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View Full Version : 300ex Tranny problem?

03-06-2004, 12:01 PM
I am getting the 300 ready to sell, so I am trying to make everything work like a dream,
there seems to be a problem with the gears however. I bought the 300 in may of 2002, it latley started to pop really loud between nuetral and 1st and nuetral and 2nd, sometimes it misses the gear, or does not even shift up or down, then when I let the clutch out a horrible pop or snap is heard from the tranny....it rarely shifts smooth anymore, nothing like it did when new, one noticeable problem is say when your in first, and rev out and shift up to 2nd, it will go into nuetral and not 2nd gear, most times you ahve to shift twice....

but I wanted to ask you guys to see if there is anything wrong with it before I went off bringing it into my dealer to get it checked under warranty...has anybody had tranny problems with their 300ex?

any input is helpful, thanks

03-06-2004, 04:09 PM
First make sure your shifter isn't bent or catching on anything and that it isn't spinning on the shaft. If the shifter is alright then it is definitely something in the transmission. Take it to your dealer and have them look at it.