanted to race a utility.

03-16-2004, 12:59 PM
Jeff, please tell me that there are pics of you hitting the jumps on the wolvy....mud tires and all! I want to see that.