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View Full Version : would this be considerd harrasment by a cop and school principle?

03-13-2004, 02:00 AM
last week our school cop and the principle called me in the office and accused me of selling drugs and using them in school, well bottom line is that i have never done that in or out of school. they arent talking about drugs like pot, they were thinking meth which has became a huge problem around this area and around pretty much the entire midwest i belive. well they sat there for over an hour calling me a liar to my face and saying how they should kick me out of school. They have no reason what so ever to accuse me of this, i have never had any problems with any drugs and am hardley ever around them. well the next morning i went in to get a drug test and today i got my results back and as i knew everything came back negitive:macho I know my mom is really POed at the school, prolly more than i am and wants me to transfer schools and everything, i dont want to to that cuz i have 2 months left of my senior year. but i was mostly wondering if this could be considerd harrasment?? and is i should just drop it and let it be or bring my results into the school and tell the cop and the principle where to shove it?:eek: :blah:

03-13-2004, 02:19 AM
2 months, don't rock the boat.

graduate and leave....that part of your life will be done.

they don't have any hard proof do they? remember, you are innocent until proven guilty.

03-13-2004, 02:21 AM
they have nothing at all and i was pretty surprised when they asked me who i was selling them to and how much i have made:huh

03-13-2004, 04:13 AM
that is F*cked up man.......i dont know much about how the law works but i think that is definitely harassment of some kind.

03-13-2004, 04:49 AM
It’s called probable cause or reason to believe that where likely to sell drugs at school, based on information provided to the officer and school superintendent.

One of your classmates may have started some bull crap rumor, that you where selling drugs. Hear say is admissible, therefore allowing the officer to investigate the issue. You where free to leave at anytime during the interview.

A drug test will not prove you are not guilty of selling drugs. I have arrested many drug dealers that don’t use.

I think the ball is in your court, either they file the charges or tell them to suck wind.

Call there bluff, name the source that provided the information.

03-13-2004, 05:35 AM
should i bring the trusty .22 longrifle and "reason" with your principle:p :macho
if it were me, i would walk out and say they can shove the "meth" up their *** and kiss it

03-13-2004, 06:01 AM
Are you a f**kin' idiot? Do you realize how seriously law enforcement takes talk of students bringing guns to school? You should ask a member here what happened to him when he brought up the topic (hint: The Canadian Police showed up at his house and it proceeded from there).

03-13-2004, 07:00 AM
I had that happen to me this time last year. When I was in his office I just laughed at everything and I was like "NAAAAAWWWW MANNNNN" everytime they asked me a question. I just acted like I was always doped up on something whenever they were around.

Tommy 17
03-13-2004, 07:08 AM
sadly it happens at every school... i know a few of my friends who were sick and put their head down in class... next day they all were called down to get drug tests bc our health teacher is a super freak teacher that lives the perfect life...

i say drop it and leave in 2 months like batgeek said..

and redrebel ur a idiot... why don't u just leave or one of the mods ban u already... everyones sick of hearing u...

03-13-2004, 07:09 AM
i personally think that is harrassment but you will never get anything out of going against them for it. I would just leave it alone. Are principle is a complete idiot. He told a senior not to hang out with are group of friends becuz ""we go off at lunch and smoke, and im not talking about ciggarettes"".. lol. i found that kind of funny that he was telling that to a recovered coke head and still pothead. We dont have any problems with meth up here, that stuff is just plain stupid.:rolleyes: :o

03-13-2004, 07:36 AM
Turn the other cheek... You've only got 2 months left. Get out of there and get on with life. And don't let your buds at school talk you into anything else. If you're not careful this could escalate and really cause you some grief.

03-13-2004, 07:38 AM
Originally posted by QUADREBEL248
should i bring the trusty .22 longrifle and "reason" with your principle:p :macho
if it were me, i would walk out and say they can shove the "meth" up their *** and kiss it

I really hope someone in your area reads this and pays you a visit (LEO)

03-13-2004, 10:53 AM
two more months left...that will fly by man just finish it and be done with....worst comes to worst you know you are not doing anything so just deal with them...and if the problem escaltes(sp?) then i guess you can try to accuse them of something from the amendements...you just gotta read up on those things to find out what they did that is against your rights....lol.....but just go there and be done with it...no use of going to another school for two months then graduate there....you want to be at this school with all your friends......good luck man;)

03-13-2004, 11:55 AM
I'd laugh in their faces.This is one way Canada is different from the US.
I did a survey at my school on who does drugs (Pot, hash, shrooms), and 90% of the students admitted to doing them atleast once a month.
I know people who come to class high daily, The teachers know it, as well as most of the students and they do nothing about it. I personally have never came to class high or been in school property stoned.

stupid driver
03-13-2004, 12:39 PM
we have many problems in our school w/ drugs. It is completely obvious who does it, but our administration is either blind, retarted, or both. OUr principal used to have an addiction to dope, and they still hired him. Meth has to be the leading export in this area :( .

Id just forget about the situation though. If you were innocent like you said, then nothing worse is going to happen. 2 months is not a long time

03-13-2004, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by DEAL
I'd laugh in their faces.This is one way Canada is different from the US.
I did a survey at my school on who does drugs (Pot, hash, shrooms), and 90% of the students admitted to doing them atleast once a month.
I know people who come to class high daily, The teachers know it, as well as most of the students and they do nothing about it. I personally have never came to class high or been in school property stoned.

That's the same here. Numerous ppls come to school stoned, or leave at lunch to go get stoned. You can tell, the teachers know, but you don't get in trouble unless your caught with it. Then it's anything from a few day's suspension up to expoltion (sp). You get expelled if you have anymore then 5g's of pot on your or above. For other things, I'm not sure of. No one here does much more then pot or hash, and if they do, they don't bring it to school:huh

03-13-2004, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by stupid driver
we have many problems in our school w/ drugs. It is completely obvious who does it, but our administration is either blind, retarted, or both. OUr principal used to have an addiction to dope, and they still hired him. Meth has to be the leading export in this area :( .

Id just forget about the situation though. If you were innocent like you said, then nothing worse is going to happen. 2 months is not a long time

Because someone did dope in the past isn't a reason not to hire them for a job.
Assuming your talking about pot, The drug itself isn't physically addictive.
I don't know anyone to feels the "need" to get high from pot but do it because they want to.
I know people who have smoked pot and gone on to become police officers.

03-13-2004, 02:51 PM
My buddy is in the same dilema.

There has been counterfit money going around in his highschool. He had no idea at the time. So he went into the bathroom, saw a $20 bill on the floor and tried to spend it at lunch.

The lunch lady says that she has to check the 20 bill out because of the counterfitting money going on. He told her he found it in the bathroom.

Well it checked out as fake.

He got suspended from school for a week. And if he is proven guilty, he gets expelled from school, and could possibly be placed under house arrest.

As for the kid who was doing it, he was caught with the money, and a loaded gun in school. Hes in jail right now for (as far as I know) 5 years.

03-13-2004, 02:56 PM
that's pretty chitty

03-13-2004, 04:22 PM
If theres no proof, show them your test results and let it go. No reason to aggrivate it more because truthfully, you can't win with the way things are set-up at schools. You may win somewhat, but you'll also be affected by it somehow. Just let it go and finish school.

03-13-2004, 04:25 PM
just plead the "FIF" the fizzzif!!!!

03-13-2004, 04:51 PM
My county is the leading county in the US for cancer. 90% of it is from the pot. WE are also known as the biggest pot growing county in like th US. are school does what they have too. Meth isnt that big. POT is the biggest then like pills and **** then coke. I stay away from everything but the beer.

03-13-2004, 05:49 PM
our state (texas) just passed a law that is legalizing random drug tests in school. now our school is saying that they will make it par of the student handbook that you sign at the beginning of the year so that they can test you but then they are saying they are only gona test students in extracurricular activities, which rules out all the drugies. our shool is so retarded:rolleyes:

stupid driver
03-13-2004, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by outacontrol31
our state (texas) just passed a law that is legalizing random drug tests in school. now our school is saying that they will make it par of the student handbook that you sign at the beginning of the year so that they can test you but then they are saying they are only gona test students in extracurricular activities, which rules out all the drugies. our shool is so retarded:rolleyes:

i had to write a persuasion essay for a final on this topic. OUr superintendant said that if our school had any money at all, he would push for some type of testing in ALL students.

oh, DEAL, i wasnt too clear on the principal doin pot thing. He did it soo much, it kinda messed him up in the head. he cant remember a dam thing.

03-13-2004, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by Ryan
My buddy is in the same dilema.

There has been counterfit money going around in his highschool. He had no idea at the time. So he went into the bathroom, saw a $20 bill on the floor and tried to spend it at lunch.

The lunch lady says that she has to check the 20 bill out because of the counterfitting money going on. He told her he found it in the bathroom.

Well it checked out as fake.

He got suspended from school for a week. And if he is proven guilty, he gets expelled from school, and could possibly be placed under house arrest.

As for the kid who was doing it, he was caught with the money, and a loaded gun in school. Hes in jail right now for (as far as I know) 5 years.

found it in the bath room... right

03-15-2004, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
I really hope someone in your area reads this and pays you a visit (LEO) nah, i would never bring a weapon of any kind to school. if i got arrested, i would wanna stay in jail because my mom and dad would literally kill me when i got out

03-15-2004, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by QUADREBEL248
nah, i would never bring a weapon of any kind to school. if i got arrested, i would wanna stay in jail because my mom and dad would literally kill me when i got out

Well keep making statements like that will end up haunting you for the reat of your life, where mommy and daddy can't help you.

