View Full Version : Track In Trouble, We need your help !

03-08-2004, 03:41 PM
Dirt Soldiers Wants YOU !

Dirt Soldiers MX Club is a motocross club located in central Pennsylvania in the Loretto/Carroltown area. This club includes a motocross race track approx 1 mile in length, a 50 track, freestyle, area to camp and park, a barn to put your bikes if it rains, and shop to work on your bikes. The club is also growing to be locally famous for its “Barnyard Bash” parties and people look forward to this every year. The Barnyard Bash is basically a motocross oriented party involving everything just stated plus all you can eat and drink, bands playing, giveaways, contests, radio broadcasts, etc. These parties have been a hit in the past and continue to grow bigger and bigger each time.

Sounds almost a little to good to be true ? Like, a motocrossers dream come to reality ? Well, in a sense it almost is because the land Dirt Soldiers is on was being rented, now the owner is retired and basically wants to enjoy the pleasures of life and relax. He doesn’t want to have this concern anymore and that is understandably so, he has put his time in now its time to take it easy. As you can see this poses a problem for Dirt Soldiers, as of right now no one is allowed on the grounds because the area is for sale and once it is sold Dirt Soldiers will be gone for good.

This is such a shame because this was rub by a few people in their spare time and each year the grounds have become nicer and more accessible now its going to be closed. So this is what we are proposing, the board members of Dirt Soldiers have come up with sort of a fundraiser in a sense to make a club buyout of land so that the army of Dirt Soldiers can march on. If there is a club buy out then all the plans for the grounds Dirt Soldiers has can be put into hyper drive because it will then have the money and the power to do so.

What are these plans you may ask ? Well, there is a house on the grounds of Dirt Soldiers, once the club buys out the land that house is the official club house. The upstairs bedrooms can be for people coming in from far away to stay overnight and the downstairs can be a lounge for those hanging around the track for the day. If needed the club can take a vote to add on to the house and make a complex of it. This is just a drop in the bucket of what can be performed here. We have had plans to build an indoor 50 track either in the barn, the shop or even put up a pool building around the existing 50 track outside. Full hook ups can be installed on the grounds for campers, cabins can be built in the fields, a supercross track can be built, we could have more parties. We would basically turn Dirt Soldiers into the best thing to ever hit amateur motocross for the soul purpose of just having a place to hang out and ride to have some good clean fun.

Here is the real shame involved in this, being that Dirt Soldiers is a club it is a non profit organization. Which basically means we do this because we want to and it helps out the community. Now your probably asking how does it help the community out ? Well, that’s simple, being I grew up here myself I know first hand there is absolutely NOTHING to do in this area, especially for young people. Riding dirtbikes not only gave me something interesting and exciting to do but it kept me in great shape (something most kids lack) and it kept me out of trouble and away from drugs. There are many people that are just like me that come to the track already and will come if it continues to grow. There are a lot of kids in this area who have serious drug problems and some have even paid the ultimate price because of it. We want to keep this open for those kids so that they know they will always have a place to go and sometime worthwhile doing.

Another feature we wanted to ad is full on motocross schools for kids, and if the financial situation permits, even build cabins and have a motocross camp where kids can learn to ride and work on bikes, build tracks, etc. Basically learning the entire process of motocross and how it works. This is also a great way for a kid to spend their time, especially in the summer.

OK, so now your probably thinking “How do we do it?”. I thought you would never ask. This is what we have come up with . We need what we call full-time members to purchase a one year membership of $250. This is the initial buy in membership fee, not the normal annual dues. Normal annual dues will be $100 for a full-time member due one year after your initial joining. Being a full-time member you are free to participate in any Dirt Soldier activity at anytime, its like having your very own little piece of Dirt Soldiers to come hang out and ride whenever you want. One final perk to being a full-time member is that you can receive massive discounts in parts and accessories for your motorcycle from Dirt Soldiers the bike shop, you certainly can’t beat that. We need a minimum of 400 full-time members to go through with the buy out and make this work. Your money will be placed in a secure bank account and upon payment you will be given a voucher to prove your payment and membership into the Dirt Soldiers MX Club with all the appropriate information entailed. In the event that we should not raise the full amount to perform the buy out within a set amount of time your FULL amount minus a $5 administration fee will be refunded to you. People just passing through can also participate in Dirt Soldiers as well, they can join the club for one day by paying a flat rate of $10 per day, you still cant beat that. Ride all day, hang out , meet new people for as long as you want for only $10.

Now, all we need to make this happen is YOU, spread the word around about what is happening here and what we are trying to do. Call your friends, print up this flyer, send e mails, whatever it takes. We can make this into a super army to grow in whichever way we choose and you can be a part of it just by joining. Make sure to keep checking in at www.dirtsoldiers.com for any updates or changes in the schedule involving the club.

That’s it, that’s all there is to it, now get those checkbooks out soldier, we need to keep the army marching.



President of Dirt Soldiers MX Club:


Tommy 17
03-08-2004, 04:19 PM
guys this track is 15 mins from my house... very awesome place to ride...

this is where i rode my 50 and all my friends ride there... very nice place and scoob is very nice...

scoob my advice to u is this... theres alot of quad riders in the area and we are constantly growing and willing to pay... but ur big bike track would be so ruff on a quad u won't have many people join... i've been there at 50 races and looked the track over and it just hurts lookin at it... plus a quad would have trouble jumping half of it... i'm sure if u'd build it more quad friendly or even half of it quad friendly u'd have a lot of the local quad guyz supporting u... i personally would be one of them... i know atleast 10 more... the closest place right now for us is iron valley in marion center...

i'll probably join if my friends do bc i need a place to ride...

are u goin to have any open practices??? if so what are the dates...

Tommy 17
03-08-2004, 04:27 PM
heres some pics of the place

Tommy 17
03-08-2004, 04:27 PM
heres the freestyle ramp...

03-08-2004, 06:56 PM
Im not in PA, but I can say that you should talk to any of the local dealers in the area and see if they can donate some money to the club. Put some posters or theirs up, do what you can for them, and Im sure they would be willing to donate some money. It would at least be a tax writeoff for them.

03-09-2004, 02:05 AM
hey look its my ramp ! haha

i live down the road from scooby and im givin him a hand when i can ... i think hes gonna def hit the dealers. hes contacting all his customers and previous riders... tellin friends to pass the word.

pretty much doing anything he can to get this up and running


03-09-2004, 08:30 AM
Well bro i can atleast spread the word for u maybe I can get someone to join...If i had some money i would send it to u to help u out...Keep us updated on whats going on with the track if u can...

03-09-2004, 08:36 AM
might wanna talk to a mod about advertising....if u already have just nvmd this:o

03-09-2004, 09:35 AM
id definatly ride there if there was a quad track

03-09-2004, 02:58 PM
yeah see thats kinda the point, if we get this going we will have the ability to do whatever the members want, if you guys wanna totally morph the track to be quad friendly we can do it along with many other things, as we said the skys the limit.

03-09-2004, 05:07 PM
That place looks awesome, if I was close I would definately help out.