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View Full Version : Got a kick out of this at the FTR site

03-06-2004, 11:13 PM

03-06-2004, 11:19 PM
It's always nice to get a little respect from the two wheeler guys...

I race a series in Arkansas just because of the environment there - almost no self righteous dirtbike riders, everyone seems to get along well & quads are treated well. It's pretty nice considering how quads are treated at many MX tracks and off-road series...

What most of the bike guys don't realize is that, yes, it's easy to ride a quad - but it's far more difficult to ride one well.

03-07-2004, 11:02 AM
amen well said:)

03-07-2004, 11:54 AM
Im one of those FTR guys.
I race quads. But there are 2 cycle guys in the club that get on the forum and get everyone all PO'ed at quads.

I wont mention names but they are both bad sportsmanship!

I never here of any GNCC cycle racers complaining about quads.

03-07-2004, 08:53 PM
I was a member of FTR, but it seems that they are biased againt quads. Late starts, dont care attitude, etc, and they changed thier website to show only bikes on the home page.

03-08-2004, 06:51 PM
i used to ride bikes a while ago, but i rode a quad once, and was hooked. I just hate how there is these stuck up 2 wheeled snobs that can't appricate us. Well i am glad that guy isn't one, and he was honest enought to speek out like that!

03-08-2004, 07:53 PM
thats a great link!!i just added that to my favorites so i have it as a resource when any of those dirtbike guys try to talk smack! i hate when my friends who dont know shi* about riding a quad try to talk about how easy they think it is! its probably the # one thing that pisses me off! when i get back from races they sometimes say "how could you be sore, the only thing possibly that could be sore is your thumb" and that just drives me insane.:grr: I also hate how they think it must be so easy to race! they say "all you do is push a button, how could it be hard?"
well that's BS and they go off saying how playing basketball is harder, and since I do both I can tell u that basketball is nothing compared to racing!