Be advised the statement you made, is a Federal felony. Lesson learned! I would think real serious about it.

And if you come back on here spouting off. Expect a visit from the F.B.I. Becuse I will call them.

And I really don't care if peopl think I am a jerk or not. This country has enough problems to deal with than having school kids bringing guns to school.

03-15-2004, 03:23 PM
Redneck's gonna get bubba'd :p

03-15-2004, 03:25 PM
i would like to see the real life woo-pish!

03-15-2004, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by Atreyu
Redneck's gonna get bubba'd :p
i wonder if he can take a picture of it for us

03-15-2004, 04:16 PM
My friend was called up to the office because the school found out his parents were getting a devorce and they thought he was all on drugs. Well he would never smoke cuz he is all into being fit and kickboxes with Pro UFC fighters and he's only 16. So in the office they had a couple cops and a counselor that were tellinghow she knows that he's all on drugs and stuff and asking him about it. And he just told her he really doesn't appreciate that and denied his parents getting a devorce (because it is none of the schools business). Then this counselor is still trying to talk to him and he basically told her to f off and then walked back to class. Social services were there and crap. Big ol' fiasco that the schools really shouldn't even get involved in.

03-15-2004, 04:21 PM
popo, i dont know the kid (quad rebel), but hes prolly like 11or 12 & just playin around bein stupid like we all used to be at 11 or 12. Ive seen ALOT worse on this site & you dont go threatening them with the FBI. i dont think the kids right, but that was a little harsh dont ya think? lol:eek2:

03-15-2004, 04:42 PM
i dont think the kids right, but that was a little harsh dont ya think? lol
he used to be n.c. redneck, hes a pain in the *** and he should stop coming here.

03-15-2004, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by HoNdAdude48
popo, i dont know the kid (quad rebel), but hes prolly like 11or 12 & just playin around bein stupid like we all used to be at 11 or 12. Ive seen ALOT worse on this site & you dont go threatening them with the FBI. i dont think the kids right, but that was a little harsh dont ya think? lol:eek2:

Do you think the families of slain teachers, just maybe thought kids where joking around when they brought a gun to school and killed a teacher? or talked about it?

I see your point about being a kid. And hopefully he understands the issue at point. And as a Police Officer, it's my job to educate people on the law and to stop a possible bad situation. A gun threat is a gun threat take it how you want.

Educators have a tough job, but sometimes act a little harsh based on hear say, which this post is based on.

I am not on here to play bad *** cop etc. But to express a harsh verbal warning if it continues, and if I am hated by others becuse of my actions, so be it! But hopefully it stopped the slaying of a teacher.

Hopefully you see where I am coming from.

03-15-2004, 04:57 PM
But hopefully it stopped the slaying of a teacher.

or another student too.

03-15-2004, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by HoNdAdude48
popo, i dont know the kid (quad rebel), but hes prolly like 11or 12 & just playin around bein stupid like we all used to be at 11 or 12. Ive seen ALOT worse on this site & you dont go threatening them with the FBI. i dont think the kids right, but that was a little harsh dont ya think? lol:eek2:

When somebody is an idiot, you have to call them an idiot. Sometimes sublties are not enough. It's not enough to say "that's not too smart", you have to say to them outright "YOU ARE AN IDIOT"

What he said was TRULY IDIOTIC, and I think MORE people should have told him how stupid he was. Maybe after three pages of people calling him an idiot, it would finally sink in. Considering still recent events, bringing a gun to school isn't a joke, and jokes about it are not funny, and maybe he needs a wake-up call.

03-15-2004, 06:49 PM
i dont see where he said it? :confused:

03-15-2004, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by Berry
i dont see where he said it? :confused:

Page 1.

should i bring the trusty .22 longrifle and "reason" with your principle
if it were me, i would walk out and say they can shove the "meth" up their *** and kiss it

03-15-2004, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by popo

I am not on here to play bad *** cop

good cuz i thought we agreed i was the bad cop on this one. N e ways quadrebel is older than 11 or 12 cuz he knows who Robby Renard is but hes a douche and cant even spell it right. I have personaly met robby and he is cool. QUadrebel jsut do us all a big favor and grow up or go to bluetrax or sumtin.

