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03-08-2004, 06:08 PM
anyone have back problems after riding? everytime i ride, my back hurts... anyone else have this problem? and if so help me out!!

03-08-2004, 06:11 PM
yes i do but it goes away after ur muscles build up back there. i usta have the problem but sit ups and riding strengthins your back and helps

03-08-2004, 06:12 PM
yea i do, i have 4 compressed discs right now and have broken 3 vertebrate

it sucks, just keep workin out on your hamstrings and abs and it'll consolidate for the pressure and pounding your back goes through

TRX310R Rider
03-08-2004, 06:16 PM
Yeah, I've had a bad back since way before I started riding and then when I wrecked and had my Blaster land on the back of me 2 or 3 years ago it didn't help much. I always wear one of those things they call kidney brace or suppost brace and it helps quite a bit. I also have been working out for the past 2 years and that helps a whole lot. It helps everything too not just your back...Later

03-08-2004, 06:32 PM
just build good abs that all helps your back out,right now i got one of the therma care thingys on my back for the past 3 weeks my back has hurt me so much it is ridicolous(sp?) already....but yea situps wrking out all helps...some bengay goes a long way to

03-08-2004, 07:35 PM
As a older "ahem" rider I can sympathize with you, definetly get a back brace. It is well worth it and then you just kick back after the ride and enjoy the pain.:D

Tommy 17
03-08-2004, 07:44 PM
try a kindney belt... they really help support ur back when riding...

03-08-2004, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by redrunner
As a older "ahem" rider I can sympathize with you, definetly get a back brace. It is well worth it and then you just kick back after the ride and enjoy the pain.:D

Ha! Finally someone older than me! Course mentally, I think many have me beat... :o

03-08-2004, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by LTandRaptorider
Ha! Finally someone older than me! Course mentally, I think many have me beat... :o

What! Who me! nah I am only a shade or so ( maybe a shade tree!) over the hill. The problem lies that I (we) still think like 21. Oh well I will go down screamin':eek2:

03-08-2004, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by redrunner
What! Who me! nah I am only a shade or so ( maybe a shade tree!) over the hill. The problem lies that I (we) still think like 21. Oh well I will go down screamin':eek2:

I'm up to about 8 Alleve a day... then I'm good to go!:o

03-08-2004, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by redrunner
What! Who me! nah I am only a shade or so ( maybe a shade tree!) over the hill. The problem lies that I (we) still think like 21. Oh well I will go down screamin':eek2: I bet I got y'all beat! I'm 45, got 2 blown out knees and a bad back. I've found a kidney belt while riding, and a 100 proof Southern Comfort & Coke back at camp at the end of the day keeps me riding all week!:macho

03-09-2004, 02:30 AM
Originally posted by Mr.Offroad
I bet I got y'all beat! I'm 45, got 2 blown out knees and a bad back. I've found a kidney belt while riding, and a 100 proof Southern Comfort & Coke back at camp at the end of the day keeps me riding all week!:macho


03-09-2004, 04:20 AM
Originally posted by Mr.Offroad
I bet I got y'all beat! I'm 45, got 2 blown out knees and a bad back. I've found a kidney belt while riding, and a 100 proof Southern Comfort & Coke back at camp at the end of the day keeps me riding all week!:macho

It's a tie!!!:D

03-09-2004, 05:15 AM
Originally posted by Tommy 17
try a kindney belt... they really help support ur back when riding...
Tommys right, they work. I use one of those velcro back braces, pretty much the same as a kidney belt. Got it at Walmart. Heres one just like it. I cut off the straps and it works great. About 20 bucks I think.

03-09-2004, 05:16 AM
Another. I could really tell a difference using one. Not near as sore after riding.

03-09-2004, 05:45 AM
Originally posted by SGA
Tommys right, they work. I use one of those velcro back braces, pretty much the same as a kidney belt. Got it at Walmart. Heres one just like it. I cut off the straps and it works great. About 20 bucks I think.

That is exactly what I did!:cool:

03-09-2004, 05:54 AM
I"ve got a broken L4 vert and a compressed disk and they bother me after every ride or race. Kidney belts do help but a few cold beers after a ride is about the only thing I've found to help..:o

Even having great shocks doesn't help, I guess the fun has to over power the pain..:cool: The 48 miles of hell at the GA GNCC put a real hurtin on me this weekend. Lap 2 i was about to say forget it, but I figured It couldn't hurt any worse so I might as well go another 2 laps...

03-09-2004, 05:58 AM
Originally posted by Rico
The 48 miles of hell at the GA GNCC put a real hurtin on me this weekend. Lap 2 i was about to say forget it Suck it up man!

03-09-2004, 06:30 AM
Originally posted by SGA
Suck it up man!

:mad: You gettin kikked up in NC Howie...:grr:

03-09-2004, 07:28 AM
I've got a bad back from work and it used to hurt so bad during riding that I would have to quit early. Then I got my rear shock rebuilt and valved by Works and that ended it almost completely. I've still got the bum back but riding doesn't bother like it used to.

03-09-2004, 08:52 AM
i would think that an extended steering stem would help too, you would be riding in a more vertical position, i kow thats what kills me is standing bent over so far during a race on the blaster. a new steering will be coming soon

03-09-2004, 08:59 AM
i did 6 hard laps friday evening and saturday i felt like someone hit me across the back with a bat:( the disc's i have that are in trouble sure let me know when they dont like what im doing:grr: i'd say continued riding will help some by building the musles around the disc's but a brace will help immensly.

chad cavagnaro
03-09-2004, 08:34 PM
All of the suggestions in this forum are great, and will help.
I have worked in a physical therapy clinic for the past 12 years, and I exercise solely for my riding. This, i believe has helped me be able to ride with the least amount of discomfort in my back, neck, shoulders ect., along with riding ergonomics, and a few beers post riding!!! I try to do exercises that mimic riding my quad; and use the muscles that I ride with. i.e. upper, mid, and lower traps, delts, lats. full back muscles, abs; you shouldn't do full sit ups if you have a bad back!! i have a particular exercise i like to do with a lat pull down bar, with your arms down in front mimicking handle bars going up and down with mod heavy weight and high reps, like 50 or more, then finsh off with the rico special exercise, 12 oz curls, high reps!!!!

i know im going to get ridiculed for that description of my exercise but if it helps somone ride without pain then i'm ready.... so lets have it!!! lol.:blah: