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View Full Version : Just recently Purchansed a 400ex.....

03-03-2004, 06:07 PM
Just recently I had purchased a 2003 400ex and finally saved up some money to put into it. I want to work on performance but I have no idea where to start or what to get. Should I start on exhaust, filters, gears...? Any imputs to help me out would be greatly appreciated. Im retarted when it comes to stuff like this...I just love speed
Thank You for any help / imputs
:devil: oDDBaLL:devil:

03-03-2004, 06:11 PM
If you are truly retarted with engine mechanics...you may just want to start with a pipe and a K&N air filter and jetting.

TRX310R Rider
03-03-2004, 06:16 PM
That's exactly what you need on a 400ex. Pipes, filter and a jet kit won't give you the biggest improvements but you will definately be able to tell. Then also I would say do some work on the suspension, you can have all the power in the world but if your suspension is crap then the power doesn't matter so maybe some good shocks, a-arms, and stuff like that. It sounds kinda like your a beginner so those mods will be perfect so I'd say look into stuff like that...Later

03-03-2004, 06:18 PM
Yeah Im pretty dumb to when it comes to engine mech., but thanks for the info., also what is the ballpark cost with all of that!?

:devil: oDDBaLL:devil:

03-03-2004, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by oDDBaLL66
Yeah Im pretty dumb to when it comes to engine mech., but thanks for the info., also what is the ballpark cost with all of that!?

:devil: oDDBaLL:devil:

it kind of depends on what you want to spend. you could just get a slip on silencer for not much over $200 or you could pay $500 for a complete system. jets don't cost that much. for suspension, you once again could go fairly cheap or you could go really really expensive. it mainly depends on what your using it for and how big your wallet is.