03-15-2004, 09:17 PM
i know how you feel JUSTINcredible, last year i got called into the vice principals office during the second week of school. i was interrogated for like 15 minutes before i even knew what i did and then i was told that i was a drug dealer. i kind of laughed at first but then he told me that i was going to be suspended or expelled unless i proved that i wasnt a drug dealer. the reason i was accused of being a drug dealer was because i was sick and taking vitamin C pills during lunch, so i had a bright idea and gave one to a friend and i told him it was an altoid, which he threw back at me. somehow the vice principal heard about it and that was why i was pulled into his office. all i had to do to prove my innocence was get some vitamin C pills out of my lunch bag and get a letter from my parents that said they knew i was taking them

03-15-2004, 10:08 PM
Originally posted by QUADREBEL248
nah, i would never bring a weapon of any kind to school. if i got arrested, i would wanna stay in jail because my mom and dad would literally kill me when i got out

yeah u come on here talkin stupid ****..u take my avatar.. i think this dude should be banned..i see u changed that avatar though

03-15-2004, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by blasterguy1087
i know how you feel JUSTINcredible, last year i got called into the vice principals office during the second week of school. i was interrogated for like 15 minutes before i even knew what i did and then i was told that i was a drug dealer. i kind of laughed at first but then he told me that i was going to be suspended or expelled unless i proved that i wasnt a drug dealer. the reason i was accused of being a drug dealer was because i was sick and taking vitamin C pills during lunch, so i had a bright idea and gave one to a friend and i told him it was an altoid, which he threw back at me. somehow the vice principal heard about it and that was why i was pulled into his office. all i had to do to prove my innocence was get some vitamin C pills out of my lunch bag and get a letter from my parents that said they knew i was taking them

That reminds me of something that my parents done to me before. They found Herbal pills in my dresser (this does sound kinda suspicious, I will admit) they were in a lil baggie, lil green capsules. But they were Echnicia (sp) and St. Johns Wort. Cuz I take alot of herbal pills and drinks and stuff, because their good for you. But I came home from school one day with dad sitting at the kitchen counter w/ the baggie and a few of the capsules split open and he asked me what they were n crap. But I jus laffed and showed him the bottle in the fridge. Makes me wonder...how did they find them though...because the were in the top brewor (sp) of my dresser understuff, I think like in 1 of my travel bags...were they routing threw my stuff?:confused: Ah well heh

03-16-2004, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by popo
Well keep making statements like that will end up haunting you for the reat of your life, where mommy and daddy can't help you.

Be advised the statement you made, is a Federal felony. Lesson learned! I would think real serious about it.

And if you come back on here spouting off. Expect a visit from the F.B.I. Becuse I will call them.

And I really don't care if peopl think I am a jerk or not. This country has enough problems to deal with than having school kids bringing guns to school. dude, dont be hatin, im just 13, i didnt know that was a federal felony.

03-16-2004, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by QUADREBEL248
dude, dont be hatin, im just 13, i didnt know that was a federal felony.

Dude, now you do!

03-16-2004, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by popo
Dude, now you do! yep and now i wont do it again.:)

03-16-2004, 02:41 PM
That reminds me of something that my parents done to me before. They found Herbal pills in my dresser (this does sound kinda suspicious, I will admit) they were in a lil baggie, lil green capsules. But they were Echnicia (sp) and St. Johns Wort. Cuz I take alot of herbal pills and drinks and stuff, because their good for you. But I came home from school one day with dad sitting at the kitchen counter w/ the baggie and a few of the capsules split open and he asked me what they were n crap. But I jus laffed and showed him the bottle in the fridge. Makes me wonder...how did they find them though...because the were in the top brewor (sp) of my dresser understuff, I think like in 1 of my travel bags...were they routing threw my stuff? Ah well heh

That just means that they love you. I understand that kids wan their privacy and all but man, i tell ya. As i did too, kids do a lot of stupid sh$t and need protecting from them selves. The danger with kids and teenagers is that they "think" they know everything but alas, they don't. I totally agree with some principles to be pro active and call a person into the office and ask (interrogate) them what is up with what ever behavior they are exhibiting. Better safe than sorry i say. You cant be worried to much about hurting some young persons feeling when you are fighting drugs. We just can't pu$$y foot around anymore and give the people fighting this kind of stuff some leverage and power. Listen to Carrol O.Conner (police chief in the heat of the night) when he tells you get between your children and drugs any way you can. Parents., the anti drug!

03-16-2004, 03:34 PM
I am not on here to play bad *** cop etc. But to express a harsh verbal warning if it continues, and if I am hated by others becuse of my actions, so be it! But hopefully it stopped the slaying of a teacher.

Hopefully you see where I am coming from. [/B][/QUOTE]

nah, its cool, i totally see where your coming from, in today's world you have to take everyone seriously these days, its sad, but true

03-16-2004, 03:46 PM
wow this thread got interesting and good job POPO....so what is happening JUSTINcredible?

03-16-2004, 04:13 PM
yea i do need to grow up and stop being childish. it was idiotic of me to post that.

03-16-2004, 10:45 PM
Read this thread